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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2013 9:43:37 PM

Benjamin Fulford 5-28-13…”The tide has definitely turned against the Cabal…”

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There are indications everywhere now that the tide has turned decisively against the Satanic Sabbatean cabal and its plans for a family controlled fascist New World Order global dictatorship. For example, Pope Francis is expected to make a speech on the subject of financial tyranny and the global collateral accounts when he visits South America in June, according to a senior P2 Freemason Lodge member.

President Obama, meanwhile, made a speech last weekend where he basically admitted the US government had gone rogue and was getting ready to mend its ways.

However, the Sabbateans have still not given up and may pull off a few more nasty tricks before their final defeat. The recent mass burning of cars in Sweden, the “beheading” in the UK, the stabbing in France etc. all seem part of a desperate cabal effort to somehow provoke their long planned Muslim/Christian war. There is also the matter of Israel that still needs to be settled.

In Japan, too, cabal “economic hitmen” have been on the rampage causing volatility in markets in an attempt to derail Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Abenomics. This is part of a still unfinished battle for control of Japan. There are also indications that the recent Japanese election was stolen for Abe by

the Rockefeller, Goldman Sachs, Council on Foreign Relations faction of the cabal. The vote counting in the recent Japanese general election that gave Abe a dictatorial 2/3rds control of parliament was all done by machines created by a company called Musashi. According to research by a Japanese right wing activist that we have only been partially able to confirm, the ownership of Musashi has been traced through a bunch of shell companies to an outfit called “Forrest Asset Management” run by a former Goldman Sachs employee and CFR member by the name of Peter Greiger. What we can confirm though from multiple sources is that the last election was stolen in favour of Abe by a coalition including young officers of the Japanese Defense Ministry.

What all this means is not certain but it is clear from other sources that Japan is split right down the middle between two factions. One faction is linked to the Rockefellers, Goldman Sachs and CFR and wants the Crown Prince Naruhito and Rockefeller Trilateral Commission member Hisashi Owada’s daughter Princess Masako to take over the role of Emperor and thus control over Japan. The other faction wants younger brother Prince Akishino (who has a male heir) to take over and keep the throne purely Japanese.

The Rockefeller faction does not want a normalization of relations with North Korea and reunification of the Korean peninsula because that would eliminate the cabal’s secret financial
control. That is why the cabal has been trying so desperately to provoke war in East Asia.

Despite this, the push for reunification of the Korean peninsula and peace in North East Asia is going ahead. The North Korean generals and Japanese right wingers bribed by the cabal into staging provocations have been removed.

Nonetheless, the battle to free Japan is far from over and the effects of 67 years of brutal military occupation are still being felt. The quislings who benefited from this occupation are understandably very reluctant to lose their power and allow the Japanese people to learn the truth.

What is still not clear in Japan is if Abenomics is about saving the Japanese economy or saving Goldman Sachs interests in East Asia. The recent market turbulence featuring a plunging Nikkei Index, rising interest rates and a strong yen appears to be orchestrated by the Bush faction of the cabal and features Texas based hedge fund manager Kyle Bass as a kind of anti-Abenomics cheerleader. His logic is that if the Bank of Japan buys all the more than 1 quadrillion yens worth of Japanese government bonds in the market the result would be “financial tyranny.” It is true that if this happened the Bank of Japan would take over much of the control of the financial markets from private financial institutions (other than the BOJ) but it is also true that doing so would eliminate Japanese government debt. The question at the end of such a scenario would be of course if the BOJ was then a transparently run public utility or a private monopoly. That outcome depends on the ongoing factional war in Japan.

In any case, changes in the United States, Europe and the rest of the world make the ultimate defeat of the Japanese quislings a matter of time.

As mentioned above there are obvious signs the US military is no longer following cabal orders. The speech over the weekend by Obama

admitting US war crimes, and promising to stop such crimes, is a clear example. The fact the pentagon refused to send troops or weapons to help Israel overthrow the Syrian government, despite being ordered to do so by the State Department and Senate, is another clear sign. Instead Russia sent its Pacific fleet towards Israel and made it clear to the Israeli government they would find themselves in a war with Russia (and no US help) if they did not back down.

Then we have reports that the King of Saudi Arabia, a secret Isreali ally, is dead.

