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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/22/2010 1:07:05 AM

And yet...

I read this one below message on May 16, three days after St Germain's message. But it had been channeled / written on May 12. While totally positive and optimistic, as you will see, there is apparently more to it than meet the eyes. Please read a commentary to the message and the reply by John Smallman, the channeler, in his blog, at the end. And use discernment, as Jill Bachman advices.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo
05/12/2010 by John Smallman

As you are all well aware, enormous Earth changes are in progress which seem quite alarming. They are all necessary to ensure and enable the continuing viability of Earth as a life-supporting ecosystem. Release your sense of alarm or fear, because these changes encourage and support humanity’s move into full consciousness, which is programmed to occur quite soon.

It is the state toward which you have been working for a very long period of Earth time, and through many Earth lifetimes. The moment of fulfillment of God’s promise to humanity of a new Golden Age is shortly to dawn. When it does your joy will be stunning for you, as understanding of its meaning floods into your awareness — like the depths of winter changing instantly into the lushness of full summer.

Your thoughts, your imaginings, even your dreams have given you not the smallest inkling of what is about to occur. Rest assured that the wonder of this approaching event leaves absolutely no room for even the slightest sense of doubt or disenchantment.

Not one of you has even the faintest idea of the amazing work that you have been doing, and the fantastic achievements that you have accomplished in bringing the divine plan forward to this moment. When the moment for this divine event arrives, and the veil that hides it from you is removed, you will gaze with awe and wonder at what you have accomplished by your constant and unremitting efforts as you have struggled through the fear and suffering of the illusion to reach the brilliant (but almost totally hidden from you) divine Light of God’s eternal Presence.

Deep within you, knowledge of His Love for you and of your rightful place in His eternal Presence has kept your hope alive and vibrant — although not consciously — and enabled you to continue along your perfectly designed individual paths towards the great awakening. Every one of you has worked long and hard to bring about this moment of divine fulfillment. There is not one among you who has not struggled with immense determination and skill to ensure the completion of this stage in God’s plan, no matter how inadequately this may have been apparent to you in your illusory reality. Even the most seemingly damaging and unconscionable behavior has had a divine purpose of unimaginable importance.

All memory of pain, misery, and suffering that you have sustained as you worked your way through the darkness of the illusion will be totally and instantly erased, so that nothing in any way intrudes on the eternal bliss into which you will shortly emerge. Fear, anger, pain, resentment, doubt, illness and general savagery and disharmony are all illusions — very unpleasant and disturbing aspects of the illusory reality that you cooperatively imagined into being and continually sought to renew and rebuild. They will be gone instantly as though they never existed, because nothing that could hurt, harm, or destroy God’s children could exist.

You are infinitely loved and protected by your heavenly Father in every moment of your existence, within which nothing but Love, Joy, Harmony, and Bliss are possible. And you are about to awaken into the endless wonder of that state.

With so very much love, Saul.

Good message, but are you talking about the future changes (2012+), or an event in the immediate future? I have this feeling things might change this summer but am unsure…

on 05/12/2010 at 11:24 pm | Reply John Smallman

The new global financial system and the role of filthy lucre for a while yet.

