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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/21/2010 9:14:03 PM
Dear Friends,

So let me start with one of those pieces of good stuff: more specifically, with an interesting message from Karen Bishop.

NOTE: click the links at the end of this post for more info about Karen Bihop or her books and sites.

Staying in the Eye of the Storm

April 30, 2010


We are moving into new territory now, and as we continue to evolve, while at the same time being present during the final stages of “the end of the end,” we find ourselves in new and interesting spaces we may have yet to have experienced.

The old world as we know it is coming down more rapidly now. We may find that it is more difficult than ever to interact and become involved with much of anything. Nothing may feel “right” or good, we may wonder where it is that we are meant to be, and in addition, may feel that we are lost in a space of no space, as touching the remnants of the old reality are like forced habits of survival that we must endure for a while longer.

As if we have been ousted into thin air, floating around in outer space with no anchor, and holding our own personal center within ourselves alone, we wait as the old world continues with its dismantling and demise of energies and creations that can never begin to fit in a new world reality.

The alignments of the new, the preparation of the earth for the new, and the shake-ups that will continue to unfold for many months to come, have created an instability around us that is forcing us to scramble for something to hold onto…something that we may hope and pray will feel remotely good and loving.

Like actors in a play where the script no longer applies, we may continue on with our old lines and masks, or even wonder how we are supposed to interact with others who have barricaded themselves in a box of fear, subconsciously waiting for who knows what. And even at best, watching yet others behave as if everything is seemingly okay, when many of us know what is at hand at the unseen levels, may make some of us wonder what strange science fiction movie we have now placed ourselves within.

Of course, of course, and as always, we are progressing with a spiritual ascension process that unfolds and reveals itself in ways that we would have never imagined until they are directly upon us. And as always, it is precisely the option of free choice that creates what kind of experience the planet will have as she continues to morph and mold herself into a new and vibrant home for a very new reality.

In these ways, even though so much is coming to a final ending, it is our spiritual evolutionary process that is in tandem with it all, creating new individuals that will learn and evolve into higher vibrating beings who will naturally find themselves right where they need to be, and being precisely who and what they need to be as well.

As has happened so many times thus far with this one-of-a-kind experience, the plan has again changed or at least been re-molded into something that fits with the current unfolding of free-will choices and ways the planet and her inhabitants have chosen to experience this massive shift.

Fear and self-preservation have created a massive experience of separation. We are simply not “seeing” one another, and so, beginning any new creations with others at a much higher level vibration which will stay intact during the end of the end, has been drastically delayed now. In this way, we are now being encouraged to “lay low” so to speak, and to open to new spaces that are much more subtle, gentle, easy, light, and that do not hold any kind of big and dramatic space.

This adjustment to a higher level plan will manifest in a variety of ways. We may find ourselves working for others with a secure salary instead of being self-employed. We may find ourselves in roles that are simply centered and simple, with no agenda or plan. We may find that we not need “do” anything, but now simply enjoy where we are, as we very subtly and purely are now meant to be who we have always been at our truest and highest levels. Things will be much “quieter” as we stay in the eye of the storm. We will not be creating anything new. We are being removed from harm’s way.

We may feel that we are going back into the old or back into the mainstream, but what is occurring, is that we are going back to the basics. So much (including electronics, for instance), has gone as far as it can go, to the point where it has lost its original and pristine intent (including the “New Age” movement as well), and now must come to a final end. In addition, we are going back into what feels like the mainstream, because we are anchoring into the new earth and it is very here.

Our new spaces and roles are all about simply being. Being the truest and simplest aspects of ourselves. And as these aspects come so naturally to us, these new spaces will be effortless. We are being encouraged now, to be self-sustaining beacons of light by simply being ourselves. We may find that we have no desire to assist with anything, help anyone, or much else in that vein. We may see others asking for help that we may have provided in times past, and simply feel that we are “very done” with that kind of thing. We may feel a massive ending to most everything that we have ever known. A very final death.

