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6/29/2010 1:28:58 AM
Hello Luis,

I'm looking for more info coming from you. As always very researched and in depth.

I'm curious if you are familiar with Zecharia Sitchin. According to ET's, he has supposedly captured the true history of humanity on earth. Here is his website.

Here is dvd made based on his writings.

Are we alone?

1 of 6

Bogdan Fiedur

Hello Bogdan,

Thank you for your kind words and the video and indeed, welcome to this thread.

Answering your question, yes, I have some knowledge of Zecharia Sitchin's theories though I cannot say that I am too familiar with them. They always seemed to me fascinating and most probably true, at least as to the role of the gods in the creation of our species; and why should they not? After all, that is exactly what the Hindu scriptures and other sacred texts of the East have always meant when they say that all humans and human-like species have at one or other time been disseminated throughout the universe(s) by the gods. Even man and all other creatures' creation in Paradise by Yahweh seems to me reminiscent of laboratory processes, with even the fact that Eve was created from one of Adam's ribs also pointing in that direction.

However, I am not so sure about the god/ planet Nibiru's role since while Zecharia Sitchin's general assumptions look reasonable, his more specific conclusions, like Nibiru's identification with a planet beyond Pluto, seem somewhat far-fetched to me. If there actually is any possibility of a cataclysmic danger for our planet from a outer source, I would say a more likely candidate to pose it would be our own Sun and through a greatly increased activity in the near future; but of course I may be wrong. At any rate, to know for certain I would have to deepen further into these theories and I surely will, but to be frank, the mere thought of pondering about them makes me uneasy (to say the least).

So I would rather focus on the role that we ourselves can fulfill in the face of whatever may lie ahead of us, an activity which, in fact, I feel more congenial with myself than with worrying about such an awful probability.

It is my hope that you, and everyone else here, will find solace in what I am about to post on this thread if not today - for it is getting a little late right now - tomorrow at the latest.

In the meantime, let me thank you again for your kind visit.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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6/29/2010 6:41:55 AM
Hi Luis,

Regarding Nibiru,

Check out this crop circle video.
It talks about Nibiru.

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6/30/2010 2:33:21 AM

Dear Friends, and most especially dear Mohan Ji,

Continuing with my idea of a cosmic religion in page 9 of this thread (bottom of the page), I will now try to demonstrate my assertion that Hindu temples - in fact, all traditional temples - fully reflect it.

I pray the Lord to guide me in this endeavor. And dear Mohan Ji, please forgive any inexactitudes.

Love and blessings to you all,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

About Hindu Temples (Part 1)

There is something that can always be seen on top of virtually all temples of whatever religion throughout the world: a monumental tower crowning the temple and, in some cases, constituting it in full, so that it will always be visible from afar. This latter feature can be seen for example in the Asian pagodas and more particularly in the pyramidal structures scattered all around Central and South America, these latter so reminiscent of the “gopuram” - those huge and most beautiful tower-like structures crowning the majority of the Hindu temples in India.

The other feature, unseen from the outside but equally omnipresent in all temples of, again, whatever religion and from all over the world, is the presence of a most recondite precinct or sancta sanctorum - known in the western tradition as “the Holy of Holies”, the second or interior portion of the tabernacle. This precinct is supposed to contain what amounts to a representation of the divine - in fact, its “physical” presence - and can be equated to the soul of an individual in a microcosmic sense, and to the center of the world in the macrocosmic one. It is only accessible to the highest priests and their assistants and around it are usually one or more concentric, less sacred precincts that are correspondingly accessible by the other priests and finally, in the case of the outermost one, by the common adepts or general people. A perfect example of this configuration can be found in the so-called “Triple Druid Precinct” (see my post describing it in page 4 of this thread).

To say it from the start, both these omnipresent features express the idea of either the world axis or the world center or both, with the accent put on either the first or the second in some cases but - in most of them - indistinctly on both.

This is something that you can perceive almost intuitively as soon as you are “in the secret”, so to speak, over and above any consideration of “heaven-likeness” and other more or less fantastic interpretations - down to the most aberrant of all, which some of them indeed are. And this occurs because this notion is the expression of the highest truth. To put it simple, this is the way it works.

And the Hindu temples are no exception, as they all have both the mentioned features. There may of course be one or two apparent exceptions among the magnificent temples shown in page 9, like Sri Hoysaleshvara Temple in Halebidu, Karnataka, India, which nowadays is lacking a definite tower but is said to once have been crowned by an overall structure now disappeared. Besides, this temple of itself resembles a mountain - most probably Mount Meru, the most revered sacred Mountain for Hindus, and itself a representation of the world axis and the center of the universe.

Sri Hoysaleshvara Temple, Halebidu (Near Hassan), Karnataka

So I have chosen, a little by chance, three most beautiful temples to case-study (with information mostly obtained from Wikipedia) from the overall selection - kindly provided, as you know, by dear Mohan ji - in page 9 of this thread. They are more or less at the center of the selection.

The first one is the Brihadeeshwar temple in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu (see photo below), the largest temple in India. Built by the Tamil emperor popularly called Rajaraja Chola I in compliance of a command given to him in a dream, an axial and symmetrical geometry rules it. And among other things worth mentioning, it was meant to display the emperor’s relationship to the universal order.

