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Jim Allen

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/30/2012 6:11:09 PM
There is a slider bar you use to scroll down with like a mini browser

I could put most of the info required except the email address, just so you know


Lets get a little creative here and see if we can bring in a coded widget that works and as far as I know, no one has been able to create a sign up form and bring it into the editor.

I like a challenge and making a widget that can be used by all, on their blogs, Websites, and where ever third party html is accepted. It can be designed to capture information or a simple redirect to the landing page of choice. Anyway if this works, then take a moment and try it so I can see the results. If you do not want the share your information like your email address, then fake it. hnreuh4b@blabla.bla

Test Page

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/30/2012 6:20:28 PM
Hi Feedbackers

I'm seeing tons of widget designs you people are really going at it.
The Self Nomination messages i've sent out the ones that answered my messages seem shy
about nominating themselves.Seems that think there not yet worthy of running for the POTW award.So between us all let's write up something i can send in the next messages that buts them at ease.

Any Ideas ????????

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Diane Bjorling

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/30/2012 7:01:57 PM
Confession, I am not the worlds best at Ad copy, but thought for the fun of it I would give it a try - note I did not put in any links

Subject Line:

Nominate yourself today - Everyone Wins!

Adlandpro is committed to helping people such as yourself, be able to do what you are doing everyday - branding yourself!

Everyone knows that when it comes to branding yourself and your business it requires getting yourself "out there" to be visible and seen by the many.

The POTW contest is a fantastic way of doing just that, but it doesn't stop there, when you enter into the POTW you will find new friends, people who share your passion as well as winning a choice of coveted prizes.

It is a simple and easy process, just go through this link and say " I Want to Win" and tell your friends and colleagues to vote for you - it is a simple as that!

Don't be shy - when you enter the POTW - YOU win and EVERYONE wins!

Here is the link again and We look forward to seeing your face in the "winners circle" of the coveted POTW Award.

*Contest rules apply

Mr. D

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/30/2012 7:03:53 PM
Yes Dennis, you are right and that is why I added my thoughts earlier.
Self Nominations for some reason sounds to bold for many.
I suggested a more friendly head line with something like.

Why Wait To Be Nominated, You Can Request You Would Like to Run!
We Are Now Taking Nomination Request For All Qualifying Members!
Would You Like To Run For the POTW? Send In Your Request.
Fill Out This Easy Form To Be Added To Voting Campaign.

Enter Your Name To Be Nominated

Guest One

Sample Two

Three Andgrowing

Hi Feedbackers

I'm seeing tons of widget designs you people are really going at it.
The Self Nomination messages i've sent out the ones that answered my messages seem shy
about nominating themselves.Seems that think there not yet worthy of running for the POTW award.So between us all let's write up something i can send in the next messages that buts them at ease.

Any Ideas ????????

Mr. D

840 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
11/30/2012 7:16:54 PM

Tons of Widgets by you people?

What people?

I went back a ways and maybe they are all gone but did not see you people

posting any widgets.

Just messing with you Dennis, with what you said.

Funny after This was one of the items I mentioned and your response was

Don't have to worry about the small stuff as you wanted to get it going and we where moving on to the next item,

and that was my first response to the discussion with Self Nominations, the wording, how it sounded, and how people would probably react.

I know you are trying and maybe a little more planing and listening to others

might be of some help. You have a good plan, and it will in the long run get

on track.


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