What is happening here, is that we are being moved into spaces of great protection from the fall. We were not meant to go down with everything that is going down, or even to assist with the process. We are now being guided into spaces that are very free and clear from the old reality that is crashing like a string of dominoes. If we felt invisible before, we will feel even more invisible now. This is because we cannot allow ourselves to be grabbed onto like life preservers, allowing those who may be drowning and panicky to push us under and contribute to our demise.

In times past, our spiritual evolutionary process gradually made us feel invisible, as we were now living and vibrating in a much higher level of existence. Those with density and the self-absorption that more ego states create, were unable to see us. Now, we are more invisible than ever, as we are naturally being taken to spaces of safety and security during these massive endings and times of great collapse.

The previous plan was that we remove ourselves from the old reality, which many of us did. Then we had planned that we would begin a very new reality in a very new world, as we came together as brothers and sisters. This new reality that we would create as a whole would sustain us while the old reality eventually disappeared altogether in a very gradual and loving way. All the while, we would assist those who were willing and who were asking, up the vibrational rungs of the ascension ladder. Well, guess what? Human beings have free choice and this has created yet another tweaking of the plan. Will it ever end?

Not enough souls are ready, and so the old plan cannot unfold. The old reality is indeed ending, and the earth is progressing as she had planned, but the “how” and the road that is getting us there is changing with each and every breath we take. We are indeed in a new and higher vibrating space in the cosmos, and this alone creates new and awesome states of being all on its own. So no matter what may seem to be going on around us, what is occurring within us is something very new indeed….and it is all about the heart energy. It is the heart energy that will take us exactly where we need to be, and what will serve as our source for creating anything we may need in times to come.

On April 21st I awoke at dawn to find my father in my bedroom. A bit bewildered, he was not quite sure where he was. All he could say was, “I wasn’t sure what to expect. I really didn’t know what it would be like.” A few hours later, my daughter called to tell me that he had died, and it was at that very moment that he had arrived in my space. We spent the next two days talking up a storm as he left for brief periods and then returned. In a very short while he had figured out how to navigate and realized where he now was, and he was soon off and running. Although only in this particular phase (immediately after transitioning) of the non-physical for a short time, it was nonetheless nice to speak to him once again.

Wondering why he had come into my space immediately when he left his body, instead of arriving somewhere else, and asking him about other places he had travelled during these few days, it became clear that it is the heart energy that dictates what connects to what.

If anything, my father always knew how much I love him. I was blessed to have absolutely no regrets when his time here was ending. I know he felt my love for him all of his days, and he always appreciated it. So then, it was this great love we shared that dictated where he would land when he left his form. It also dictated where he would travel to next, as at times he would tell me what he had done that day. One night we had talked for quite awhile and I finally said, “Dad, I am beat. I need to turn out the light and get some sleep.” Feeling that I might be brushing him off, I asked him what he did while everyone was asleep. “Oh Karen,” he replied, “There are so many places I go! I get to go to concerts and most everywhere I want!” He loved music, and I could feel the happiness and joy he felt while at a concert somewhere on the planet. His heart and joy would take him immediately where he wished to be and to what he wished to experience.

For several days preceding his memorial service, he was gone from my space. I knew that after a memorial service, most souls then depart for their next phase of “intake.” I had asked him during one of our last conversations after he had passed away, to please let me know when he was “really leaving” for a while. On the evening of his memorial service (which I was not “supposed” to attend), while I was sitting with my daughter in her living room late at night, he did indeed show up and told me that he was now going on to the next leg of his journey. The next day, I could see his soul many times, but it was my father at a much younger age, during his happiest days when he was growing up in India.

I tell you this story because several of you have written and asked me to share it with you, as you have loved ones who have recently departed as well, and also because our own spiritual evolutionary process of dying while we are alive is so very similar.