This is a clear sign the cabal that forced the world to buy oil from Sabbatean kingdoms and deposit the money in cabal controlled banks, is on the ropes.

Also last week, China’s number 2, Li Keqiang, went to India, Switzerland and Germany in what appears to be a move to formalize relations between the 180 nations BRICS alliance and the European Union using the Swiss as intermediaries.

China and Switzerland signed a Memorandum of Understanding to start a free trade agreement, the first between China and a Western country. In addition, both countries agreed to “a bid to jointly promote the establishment of a new international financial order featuring fairness, justice, inclusiveness and orderliness” according to Xinhua News.

By contrast with this sort of productive and friendly diplomacy, the cabalists were busy doing things like burning cars in Sweden in an attempt to start a race war. In England, the beheading of a soldier was real, according to MI5 and it was part of a plan to start a race war in the UK too. However, the operation is not producing the expected tumult and instead the high level planners are being rounded up. “Prime Minister Cameron’s response was to go on a holiday to Ibiza, his days as Tory leader are numbered,” is how MI5 summed up the situation.

One last note, a colleague of ours has just endured a month of incarceration in a Japanese mental hospital where he was forcibly drugged. He is now free again.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2013 9:50:29 PM

$6bn Sting: World’s Biggest Money-Laundering Scheme Exposed

"The bank of choice for the criminal underworld": US Attorney Preet Bharara. Photo: AP

“The bank of choice for the criminal underworld”: US Attorney Preet Bharara. Photo: AP

Stephen: This story is just breaking around the world and seems to have links to banks in several countries. Federal prosecutors in New York say they have shut down a Costa Rica-based digital currency firm, claiming it was the ‘financial hub of the cyber-crime world’.

By Peter Mitchell, Tom Hays and Raphael Satter – May 29, 2013 (Australia)

US prosecutors have announced what they say is the biggest international money laundering prosecution in history – a $US6 billion ($A6.2 billion) trail that allegedly includes $US36.9 million ($A38.4 million) deposited in (Australian) Westpac Bank accounts.

The trail was allegedly left by Costa Rica-based Liberty Reserve, a currency-transfer and payment-processing company that allowed customers to move money anonymously from one account to another via the internet with almost no questions asked, and has travelled through 17 countries, including the Westpac accounts in Australia.

One person was registered under the name of “Joe Bogus” and the address “123 Fake Main Street” in “Completely Made Up City, New York.”

Prosecutors described Liberty Reserve as a “financial hub of the cyber crime world … one of the principal means by which cyber criminals around the world distribute, store and launder proceeds of their illegal activity … including credit card fraud, identity theft, investment fraud, computer hacking, child pornography and narcotics trafficking.”

“The scope of the defendants’ unlawful conduct is staggering,” officials said. Over roughly seven years, Liberty Reserve processed 55 million illicit transactions worldwide for 1 million users.

Prosecutors said 45 bank accounts have been restrained or seized.

According to the indictment, three Westpac accounts held in the name of Technocash Ltd contained $US36.9 million ($A38.4 million).

The Liberty Reserve network “became the bank of choice for the criminal underworld,” US Attorney Preet Bharara said in announcing the unsealing of an indictment against the defendants, including founder Arthur Budovsky, an American who renounced his US citizenship after deciding to set up in Costa Rica.

Unlike traditional banks or legitimate online processors, Liberty Reserve did not require users to validate their identities, it is alleged.

It allowed users to open accounts using fictitious names, including “Russian Hacker” and “Hacker Account.” One person was registered under the name of “Joe Bogus” and the address “123 Fake Main Street” in “Completely Made Up City, New York.”

“The only liberty that Liberty Reserve gave many of its users was the freedom to commit crimes – the coin of its realm was anonymity, and it became a popular hub for fraudsters, hackers and traffickers,” said Bharara. “It was the opposite of a know-your-customer policy.”

Five of the seven defendants were arrested last week in a global swoop.

Budovsky, 39, was arrested in Spain, co-founder Vladimir Kats, 41, was arrested in Brooklyn, New York, while two other defendants, Ahmed Abdelghani, 42, and Allan Jimenez, 28, remain at large in Costa Rica, prosecutors said.

The names of the defendants’ attorneys were not immediately available.

