The Galactic Federation of Light channeled by Blossom Goodchild, June 5, 2013 –
Blossom: Here we are again! Hello to you! Today I would like to follow on with another question from one of the translator team. Again I TRUST myself … as it is pushing my boundaries somewhat … yet good to do so and good for the whole! OK … here goes … What is the true explanation for the different races and languages on our planet? Over to you!
Galactic Federation of Light: We welcome you in Love this day and we are accepting of the inquiries posed. Firstly may we begin by admitting to you that through our conversations we are finding that the interest of such matters is allowing for the ‘self’ to come forward and at the same time allowing the ego to retreat. This is most pleasing to ‘see’ within the energy of each.
So … one would like to know the exact position of the ‘need’ to express … in words … and would we say in different tongues?
As you would expect … it is that on many other plains and planets and vibrations … there is no need for such things. Words are superficial in their interpretation by the individual. And although one may think they have a grasp on ‘meaning’ … much over time has been ‘ flattened’ … in that the spoken word that once was … has now lost much of its ‘energy.’
Originally it was ‘sound’ through Light that proposed an interesting ‘target’ of communication. By expressing pure LOVE … the Light that emanated … through Divine design would automatically produce a ‘humming vibration’. This … in its beginnings of language was simply a sound that radiated from a soul and ‘gave off’ that which it was FEELING. It was not an intentional ‘speak’ … yet a natural one. It simply took on a life of its own. Very much likened perhaps to the sound of a breeze or the rustling of leaves. They each have their own unique sound which is ‘from them’ … as opposed to ‘coming from them’.
Can you clarify the difference?
A bird when it sings … is aware that it is singing … yet if it was silent … it would still have a vibrational sound coming from it … EVERYTHING DOES. Even when you are not speaking … there are instruments that could measure your vibrational pitch. This pitch alters depending on the ‘energy’ of one at any given time. One resounds a lower pitch when one is low in thought and vibration … compared to the much ‘Lighter’ … in density … pitch of Joy and laughter.
You yourself Blossom, have said how you Love to hear the ‘silence’ of the night’ … and yet you can definitely hear the hum that ‘belongs’ to it.
Ok … so … how did it then form into language?
By resonating with intent. The human was given a voice box … part of an experiment to express in a different form. Many ‘species’ do not have the need … for telepathic thought is recognized by one to another.
Many of you have heard of Light Language. A language spoken by … shall we say some ‘off world Beings’. We would suggest that it is the vibration of many sounds that is produced and yet it is not of a ‘word format’ that is delivered. It is of a mixture of tones and ‘super tones’ that ‘give out’ an expression of Light … that is then received by another through ‘signals’ of vibration.
This is how ‘language’ began.
Again … remember the human race is an experiment. We were aware of the given voice box for sound communication … yet it was not US that developed language … it was you. Through expression of soul.
You found in the beginning that automatic ‘wave lengths’ would emit from the mouth … which were derived from a FEELING within the heart. This is why we express often to go with the FEELING … for over time … words have developed into superfluous energy much of the time.
Do not misunderstand … the development of expression of the soul/heart has beauty within much of it … when one TRULY listens … yet much has transformed into a level of low energy … that really would be a very good idea to remove from ones vocabulary.
So the experiment of sound into ‘expression of feeling’ developed as one resided longer upon the Earth plane … in some cases.
And in others?
They came along with you. Some advanced races introduced certain ‘languages’ from other systems … because their ‘scripture’ and symbolic design have within them codes … that are of deeper rooted significance.
Which is clearly for another day! I am assuming you are speaking of ‘Egyptian? … Hebrew perhaps?
A few of many.
So … unless I am mistaken … you are clarifying here that although ‘we humans’ are an experimental form of life … we have definitely been assisted by those from other systems … that came down to help us along. Was this always part of the plan?
We smile … for although there IS the OVERALL DIVINE PLAN … what is good for you to understand is that THE PLAN IS TO CREATE THE PLAN. An experiment in which the nature of its course is determined through FREE WILL.
