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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/9/2010 12:17:45 AM
Thank you Luis,
I had reservations on telling my story, however I believe that it is relevant, especially at this time. We are very close to an upheaval of good and bad happenings throughout the world and it is very important that people understand how to seperate the two.
(P.S. Although I did have the ability, I never really pursued it because the powers contained within were much too powerful for me to control.)

Yes Michael, that is something I am very clear about, as I told you, and using discernment seems to me to be our wisest, safest bet in that regard. As to the powers, I understand they should never be pursued for themselves because you would risk missing the ultimate, highest goal which to the best of my knowledge is union with God.

Love and blessings too,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/9/2010 1:24:44 AM
108 beads ON BUDHIST ROSARY, fi we are all clones from noah then we were left wityh an open dna string otherwise evolution is not possinble.Only hope is our children being born on the next rung of the ladder and the rest of us are fodder for new life. This the elite know that is why the elite want to dumb us down. get ready for the foiling of the new world order for we must keep going straight ahead into the new order of the universe

Hello Gregg,

108 represents the chain of worlds that a Buddhist chela recreates as he counts the beads of his rosary in his fingers. In fact, he is supposed to become the center of the universe in doing so; so for him, that should be as easy a task as for a child the building of a 108 dna chain with small dominoes chips could be. That should be enough protection for the universe against any interference from the dark. No amount of darkness can foil the tiniest flame.

Best Wishes,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

108 dominos, adn

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/10/2010 3:25:00 AM
Hello Bogdan,

Thank you for the videos. Like Michael, I had trouble viewing them (or rather listening to them) with my similarly slow connection plus the fact, already known to you, that I am similarly slow at listening and understanding English spoken at an interview, let alone when the participants talk in a pretty slurred fashion.

All the same, I found the transcription of the two videos after a day of search and it was fortunate, for I so was able to sample through it into the fascinating (yet somehow disturbing) information provided.

Let me mention that for a while now, I have been familiar with most of the concepts presented, so I was not much impressed when I read about the 300 families or that we never went to the Moon, or that the Federal reserve bank is privately owned. Also, I accept that economy is in downward spiral and we are all headed into a global depression.

Moreover, you don't have to be a prophet to predict war, crises, etc. since they are known to occur cyclically. It is true that they are going to be global now (if they occur at all of course), and this is terrible enough since they would affect millions of innocent people. Not a nice thing to think about indeed.

But my point is, all of it is already predicted in the Bible and the gospels (for example, in Matthew 24:15-20) and other sacred texts, which means that at least in regard to the atrocious things already mentioned, George Green is nor saying anything new.

Also, I still hope for the best in this regard. Two verses after his announcements of the end days (in Matthew 24:22) Jesus says: «And if those days were not shortened, no flesh would live again. But for the sake of the chosen then, those days were shortened.»

Mr Green should understand that he is one of the elected and he should stop trying to hide in the end of the world when all this occurs - again, it is occurs at all. Does he himself not say in the interview: " place is going to be safe"?

I still have to decide whether I believe the part concerning the Pleiadans, since while in the one hand I am clear that Mr Green is telling the truth, or maybe what he believes to be the truth, in the other hand there is still the possibility that he may be actually being used by the dark forces - which would simply be catastrophic.

So we remain at page zero, since that would be worst than anything else. For all the good Mr Green may think he is doing, the "fallen angels" might be posing as extra terrestrials, which would get the majority of humanity to fall in line to the hosts of Satan. By "Satan" I mean our earthly dark forces; I am afraid we don't have to go to the outer space to find them.

All in all, the truth may lie mid way between George Green and his "theories" on the pessimistic side, and David Wilcock and his ideas (another main character in the cosmic drama that I am reviewing) on the side of the "optimistic" ones, with the latter brought about by Mr Green's interviewer (in part two, where on mentioning Mr Green's revelations about the control of the world population by the dark, she says: "And yet, we’ve got other people like, you know, David Wilcock, who is talking about "ascension", who is talking about a whole different positive future for the Earth..." ).

By the way, here are some of Mr Wilcock latest quotes:

"You do not need to send your money to ANYONE in order to experience the financial benefits of this great shift, once things finally change.

The level and scope of what will happen, for the positive, seems overwhelming now, but there is very tangible evidence that this is what is happening.

Look... we needed a worldwide Dark Night of the Soul to trigger humanity's spiritual awakening. (my underlying.)

That's what this is about. It is an Archetype.

It is only one of 22 Archetypes we go through. If you buy into the fear porn, it can seem that's all there is.

People are freaking out right now. That's the Script. Events have to get really, really horrible so that even the fence sitters get it. That is now happening.

No one wants to talk about the fact that we're edging towards 2012 and it is now very clear that the planet is in chaos.

Even the most staunch deniers can't help but see the prophecies coming true. These are the times we are now in...."

Well I must stop now, as I am afraid this post is coming out too long. I don't know if I should feel happy now that everyone else is accepting that not all was going to be nice until the New Age arrived; but without being myself a prophet, in fact only based on the holy scriptures and certain Hindu sacred texts, that is what I have been saying for a long time now.

Thank you again,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Bogdan Fiedur

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6/10/2010 3:59:13 AM
Hllo Luis,

I'm reading your post as kind of critique of George Green. I'm not sure why you feel that way. He is the kind of a person who was close to elitist circles at some point of time and he realizes that elite is aware of the ideas we are learning now for decades or more and he is also aware that 9/11, war in Iraq, Afghanistan and possibly soon in Iran were on the table 20 or 30 years ago.

He realizes that dark cabala can win this battel only if they eliminate enough people who can rise enough awareness on this earth before it is too late. He is just telling you, get ready and be aware of what it is coming. He encourages you to become ground crew. To enlighten yourself and get your spirituality high. If you read Bible, you find the same message, it just doesn't have time line.