“The global enforcement action we announce today is an important step towards reining in the Wild West of illicit internet banking,” said Bharara. “As crime goes increasingly global, the long arm of the law has to get even longer, and in this case, it encircled the earth.”

A notice pasted across Liberty Reserve’s website on Tuesday morning said the domain “has been seized by the United States Global Illicit Financial Team.” As of Wednesday morning, the website is no longer accessible. Attempts to reach Liberty Reserve by phone and email were not immediately successful.

Liberty Reserve was incorporated in Costa Rica in 2006 and billed itself as the internet’s largest payment processor and money transfer system serving millions of people around the world.

Prosecutors alleged Liberty Reserve was used extensively for illegal purposes, providing an infrastructure that enabled cyber criminals around the globe to conduct untraceable financial transactions.

The network charged a 1 per cent fee on transactions through “exchangers” – middlemen who converted actual currency into virtual funds and then back into cash.

It is alleged when US authorities began to investigate the company, the defendants pretended to shut it down.

But it is alleged that they continued operating “and moved tens of millions of dollars through shell company accounts maintained in Cyprus, Russia, China, Hong Kong, Morocco, Spain, Australia and elsewhere”.

Budovsky and Kats have previous convictions on charges related to an unlicensed money-transmitting business, according to court papers. After that case, the pair decided to move their operation to Costa Rica, the papers said.

In an online chat captured by law enforcement, Kats admitted Liberty Reserve was illegal and noted that authorities in the US knew it was “a money-laundering operation that hackers use”.

While authorities described Liberty Reserve as being rife with criminals, the site’s ease of use, low fees and irreversible transactions that deterred fraud also attracted legitimate users.

Mitchell Rossetti, whose Houston-based was one of several mainstream merchants that accepted Liberty Reserve’s online-only currency, said his business still had about $US28,000 tied up in Liberty Reserve accounts.

“The irony of this is I went to them because of the security,” Rossetti said. “All sales were final.”

He acknowledged that the currency was being used by scammers but said Liberty Reserve funds were just like any other currency: “The US dollar can be donated to a church or it can pay a prostitute.”

Liberty Reserve appears to have played an important role in laundering proceeds from the recent theft of some $US45 million from two Middle Eastern banks, according to documents made public by authorities earlier this month. In that scheme, thieves stole debit card information and then used it to drain cash from thousands of ATMs around the world in a matter of hours.

As part of the Liberty Reserve investigation, authorities raided 14 places in Panama, Switzerland, the US, Sweden and Costa Rica. In Costa Rica, investigators recovered five luxury cars, including three Rolls-Royces. Bharara said authorities also seized Liberty’s computer servers in Costa Rica and Switzerland.

The seven defendants are each charged with one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, which carries a maximum term of 20 years jail.

They’re also charged with one count of conspiracy to operate an unlicensed money transmitting business and of operation of an unlicensed money transmitting business. Both of those charges carry a maximum jail term of five years.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2013 9:51:40 PM

Wall Street Journal Disputes Legitimacy of Flight 93 Phone Calls

Flight 93Say what? The Wall Street Journal posted an article disputing the legitimacy of the Flight 93 phone calls on 9/11? Is this what we’ve been waiting for?

Flight 93 landed safely at Cleveland’s Hopkins Airport. Its passengers disembarked and went into a building, never to emerge again. (1) Thanks to Fred Burks.

The 9/11 Phone Calls: Disturbing Irregularities Uncovered in the Calls that Flashed around the World

Wall Street Journal, May 16, 2013

NEW YORK, May 16, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — America first learned of the 9/11 hijackings from Solicitor-General Ted Olson, who reported two calls from his wife, well-known CNN commentator Barbara Olson.

From American Airlines Flight 77, Barbara Olson fleshed out the drama of diminutive Muslim hijackers using knives and box-cutters to herd dozens of passengers to the rear of the plane.

These and other reported calls have now been examined by the 9/11 Consensus Panel of scientists, pilots, professors, attorneys, and journalists.

The Panel began its research in 2011 with the Twin Towers and the sudden, stunning collapse of adjacent Building WTC7, a massive 47-storey steel-framed skyscraper.

The official conclusion that all 82 support columns failed simultaneously from fire alone has for years raised serious questions about the official account.

The 9/11 Consensus Panel now offers four evidence-based Points about the alleged phone calls from the 9/11 flights.