We navigate through the heart in the next dimension. When we are in the heart space, everything is dramatically different. And we can now stay in these states the far majority of the time. In the heart space, we can see much more. Everything makes sense, and everything is clear. And in addition, we see each other, see that absolutely everything is indeed connected and supports a whole (or way of existence), and we come to clearly see that the world of separation is created from the density that existed in the old reality and in the lower vibrating dimensions or emotions.

Once we have arrived more fully in these higher realms, it can be extremely challenging to be a part of what one leaves behind, and to live in a world of separation. We may want to cry out, “See me! I am here!” just like my father may have felt after he left his old form and was still floating around in an old world from his past. If you have evolved into a state where all you know is group energy and that we indeed revere each other highly for who and what we are, it can literally feel like hell being in a world where that is not the norm.

Until this time arrives, and while we are still living in the physical reality that still surrounds us, we are being encouraged to stay in the eye of the storm, to be who we know we are at our truest and simplest forms, and to know that all our needs will be miraculously met. An invisible current of god energy is navigating for us during this time. It is setting things up for us, making sure we are taken care of, and all we need do is to follow the crumbs and take the opportunities that our hearts are navigating us towards.

As the heart energy begins to overtake all else, we will at the same time learn very new ways of existence that will serve to sustain us during the time of the fall. As I drove across the United States last week, I was blessed to be in the heart energy and to experience where it led me. I met the most amazing people in the smallest of towns, and had the most loving and respectful experiences I have had for a very long time. It was so beautiful, that my cat even enjoyed the trip, and she usually gets distressed during travel.

The heart energy overrides all else. It does not care what spiritual belief one has, what color one is, what life-style one has, what profession one has, or what age one is. It is the glue and the connector, and it is what allows us to see each other. And when in the space of the heart energy, we need only stay in our own space….centered and in the eye of the storm.

With much love and gratitude,

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Want to read more about the ascension process?
The Ascension Companion, The Ascension Primer, Remembering Your Soul Purpose / A Part Of Ascension, Staying in Alignment, and Stepping Into the New Reality
are ready to order in paperback and e-book format!


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/21/2010 9:24:46 PM

Next, SaLuSa (channeled byMike Quinsey), one of the best sources of optimism for me and - I expect - you too.

In Jill's words, this a very positive validation from SaLuSa.

SaLuSa May 5, 2010

SaLuSa 05-05-2010

Events on Earth are certainly speeding up, and regardless of how great the confrontation between the dark and Light; never lose sight of the fact that the Light has already become the victor in this battle. Of this we are absolutely positive and you can expect to find proof of it, and you are on the verge of receiving such evidence. Steps that will bring the dark Ones under control are reaching a conclusion, and will considerably curtail their influence. They know time is running out for them, and they are lashing out in all directions. As you might say, we have our finger on the pulse and they cannot hide their intentions from us. We cannot necessarily stop all of their actions, but in certain circumstances can prevent them from achieving their purpose.

Meantime our plans are at the ready, and can be easily rearranged to meet whatever is needed in the current situation. We push ahead with our agenda, and we have been set a deadline by which we must act. In view of the likely response of the dark Ones, we are reluctant to give firm predictions. However, when we talk of events moving ever nearer to openly commencing, we mean a relatively short period. 2010 is to be a year that will be remembered for the beginning of the transition from the dark controls, to the energies of Light carried by our allies. Altogether the Light is increasing exponentially, and it is the power behind the cleansing actions that have now begun.

We are excited at the prospect of at last coming out openly, and monitor all matters that are holding it up. We are not however too concerned as we clearly see a favorable outcome. Once certain conditions are met that will take away the last cabals power, we will quickly take up our positions and you will see much more of us in your skies. Your levels of consciousness indicate that the awakening of Humanity is forging ahead, and this very much hastens the changes that are necessary to clear the way for us all. It is well past the time that you should have already been aware of your heritage, and that knowledge will be conveyed to you at the earliest possible moment. So much of your understanding that has dictated the way you live and re-act with each other, is found to be wanting and all of that will have to change in readiness for Ascension.

