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Jim Allen

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/3/2012 2:34:32 AM
Hey Diane,
I agree with your thought here and feel that is what happens in a mindshare such as a feedback thread or discussion forum. You hear the pros and cons and design a blueprint for success of the project egos need to be left outside the room. Just like any other successful enterprise this is part of the process.

Depending on the number of sponsors that have offerings of value to our targeted crowd.

  • Who is our target market?
  • What are their interests?
  • What seems to attract them the most?
  • If they are internet marketers, mlm, or direct sales then we have the advertisning and branding platform. I would venture to say the majority of the site visitors, members and users are marketing something.
  • What attracts us?
  • How do we capitalize with the resources our potential sponsors offer?
I know lots of questions the answers provide clues and paths forward.

What do you think need to add anything or take it away. Am I missing he target?


Without taking away from what this forum is about - POTW Feedback - I will say that one of the issues for anyone who is going to be nominated or even winning, means activity - one way or another.

There are many ways to be "active" and yes the usage of the forum signature is one of the ways. I could talk about that aspect, but again, it would not be fitting in this particular forum, the same goes for the topic of "branding" etc.

How does one make a contest work and how can everyone come in and talk about how they feel. There has been more than one person state that at this time, only the few are feeling comfortable coming in and saying how they feel, one of them being Kathleen and boy are you right!

I guess the reality is and it happens on every social network, we have our "followers" that we associate with, talk to and share with and I am going to say that if or anyone else can share with their followers, topics such as the POTW in a way that will have people want to join in, then that is the common sense approach. that is a different story and finding what works to get people to want to go...oh ya I want to do this, means thinking of those prizes that will work on this network.

There have been many suggestions from credits, to sponsorships and yes even money...I feel this needs to be explored especially the idea of sponsoring a prize as that has been used very successfully on many other contests all over the net.

I freely say that while I say my thoughts, like many of you I do not have hard core answers, but I sure love hearing about them, exploring them and what is great about this kind of discussion, a winning formula will happen and that is what this is all about..coming up with ideas( implementing those ideas) even if it is only by a few ( and I personally am glad for each and every person who has made the effort) help everyone in this community!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/3/2012 2:40:43 AM
Planning on doing that after first of year. With so many suggestions and changes going on I think shooting for a 2013 target is a good idea kinda like New face pre-launch especially with the new look coming into play for the main site.

Just my thought on all that is happening some coordination should be in order.

Thanks for that suggestion by the way. I remember we used it to great success in 07 I think it was.


Thanks, Miguel!

The button is beautiful with the winner's photo! I'm glad your suggestion was used very quickly and I'm very glad you're here! It really does stand out beautifully!

I'd also like to see Voters Of The Week (or Commenters Of The Week) restarted again soon, with them included on the winner's Congrats, because the voters make the election! Choosing 2 voters/commenters to have their photo & link to their profile and a link to their biz site and forum would be a great way to hopefully get more people to make a comment at the elections.

Hi POTW Team,

I think having forum-owners agree to promote the election every week in our forums would be a great idea, in exchange for a list of Forum Sponsors every week, or a link to the list on the ballot, if it's lots of forums.

Also suggesting to everyone who's here consistently to link to each week's election in their signature file is a great idea,

And to share each week's election to Twitter & Facebook & Google Plus. If dozens of people agree just to do that, it will bring in more traffic.

I'm still concerned at the lack of people here in this forum, it's the same few people making all the Feedback comments and making nominations. Where are the 50 to 60 voters and their opinions? Approximately half the voters make comments during the election, sometimes nearly two-thirds, but we're not seeing them visit here to give Feedback.

I'm also not seeing many public forum promotions of the election or many links to the election in signature files.

The majority of voters are not participating in making nominations, many don't have active forums themselves...if all voters who make comments at the election would start/reactivate their forums, that would be a lot more eligible people.

Voting is up, but community-wide participation that leads to nominations has not gone up much.

Lots of people who had branded themselves a long time ago have lapsed into branding-failure and let their forums lapse and stopped visiting other forums, and some don't make comments when voting or help promote the election.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: POTW Feedback
12/3/2012 10:19:27 AM
Thanks Myrna!

To share some of my experiences here.When I started out in my business ventures several years ago I learnt that if you only share your suggestions of opportunities too fast with everyone else very MLM-like, people get annoyed.The problems with many MLM:s are that you are forced to recruit while the passive income earners don´t require recruiting, that is optional.

Now we need to advertise but you can earn without recruiting in the passive income earners.Adland is more than anything else a business social network but we need to build strong relationships and friendship as well.We definitely need to take care of new members and train them.Very many networkers don´t care about taking time with newcomers, that should be number one priority.To be honest, I met some very rude attitudes my first time as a networker both here on Adland and at other sites as well.I sincerely hope that other experienced marketers examine their own hearts to check their own attitudes.

Another problem to take care of is spamlike comments and messages to people some don´t even know.Try to stop that and the quality would rise!

I'm going to Rant a little

I'm seeing in many peoples About Me.Most say they want to help people.I don't believe that for one minute.Why do i think this we'll where is the help???Where are the Votes??The social have left the building.We have lost most of those people.To save the social part of Adlandpro we need to focus on the New Adlandpro Signups This is why the 100 friends to the new members would be a good thing.Out of 100 new signups about 10 % are social.Those we need to keep in touch with the most for the POTW sake.

I agree with Dennis on above issue.

As far as POTW goes. Stephen has set one of the best examples of answering everyone asap. He is, in my book one of the best POTW for a long time. He has the excitement to go with it. To me POTW is a honor and I think people should be trilled to have that honor and use it to their advantage.

