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Ken Wolff

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/29/2012 7:40:41 AM

Thanks for pointing that out Mark. I defenately misspoke. I was talking about something that was brought up in another forum, and on further thought I don't want to add confusion here. I like the changes happening here. Keep up the good work everyone. Ken


You have 1791 members at this time in this forum Jim, and you are right on track.

When you create a new thread it goes out to all of them.

New forums start with zero..

Hey Ken

I thought the idea is to marry the two sides of the community not create a different forum.

Of course if you think there is enough support to form a team and a new forum and procedure for nominations then I say go for it.

thumbs up!

I don't think a new rule or forum is needed for self nomination. Just do it!

Now on the other hand we were talking about having an award for the top Network Marketer. That discussion may have been in another thread of forum. That is something that deserves more attention and should not be lost. It would indeed take some putting together, maybe by a team of people.

If there is someone who wants to be nominated and they do not feel comfortable in nominating themselves they could talk to one of the coaches.


Topic Self Nomination

I Vote Yes

Is it going to Happen.Where should we start.Who wants to build the forum for it if we do this.
Looks Like the few people in this forum have the say because we are the only ones that give our feedback.

We got 60 Votes in the last POTW we can Beat that Number.

So i say Lets Get It ON.


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Kathy Hamilton

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/29/2012 1:48:46 PM
Good Morning Everyone,
Just wanted to pop in and say this is so great watching how Adlandpro is changing and its coming together so nicely. You guys are so great and its long over do with a new facelift on the site. Your ideas and art work is so amazing. I enjoy following whats going on here. Keep up the good work.
Kathy Hamilton/simikathy
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Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/29/2012 3:15:50 PM
Hi Guys

Today i send out a few messages for self nomination to some adlandpro members.
this is a test they were send to a web page that explains what they need to be eligible.
They will Land in the POTW Eligible Member Suggestions Forum

The Webpage


PS Bogdan was contacted about this Thanks All Of You that are doing a bang up job boosting that POTW Traffic.I'm seeing the POTW Ads in those other communities Which works wonders for the POTW and Adlandpro.

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Diane Bjorling

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/29/2012 3:40:18 PM
Like Kathy, I am very impressed with that is going on...between the commitment of people working so tirelessly to the enthusiasm being shown, it's kind of cool to be honest!
I had a thought that I am hoping will be seen favorably and that is building a widget for the bloggers out there. A POTW Widget pointing to a page for self nominations, would also bring a lot of traffic to the site, not to mention it might motivate people to come in, look at what is going on and want to join in.

My thought for the day ^-^

Best Regards,
RE: POTW Feedback
11/29/2012 4:00:24 PM
 It is a great feature. I had not given it more thought earlier. Will strive to participate more in contest and nominations. Regards. Are you tired of your money running out before the end of the month? 

I will teach you how to get rid of that fast!
 The below video shares my secret!

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