Your beliefs are strong and sometimes prejudiced by national and religious interests. We will bring you the truth of all matters, and particularly your recent history that has been written by those who would hide the real truth. Be open to new versions about Man’s evolution, and we will trace it back many thousands of years into your ancient past. You will find that Galactic Federation members are no strangers to your early evolution, and in fact have had more than a hand in it. There is more of a connection between us than you might imagine, and we have had a part to play in your genetic engineering resulting in what you are today. When you get to see the various types of Beings in our Federation, you will marvel at how many have a close resemblance to how you look now.

Dear Ones, you are being carefully prepared to join us in the future, and we shall stand together as One. By then you will be Beings with a level of superconsciousness, and quite different to what you are now. In some ways it will not be so strange, as you are returning to levels that were once quite familiar to you. You are going to be great Beings once again, with tremendous powers of creation and many will serve in our fleets for the needs of others. You will be one of us, and a fully-fledged Space Being with all of the attributes you see in us.

We see the majority of you ready to respond positively to our presence, and many more will accept us because of the various problems that are besetting you and your Earth. You would clearly benefit from our help right now, but for the time being you will have to wrestle with them yourselves. However, as always we strive to keep a balance for you, so that matters do not get out of hand. Every country is in the grip of the changes that are re-modeling the old system, and a new way is essential if they are to completely overcome the old one. New ideas for technological innovations that have previously been held back, are gradually finding their way into the public domain. These are very much needed at this time to offset the damage to many industries, and not least of all to alleviate the difficulties being experienced by the people.

You will not be sunk without trace, but will rise up and match the needs of the hour. Humans have proven to be very resilient and able to improvise where necessary. By seeing yourselves through the immediate period, you will be able to ride out the problems until complete changes take place with our assistance. The ideas for many useful inventions have been given to you by us, and will help fill the gap left through years and years of little real progress. Those that have been developed have not necessarily benefited you in general, but covertly used for military superiority. They were given so as to benefit all of you, and with our help they will eventually do so. Man will learn many deep spiritual lessons from these experiences, and draw closer to his fellow man.

As you are prone to say, keep your cool, and do not let events weaken your resolve to maintain your focus on the end times. It looms large, and will fulfill everything you have ever dreamed of that will lift you onto a higher level of existence. Your dreamland is a reality that you have been creating, and comes ever nearer to manifestation, and you are lifting up towards it. As your vibrations speed up so the growing pains have to be withstood, as they will cause you ups and downs in the way you feel. However, once you have integrated the new energies you will begin to feel on top of the world. Keep this feeling going once you experience it, and you will go through the last days without any problems. You will recognize such a time, as you will feel happy and joyful and able to ward off the negativity that surrounds you.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation is looking forward to meeting you in the very near future. They will bring you the means to achieve permanent peace upon Earth. They will also approach you all with great love, and see the glowing Light of your soul self.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
5/21/2010 11:42:53 PM

Another great SaLuSa message here:

The days are flying by and there can be few of you who have not perceived how they have speeded up. It will continue to do so, and from your point of view is most welcome. It means that any hardships or concerns you now have will soon pass by, and bring you more quickly to the important and vital changes that are coming. Once they start you will experience another great expansion of consciousness, as you envision what they will mean to everyone on your world. The thought of being lifted out the gloom and leaving your problems behind, will remove a lot of your worries from your shoulders. Most importantly, the changes will be made so quickly that you will be in no doubt that your future is assured. You will be kept informed of all activities, and where necessary saved from any inconvenience by being moved to safe and comfortable places. In some circumstances that will be on board our larger ships, which have enormous capacity and areas that are cities within them.