The subject of money—filthy lucre—is a bit provoking for some of us, and we long to move into a realm where it no longer has a place. Imagine the bliss of being able to live without being in thrall to its ever-present exigencies! Anyone who’s given the role of money any thought and wondered why it has assumed such a controlling dynamic in our societies is probably responding to subconscious memories of places where money—as we know it— had no place. Deeply buried in our subconscious are many memories which form a basis of comparison with our present life, enabling us—like Neo in the movie The Matrix—to recognize “like a splinter in the mind” that something is very wrong with our reality. If we had no basis to make this comparison, we would accept the status quo and things like money as natural. Because of our awakening, we’re beginning to see how our world has been “set up,” and how money is used as a control mechanism. Small wonder that we therefore resent it intensely.
We are indeed in the process of returning to a realm where money will be redundant, if not a laughable, quaint anachronism. But we’re not quite there yet, and good old filthy lucre still has—for a change—a beneficial role to play.
The energies emanating from the galactic core affect everything—no aspect of our personal or collective lives will be left untouched. It’s a case of out with the old and in with the new until we’re ready to leave this 3-D realm forever. And new societal systems will be no exception to this process.
And this brings us to Saul’s reference about the new global financial and monetary system and how this links into the broader ascension framework. In very, very broad brush-strokes, this is my information on the subject, gleaned from piecing together my own jigsaw puzzle:
(a) This is a wholly new and fairer system that has nothing to do with the old one we now see crumbling around us and which, for many reasons, must crash substantially before the new one can kick in. All global currencies operating in the new system will be precious-metal-backed and exchange rates will be fixed, thus bring stability to the current escalating financial turmoil-with-no-end-in-sight. Another component of this financial system is the prosperity programs designed to remove the scourge of global poverty and move everyone of us beyond our survival-based focus. It is essential that we turn our attention to the matter of our divine destiny and our ascension, and this we cannot do whilst scrambling 24/7 to put food on the table, whether we live in Namibia or Seattle! Universal physical abundance —along with many, many other astonishing and exciting changes and developments and revelations—is a prime requisite of spiritual law returning to Earth. Scarcity is an artificial construct that we’ve created and has nothing to do with either Nature or Creation or our Creator.
(b) Saul refers to “the need to morph our nightmare into more of a dream state” prior to ascension, and the new financial and monetary system is merely one of the many ways that this will be done. This morphing process—and it will be very rapid once it gets going—is a necessary “tool” for accomplishing the mass awakening which must take place as part of our preparation for returning to full consciousness and ascension.
(c) The new financial system is just one of many beneficial changes designed to bring our global societies more into alignment with the higher energies that Mother Earth and her awakening children are busy integrating, and this integration process includes our societal constructs and institutions. No aspect of our lives will be the same once the transformation of our world begins. (Some of you may have heard about NESARA—a bill of sweeping changes which Clinton signed into law just before leaving office, and which the “old guard” has been very busy ever since trying to dismember and bury. One of the provisions of this massive bill is the return to gold-backed currencies, and in the US it’s been nicknamed the “rainbow” currency because of the brightly colored bills. Check out which I’m told is the only site that’s official.)
It is not my intention to elaborate here on the subject of the upcoming political, financial, economic, and technological changes because I would need to write a book! I just wanted to point out that, as pie-in-the-sky as it sounds to those for whom this is a new piece of the puzzle, astonishing and highly beneficial changes are ready to roll and effect an about-face in world direction, with the primary goal of preparing us for our return to full consciousness. We cannot simply wake up one morning and find ourselves fully conscious because we would resemble our breakfast toast if we underwent such a massive and abrupt rise in frequency in one swoop! It is a process which will take place in stages, or steps, and it will be an exhilarating and rapid ride.
As Saul and many others keep reminding us, every step of the way back to our original state of full consciousness has been decreed by the divine plan for Planet Earth and is overseen in every detail by Heaven and her cohorts. Thus, everything that is to happen is divinely taken care of, and this may be worth bearing in mind as we negotiate the roller-coaster ride ahead.
These changes affect our 3-D/4-D world; are part of our emotional-mental-spiritual learning-curve; and reflect our rise in consciousness—indeed, we are well overdue for the outer world to begin reflecting the changes that have already taken place within us, and the populist uprisings across the planet reflect this growing imbalance. People’s growing sense of self-esteem demands systems that honor individual sovereignty and basic freedoms.
Naturally, our 3-D constructs, such as money, will have no place or meaning once we regain full consciousness and move into 5-D, and the coming improvements in our society’s institutions therefore represent merely a short segue or stepping-stone to help get us there. In fact, some of the technologies just ahead will render money and a lot of our present institutions increasingly obsolete, but until then, global prosperity is a necessary first step in getting us out of “poverty consciousness” and freeing us up to focus on things that have been sorely neglected, largely from lack of time and opportunity.
Our bodies are integrating the higher frequencies by releasing old, outworn patterns and replacing them with new chakras and energy meridians to accommodate the new energies; Mother Earth is closing down old 3-D vortices and reactivating higher frequency portals and generally preparing for her reconfiguration into her 5-D pristine Self; so must our global society also change, by casting aside outmoded and crumbling systems that no longer resonate with awakening humanity’s vision and needs—spiritual and physical. And for the immediate future these will need to be replaced with something more suitable to see us through to full consciousness—hence the new global financial system, which, I assure you, is the least interesting component of the myriad unbelievable surprises in store for us.
Let’s make it so!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Bogdan Fiedur

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6/3/2010 4:31:36 AM
Hello Luis and all,

I'm currently at the May 15-th posts but have to finish for today. Really exciting to see that we have here so many people aware of New Age who are bringing more and more evidence of it.

I never had enough time to follow Jill's forum (which I regret now, but better later than never), but I'm committed now to be regular visitor of this thread and all other threads in this forum. I'm also planning on going through Jill's forum, although this won't be that easy with thousands of posts there.

Anyway, I felt a bit of a loner in my Venus Project thread not realizing how it is related to what Luis is doing here and what Jill was doing in Mountain of love. We talk about the same issues although from different prospective.

My last 12 years were unbelievable discover ride for me. Not only I have developed business through providing different services through Adlandpro, but have awaken to different side of humanity through interacting with various writings and publications. Last 6 years were for me a time of confusion and discoveries, then more confusion and more discoveries.
Coming from catholic upbringing I had to break away from many established truths.

Like Luis said in one of the previous posts, aliens were not something he would consider part of his life until he has been exposed to some more evidence of it.