The famous “let’s roll” drama of the passenger revolt on UA 93 was relayed by passenger Todd Beamer’s 13-minute unrecorded seat-back call to GTE telephone supervisor Lisa Jefferson, who reported Beamer as strangely tranquil, declining to speak to his wife. Eerily, Beamer’s line remained open for 15 minutes after the crash.

Oddly, the Verizon wireless record shows that 19 calls were made from Beamer’s cell phone long after the crash of UA 93.

Initial media reports and FBI interviews detailed more than a dozen cell phone calls from the planes at high elevation.

Yet in 2001, a telephone spokesperson stated that sustained mobile calls were not possible above 10,000 feet.

During the 2006 Moussaoui Trial, the FBI (under oath) reduced the number of cell phone calls to two calls made from 5,000 feet, and presented evidence of only one (not two) “unconnected” call from Barbara Olson, lasting “0 seconds.”

In another twist, two other women reported that Caller-ID showed their husband’s cell numbers on their answering machines, which while lasting several minutes, had been made from elevations of 25,000 and 35,000 feet.

Finally, although the FBI conducted a massive investigation into the calls, none of the telephone billing, nor any of the cell phone location data stored in standard phone company records has been publicly released.

The 9/11 Consensus Panel has developed 32 Points of evidence.

SOURCE The 9/11 Consensus Panel

/Web site:


(1) “[Mayor] White said that the plane had been removed to a secure area of [Hopkins] Airport and was evacuated. United identified the plane as Flight 93.” (WCPO-TV, Cincinatti, 9/11/01, 11:43:57, Loose Change, as reported in 9/11 Conspiracy: Flight 93 Crashes at Camp David Part 2, downloaded from, 1 August 2007.)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2013 10:01:25 PM

Six Former Bosnian Croat Leaders Convicted of War Crimes

(File Phoile) Bruno Stojic, left, and Jadranko Prlic appear at the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands, in 2004.

(File Phoile) Bruno Stojic, left, and Jadranko Prlic appear at the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands, in 2004.

By Laura Smith-Spark, CNN – May 29, 2013

(CNN) — Six former top Bosnian Croat leaders were handed long prison sentences Wednesday after they were convicted of crimes against humanity and war crimes, including the rape and murder of Bosnian Muslims.

The offenses, which date to between 1992 and 1994, formed part of a wider conflict that followed the break-up of the former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s.

The six were accused at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia of trying to “ethnically cleanse” non-Croats from areas of the territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Bosnian Croat leadership, along with Croat leaders, wanted to make this territory part of a “Greater Croatia,” said the ICTY, which is based in the Hague.

In order to achieve this, they carried out crimes against Bosnian Muslims and other non-Croats that included murder, rape, sexual assault, destruction of property, imprisonment and deportation, the ICTY statement said.

Jadranko Prlic, Bruno Stojic, Milivoj Petkovic and Valentin Coric were convicted on 22 counts of the indictment for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Prlic, the former president of the Croatian Defense Council and later head of the government of a wartime Croat entity, Herceg-Bosna, was sentenced to 25 years in prison — the toughest penalty.

The other three were given prison terms ranging from 16 to 20 years in length.

Two of the accused, Slobodan Praljak and Berislav Pusic, were acquitted on some of the charges against them.

Praljak, a former assistant defense minister of Croatia and at the same time a commander of the Croatian Defense Council, was convicted on 20 counts and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

He played an important role in securing weapons and ammunition for the Croatian Defense Council army, the indictment said.

Pusic, who was formerly in charge of detention facilities and prisoner exchanges for the Croatian Defense Council, was found guilty on 18 counts and given 10 years in prison.

Defense lawyers for the six have 30 days to appeal their convictions and sentences.

‘Extreme violence’

The chamber ruled by a majority that the accused wanted to create a Croat entity to unify the Croatian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Later, these areas were to be either joined with the Republic of Croatia or remain in close association with it, the ICTY said.

The indictment focused on crimes committed in eight municipalities, including Mostar, the ICTY said.

The chamber concluded that “in the majority of cases, these crimes were not committed in a random manner by a few undisciplined soldiers. On the contrary, they were the result of a plan put together by the (accused) members to remove the Muslim population of Herceg-Bosna.”