It is because we wish to get our message out that we are hastening the announcement of our presence, and our reason for being here. The mood of the people will change dramatically once they are informed of our mission. We offer you release from the thralldom of many centuries of persecution, poverty and wars that have kept you in the control of the dark Ones. That alone will bring joy and hope to those who are still experiencing such conditions, and through the prosperity program will address many current issues. We will be more involved in the bigger ones that have beset your whole world. Pollution is one that must be reversed as soon as possible, and also the lack of basic requirements that have left the poorer people in shanty towns, without proper facilities or medical care. We are well aware of the priorities where you are concerned, and regardless of size our vast fleet and personnel can handle them with ease. Free energy devices will come from us and also many sources on Earth where they have already been developed. Through deliberate policy they have been held back by the Illuminati, to protect their own investment in oil and the utilities.

You should have been able to advance your standard of living much more than it is now. Every civilization is entitled to benefit from new discoveries, that are not given simply to be enjoyed by the privileged few, or your armed forces. The ideas for such devices that already exist were intended for the good of all, and made available to you for your independence and self-sufficiency. The changes will not be imposed for the sake of it, but are part of our plan to bring you the comforts and protection, that will lift your experiences to a new level and bring you joy and happiness. Following that you will be in the right frame of mind to apply yourselves to the business of preparing for Ascension. That is the ultimate goal and it is your choice as to whether you take that path to your future. The alternative is to remain in your present dimension, and continue to experience in a cycle of duality.

There is nothing new in the information we give you, inasmuch that you already knew eons of time ago how this cycle would end. However, time has erased your waking memory in most cases, and we will help lift your levels of consciousness back to where they were originally. You are great Beings having a human experience to test your ability to work your way back to the Light. You cannot really fail, but have needed assistance to shake off the dark attachments that you have gathered over millennia of time. That is why the cleansing is about you and Mother Earth, as she also carries the dark energies that have become grounded deep within the Earth. Those who are of the Light have been the forerunners who have helped transmute them, and have also powered the grid around the Earth. With the addition of powerful energies reaching you from outer space, the vibrations are lifting very rapidly. This spells the death knell of the dark Ones, who can no longer command authority over you and are losing their power to the Light and Love so many of you carry.

All of your intentions and great application to bringing the Light to Earth has been successful. The beauty is in that by helping one, you help all and take humanity to a higher level. The Oneness that you should be experiencing is taking form, and it will override any perceived differences based on color or language. Eventually even language will cease to come between you, and devices that translate them one to another will be in every ones possession. Be sure Dear Ones, we know exactly what you need to firmly put the past behind you. We have prepared for the days ahead for a long, long time and have many surprises in store for you. Put things into perspective and let the past fade away, and move into the future even if only for the time being it is only a vision. It will materialize very soon, and the Galactic Federation cannot wait to address you, and register your excitement and joy at what we bring you. Remember that we are your Brothers and Sisters, and not some alien species that has no resemblance to you or a life experience like yours. We are just that much ahead of you, albeit thousands of years in evolution and it is also your path.

What more can we do to lift your spirits and open your hearts to us. We are Beings of Light who to put it simply, have already moved into the higher dimensions where you are headed for through the Ascension process. You could at anytime have ascended as an individual, but this end time is ordained for your whole civilization to have such an opportunity. It is unique because you will ascend with your physical body that will have already been prepared for it. Everything in your Universe is changing and being lifted up to a higher dimension. It is a great occasion that the more advanced civilizations can handle through their own understanding and higher vibrations. You need help to do it, and that is what the members of the Galactic Federation are here for in great numbers.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and look at you struggling to exist, and eke out a living. However I also know that your journey is changing track for the most wonderful experiences, and you will never have need to look back at the adversities and sorrows you have had to bear. Let the Love and Light embrace you now and forever.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/21/2010 11:47:47 PM

And, yet another message from SaLuSa channeled, as usual, by Mike Quinsey:

SaLuSa 12-May-2010

Do you not say that the darkest hour comes before the dawn, and for you that has been a period of many years in which you were pushed further into the lower vibrations. However, the new dawn has commenced, so you find yourselves placed in between experiencing both the old with the emerging changes. These will firmly establish the foundation for a new civilization that is forming out of the 3rd. dimension. Such a time comes to all developing civilizations when they outgrow the old system. It begins when a reasonable percentage of you have woken up, and are seeking the pathway to the Lighted realms. What you strongly desire and focus upon comes to you, and in this particular time it has the power of the Higher Beings behind it. Believe us inasmuch that the opportunity is open to everyone, and it is entirely a freewill choice. We will therefore confirm once again that you should make allowances for the path others choose if it is different to yours.

