Hello Sara,
Thanks for stopping by my Friend and sharing a Smile with us today my Friend. The following Jokes are proof positive that "Laughter Is Always The Best Medicine!".
At A Meeting In An Iron Curtain Country
A Party member, Comrade Dobrinsky, got up from his seat and said, “Comrade Leader, I have only three questions to ask. If we are the greatest industrial nation in the world, what has happened to our automobiles? If we have the best agriculture in the world, what has happened to our bread? If we are the finest cattle raisers in the world, what has happened to our meat?”
The Party chairman stared at Comrade Dobrinsky for a moment, then declared, “It is too late to reply to your questions tonight. I will answer them at our next meeting.”
When the meeting opened the following week, another Party member rose and said, “I have just one question. What happened to Comrade Dobrinsky?”
Trip Expenses
An IRS agent walked into the fancy New York delicatessen and flashed his identity card. “I have a question about your income-tax returns,” he told the owner. “I call your attention to ‘Professional Expenses, tax-deductible.’”
“My expenses are very big.”
“But not this big,” said the agent. “Look,.You list five trips to London!”
“How can a small delicatessen justify–”
“Justify? We deliver!“
Foreign Objects
The truck driver looked askance at the soup he had just been served in a backwoods eatery. It contained dark flecks of seasoning — but two of the spots were suspicious.
“Hey,” he called out to the waitress, “these particles in my soup — aren’t they foreign objects?”
She scrutinized his bowl. “No, sir!” she reassured him. “Those things live around here.”
Anything Else To Add
An obviously overweight member of the health spa was asked to detail her daily routine. “I eat moderately, I exercise moderately and I drink moderately,” she explained.
“Is there anything else you’d care to add?” asked the manager.
“Yes,” the woman replied, “I lied extensively.”
A Lousy Rug
Forsyth was a big-game hunter and a big bore. He had cornered a dinner guest in his trophy room to explain in great detail how each of his kills had been made. Pointing to a large tiger skin on the floor, he boasted, “I got that one in India. Just stumbled on him. I had no choice. It was either the tiger or me.”
“The tiger was a wise choice,” sighed a weary guest. “You’d have made a lousy rug.”
Annoying Conversation
“It’s so annoying when my dentist starts up a conversation while he’s working on my teeth,” one guy said to another.
“I know just what you mean,” replied his friend. “But my Uncle Edgar used to drive his dentist crazy.”
“How so?”
“He was a ventriloquist.”
And now finally, as I have grown Older, I've noticed that nothing seems to work quite the same wqy as it used to and it can be quite frustrating. However, if you'll click on the Prescription Bottle below...

you'll hear from a little Lady who will show you that "No Matter What Ails You, Laughter Is The Best Medicine."

Have A Happy Weekend My Friends,