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7/1/2010 5:46:49 PM

Dear Friends, dear Mohan ji,

About Hindu Temples (Part 2 and Final)

That a most ancient Shiva lingam worshiped in a temple can be a sublime representation of the world axis is something that should not amaze us - quite simply, because it seems this plain, yet profound elucidation of its real meaning never occurred to anyone, and it is still more likely that the no less ancient notion of a world axis later became so alien to all people, whether scholars or not, that there was no way for them to know about it after a few centuries had elapsed.

However, the more you think of it, the more this identification of both makes sense because in this way, all opposite views as to what a Shiva lingam represents are dispelled. In effect, now an interpretation of it as the source of the universe and the procreator of its myriads of creatures is made possible, and its role as a universal conveyor of prana, both as the most potent life giver and the most powerful diffuser of spirit to the most recondite recesses of the cosmos, becomes factual.

Another consideration is why the Shiva lingan should duplicate the role of the tower in a Hindu temple, since the two of them are symbols of the world axis. But they clearly belong to different epochs, the towers being far more modern structures. While on their part, the Shiva lingam, like the dolmens, those monolithic monuments scattered all over Europe that were yet another representation of the world axis, or like the Greek omphalos (navel), “the world’s point of beginning,” or, finally, like the biblical Bethel stone worshiped by Jacob the morning after his dreaming of the ladder to Heaven, with the angels coming up and down it, belongs to the prehistory.

I have reviewed two more temples which, like the main one assessed in page 11 - Sri Brihadeeshwar temple in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu - wonderfully exemplify all this.

The first one, the Arulmigu Arunachaleswarar temple in Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, shown below, is a noted Hindu temple, one of the largest in India, dedicated to Lord Shiva and the home of Annamalaiyar or Arunachaleswarar (Lord Shiva worshipped as a Shiva lingam) and Unnamalaiyaal (Apitakuchambaal - Parvati).

Arulmigu Arunachaleswarar Temple, Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu

With regard to this great temple I will only mention that every full moon night, tens of thousands of pilgrims worship Lord Shiva by circumambulating the nearby Arunachala hill barefoot. This circumambulation covers a distance of about 15 km and most clearly symbolizes the cosmos (represented by the pilgrims) revolving around the world axis (as represented by the hill).

The other temple is the most famous Shore Temple in Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu (see below), the earliest and most important structural temple in Southern India. Its pyramidal structure is 60 ft high and sits on a 50 ft square platform.

There is a small temple in front which was the original porch. It is made out of finely cut local granite. The shore temple is also one of the most popular temples. Recent excavations have revealed new structures here under the sand. (Wikipedia)

Like the majority of the other temples, this one temple has a garbhagriha in which the deity, Shiva linga, is enshrined.

Shore Temple, Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu

We should always remember that in terms of the sacred science, the central axis around which the cosmos revolves expresses the interlinkage among all cosmic levels.

Moreover, sacred places constitute world centers (omphalos) with the altar as the axis, also formed by the columns of smoke, prayer, and sacred songs ascending to heaven. Every temple and, by extension, every sacred city or royal residence is a Sacred Mountain, thus becoming a cosmic centre (Wikipedia). But on these sacred spots “where the four cardinal directions meet” not only can communication from lower dimensions ascend to higher ones, but also the blessings from higher dimensions may descend to lower ones and be spread to all mankind.

And here comes the most wonderful part: these blessings include the avatara or divine incarnations who are supposed to descend to this Earth on the world axis at the turn of an age.

On the other hand, while the cosmic center can by extension be wonderfully represented by the general layout of a Hindu temple as a material counterpart to the tower (of a more elevated nature if you like), if there additionally is a Shiva lingam in the temple, then the center will usually be represented by the yoni or special sacred place where it is contained.

Of course, this sacred central place can also be represented by the city where the Shiva lingam is located and worshiped, or ultimately by the Earth at large if the Linga is a natural one.

In this way, the two of them, axis and center together, become the locale of supreme peace which can also be found within us, in our spine cord, and in the chakra or “worlds” which pulsate along it.

Yin and yang, spirit and matter, male and female, Heaven and Earth as our father and mother, they all become complementary at that place of supreme reality where all oppositions dissolve.

This is the teaching that together with other cosmic-related knowledge, such as astronomy and sacred dances, was imparted by the priestly castes in the temples of emerging civilizations. A teaching that in more recent times would be incorporated into the Hindu temples, where it has remained over the centuries to be seen by those who know.

