The Emerald Table and the Universal Truth
Dear Friends,
If I have not posted anything for a couple of days is because I wanted to take a look at this forum from a distance, so to speak, in order to get a general view of it before proceeding. You know, like taking a few steps back from a painting you are just creating so as to appreciate it wholly. This is a sort of a statement of intention that I made to a dear friend, Sara Gardner, only yesterday.
So in agreement with my intention to make it as spontaneous as possible, basically a fruit of inspiration, but at the same time to make it have at least a measure of scientific rigor, I will repeat another statement I made from the start: "Rather than only posting a lot of information about the New Age movement, which is not actually my intention since I myself am not a New Ager proper but just a firm believer that a New Age is soon to come, I will be adding fragments of diverse provenance - scientists, religionists, philosophers, metaphysics and, of course, New Agers."
So for this post I will be relaying for the most part on the work of Nicholas F. Schmidt, PhD, or rather on his great forum and, before that, on a monumental website: which I have found to be one of the most awesome wonders in the entire Internet.
Thank you,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo
Glory of the World
The Emerald Table
"It is true, without any error, and it is the sum of truth; that which is above is also that which is below, for the performance of the wonders of a certain one thing, and as all things arise from one Stone, so also they were generated from one common Substance, which includes the four elements created by God. And among other miracles the said Stone is born of the First Matter. The Sun is its Father, the Moon its Mother, the wind bears it in its womb, and it is nursed by the earth. Itself is the Father of the whole earth, and the whole potency thereof. If it be transmuted into earth, then the earth separates from the fire that which is most subtle from that which is hard, operating gently and with great artifice. Then the Stone ascends from earth to heaven, and again descends from heaven to earth, and receives the choicest influences of both heaven and earth. If you can perform this you have the glory of the world, and are able to put to flight all diseases, and to transmute all metals. It overcomes Mercury, which is subtle, and penetrates all hard and solid bodies. Hence it is compared with the world. Hence I am called Hermes, having the three parts of the whole world of philosophy."
There are multiple versions of the Table, including several Arabic ones and one by Isaac Newton.
Below is the disaggregated version from Fulcanelli (translated from the French by Sieveking).
1) This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth:-
2) As below, so above; and as above so below. With this knowledge alone you may work miracles.
3) And since all things exist in and eminate from the ONE Who is the ultimate Cause, so all things are born after their kind from this ONE.
4) The Sun is the father, the Moon the mother;
5) the wind carried it in his belly. Earth is its nurse and its guardian.
6) It is the Father of all things,
6a) the eternal Will is contained in it.
7) Here, on earth, its strength, its power remain one and undivded.
7a) Earth must be separated from fire, the subtle from the dense, gently with unremitting care.
8) It arises from the earth and descends from heaven; it gathers to itself the strength of things above and things below.
9) By means of this one thing all the glory of the world shall be yours and all obscurity flee from you.
10) It is power, strong with the strength of all power, for it will penetrate all mysteries and dispel all ignorance.
11a) By it the world was created.
12) From it are born manifold wonders, the means to achieving which are here given
13) It is for this reason that I am called Hermes Trismegistus; for I possess the three essentials of the philosophy of the universe.
14) This is is the sum total of the work of the Sun.
[Sadoul 1972: 25-6.]
And here is an hypothetical Chinese Original:
1) True, true, with no room for doubt, certain, worthy of all trust.
2) See, the highest comes from the lowest, and the lowest from the highest; indeed a marvelous work of the tao.
3) See how all things originated from It by a single process.
4) The father of it (the elixir) is the sun (Yang), its mother the moon (Yin).
5) The wind bore it in its belly, and the earth nourished it.
6 )This is the father of wondrous works (changes and transformations), the guardian of mysteries,
6a) perfect in its powers, the animator of lights.
7) This fire will be poured upon the earth...
7a) So separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, acting prudently and with art.
8) It ascends from the earth to the heavens (and orders the lights above), then descends again to the earth; and in it is the power of the highest and the lowest.
9) Thus when you have the light of lights darkness will flee away from you.
10) With this power of powers (the elixir) you shall be able to get the mastery of every subtle thing, and be able to penetrate everything that is gross.
11a) In this way was the great world itself formed.
12) Hence thus and thus marvellous operations will be acheived.
[Slightly altered from Needham 1980: 371.]
If needed, I will be adding information about and interpretations of the Table in next posts.
* * *
And now, the corpus of texts on the Universal Truth according to Nicholas F. Schmidt, PhD. You may find it here:
Universal Truth

What is the truth?
How do we know it?
What is its purpose?
The Source of all truth, Absolute Truth, is what we are constantly trying to understand, find out, and become. This search will go on for eternity. Another way to say this is that our soul is trying to become God - who in turn is always becoming something grander.
The truth is something that is self-evident and is based upon the feeling we have about any given thing. It's also been referred to as natural law or universal law.
God will not punish us if we break these laws or truths. They are simply there for us as guidance. We decide how to react to them through our own free will choices.
Unlike the endless cycles and constant changes of the physical universe in which we live, Universal Truths are unchangeable, everywhere, and always available to those who seek it. Most importantly, it is never forced upon us. It must always be a free will choice.
The soul has searched for the truth, its Source, throughout the ages, even though it threatens and destroys our false beliefs at times.
Truth and the Universal Laws
What are some of the spiritual truths that can be found all over the universe? I am going to briefly describe some of the big ones.
This is not the entire list by any means. Nor is it my list. They come from the many mystical teachings I’ve exposed myself to over the years.
This list does not belong to any exclusive group or religion. They are free for the asking. No one owns them. There is no fee or donation required. The real God made it that way.
As with any truth or teaching, each should first be brought to the heart to see if it "feels" right and then used according to your own wishes.
Click on the headings below if you wish a brief description...
love is all there is
God loves us unconditionally
it is impossible to be separated from God forever
the universe is a world of opposites
there are only two emotions in the universe, love and fear
everything in the universe is energy
emotional energy is the great attractor
we create our own reality
there are no accidents in God's universe
what we put out comes back to us
the truth will always be found in your heart
we are all one with God
(To be continued)