I felt you were going to say FREE … YET DIVINE WILL … which sent my brain in a whirl … and off onto another subject … shall we??
Of course it is FREE and of course it is DIVINE. EVERYTHING …as we shall continue to reiterate IS DIVINE … even when you cannot possibly see the Divinity or FEEL the Divinity within it .
I know many would ask … where is the Divinity in a village being blown to smithereens or abuse of young children … I could go on and on .
And we would say ‘Find it’.
Struth … I didn’t expect that for an answer. Do you mean through our hearts … find the LOVE? … or do you mean ‘offer’ the LOVE to that situation? Two different things.
And yet both are advisable.
I KNOW to offer Love out to a given ‘lower vibration’ situation … but to actually find the LOVE within it is rather different.
Yet that is what we are asking to do.
By accepting that EVERYTHING is DIVINE. It cannot be anything else. How you choose to ‘investigate’ a particular happening somewhere on your planet is through the ‘ego-self’ … for you cannot see it from the grander perspective. This … as always … we find difficult to express to you ‘IN WORDS’.
Yet we say that if you were to FULLY TRUST YOUR KNOWING … by simply FEELING that there is DIVINE LOVE in ALL THINGS … then that KNOWING … although confusing if you allow thought … through words to come in … that KNOWING of TRUTH could be accepted by you.
Yet … you have said that through free will,this experiment has gone horribly wrong! So how can it be Divine?
That is a very good question.
Wanna answer it?
Although something may appear ‘horrible’ … or ‘painful’… or ‘full of hate’ … or ‘disgusting’ …or ‘abominable’ … IT IS STILL LOVE … Just a different level of vibration from something say of ‘great joy’ … or ‘peace giving’ … or ‘of gratitude’ …
The opposite sides to the coin have shown a great deal of learning to all … These ‘illusions’ within this ‘reality’ are servers of great knowledge and enlightenment .
Then with all respect … how can it have gone horribly wrong?
Because through free will …. there are those who have lost themselves within the density of ‘Satan’.
Good grief! You have NEVER mentioned that word before … as I recall … and as it came into my head … I really had to pause to check I was ‘picking you up’ correctly.
Indeed you are. For it is our intention to discuss this. It is a word used … and conjures up an immediate force of darkness does it not?
Yes. Yet I KNOW there is no devil. Well that’s my TRUTH.
And it is a TRUE TRUTH. It is created through thought … so to some the devil is real. Yet only if one chooses to acknowledge it as an existing energy. It is the same with everything. You have so many conflicting ‘beliefs’ … because there are so many different thoughts for each one. Which avenue one chooses to walk down … is again … very much down to free will.
So when you say some are lost within the density of Satan … are you just meaning ‘lost in the dark’?
Indeed. Yet we felt it necessary to describe it that way … in order to assist you in understanding that ‘ones world’ is created in ones thought pattern … Even though you are residing on the same planet … it does not mean that your world’s perspective is the same … depending on your choice of thought …. LOVE OR FEAR.
We did not have within our ‘state of Being’ the KNOWING that LOVE could reach such alternatives of itself. Yet … through acceptance … we became aware of the interesting dynamics that it presented and came to realize that duality had far more representations of TRUTH within its LIES!
I stumbled over that word too. Lies?
For they too are of assistance to the soul. To be able to be discerning of what is TRUTH and what is not … is an integral part of one’s growth.
We seem to have veered off course from the original question … which is often how it goes … Yet may you give us an answer before you go … about the different races … colors of skin … cultures etc.? How/ why did they all form?
Briefly for now we would say that much was developed through an ongoing natural progression.
We FEEL that it would be sensible to discuss this at another time when we are not at the end of a conversation … but at the beginning … for the brain may scramble at this stage … and it is best for clarity and freshness of mind to be in order when we speak to you of this.
Ok … That’s fine … perhaps next time. Thanks so much … I always enjoy these conversations … even though they take on a life of their own and take us down streets I hadn’t intended. A never ending story I guess.