Mattias Kroon Affiliate Creative Marketer
Mr. D

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/3/2012 1:03:02 PM

Good Morning Adlanders,

Maybe there is a different approach to what you are trying to achieve.

People are not active, are they are not having the qualifications that is needed

to be in the voting. Unless I am misunderstood, that is your goal?

Most, but not all everything I am seeing, is that it is presented for the POTW by messages, broadcast, and new webpages, are being designed as a marketing

thing. Now, don't take me wrong as it all good and you are getting the word out,

but with your response, and getting the call for action, is it working?

A Little….

We are calling for Everything- Marketing- Social-Self Nominations, and so on….

To Me, when I see this, looks like it is marketing. Your intentions are good and your layouts and images are good to but, it is not solving the issue. People, (members)

are not active, no picture, no forums, and other requirements that are needed.

I would bet that many, and we would all probably be surprised, as it comes easy for

some, or most of us, that maybe they don't know how easy it is to upload a picture, or even have one. How, and what to do with the active forums, where do they start? How to start their own forum and not just starting one, to complete it with the first thread where they have the editor to work with. Let them know that maybe what they like doing, are good at, may be shared by other community members.

They may be into wood working, arts, painting, program designer, like to tell jokes,

get involved with political discussions, like to just sound off. Do they know that these kind of forums are here or can be built by them to share what they are good at or like doing? How about sportsman, fishing stories, travelers, or anything where they know that creating a forum for what THEY are into may be a incentive for the new members and all members, to become active, upload a picture, so they are now ready to be in the voting platform.

Think about it for a minute. Trying to offer anything to something that is not there.

Active members and being eligible is what this is all about, and helping them to get there is a solution.

Just another way to look at it is to stop trying to market it and start solving the problem. Helping to become active, and eligible.

Then they will come, will get more voting contestants, and you succeeded on

your quest to get more.

I would like to help every new one with anything related to get involved with the community, set up their profile, upload a picture, build their own forum and about what they like, and do it with out doing a one on one. That is the hole idea with the

AdlandPro Learning Center and will offer any help if asked. All new members and your new friends should be getting a welcome message from you, that has nothing to do with marketing in any way, shape, or form. If they don't have a picture posted in their profile, are you asking them if they need help uploading one or giving them a free on the use? Have they understood how to get to edit their profile to complete what they can? Do they know if they want to create a forum they can do it for what they like doing and may find that others is the community have the same interest?

Are you sending them advertisements or are you talking to them? Asking a simple questions to see if they respond or respond with their advertisement.

Most people that are interested in community activity will attempt to make conversations, other will just send some bull crap like…..

"I was just heading out for the day but wanted to make sure that you got this before I left"

I know you have seen this one and it is deleted as fast as it is read and have no idea what they where sending.

Point being, if they respond to you, then you have a chance, if they send you an advertisement answering your question or what you are trying to talk about, then it probably is a waist of time to go any farther with them.

They are here for one reason.

Here is a message i just got. Now it is wonderful and it is advertising the POTW.

People know about the POTW and again not solving the problem.

Hello Mark

Adlandpro is committed to helping people such as yourself, be able to do what you are doing everyday - branding yourself!

Everyone knows that when it comes to branding yourself and your business it requires getting yourself "out there" to be visible and seen by the many.

The POTW contest is a fantastic way of doing just that, but it doesn't stop there, when you enter into the POTW you will find new friends, people who share your passion as well as winning a choice of coveted prizes.

It is a simple and easy process, just go through this link and say " I Want to Win" and tell your friends and colleagues to vote for you - it is a simple as that!

Don't be shy - when you enter the POTW - YOU win and EVERYONE wins!

Here is the link again and We look forward to seeing your face in the "winners circle" of the coveted POTW Award.

*Contest rules apply

Lets take this line right here and this is why you are not getting the responses. There are rules and helping members to

see how easy it is to follow these rules will bring in more.

Maybe I am just dust in the wind to most of you but, i thought about this for a few days now you are still marketing

and not solving the main issue.

Helping All To Become Eligible!

Hope To See You Apply


Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/3/2012 2:14:57 PM
Confession, I am not the worlds best at Ad copy, but thought for the fun of it I would give it a try - note I did not put in any links

Subject Line:

Nominate yourself today - Everyone Wins!

Adlandpro is committed to helping people such as yourself, be able to do what you are doing everyday - branding yourself!

Everyone knows that when it comes to branding yourself and your business it requires getting yourself "out there" to be visible and seen by the many.

The POTW contest is a fantastic way of doing just that, but it doesn't stop there, when you enter into the POTW you will find new friends, people who share your passion as well as winning a choice of coveted prizes.

It is a simple and easy process, just go through this link and say " I Want to Win" and tell your friends and colleagues to vote for you - it is a simple as that!

Don't be shy - when you enter the POTW - YOU win and EVERYONE wins!

Here is the link again and We look forward to seeing your face in the "winners circle" of the coveted POTW Award.

*Contest rules apply

Hello FeedBackers

This Morning I sent the Message above that Diane posted.
It's to the point and easy to follow.
I sent this out to 6000 adlandpro members in all Forms of business
Advertising,MLM,Network Marketing, Ect.
Lets see if this Message will take affect.
If this message does not bring in any Self Nominations we'll have to find another way to Grab there attention.
I know that there are marketers out there that would love to run and win the POTW award.


PS i Got 1 message back right away thas is what she wrote

ok ,then ,I nominate myself

End Of Message either she did not get all or we did not explain it good enough.
So i sent her back a message again where to go and what she can do.

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