Similarly with me.

Now seeing like New Age is taking world by storm, I'm realizing that I was on the right track. It just didn't seem at the time when everybody seemed to be preoccupied with prosperity and consumerism.

Last several months were very wired in terms of my physical feeling as I felt real tightness in the chest, then pain and my doctor sent me for extensive heart tests.

The tests didn't reveal any problem with my heart.
Only after reading some of the channelings, I could connect my chest problems with current energies around.

I must admit it felt good to realize that this pain meant actually something positive.

This is all for now. Luis keep up this thread and other ones, I will be frequent guest here.

I believe there is enough of us to start some sort of New Age community. What do you think?

And this interview might be something of interests to this thread.

Bogdan Fiedur

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2010 2:39:08 AM
Hello Bogdan,

Welcome to this forum! You cannot imagine how honored I feel to have you visit here. I never dreamed you would accept my invitation, knowing how busy you are.

So it is with great interest that I have read your post. To begin with, I so resonate with your searching for the truth. Like you, I underwent years of confusion and discovery, but then I came across wonderful texts that opened my eyes as to the future of humanity: far from being brilliant, as was the almost general expectation, they contemplated year after year of progressive decadence until the current dark age could at last merge into the new, golden age.

My next step was finding out when all this would probably occur. To my surprise, after getting a tentative year 2082 as the "normal" end of the entire human cycle, I discovered that the most relevant historical dates rather fitted with this year 2010 as a likely turning point into the new golden age than 2082, the difference being 72, or a degree of the cycle of precession of the equinoxes. Why was this? The truth dawned on me: I was using ideal years of 360 days, while the real length is 365-some days per year. Considering a "historical" human cycle of 5,184 years (beginning in 3102 BC), or a fifth of the precessional cycle, the calculation of the difference is as follows: 5,184 x 5 = 25,920 : 360 = 72 years!

You can see how this more or less exactly fits with the difference between 2010 and 1492 (the year of the discovery of America) or 518 years, approximately a tenth of the aforementioned "historical" human cycle. This is in general agreement with the Hindu doctrine of cosmic cycles, where the length of the darkest age in a cycle of four ages is a tenth of the total length. A full explanation of how I arrived at this discovery you may find here.

On the other hand, it is interesting that if you take this year 1492 and add to it 520, or ten times a basic Mayan cycle of 52 years, you arrive at 2012 AD, the end of the total Mayan cycle.

But I must apologize with you, I am afraid I am being carried by my excessive enthusiasm with these matters. There are other aspects of your post that I also can identify with, like my also being connected with current energies around that have made me feel more intensely certain things (for example, sounds and smells).

Above all, I would like to mention that after approximately one year and a half contributing with Jill's forum, it was your forum on the Venus Project that revived my interest for the New Age topic; only this time, when I saw how it is taking the world by storm, as you say, I decided to start my own forum.

What is more interesting here is that both you and Jill and I talk about the same issues but from different perspectives, as you also say.

At any rate, I will keep this thread and the other ones as per your suggestion, thank you very much.

As to what I think about starting some sort of a New Age community, I cannot agree more enthusiastically. It is a wonderful idea and by all means, let's do it.

Thank you for the video with the interview, it is most interesting and certainly fits within this thread.

By the way, I have been looking for more material from Project Camelot and it seems to be so big a project, sort of overwhelming. Anyway I found another video there with an interesting interview as well, this one subtitled in Spanish, which I will therefore attempt to circulate among my family and friends in my country. Here it is (the 1st Part):

Thanks again,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Michael Caron

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6/5/2010 11:10:23 PM
Hi Luis,
I, like Bogdan, dis not know that so many people cared. I was also broyght up Catholic and there are many realities in our everyday lives that you are basically steared away from. Energy is a very big factor in the New Age. We will all learn how to control our own energy for so many good usages. As for aliens. We are all decended from aliens. The biggest lesson that we all have to learn is how to read. In the first chapter of the bible we learn that GOD created the World is seven days. We assume that each day is twenty-four hours but wait, the Bible is talking about the entire world, Galaxies, Universes, everything.That means that to calculate one day, we must first measure the entire span of space which is impossible. Therefore one day could be one million years, a billion years, or even a trillion years, depending on how long one rotation would take. There are so many books that we read, but do not understand. As for the belief that there are aliens living on Earth, I laugh when people speculate about that. We are all aliens. Every single race of people on Earth came from other planets. The Bible even gave us a big clue about that which nobody ever caught on to. The Tower of Babel.(The city of Babel, by the way, is the modern day Bagdad, Iraq.) "Fiery chariots decended from the skies." At that time in history Chariots were the normal mode of travel, however no type of transportation had been built that could travel through the skies. Therefore, the only way to describe what had taken place was to describe a type of transportation known at the time and how it (Or they) appeared before the witnesses. "When the skies cleared, the people began speaking in strange tongues." It was never said how many people were working on the tower, nor any strange descriptions of the new people were given. Perhaps there may have been some slight changes in appearance, but not enough to cause alarm.
I do hope that I live long enough to witness the new age, because when I was younger I was introduced to certain aspects of what is to come. It will be beautiful. I will try to explain a little bit, and more as I go along. First, you don't have to go into the light because you are the light.

