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Jim Allen

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/21/2012 1:46:36 PM
Hey Mark,

I like this the text is more legible and easier to read.
Thank you sir.
One minor wording change 2012-12-21_0839.png Should read: Below the display of nominees is the voting box.



OK, Let's take another look at things.

The page builder programs that have templates to work with,

will export to pdf file for web browsing, and publishing and the

only way to covert to an image to bring it here is with a screen shot,

and then have to size it, open with photoshop elements, and make adjustments.

It loses its clarity and just does not come out with what it really looks like.

I can make it close, but still not completely satisfied.

When making changes, it has to go through to many steps.

So this morning I opened up a blank Graphic Design Program

and started from scratch and trying something new.

This way, I can just open it, make changes and save as a jpeg file.

Let me know what you think of this one....

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/21/2012 4:52:11 PM

I really need to get off this computer and get down to the work shop

and start designing new small computer table for my girl.

You all enjoy your day and what is coming.

Hi Mark

Everything looks Great We are not in a panic to Tweek The look of the POTW pages.
I Thank You for everything you"ve done so far.the Holidays we can get things underway if you like to add anything later on that"ll be Great also.
I wish you and Yours a Merry Christmas.


I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits
Dave Cottrell

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/22/2012 1:06:12 AM
On this subject, I agree with both Dennis and Jo. POTW and POTY should be reserved for living, active members.

The idea of a memorial forum is a good one. Although I very much disagreed with Jill on some of the things she believed and chose to do, she was most certainly a special lady, and it would be a credit to this community for her memory to be preserved.

God bless,

Mr. D

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/23/2012 12:03:22 AM
Good day Dennis and thank you for the Christmas wish.
Not sure what you mean by panic as there is nothing like that going on.
You Quoted the new sample design as a request from Jim for a testing
for the POTY page. I just put something up there so Jim can work on the wording
and start making any changes he see's fit.
This was a request and nothing to do with panic.

The other POTW pages are the new 2013 addition design and again
was working with Jim to get the wording and the fonts he wanted to
make it clear up.

There is nothing pressing right now, and in discussion, so I took the time to get something done ahead of time and plan before it is here.


Hi Mark

Everything looks Great We are not in a panic to Tweek The look of the POTW pages.
I Thank You for everything you"ve done so far.the Holidays we can get things underway if you like to add anything later on that"ll be Great also.
I wish you and Yours a Merry Christmas.

Dennis Clairmont

639 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: POTW Feedback
12/23/2012 3:05:36 PM
Good day Dennis and thank you for the Christmas wish.
Not sure what you mean by panic as there is nothing like that going on.
You Quoted the new sample design as a request from Jim for a testing
for the POTY page. I just put something up there so Jim can work on the wording
and start making any changes he see's fit.
This was a request and nothing to do with panic.

The other POTW pages are the new 2013 addition design and again
was working with Jim to get the wording and the fonts he wanted to
make it clear up.

There is nothing pressing right now, and in discussion, so I took the time to get something done ahead of time and plan before it is here.

Hi Mark

Everything looks Great We are not in a panic to Tweek The look of the POTW pages.
I Thank You for everything you"ve done so far.the Holidays we can get things underway if you like to add anything later on that"ll be Great also.
I wish you and Yours a Merry Christmas.


Hi Mark

I just ment do not take anything away from your family at this time of year.Time with loved ones is Golden.
My mother just passed away 2 days ago at 89 she will be missed.


I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits