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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/2/2012 9:35:45 PM

I realize people are reading the posts, but in order to maintain "branding", especially marketers, they should be posting consistently so people see their names/photos, because there are lots of newer members in the last couple years who are not familiar with people who used to be here years ago but are no longer regularly posting. Branding should be a consistent longterm goal across all networks, because the population of networks is constantly changing, not staying the same all the time. 10,000's of new people pour into the marketing communities every week and they only get to know the people they see on a consistent basis, they don't know who was here years ago and was popular before, they are only concerned with who's here now when they get here and who's here daily.

One More Thought on Kathleens Statement:

Lots of people who had branded themselves a long time ago have lapsed into branding-failure and let their forums lapse and stopped visiting other forums, and some don't make comments when voting or help promote the election.

I do not at all think people who have branded themselves here long ago are having branding failure Kathleen, I will use me for example, things change for people through time they attend to other things in their lives. There is a whole other side to the net then just Adlandpro. Just because people do not come in and comment does not mean they are not still reading whats taking place here. Most days i always pop in to read but I do not always comment but I still like reading the topics.

But You have to remember why so many of us do not come any more there was so much horrefic mud slinging that its not healthy to put ones self into the lions den.

So now that the past is the past we just need to let everyone know that Adlandpro has taken on a new look and a new approach.
Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/2/2012 10:11:06 PM
Hi POTW Team,

I think having forum-owners agree to promote the election every week in our forums would be a great idea, in exchange for a list of Forum Sponsors every week, or a link to the list on the ballot, if it's lots of forums.

Also suggesting to everyone who's here consistently to link to each week's election in their signature file is a great idea,

And to share each week's election to Twitter & Facebook & Google Plus. If dozens of people agree just to do that, it will bring in more traffic.

I'm still concerned at the lack of people here in this forum, it's the same few people making all the Feedback comments and making nominations. Where are the 50 to 60 voters and their opinions? Approximately half the voters make comments during the election, sometimes nearly two-thirds, but we're not seeing them visit here to give Feedback.

I'm also not seeing many public forum promotions of the election or many links to the election in signature files.

The majority of voters are not participating in making nominations, many don't have active forums themselves...if all voters who make comments at the election would start/reactivate their forums, that would be a lot more eligible people.

Voting is up, but community-wide participation that leads to nominations has not gone up much.

Lots of people who had branded themselves a long time ago have lapsed into branding-failure and let their forums lapse and stopped visiting other forums, and some don't make comments when voting or help promote the election.

Hi Kathleen

Like you i have 8 years in adlandpro under my belt.
You have been in adlandpro as a long time active member.
This is what i'm seeing in adlandpro as you say there is lack of everything from most of the members.
The business side of adlandpro is holding it's own.The social side of adlandpro is what sucks these days.Like Kathleen buts it that have non active forums they don't post in the forums.Some may vote but they just do it and do not post.There is lack of interest in the adlandpro social.We only have a few that post full time in this forum.This is how it is all through adland.
POTW prizes will help up to a degree but it will not hold there interest for long.
Bottom Line is they want to come into the adlandpro community to place there ads and move on to another place to post there ads.
FB has Zanga games this is Huge for FB.Those Zanga Games point at the social side of the FB members.Adlandpro needs something that can bring in these kinds of people and hold them.

I'm going to Rant a little

I'm seeing in many peoples About Me.Most say they want to help people.I don't believe that for one minute.Why do i think this we'll where is the help???Where are the Votes??The social have left the building.We have lost most of those people.To save the social part of Adlandpro we need to focus on the New Adlandpro Signups This is why the 100 friends to the new members would be a good thing.Out of 100 new signups about 10 % are social.Those we need to keep in touch with the most for the POTW sake.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/2/2012 10:12:32 PM
Hi POTW Team,

I think having forum-owners agree to promote the election every week in our forums would be a great idea, in exchange for a list of Forum Sponsors every week, or a link to the list on the ballot, if it's lots of forums.

Also suggesting to everyone who's here consistently to link to each week's election in their signature file is a great idea,

And to share each week's election to Twitter & Facebook & Google Plus. If dozens of people agree just to do that, it will bring in more traffic.

I'm still concerned at the lack of people here in this forum, it's the same few people making all the Feedback comments and making nominations. Where are the 50 to 60 voters and their opinions? Approximately half the voters make comments during the election, sometimes nearly two-thirds, but we're not seeing them visit here to give Feedback.

I'm also not seeing many public forum promotions of the election or many links to the election in signature files.

The majority of voters are not participating in making nominations, many don't have active forums themselves...if all voters who make comments at the election would start/reactivate their forums, that would be a lot more eligible people.

Voting is up, but community-wide participation that leads to nominations has not gone up much.

Lots of people who had branded themselves a long time ago have lapsed into branding-failure and let their forums lapse and stopped visiting other forums, and some don't make comments when voting or help promote the election.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/2/2012 11:03:01 PM
Hi Kathleen,

Did you see the new feature on the left corner of every page? It was I who suggested it be placed there, only nobody seems to remember that now. Only the button was Mark Dewey's work, and a cool addition at that. I did my suggestion at this very POTW feedback thread. You may see it in page 61- 62, and how someone countered it would be too much work for the programmers, etc.

To be frank, I sort of lost impulse to make any other suggestions.

Only Bogdan immediately responded to it and without any more fuss, the feature was installed the day after.



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Diane Bjorling

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/2/2012 11:08:59 PM
Without taking away from what this forum is about - POTW Feedback - I will say that one of the issues for anyone who is going to be nominated or even winning, means activity - one way or another.

There are many ways to be "active" and yes the usage of the forum signature is one of the ways. I could talk about that aspect, but again, it would not be fitting in this particular forum, the same goes for the topic of "branding" etc.

How does one make a contest work and how can everyone come in and talk about how they feel. There has been more than one person state that at this time, only the few are feeling comfortable coming in and saying how they feel, one of them being Kathleen and boy are you right!

I guess the reality is and it happens on every social network, we have our "followers" that we associate with, talk to and share with and I am going to say that if or anyone else can share with their followers, topics such as the POTW in a way that will have people want to join in, then that is the common sense approach. that is a different story and finding what works to get people to want to go...oh ya I want to do this, means thinking of those prizes that will work on this network.

There have been many suggestions from credits, to sponsorships and yes even money...I feel this needs to be explored especially the idea of sponsoring a prize as that has been used very successfully on many other contests all over the net.

I freely say that while I say my thoughts, like many of you I do not have hard core answers, but I sure love hearing about them, exploring them and what is great about this kind of discussion, a winning formula will happen and that is what this is all about..coming up with ideas( implementing those ideas) even if it is only by a few ( and I personally am glad for each and every person who has made the effort) help everyone in this community!

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