Changes inevitably cause inconvenience and even hardships, but out of it all you will benefit as never before. Literally everything that you could ever have wished for will be yours. It is not with reference to acquiring material gain, although you will have all that is necessary for a happy and harmonious life. It is your spiritual perception, and ability to create love and balance wherever you go and with whom ever you meet. Living in harmony with all life is a high level of consciousness, and shows that you have achieved a state of Unconditional Love. That Dear Ones is your goal, and you will get there and merge with your Higher Self.

In the midst of so much turmoil you could be forgiven for dropping your guard, and getting pulled into the lower vibrations. Do not worry providing you can check yourself from going too far, and it is clearly a good sign if you can pull back before too much harm is done. It is normally your emotions that run away with you, and if additionally your ego has come to the fore they can be difficult situations to control. Such an experience can be a lesson learnt and in the long run be of value so do not allow it to get you down. Forgiveness of Self is so essential to your progress, and in so doing you will find it easier to forgive others. Such ability is a sign of a soul that has progressed far on the path of evolution.

We are pleased that you can see around you tangible signs of changes that are going to be welcomed. After years of expectations with regard to abundance and your release from the controls imposed upon you, freedom is around the corner. The Constitution is still the main pillar of a free society and will be restored in the U.S. It is a model for other countries, as all will move towards a new understanding of how best to structure society that truly reflects the needs of the people. It may sound like a Utopian dream, but it is your destiny to commence a period of changes that lead to the fulfillment of the divine plan for all Mankind.

The call for us to arrive is growing stronger as each day passes, as the threats to your environment pose great problems for your future. However, Man sometimes has to experience first hand the result of his greed and disregard for it, before he wakes up to the extent of the damage he is causing. This is exactly what living in duality is about, and the experience helps you move into a new level of understanding of the Oneness of all life, and its dependence on each other. You have entered physical life time and time again, and now you have by your efforts reached the end of the road. It is all to change quickly and move you into the higher dimensions, and Ascension is your pathway.

You no longer need to put too much energy into your day-to-day activities, and instead live for the golden future that awaits you. The more of you that hold your visualization of what it means to you, the quicker you will bring it into your lives. Allow the old ways to quietly leave, and know that everything required to lift you up is in the process of manifesting. It is a massive joint effort supported by our allies, who do in fact play very important roles at this time. They have been laying the groundwork for our coming, and already it is paying dividends. As you can see when you look around you, there are worldwide changes going on, and those leaders that have failed to serve their countrymen are being removed. These interim measures are helping us, and make far reaching governmental changes much more easy. The object is to legally remove those who have not served in accordance with their oaths, and replace them with souls who we know are honest and spiritually motivated.

With the co-operation that is assured with new people at your helm, we can speedily address the many pressing issues that further threaten your stability. Have no fear Dear Ones, although you have serious troubles to contend with, and they are destroying your environment, we can reverse the damage and clear any pollution that has been caused. Much of it can be achieved from our craft without needing to land on your Earth’s surface. It is the type of work we have carried out for you on many occasions over the years. It has had particular relevance where dangerous radiation was threatening all life forms, and we are referring here to nuclear devices. Man has a reckless streak where weaponry development is concerned, and will test these out on the unsuspecting populace and military personnel. This will completely finish, as there will be no place for any type of weapons in the near future.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and make no judgement where your warlike actions are concerned, but will tell you that a peaceful civilization has no need to resort to weapons of mass destruction. Problems are dealt with by negotiation, or through consultation with Higher Beings. When you approach any issue the correct way, there is nearly always an answer that solves it without offending anyone, or favoring one against another. Self-interest is put aside so that a fair and happy resolution is reached. Man tends to put self first without realizing that it brings karmic consequences, and it applies to countries as well as individuals. However, your levels of consciousness are such that with the awakening, you are beginning to seek peace instead of confrontation. The Love and Light is drawing you closer to each other, and also bringing us nearer to you.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
5/22/2010 12:12:52 AM
Dear Friends,