I had read several books on the subject, and applied some of the principals. The main principal is that we all generate electricity and can produce as much as we want for various reasons. I was working at a factory on the second floor. One day, after the work shift was over I headed for the staircase. I lagged behind, because I wanted to test my levitation skills. Before this particular day, I had practiced a little bit. It required going into a trance which I learned how to do while still standing. I had been able to concentrate on standing at the top step and, with proper breathing excercises I would step off (However not forcefully) and concentrate on the step that I wanted to step onto (four steps down) I did this at home while no one was watching. I gradually went to eight steps. The steps at work were much wider and steeper. I stood at the top of the steps, waited for complete silence, closed my eyes and glided to the landing. I took a deep breath and had a smile on my face. Than I heard a soft moan come from the top of the steps. I turned and looked up as a young girl fainted. I went back up the steps and helped her up, assuring her that everthing was alright. She looked at me with fear in her eyes and tears rolling down her cheeks. I apologized and told her that everything was alright. Weakly she asked, "Where is the light?" I asked her what she meant and she said that when she approached the staircase,she saw me standing there in what looked like a daze. She was going to grab me because she thought that I was going to fall, but than there appeared a kind of light all around me. My body lifted and glided down to the landing. I had never known that a light shown around me, which scared me. I did not practice my routine after that. Through the years I learned that the light of course, is our soul, but also that we can use it to perform certain functions. Our bodies are merely vessels to transport us through life, however our souls, or aura are truly what gives us life. Those living in high energy regions have more control over their body functions than those in low density areas. This also accounts for the fact that there are more concentrations of UFO sightings in high energy areas as well. No matter what galaxy or planet a person or life form is from, each contains an evergy field. Energy is life. LIFE is BEAUTIFUL, no matter what form it takes.

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2010 9:30:14 PM
Hello Michael,

Well I have to say that is the most unbelievable post I have ever read in this community. Not in any negative sense of course, since I totally agree with you on most of what you say in it; but, more importantly, because I do believe you can levitate. Why should I not? I would have to forget all that I have learned about the saints that can levitate while in prayer out of their love of God, or about all those great yogis who have been known to walk over the rivers in India (yes, exactly like Jesus Christ on the Sea of Galilee), or about all those indigo children or, finally, because I myself used to have extreme experiences in meditation that while not levitation proper, were definitely beyond any normal human capacity. It was a time when I would go into serious yoga meditation for hours on end in the night, where if anyone had chanced to see me at those rare moments when you feel that you are a being of light and all about you is light and all you can see is light, both inside and without, then I am sure they would have seen me levitate.

And I can also resonate with your insights into the real measure of time in the Bible. In fact, from the very introduction to my study in the doctrine of cosmic cycles (excerpts from which I have posted on another thread of this forum) I mention how the first verses of the Book of Genesis obviously cover immense periods of time, and how the order in the creation of species is exactly reflected by the theory of evolution, where a Biblical "day" becomes a geological era. I can even quote one paragraph here where you can see it.

"As to the Hindu texts [...] such as occurs with many other traditions, the word millennium – as well as other similar terms like “great year,” century, etc – is synonymous with any great cosmic cycle and not only one thousand years, as might be thought, and is usually applied to them by properly using it in the sense of any “indefinite” length of time. This should be stressed out not only by reason of the fact itself, essential to the study of the doctrine, but because it is somehow consubstantial with the existence of all sorts of correspondences and assimilations between cycles of various orders and magnitudes, so that such expressions as “day” and “night,” where it comes to immense periods of time, sound perfectly natural."

Regarding this, for example, the Hindus allude in their sacred texts to a "Day of Brahma" that lasts over 4,000 million human years, which, at least to me, always sounded perfectly natural, unlike many otherwise distinguished western scholars who always saw in this and other quotes only a manifestation of "their fertile imagination."

Along the same lines, your other statements about our alien origin are so very true as well; and while I am not as familiar with the story of the city of Babel as you are, I remember giving thought to it in as early as my days of youth.

But to make a long story a short one, I was from the start prepared to accept all what you say in your post as real, and far from being skeptic at it, I have found it simply fascinating.

I cannot but congratulate myself for having found in the short space of one day not one, but two akin souls here with whom share information of great interest to the three of us.

Dear Michael, I so hope you will come back and share your interesting information with us regularly. You will always be welcome in this forum.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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