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RE: Go Ahead! Laugh! You Know You Want To!.
5/22/2010 6:45:26 PM

Thank you Phil!

Compliments from mine and Roger's family tree! LOL


Flag of Phillip Black

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RE: Go Ahead! Laugh! You Know You Want To!.
5/22/2010 7:16:36 PM

Hi Sara,

So gald you liked my Funnies and Thanks for coming by to visit.

Have A Terrific Weekend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Flag of Karen Gigikos

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RE: Go Ahead! Laugh! You Know You Want To!.
5/22/2010 7:22:54 PM
Hi Phil


1. Go to a secondhand store and buy a pair of men's used size 14-16 work boots.

2. Place them on your front porch, along with a copy of Guns & Ammo

3. Put a few giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazines.

4. Leave a note on your door that reads:


Bertha, Duke, Slim, & I went for more ammo and beer. Be back in an hour. Don't mess with the pit bulls; they attacked the mailman this morning and messed him up bad. I don't think Killer took part, but it was hard to tell from all the blood. Anyway, I locked all four of 'em in the house.

Better wait outside. Be right back.


karen gigikos / black belt grannyHobbies
Flag of Phillip Black

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RE: Go Ahead! Laugh! You Know You Want To!.
5/22/2010 9:38:46 PM

Hi Karen,

My Furst Cuz'n got him one of them new fangled Redneck Secoority Systems...

And so naturally his wife just had to have herself a Nu Car with them Thar Airbags...

Redneck Airbags

Y'all Keep It Tween The Lines Now Ya' Heer,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Flag of Karen Gigikos

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RE: Go Ahead! Laugh! You Know You Want To!.
5/23/2010 12:36:02 AM
Hi Phil
Thats funny, made me laugh, felt good.Dr Told me I need artificial knees. both of my knees are bone on bone. They have been that way for quite awhile even did Taekwondo with the pain. but now my knees are locking and pain you would not believe. Did you know that keith my brother at one time wanted to be a minister. he married a ministers daughter. the last couple of things he put on are drawings from the bible.I will be back to make sure this stay or not let me know if you see it.

karen gigikos / black belt grannyHobbies

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