I would like to finish this with a beautiful quote found at Wikipedia ( ):

“The endless sky (the universe) is Linga, and the Earh is its base.
At the end of time, the universe and all Gods merge in Linga.”

Thank you,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

Traditional flower offering to a Lingam in Varanasi (Benares),
India (photo Wikipedia)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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7/2/2010 12:34:55 AM

Miguel, all of this reading is so fascinating and so intricate in details. Reading back through some of the responses here makes me feel so in awe of how much study has gone into the preparation of this forum. It is way out of the realm of what I actually know about other religions. Which, I will add is very little! So I look forward to learning.

This last response that you have posted tonight "About Hindu Temples" is one I am printing will read shortly. As usual, you have done an outstanding job in presentation.

Love and best wishes,


Dear Sara,
Thank you for visiting this forum. In it, I am just trying to re-disclose a knowledge that was lost for long by offering it to those that may feel attracted to it. It may seem a difficult subject at first, but in fact, it is a most simple one. It all amounts to approaching it with an open heart, and it will begin to unveil as if by magic.
Actually it is the king of all knowledge, and so important that it was the main subject matter in the teaching of the world's greatest spiritual masters and philosophers. Plato, Buddha, Zoroaster, Lao Tse, the Old testament prophets, even our Lord Jesus Christ, all would talk about it to their disciples but always in parables and symbols. As soon as you begin to penetrate its arcane meaning, you will realize how deep and rich and wonderful a knowledge it is.
Do not fear, there is nothing wrong about it. It always was offered to the pure in heart. Those who are not can only reach its outer connotations. But many children can intuitively realize its deepest meanings when they first hear about it.
This knowledge is not addressed to your reason, but sort of whispered to your heart. It used to be supremely appreciated by all sorts of people in the past. Actually, it is infinite and there is always something new to learn about it. It is the knowledge of spirit.
Not quite a secret, this knowledge is in all scriptures and sacred texts of all genuine religions, and also in those belonging to the esoteric tradition. Since those akin to the dark forces cannot penetrate its real meaning, it can be said to be confidential. And it will remain like this forever.

With Love and Blessings,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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7/13/2010 1:19:34 AM
"The greatest thing a human being ever does in this world is to see something... To see clearly is poetry, prophesy, and religion, all in one."
---John Ruskin

The Sacred Science - Part 1

Dear Friends,

I have already commented on the importance of symbolism for the ancients, so great indeed that symbols whose original meaning is no longer known might even now provide genuine, essential information about the great mysteries of the universe.

Not only that, I have already mentioned how symbolism worked for ancient societies. In symbolism, intuitive knowledge, as directly inspired by God, was all important, unlike reasoned knowledge which is at best fallible. But not only was symbolism a sacred science; it was, first and foremost, an art. This can be seen in the fact that a genuine symbol could mean many things to many people, so that the more advanced you were in the knowledge of this art, the more and higher (and deeper) meanings it could convey to you.

It follows that this art had to be studied from those in possession of a higher level of knowledge - whether it was a result of an innate disposition or acquired, through constant practice, at the feet of a more enlightened teacher. It would very likely be a sort of disciplic succession that was in charge of this task. And in all cases, it would stem from an original instructor who even centuries later would be remembered and venerated as a divine personality.

And why was symbolism that important, you may ask? Quite simply, because only through symbols can a person penetrate and communicate the essence of the highest metaphysical truths, so deep and abstruse themselves that no human language is of any use there. And because on a lower level, it will be highly functional as a tool to master the cosmological science.

Consider for example a circle, one of the simplest symbols. To a neophyte of the old Egyptian or Mayan cultures it could be just a circle, but if accompanied by rays, it would be the Sun. To another, more advanced person, it would represent the Light. But to yet another student it could simply mean God (if not the cosmos itself), whether it had rays around it or not.

Now if the circle had a dot in its center, it would pass to represent the universe with a central Sun illuminating it; or even, on a still higher level of knowledge, with God himself supporting and nurturing the whole cosmos from that center - that is, God himself being that center. And yet another wiser, highly advanced person would realize that that circle’s circumference could represent the myriads of creatures at its periphery being nurtured by that Supreme God, as if through multiple communicating lines radiating from him, with his own Spirit.

