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Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
1/3/2013 2:20:09 PM

Good morning all,

I have a couple items that would like to look at.

One is this credit builder. What and how is this going to work?

How does one earn credits now?

Does the sleep mode shut down everything you are doing, or does it just save you from sending waisted direct messages?

Are you planing on branding the name "Self Nominations" or are you

looking into a more relaxed sort of approach of letting members know that they can added to, and request to be nominated?

What are you talking about with a splash page? and pointing to where?

As far as I know, AdlandPro just made the new changes to the new landing page

and now you are suggesting to change it, or are you looking for your own self made webpage?

Hi Mark

Wow Great Banners and Graphics your building these days very impressive Stuff.

1 Credit Builder (How It Should Work) But Bogdan can Change Things as he sees fit.

Login (Earn Credits)(but you can't log in and out all day long and keep earning all day long.
Add new Friends (Earn Credits)
Build Forums and Groups (Earn Credits)
Post in Forums (Earn Credits)
Bring in new members (Earn Bigger Credits)
Win POTW (Earn Good Credits)
Win POTY (Earn Huge Credits)

Help Yourself with any feedback on the Credit Builder Topic

Ok Sleep Mode Mark the Plus members have Credits to use for Direct Contact
Every month they get 4000 and 6000 Credits plus when they buy the memberships they get something like 15,000.

Here's the Link

Inactive members will go into sleep mode.
When you use your credits to send ads or messages those messages will only go to Active members or Awake Members.

The Sleepers will get a weekly WAKE UP Email once they log back in to Adlandpro they will Wake Up and get messages again like regularly.

"Self Nominations"For Now Can be Still in the Works but it took a Back Seat to the 100 Friends List which is as you know just about a Reality.New members Join with no Friends No list and vanish into the sunset so we need to shut that down asap and keep those new members active if we can. Once Adlandpro Builds up with active members Self Nomination can also be another Adlandpro Reality (No Mark Self Nomination isn't Branded Yet)

Ok Splash Pages

Our Ducks are not Quite in a Row Yet
We Have the 100 Adlandpro Friends List Pretty well set up
Then The Credit Builder
Then Sleep Mode
Then Self Nomination
The Splash page or pages should be current events that we have going now.

Splash Pages you can add (Coming Soon To Adlandpro) And have those Features Mentioned but that will have to be approved through Adlandpro Owner and Staff first.

Feedbackers Help Yourself on Any Feedback On Any of these Topics Because in the end It all comes back to helping The POTW Forum.

Success in 13

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Mr. D

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RE: POTW Feedback
1/3/2013 4:00:27 PM

Very good and thank you for explaining a few things.

Brings up other questions as you may know.

On the credit thing is there not a place to earn more credits

by clicking on adds or reading emails?

Maybe I am thinking of another service.

So when credits are gone they are gone until the next month when they are reloaded?

Second part of this is right now there are way to many forums and groups

that have started and really don't amount to much and are not completed,

lack quality, and pretty much just gets over loaded.

I am a little concerned that when people find out that they can earn credits

just for starting new groups and forums, that it will start an avalanche of more

advertising groups and forums, and other things that we have already just to earn credits.


And just posting in forums? this at first glance sounds like an invitation to more

spam, worthless postings, advertising where not belong and opens up a sort

of Swom and BizOppers sort of thing that earn points for a hole lot of babbling.

I think the idea of earning credits is a good one, just not sure about how they get earned. I would have to think about this one for a while.

Sleep Mood sounds good. Like that one. ( I mean Mode)

I think more people would be pleased to know that they can run in a election

without waiting to be nominated.

The Splash Page still sounds like none of it has been worked out and still in the thinking stage. I do have unlimited hosting in my account. Not sure if you are looking for a forum type of Splash Page or an external Web Page?

The ideas are great, just trying to get a handle on them to give more if possible.

Dave Cottrell

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RE: POTW Feedback
1/3/2013 6:30:21 PM
Hi Dennis and Mark.

If I may be so bold to jump in here to offer a quick reply to Mark:

Your concerns are good ones and I have even taken the liberty of copying your message to add to my list.

The credit program is a very good idea that works well in other places it has been tried.

Regarding the spam... yes, that is an issue that cannot be allowed to go overboard.

One thing you can do is set your forums to restricted so that only those who are subscribed as members of your forum can post.

This way, anyone can read your forums, but only those who have come by invitation can post.

Secondly, you can permanently ban anyone from your forums who posts garbage. This is my preferred method, as it allows anyone who finds my forums to post. If someone I don't know spams me even once, I ban him immediately.

If everyone practiced this kind of moderation of their forums, it would clean up the very things you mention rather quickly. Once people who love to spam find out they get booted from every place they do it, they will move on.

Another thing you can do that will help make this site better for everyone is to reply to the email in your inbox. I believe this is a place where the credit system can be extremely powerful. This is a win-win for everybody.

With a credit for every email answered, even if the replies are spammy, it will make people think twice before spamming, as THEIR in boxes will fill up. But secondly, and most important IMO, when I reply to spam or get-rich-quick schemes in my inbox, I take the time to give a thoughtful reply, warning about possible scams or other things wrong with the "opportunity", and suggestions on how to advertise correctly.

Keep the ideas coming. 2013 is going to be a great year. Thank you, Dennis, for all the great ideas!

God bless,

Adlandpro Affiliate Manager

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: POTW Feedback
1/3/2013 7:17:58 PM
Hello Dennis, Mark and Dave,

Mark those are excellent questions and we have not yet decided which activities link with earning of credits. Giving credits for activity is usually very delicate idea, as those activities tend to be of not much quality. But if we think carefully we can promote activities which can't be easily abused or can be easily controlled by us.

I'm awaiting suggestion in respect to this concept. Couple of things where credits would be useful are.

1. Logging into your account.
2. Sponsoring new community member
3. Number of posts made
4. Number of friends made
5. Winning POTW

Each of these has to be carefully implemented so it is not easily abused.
What else do you suggest?

The splash page Dennis is referring to is the page which you see after you login.

This page will be redesigned as the next task. We will offer discussion feed similar to the one on facebook where you will be able to see discussions between friends in your feed if you are in friend relationship with the member who is posting something.

By the way, did you notice that there are 3 statuses now a the top right corner right under the text which says "Create Free Ad". They show now number of activities which happened since you checked it last time.

1. Friends invitations
2. Inbox activity
3. Other activities, like forum posts, groups and events

Bogdan Fiedur

Mr. D

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RE: POTW Feedback
1/3/2013 11:53:55 PM
Good stuff. Looks like we have a lot to look forward to this year.

Hello Dennis, Mark and Dave,

Mark those are excellent questions and we have not yet decided which activities link with earning of credits. Giving credits for activity is usually very delicate idea, as those activities tend to be of not much quality. But if we think carefully we can promote activities which can't be easily abused or can be easily controlled by us.

I'm awaiting suggestion in respect to this concept. Couple of things where credits would be useful are.

1. Logging into your account.
2. Sponsoring new community member
3. Number of posts made
4. Number of friends made
5. Winning POTW

Each of these has to be carefully implemented so it is not easily abused.
What else do you suggest?

The splash page Dennis is referring to is the page which you see after you login.

This page will be redesigned as the next task. We will offer discussion feed similar to the one on facebook where you will be able to see discussions between friends in your feed if you are in friend relationship with the member who is posting something.

By the way, did you notice that there are 3 statuses now a the top right corner right under the text which says "Create Free Ad". They show now number of activities which happened since you checked it last time.

1. Friends invitations
2. Inbox activity
3. Other activities, like forum posts, groups and events

Bogdan Fiedur


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