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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/29/2012 6:45:54 PM
Like Kathy, I am very impressed with that is going on...between the commitment of people working so tirelessly to the enthusiasm being shown, it's kind of cool to be honest!
I had a thought that I am hoping will be seen favorably and that is building a widget for the bloggers out there. A POTW Widget pointing to a page for self nominations, would also bring a lot of traffic to the site, not to mention it might motivate people to come in, look at what is going on and want to join in.

My thought for the day ^-^

Best Regards,

Hi Diane,

Being away from this forum for two days and there are so many ideas flowing here I don't even know I can catch up. The widget is a great idea. It is both for those who would promote it affiliates and for those who would come here due to it.

Now I'm waiting for suggestions how widget should look like and what should it say?

We had you say A now we wait for B. :)

Diane Bjorling

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/29/2012 6:51:03 PM
I found this information regarding widgets here that might be of use to those who have the know how on doing these kinds of things.

The issue of using any kind of program for example widgetbox,Viimo or anything else is that their link will be one it. Something needs to be created that can be used on Wordpress/blogger and that might take a bit of work and obviously the know how.

I am going to make a bold suggestion and that is for those who want a widget built or will want to use one on their blog, that the concept of "pay with a tweet" be used. It is something that I have been reading about that is worth thinking about and exploring.

I did make make mention of it on a post that I had done and what a great way to get the word out, not only for the blogger but also for Adland.

I know I might be putting the cart before the horse but by putting the idea in here, then people can talk about it and get those creative juices flowing.

P.S. edited: The widgets should be 125x125 as that has been determined by many of the experts as to be the best size at least for WP, but have noted the same on Blogger.... #justsaying

Mr. D

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/29/2012 9:30:50 PM

Below is a sample Widget that is set up as sign-up, or opt-in form

but as you all know it is just a none working image. There are many options

to work with and I can see when i have time to bring in a working from with the

edit we have. It gets a little tricky with not being able to code here.

Then we also have tables to work with for opt-in to the 100 friends.

First Name

Last Name





Potw Team

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/29/2012 9:33:23 PM

Below is a sample Widget that is set up as sign-up, or opt-in form

but as you all know it is just a none working image. There are many options

to work with and I can see when i have time to bring in a working from with the

edit we have. It gets a little tricky with not being able to code here.

Then we also have tables to work with for opt-in to the 100 friends.

First Name

Last Name






Allen III


Diane Bjorling

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/30/2012 1:09:10 AM
Hi Mark, I'm unsure if this will help you in anyway and I will be honest I do not code, I have been told that I should learn, but to be honest, my brain will not work that each their gift.

I found a few online editors that maybe or maybe wont be of use, but thought I would share with you...if it helps

koding ( need an invite to get in)

Best Regards,


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