Brihadeeshwar temple, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu

The karuvarai, a Tamil word meaning the interior of the sanctum sanctorum, is the inner most sanctum and focus of the temple where an image of the primary deity, Shiva, resides. Inside is a huge stone linga Literally the word Karuvarai means "womb chamber" from Tamil word Karu for foetus. Only priests are allowed to enter this inner most chamber” (my underlining). (Wikipedia)

My main point here is Shiva lingam is a most ancient symbolic representation of the world axis, that equally ancient notion of an axis that traverses all worlds which eternally revolve around it, while it itself remains eternally immobile. You may imagine the entire material universe(s) rotating around the Shiva lingam at the temple’s sancta sanctorum (in fact, being spiritually fed by it)! As said above, this can intuitively be perceived if only you are open to the possibility.

In addition, some assertions in the relevant sources suggest this fact against the variegated opinions of many scholars, even Hindu ones. And my personal opinion is that its enormous importance to the religiosity of India is sufficient indication that it cannot be otherwise, since, as you may be aware of by now, this notion is the only one that perfectly complies with the most profound requisite of objective greatness and, at the same time, the highest spirituality.

As said by Lord Krishna, offering a most akin statement in Bhagavad Gita (7:7):

“O conqueror of wealth (Arjuna), there is no truth superior to Me.
Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.”

A statement that can of course be read like this:

“O conqueror of wealth (Arjuna), there is no truth superior to Me.
Everything rests upon Me, as innumerable worlds rotating on an axis.”

In addition, "...the Hindu Puranas state that Shiva-Linga is the source of the universe” [in fact, this is another esoteric assumption equally concerning the ancient notion of a world axis]. “The Skanda Purana reveres it as the Supreme Being, in whom the universe originates and into whom it finally melts.” (Wikipedia)

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

(To be continued)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

6/30/2010 2:59:28 AM

Miguel, all of this reading is so fascinating and so intricate in details. Reading back through some of the responses here makes me feel so in awe of how much study has gone into the preparation of this forum. It is way out of the realm of what I actually know about other religions. Which, I will add is very little! So I look forward to learning.

This last response that you have posted tonight "About Hindu Temples" is one I am printing will read shortly. As usual, you have done an outstanding job in presentation.

Love and best wishes,


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6/30/2010 6:31:14 PM
Hello Bogdan,

Thank you for the crop circle videos concerning Nibiru and 2012. My problem is still understanding what they say in the videos, let alone if the man talks in a low, slurring voice. Concerning this, after searching a little I found the following (at "2012 Forum",

Corrected image:

FYI: Note the unknown object located between Uranus and Neptune.

Solar System: Fri 2012 Dec 21 0:00

My NOTE: The above link takes you to a site where you can obtain a map of the planetary positions for any past or future date such as the above map does for 2012 Dec 21 at 0:0.

The post goes on like this:

The Avebury Manor crop circle that is claimed to be related to a Dec 21-23 2012 event. Moreover, there is an unknown object located between Uranus and Neptune depicted on the layout of the planets depicted. Specifically between Uranus and Neptune:
Planetary Heliocentric Longitudes 2012

Uranus = 8o
Neptune = 333o

The unknown object appears to located about 38.4% of the way from Neptune going towards Uranus. This location is about:
333o + ~13.4o = 346.4o

This is thought to represent the descending node date for the threatening comet debris.Subtracting 180o gives 166.4o This correlates with Earth threatening object #4 listed above (except that the threat date is near 9 Sept.). The question is how to interpret this crop circle. It is thought that this means that the main threat to Earth during this period (1991 AD +/- 24 one sigma years) will be departing the solar system as of December 2012 because the object is far away (in the outer solar system) and on its opposite side of those depicted in T367. The exact distance of the depicted object is not as important as its angular position just as the exact distance (~12.75 AU) was not important in the meteors/comets depicted in crop circle T367. If this Avebury crop circle is truly alien generated, it suggests that THEY THINK the main threat is during the September 9 +/- 6 days time period in the 2010, 2011, or 2012 time frame. The unknown object is thought to be a comet swarm and if it passes Earth orbit on 9 September (previously 4 September) 2010, our models suggest that it would be about 8.5 AU from the Sun on 21 December 2012. Figure 2 shows it beyond Saturn's orbit. The numerical value of the range may not be of consequence because these crop circles are cartoons passing information, not 'photographs of how things actually are. These are two dimensional representations of a three dimensional situation.

Interestingly enough, all the comments and even the videos apparently originated here:

The name of the page is "
THE 2010 to 2012 IMPACT THREAT" and it in turn stems from a site with lots of information about cosmic threats to our planet. But I would need weeks, maybe months to analyze everything there. I regret to say, I don't have the time now.

Over the last year or so I was endeavoring to discover what some of the most interesting
crop circles could be trying to convey to humankind. After studying them for a while from the point of view of cosmic cycles and ages, and cyclic numbers, I posted my comments on Jill's forum. I will try to recover those posts to show on this forum, maybe open a new thread for them.

Thanks again,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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