A person of real knowledge and keen metaphysical vision would next understand that everything in this world is a symbol of a greater, higher reality. He would clearly see that as we all have an earthly father and mother who have procreated and nurture us, so the whole material world must also have a father and a mother who have created and nurture it. Then on a certain deeper level, that Father will be Heaven and that Mother will be the Earth to him. And so, from realization to realization, and whether or not assisted by an instructor, the truth will ultimately dawn on him that not only is out there a Supreme God who is both our Father and Mother, but that that Supreme God, who at the same time is our Father and Mother, also lives in our hearts. And how will such an enlightened soul have arrived at such supreme metaphysical truth? Quite simply, by imagining that the circle can also represent us as individuals, and therefore that in the center of that circle, one that is actually our own center, is God.

He, no doubt, can be said to be an enlightened soul.

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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7/22/2010 2:15:15 AM

“God is a circle whose center is everywhere, and whose circumference is nowhere.”
--- Hermes Trimegistus

Dear friends,

As you will have appreciated by now, one of the most wonderful characteristics of symbolism is the fact that a symbol, any symbol, can represent multiple things. We have already seen how this works with the simplest, yet most elevated, metaphysical notions - for example, God and the universe - and how this characteristic can be extremely useful to get insight into the most profound truths.

In this second part we will consider this same aspect of symbolism but in a more dynamic sense, that which introduces the factor time into the equation.

The Sacred Science - Part 2

Consider, for example, the same circle with a dot in its center of the previous post. Using now a more abstract terminology, the dot in the center will represent the Principle, and the circle will represent the World.

It is true that the dot in the center of a circle has been regarded from old as an image of the Sun, which it is in fact, since in a physical sense the Sun is the Center, or "the Heart", of the World; and this is the reason why this figure is even today the astrological sign of the Sun. But against the archaeologists' view which only sees this meaning in it, it actually has a far more vast and profound connotation, as from the viewpoint of all of the ancient traditions, the Sun is but another symbol of the true world center- that is, the Divine Principle.

With this, it becomes clear what the relation between the center and the circumference, or whatever they may represent, is one of subordination from the latter to the former, since the circumference cannot possibly exist without its center, while the center is absolutely independent from the circumference.

Sometimes the dot can be surrounded by several concentric circles, in which case they will represent the various states or degrees of manifestation hierarchically arranged according to their greater or lesser distance from the center. Such is the case with, for example, the schematic representation of Jambudvipa of the ancient Hindu tradition, which can be said to represent from ancient India to the Earth to the Solar system to our galaxy, all in one. See below for an image and description of it.

In the center of Bhu-mandala is the circular "island" of Jambudvipa, with
nine varsha or subdivisions. These include Bharata-varsha, which can
be understood in one sense as India and in another as the total area
inhabited by human beings. In the center of Jambudvipa stands the
cone-shaped Sumeru Mountain, which represents the world axis
and is surmounted by the city of Brahma, the universal creator.
(From The Universe of the Vedas at

Now if the circumference in a circle is represented as traveled in a given direction, it will become the image of a cycle of manifestation such as the ones found in the Hindu tradition and other traditions from both the Old and the New World. A short study in the doctrine of cosmic cycles can be found in another thread of this forum here.

Also, if the circumference is connected to the center by radios in the manner of the strokes of a wheel, the relation becomes even more explicit. Such is the case with the quartered circle below - the simplest of them all - or, for that matter, with any circle with any number of radios.

In this case, the divisions will correspond to the different periods or phases into which the cycle is divided and of course, they will belong, according to their particular lengths, to different scales: for example, the four main parts of a day, the four phases of the Moon, the four seasons of the year and also, according to the conceptions found in the traditions from both India and Central America and also in those from the classical Greek and Roman traditions, the four Ages of Mankind. Again, you may take a look at my thread here for further elaboration.

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

(To be continued)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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7/22/2010 3:22:53 AM
Hello Luis,

I enjoy reading the material provided here.
I'm interested in exploring this topic, but I understand that it has very many facets and in order to be understood properly, entire course needs to be taken to fully take adventage of this knowledge.

I'm curious if you would be able to prepare course in the subject of sacred geometry starting with its bases and going into more advanced example based presentation, like talking about vortexes and energy concentration.

This would be a good resource for the new site which I'm preparing called


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