Others were also part of this joint criminal enterprise, it said, and together they secured personnel and coordinated operations on the ground to carry out the plan.

In the case of the historic city of Mostar, “extreme violence” was used to evict Bosnian Muslims from West Mostar, claimed by the Croats, to the other side of the city, the statement said.

“Muslims were woken up in the middle of the night, beaten and forced to leave their apartments, often still in their pyjamas. Many women, including a girl of 16, were raped” by Croatian Defense Council soldiers, it said.

From June 1993 to April 1994, East Mostar was under siege and the Muslim population there was subject to “intensive and constant” shelling which left many civilians dead or injured, it said.

Other testimony focused on abuses against Muslim prisoners at Croatian Defense Council detention centers, including beatings, sexual assaults and using them as forced labor on the front lines.

The trial, which started in April 2006, is one the largest and most complex the tribunal has handled, it said. More than 200 witnesses were called, 145 of them by the prosecution, and the judgment runs to some 2,600 pages.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2013 10:02:34 PM

Interview with Lord Maitreya Concluded, Airs Monday


Alleged photo of Lord Maitreya

There is so much happening behind the scene my Skype tree looks like a Christmas tree. And in fact I’m stealing away from it to make this announcement and then get back again as quick as can be.

Linda, Suzi and I have just pre-recorded an interview with Lord Maitreya, which is due to be aired this coming Monday on An Hour with an Angel.

Who is Lord Maitreya? Well, as Benjamin Creme has noted:

“He has been expected for generations by all of the major religions. Christians know him as the Christ, (1) and expect his imminent return. Jews await him as the Messiah; Hindus look for the coming of Krishna; Buddhists expect him as Maitreya Buddha; and Muslims anticipate the Imam Mahdi or Messiah.” (2)

Archangel Michael called him, in a reading I had yesterday, “the Buddha of Love and World Teacher.” You recall that Sanat Kumara listed the Masters who have made or are making their return to the planet:

“All of the Apostles as you have known them are already on the planet, as are most of the disciples that have walked with Yeshua, including his family — no, excluding the mother, of course, and excluding Jophiel [who was Joseph]. …

“Saul/Paul, Mohammed — in aspect or expression; Moses, Abraham, most of the old prophets, as you have known them; many of the what you would think of as the eastern beings — Djwhal Khul, St. Germaine pops in and out as aspect; Kuthumi, Maitreya — in and out, not fully anchored as yet. … A blue Tara, green Tara. An aspect or an expression of Quan Yin. So they are already present upon the planet.” (3)

Maitreya has long been expected to return. In this interview Maitreya goes over his plans as world teacher, discusses what is more essential to know about events like 9/11 than “who dun it,” addresses the situation of women on this planet, warns us to ignore the children who are here at our peril, and so much more.

Am I excited? Yes, I’m excited. These are world-forming, world-shaking events, in my view.

He says that he will begin his speaking in a physical body later this summer. He will be visiting various cities. To illustrate (but I’m not saying he promised these particular cities because he did not), he named London, Rome, Mumbai, South Africa (he did not name a city).

He said there is no need to write emails and ask to be part of his work. All one needs to do is to establish the firm intention and he will be aware of it.

He confirmed that whereas the Ascended Masters are returning, the real Masters returning are us – you and me. The Masters are not here to save us, he said. We’re going to save us. I may have more to say later but I did for now want to get the message out that we’ll hear from him this coming Monday.

Also Archangel Michael said to me Monday in my reading that Disclosure and First Contact (yes, I said “and”) are “underway.” The galactics have waited long for it and we terrestrials have also waited long for it. He said that meetings have just concluded on a thorough reorganization of the way the galactics communicate with us and that this reorganization is in preparation for Disclosure. (SaLuSa will return to communicate but not right away.) We already know that the reval of the dinar and other currencies is close and that this is the opening event in a sequence leading to NESARA.

I’ll do my best to get more details up, but life is a blur these days. My sense is that we are drawing ever closer to the main events. No one knows particular dates and no one wants to give some and then see matters postponed, etc. So I did not ask AAM for a date more solid than “underway” and he did not offer it.


(1) That is, as a Christed One. Jesus is the Christ and Maitreya and Jesus are not the same being.

(2) “Who is Maitreya?” at

(3) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013, at

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