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Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/26/2012 3:06:42 PM
Hi Feedbackers

The 100 Friend list is almost complete we have 97 Volunteers Bogdan and Dave can sort out who will be on the List.Once we have the 100 friends this list will be added to adlandpro.This way the new Adlandpro members will have 100 friends after signup if they choose to add us as friends.They have the option to pass on the offer.

We have a few more items to discuss.What takes priority besides 100 Friends

Adlandpro Credit Builder
Adlandpro Sleep Mode
Adlandpro Self Nomination

We are ready to add these features to Adlandpro once added this will help our members in the community aspect and to promote Adlandpro more than they have.
We will need new Adlandpro Splash Pages ready to send out to the massed.
We will need to link up with other communities to have Adlandpro on there main ad pages.
We will need Contact Personal working on these Features and Gathering these new Contacts from Marketing to Sports and everything in between.We need to have that Adlandpro link to the New Adlandpro Splash Page on Every site we can manage to work out a deal with.

We are not Screwing Around in 2013 this can be a huge turn around for Adlandpro If we can work together on The New Improved Adlandpro.

I am only a message away so if you want to keep in touch Message me.

Merry Christmas Happy New Year

Bogdan has a New Thread for the 100 Friends

I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits
Mr. D

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RE: POTW Feedback
1/3/2013 11:28:02 AM

Good morning all,

I have a couple items that would like to look at.

One is this credit builder. What and how is this going to work?

How does one earn credits now?

Does the sleep mode shut down everything you are doing, or does it just save you from sending waisted direct messages?

Are you planing on branding the name "Self Nominations" or are you

looking into a more relaxed sort of approach of letting members know that they can added to, and request to be nominated?

What are you talking about with a splash page? and pointing to where?

As far as I know, AdlandPro just made the new changes to the new landing page

and now you are suggesting to change it, or are you looking for your own self made webpage?

Mr. D

840 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
1/3/2013 11:31:08 AM
As requested, I will bring back the 2013 New Year Voting Page for POTW

Mr. D

840 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
1/3/2013 11:52:43 AM
I put this in once before for you to look at and add the editing that it needs.

Mr. D

840 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
1/3/2013 1:08:23 PM
Just testing new stuff..