Now a great message from St Germain, perhaps the most exalted character in the constellation of Ascended Masters who work to merge these darkest hours of the current cycle into the glorious dawning of the upcoming new, Golden Age.

I don't know you, but after reading a message like this, especially coming from St Germain, I tend to feel relieved of any stress that the world general conditions may cause and from a certain sense of despair that has been assaulting me of late at the series of disgraceful events currently hitting our planet.

Note that his message is absolutely reassuring in that the game is over for the dark ones with their banks accounts completely empty, and with even the oil spill virtually taken care of since, in St Germain's words, "Emergence is Here."

And yet... I want to believe the game is over, but... I really don't know.

How about you?


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

We are in the Wesak New Moon, Be In Joy! ~St Germain 13 May 2010

May 13 2010
St Germain:
We are in the Wesak New Moon.
Open your Heart to the tremendous
energies of Love pouring in from the Ethers
There are at this time ongoing battles with the
dark Ones who are playing their last fear cards
before they leave this game altogether. They have
been treating life on this Earth as play things.

This New Moon Energy with Mercury Direct is just what
we need to cleanse away and contain all that cannot sustain these High
Energies of Love. The games are over. The dark Ones no longer
have power here. They may cause inconveniences or aggravations,
and they will continue to do so as they desparetly try to hide from
the entire Planet that their bank accounts are completely empty.
Do love them more, have compassion for them, and thank them for playing this role.

There is good news for you. As we come into this Great Shift everything will become easier. The Illusion of what the believed reality has been will simply fall away as a moment in time. The joblessness, homelessness, and hunger will be a thing of the past. The Day of Emergence as has been promised by Maitreya is here now. All that has been missing in these lives, will come into being in New Ways which will delight beyond your dreams. At the same time, all of the Illusion of control and oppression will fall away.

Now this Taurus New Moon with Mercury Direct shine the Light of Trillions of Suns on the Seed which has been planted. The Intensions since the Wesak Full Moon in April are set into play. There is no turning back. Everything on the Planet is being lit with this Bright Light and this Alchemy has every atom absorbing love at faster and faster speeds. The cultivation of the ground has made a ripe gestation for the sprouting of this Buddha Christed Krishna Seed in the New Moon. Everything in this Dimension is One Harmonic Unified Resonance. This new Light, active Love, resets the energy potential in the Master Hologram. This High Energy of Love has the ability to reset the Program in the Matrix. Because we are all connected by electromagnetic pulses within the Earth Grid, we effect each other and every person on Earth with our thoughts and emotions.

As Earth works with the recent assault on the Seas, do not despair! The Light Source pouring in from the Antimatter Universe, pouring through the Alchemical Emerald Light merging with the Sun at Mercury and pouring in through the solar winds, combining with ions in space, bombard the Seas which heals them. The Forces of Light are working to mitigate the impact. Take in the Light from the Sun everyday and allow it to pass through your third eye, into your heart and down through your feet into Mother Gaia. As you do this, your body cells ignite with these greater fire letters and key codes that heal the cells. This healing in billions of people effects the rivers and effects the Seas as we are all connected electromagnetically through the Force of Mother, the mitichlorians, through Love.
This Wesak New Moon brings the sprouting of new Forces of Love more powerful than
any ever seen on this Planet. Be In Joy! Emergence is Here!

St Germain
Beth and Mark

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