The dark ones, (I used to call them banksters but this is too grotesque considering the oil spill and what is cumming soon), have been controlling this world since Atlantis and winning every battle or winning in the end. They will not give up very easily. I was just listening to one radio show and other here (it is within Jill's forum) where the guest talks about the possibility that oil spill is a planned attack to biologically destroy population. Possibly they have drilled the hole where earth faults exists and the hole is not what we see on tv but might be many times larger and growing as earth is naturally cracked there. That spill might last for a years, and destroy live in Golf area, along Mississippi river, and even Europe. We already know that US military is for the first time being deployed to fight on US soil. And this happens to be in Gulf area. Surprise, surprise. We have also found out today about the media blackout in regards to oil spill.

By the way today I have found out that our young generation is so indoctrinated that it is difficult to even present the possibilities of what is coming.

Some time ago I was called names over the email when I have invited group of my subscribers to watch documentary about 9/11 on CBC (main Canadian station), and today my own daughter told me to get some medical help when I have told her of possibility of cover up of oil spill and that this will be the beginning of the carnage of Louisiana population and later entire US.

Our young generation have not lived in times of disasters. It appears that history has no bearing on people if they have themselves not gone through hardship. They ignore the evidence and believe MSM and government propaganda. They let themselves to be manipulated and believe that crime, deception, corruption is a realty and it has to be part of our lives.

Fortunately I have two daughters and the second one is much more receptive and open to other possibilities than presented by MSM.

It is not easy to be a messenger of the unpleasant message and the worst appears to be at home.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/10/2010 5:16:30 AM
Hllo Luis,

I'm reading your post as kind of critique of George Green. I'm not sure why you feel that way. He is the kind of a person who was close to elitist circles at some point of time and he realizes that elite is aware of the ideas we are learning now for decades or more and he is also aware that 9/11, war in Iraq, Afghanistan and possibly soon in Iran were on the table 20 or 30 years ago.

He realizes that dark cabala can win this battel only if they eliminate enough people who can rise enough awareness on this earth before it is too late. He is just telling you, get ready and be aware of what it is coming. He encourages you to become ground crew. To enlighten yourself and get your spirituality high. If you read Bible, you find the same message, it just doesn't have time line.

The dark ones, (I used to call them banksters but this is too grotesque considering the oil spill and what is cumming soon), have been controlling this world since Atlantis and winning every battle or winning in the end. They will not give up very easily. I was just listening to one radio show and other here (it is within Jill's forum) where the guest talks about the possibility that oil spill is a planned attack to biologically destroy population. Possibly they have drilled the hole where earth faults exists and the hole is not what we see on tv but might be many times larger and growing as earth is naturally cracked there. That spill might last for a years, and destroy live in Golf area, along Mississippi river, and even Europe. We already know that US military is for the first time being deployed to fight on US soil. And this happens to be in Gulf area. Surprise, surprise. We have also found out today about the media blackout in regards to oil spill.

By the way today I have found out that our young generation is so indoctrinated that it is difficult to even present the possibilities of what is coming.

Some time ago I was called names over the email when I have invited group of my subscribers to watch documentary about 9/11 on CBC (main Canadian station), and today my own daughter told me to get some medical help when I have told her of possibility of cover up of oil spill and that this will be the beginning of the carnage of Louisiana population and later entire US.

Our young generation have not lived in times of disasters. It appears that history has no bearings on people if they have themselves not gone through hardship. They ignore the evidence and believe MSM and government propaganda. They let themselves to be manipulated and believe that crime, deception, corruption is a realty and it has to be part of our lives.

Fortunately I have two daughters and the second one is much more receptive and open to other possibilities than presented by MSM.

It is not easy to be a messenger of the unorthodox message and the worst appears to be at home.


Hello Bogdan,

I am sorry if I have caused that impression since after reading the interviews and other material by George Green, I have come to have a great respect both for him and his qualities as an author. Actually you only need to see his face in the videos to realize he is a nice and honest person. Equally important and an admirable quality also is the fact that he did not want to remain a part of the elite.

What I am afraid of is that he may only be an instrument of the elite. We cannot know for sure whether he is not being used to keep his followers and the general public in a negative and fearful mood instead of a positive or, at least, a neutral attitude in the face of the atrocities occurring almost as a norm nowadays.

Sometimes I cannot convey others how I feel about these things but I can assure you that I am particularly affected by all that has been happening in the last few weeks and months on this planet. What I most fear is that a positive attitude that can ensure our salvation may be turned into terror and abjection or, at least, into indifference to whatever may happen to the world so that from an army of light we become a scared troop of rats seeking to hide in dark places.

This possibility had not occurred to me until I read a post by Robert Talmadge at Jill's forum, where he advanced this reason as the one behind the oil spill happening and not only greed or a mere accident.

You may note that I refer to George Green as one of the elected ones among the people of this Earth, an angel, whose role could be so important in the light of the huge numbers of admirers and followers that no doubt he has by now that he could bring to final victory if he only remains strong.

Well I need to go to bed now, I am so tired. I am sorry about your daughter and I hope she will change her attitude.

As a final word, I trust my own intuition as an infallible instrument to know the truth and in this sense, I still have some misgivings about some of Mr Green's "theories" as I have read in his books - in particular those coming from the Pleyadan's teachings. However, I must confess to you that I need to read a little further into them so as to be completely sure about it. And I definitely don't like the idea of hiding out for fear of being foiled by the dark. I would rather fight. We are invincible if we only remain true to ourselves and positive. The Light can never be defeated, it will prevail forever.

That is the teaching of genuine tradition, Sanatana Dharma ("Perennial Doctrine") as opposed to any Pleyadan teachings.

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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