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Jim Allen

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/3/2012 11:09:25 PM
Hello Kathleen,
Definitely plan to try various headlines and content to see what draws.
I need to change my sig line and update my forum too.
I like the new look the additional share button Share and the Promote Promote button

Looking Good! ALP!

Hi Dennis & Team,

Have you thought about mentioning the prize in the subject line, or phrase it as a question:

Want Your Ad Posted To 80,000 For Free? Plus Week-Long Publicity?!

Confession, I am not the worlds best at Ad copy, but thought for the fun of it I would give it a try - note I did not put in any links

Subject Line:

Nominate yourself today - Everyone Wins!

Adlandpro is committed to helping people such as yourself, be able to do what you are doing everyday - branding yourself!

Everyone knows that when it comes to branding yourself and your business it requires getting yourself "out there" to be visible and seen by the many.

The POTW contest is a fantastic way of doing just that, but it doesn't stop there, when you enter into the POTW you will find new friends, people who share your passion as well as winning a choice of coveted prizes.

It is a simple and easy process, just go through this link and say " I Want to Win" and tell your friends and colleagues to vote for you - it is a simple as that!

Don't be shy - when you enter the POTW - YOU win and EVERYONE wins!

Here is the link again and We look forward to seeing your face in the "winners circle" of the coveted POTW Award.

*Contest rules apply

Hello FeedBackers

This Morning I sent the Message above that Diane posted.
It's to the point and easy to follow.
I sent this out to 6000 adlandpro members in all Forms of business
Advertising,MLM,Network Marketing, Ect.
Lets see if this Message will take affect.
If this message does not bring in any Self Nominations we'll have to find another way to Grab there attention.
I know that there are marketers out there that would love to run and win the POTW award.


PS i Got 1 message back right away thas is what she wrote

ok ,then ,I nominate myself

End Of Message either she did not get all or we did not explain it good enough.
So i sent her back a message again where to go and what she can do.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Mr. D

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/3/2012 11:48:27 PM

My word Jim, Really? That is what you think I said or was talking about?

Let me see if I can say it a little differently.

There are too many new people joining this community all the time that don't know what to do, have a picture uploaded, involved in forums or have one of their own forum, to be eligible to be in the voting and that is your big design with your new campaign that you are running about nominations, self or nominated by others. You are looking for volunteers and active members and you are doing it by marketing the POTW.

I get that, wonderful and all that other stuff. But what are you doing for the hundreds and thousands of members that need a little help to get there? You missed to whole point I was trying to say.

Here is another easy and simple way to explain it.

If I had a home owner contact me through my Website and said they needed

a new electrical panel….one, would I send them to the store where they could buy a panel, or two, give them detailed information and help them with everything takes

to solve their problem?

Maybe one more time for just the sake of what it is I am really trying to say.

If they are not qualified, all the marketing, branding, social, or anything else gets

no where. You can offer the world if you have an extra one, but are you letting all the new people know what to do to be in the running?

You are so focused on the marketing side of it that you are not even looking at the helping side. Tell me, what one thing has anyone done this week to help a new member with uploading a picture, join a forum, create their own forum, or anything related that was not an advertisement, that would get them eligible for the voting platform?

Hello Mark,

Exactly what is it you're trying to say? We should all focus our attention and folks to the ALP Learning Center as a solution to participation in the community or attracting traffic and participation?

We are in AdlandPro folks, what does the name imply? It's the Original Social Networkers Community. Why do people hang a shingle here? Define Social Networker what is the ultimate goal of a social networker. Get their brand out. As a social networker there comes some responsibility and that includes filling out or fleshing out your social profiles.

Now what I see is 95% of the new folks through here never bothers to do that or are here only for the classified advertising. Otherwise we would see more completed profiles. Raising the value of the community is key and i think a strong active POTW will help that.

Raising the value of a fleshed out profile with an active forum is the best way to address these blank profiles. IMV

That was and is my focus.



Good Morning Adlanders,

Maybe there is a different approach to what you are trying to achieve.

People are not active, are they are not having the qualifications that is needed

to be in the voting. Unless I am misunderstood, that is your goal?

Most, but not all everything I am seeing, is that it is presented for the POTW by messages, broadcast, and new webpages, are being designed as a marketing

thing. Now, don't take me wrong as it all good and you are getting the word out,

but with your response, and getting the call for action, is it working?

A Little….

We are calling for Everything- Marketing- Social-Self Nominations, and so on….

To Me, when I see this, looks like it is marketing. Your intentions are good and your layouts and images are good to but, it is not solving the issue. People, (members)

are not active, no picture, no forums, and other requirements that are needed.

I would bet that many, and we would all probably be surprised, as it comes easy for

some, or most of us, that maybe they don't know how easy it is to upload a picture, or even have one. How, and what to do with the active forums, where do they start? How to start their own forum and not just starting one, to complete it with the first thread where they have the editor to work with. Let them know that maybe what they like doing, are good at, may be shared by other community members.

They may be into wood working, arts, painting, program designer, like to tell jokes,

get involved with political discussions, like to just sound off. Do they know that these kind of forums are here or can be built by them to share what they are good at or like doing? How about sportsman, fishing stories, travelers, or anything where they know that creating a forum for what THEY are into may be a incentive for the new members and all members, to become active, upload a picture, so they are now ready to be in the voting platform.

Think about it for a minute. Trying to offer anything to something that is not there.

Active members and being eligible is what this is all about, and helping them to get there is a solution.

Just another way to look at it is to stop trying to market it and start solving the problem. Helping to become active, and eligible.

Then they will come, will get more voting contestants, and you succeeded on

your quest to get more.

I would like to help every new one with anything related to get involved with the community, set up their profile, upload a picture, build their own forum and about what they like, and do it with out doing a one on one. That is the hole idea with the

AdlandPro Learning Center and will offer any help if asked. All new members and your new friends should be getting a welcome message from you, that has nothing to do with marketing in any way, shape, or form. If they don't have a picture posted in their profile, are you asking them if they need help uploading one or giving them a free on the use? Have they understood how to get to edit their profile to complete what they can? Do they know if they want to create a forum they can do it for what they like doing and may find that others is the community have the same interest?

Are you sending them advertisements or are you talking to them? Asking a simple questions to see if they respond or respond with their advertisement.

Most people that are interested in community activity will attempt to make conversations, other will just send some bull crap like…..

"I was just heading out for the day but wanted to make sure that you got this before I left"

I know you have seen this one and it is deleted as fast as it is read and have no idea what they where sending.

Point being, if they respond to you, then you have a chance, if they send you an advertisement answering your question or what you are trying to talk about, then it probably is a waist of time to go any farther with them.

They are here for one reason.

Here is a message i just got. Now it is wonderful and it is advertising the POTW.

People know about the POTW and again not solving the problem.

Hello Mark

Adlandpro is committed to helping people such as yourself, be able to do what you are doing everyday - branding yourself!

Everyone knows that when it comes to branding yourself and your business it requires getting yourself "out there" to be visible and seen by the many.

The POTW contest is a fantastic way of doing just that, but it doesn't stop there, when you enter into the POTW you will find new friends, people who share your passion as well as winning a choice of coveted prizes.

It is a simple and easy process, just go through this link and say " I Want to Win" and tell your friends and colleagues to vote for you - it is a simple as that!

Don't be shy - when you enter the POTW - YOU win and EVERYONE wins!

Here is the link again and We look forward to seeing your face in the "winners circle" of the coveted POTW Award.

*Contest rules apply

Lets take this line right here and this is why you are not getting the responses. There are rules and helping members to

see how easy it is to follow these rules will bring in more.

Maybe I am just dust in the wind to most of you but, i thought about this for a few days now you are still marketing

and not solving the main issue.

Helping All To Become Eligible!

Hope To See You Apply


Dennis Clairmont

639 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
12/4/2012 1:11:47 AM
Hi Dennis & Team,

Have you thought about mentioning the prize in the subject line, or phrase it as a question:

Want Your Ad Posted To 80,000 For Free? Plus Week-Long Publicity?!

Confession, I am not the worlds best at Ad copy, but thought for the fun of it I would give it a try - note I did not put in any links

Subject Line:

Nominate yourself today - Everyone Wins!

Adlandpro is committed to helping people such as yourself, be able to do what you are doing everyday - branding yourself!

Everyone knows that when it comes to branding yourself and your business it requires getting yourself "out there" to be visible and seen by the many.

The POTW contest is a fantastic way of doing just that, but it doesn't stop there, when you enter into the POTW you will find new friends, people who share your passion as well as winning a choice of coveted prizes.

It is a simple and easy process, just go through this link and say " I Want to Win" and tell your friends and colleagues to vote for you - it is a simple as that!

Don't be shy - when you enter the POTW - YOU win and EVERYONE wins!

Here is the link again and We look forward to seeing your face in the "winners circle" of the coveted POTW Award.

*Contest rules apply

Hello FeedBackers

This Morning I sent the Message above that Diane posted.
It's to the point and easy to follow.
I sent this out to 6000 adlandpro members in all Forms of business
Advertising,MLM,Network Marketing, Ect.
Lets see if this Message will take affect.
If this message does not bring in any Self Nominations we'll have to find another way to Grab there attention.
I know that there are marketers out there that would love to run and win the POTW award.


PS i Got 1 message back right away thas is what she wrote

ok ,then ,I nominate myself

End Of Message either she did not get all or we did not explain it good enough.
So i sent her back a message again where to go and what she can do.

Hi There Kathleen

This time i did not place the 80,000 For Free this time.
The last time i did and got 1 person self nominating herself.
So from 2 easy to follow ads the response rate is very low.
7500 with the
80,000 For Free and 6000 sent with the message above.
There are so many that haven"t read it yet it'll take weeks for some to view it.We might get a few trickle in the end of the week.


Mark has tweeked this one ready to go let's see how this one does on the next send.If there are any changes you people want added post them asap.

Hello Mark

Adlandpro is committed to helping people such as yourself, be able to do what you are doing everyday - branding yourself!

Everyone knows that when it comes to branding yourself and your business it requires getting yourself "out there" to be visible and seen by the many.

The POTW contest is a fantastic way of doing just that, but it doesn't stop there, when you enter into the POTW you will find new friends, people who share your passion as well as winning a choice of coveted prizes.

It is a simple and easy process, just go through this link and say " I Want to Win" and tell your friends and colleagues to vote for you - it is a simple as that!

Don't be shy - when you enter the POTW - YOU win and EVERYONE wins!

Here is the link again and We look forward to seeing your face in the "winners circle" of the coveted POTW Award.

*Contest rules apply

Lets take this line right here and this is why you are not getting the responses. There are rules and helping members to

see how easy it is to follow these rules will bring in more.

Maybe I am just dust in the wind to most of you but, i thought about this for a few days now you are still marketing

and not solving the main issue.

Helping All To Become Eligible!

Hope To See You Apply


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Kathy Hamilton

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/4/2012 3:28:59 AM
You can include a Radio Interview with me also A Free Motivational/Inspirational E Book As a prize
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/4/2012 3:39:07 AM
I would like to announce that David Cottrell long time member of Adlandpro and my good friend agreed to take position of Affiliate Manager. I would like to welcome Dave as a member of our team and I'm looking forward to long time of working together and to good things coming out of this relationship. Welcome David and I'm excited and inspired to be able to work with you.

Bogdan Fiedur

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