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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2013 4:11:23 PM

FBI Kill Shot – They “Murdered My Son” Over ‘Boston Connection’

Abdulbaki Todashev, the father of Ibragim Todashev, attending the press conference at the RIA Novosti Agency.(RIA Novosti / Alexander Natruskin)

Abdulbaki Todashev, the father of Ibragim Todashev, attending the press conference at the RIA Novosti Agency.(RIA Novosti / Alexander Natruskin)

Stephen: First we had two FBI agents – who may (or may not) have been involved in arresting the alleged Boston ‘bombers’, the Tsarnaev brothers - dying after a ‘fall’ during a helicopter training exercise:

Now, a man, allegedly being questioned by the FBI because of his association with the brothers, apparently goes ‘crazy’ during questioning and is shot six times, including a bullet to the top of his head. Why was he killed? To silence him? It’s just another question in the mysteries of the Boston. Warning: Some readers may find both this story and the image of the ‘kill shot’ disturbing. I have placed the evidential photo at the end of the story.

Kill Shot? Man Linked to Tsarnaev Took FBI Bullet to Top of Head

From – May 30, 2013

Ibragim Todashev, who was killed by the FBI during a questioning, was shot six times, once in the crown of his head, photos shown at a press conference in Moscow reveal. His father suspects it could have been a kill shot.

“I can show you the photos taken after the killing of my son. I have 16 photographs. I just would like to say that looking at these photos is like being in a movie. I only saw things like that in movies: shooting a person, and then the kill shot. Six shots in the body, one of them in the head,” Abdulbaki Todashev said at the press conference at RIA Novosti news agency in the Russian capital.

He explained that the photos were taken by friends of his son in the US, to whom the FBI handed the body.

“I want justice and I want an investigation to be carried out, I want these people [the FBI agents] to be put on trial in accordance with US law. They are not FBI officers, they are bandits. I cannot call them otherwise, they must be put on trial,” he said.

Ibragim had been questioned twice by the FBI in connection with the Boston bombings, but not about the murder in which he was allegedly suspected, his father said.

The 2011 triple murder in Massachusetts, in which the Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was also implicated, was reportedly the subject of the third and final FBI interrogation of Ibragim Todashev.

His friend Khusen Taramov told the father that Ibragim had refused to come in for questioning on May 22, and instead asked the FBI agents to come and question him at home.

“Should something happen to me, call my parents,” Taramov quoted the last thing he heard from his friend.

On the day of Ibragim’s death, Taramov was questioned by the FBI separately on the street, and was refused entry back into his friend’s house, Todashev’s father claimed. He was “sent off” to wait in a nearby café on the grounds that Todashev was still being questioned and that “the interrogation would take a long time.” After some eight hours passed since the start of interrogation and his Todashev’s phone still was not answering, Taramov returned, only to find the street cordoned off with police cars and an ambulance.

“They tortured a man for eight hours with no attorney, no witnesses, nobody. We can only guess what was going on there, until there is an official investigation,” Abdulbaki Todashev said.

Lawyer Zaurbek Sadakhanov shows a photo of Ibragim Todashev’s body, with what appears to be a bullet wound in the crown of the head, at the RIA press conference on May 30, 2013. (RIA Novosti / Alexander Natruskin)

Referring to the Boston bombings, Todashev said his son believed it was a “set-up.” But Ibragim never sympathized with radical or terrorist ideas, and was not a follower of a radical Islam, he added.

Also, Ibragim was never a close friend of Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev – he and

Tamerlan only “went boxing at the same gym” and “exchanged phone numbers,” the father said.

So far, Todashev has received “no official explanation” of his son’s death from the US side. He said he was only told there is an ongoing investigation “inside the FBI.”

Todashev called the earlier claims that Ibragim was shot attempting to attack an FBI agent “absurd,” saying four or five police and FBI officers could have easily handled such an attack without needing to kill his son.

“Maybe my son knew something, some information the police did not want to be made public. Maybe they wanted to silence my son,” Todashev’s father said.

Abdulbaki Todashev said his main aim now is to go to the US and get his son’s body.

“My brother and I, we went to the American embassy today. We both want to fly there, we’ve applied for a visa,” he explained.

Abdulbaki Todashev, the father of Ibragim Todashev.(RIA Novosti / Alexander Natruskin)

‘Indications of extrajudicial killing’

Todashev’s killing “shows signs of international human rights violations,” and “indications of an extrajudicial killing,” war correspondent, political analyst, and member of the Presidential Council of Human Rights Maksim Shevchenko, said at the RIA conference. It looks like a “cold-blooded murder,” he claimed.

Ibragim Todashev was killed just two days before he was due to fly back home to Russia, Shevchenko said as he pointed to a “striking chain of coincidences” in the US.

Two “key witnesses” of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s arrest have also died recently, Shevchenko said, referring to the “accidental” death of members of the FBI’s elite counterterrorism unit, who fell a “significant distance”from a helicopter last Thursday.

Lawyer Zaurbek Sadakhanov of the Moscow Interterritorial Bar Association said he fully believes this is a case of an extrajudicial execution.

Sadakhanov questioned why international human rights organizations, as well as Russian rights activists, have ignored the shooting.

He also urged Todashev’s friend Khusen Harlamov to return to Russia as “being a witness in the US is not safe.”

This is not the first time experts have questioned whether the FBI acted lawfully when shooting at Ibragim Todashev after he allegedly attacked an officer, with what some called “a use of excessive force.”

But a recent report revealed Todashev was completely unarmed when the FBI agent opened fire, raising questions over why lethal force was deemed necessary to subdue the strongly outnumbered man.

Investigative journalist and former Los Angeles police officer, Mike Ruppert offered his professional opinion to RT, finding two major issues with the official story (given that he himself had been in a similar predicament as an officer years before the incident). Firstly, the standard operating procedures were out the window; and secondly, the FBI itself appears to have set the situation up.

“There’s an escalation-of-force scale which was obviously not followed in this case”, he said, referring to the officers’ decision to draw firearms. “But my second huge problem with the law enforcement story is he (Todashev) was supposed to be signing a confession to a triple murder…I don’t care even if you are the FBI – which doesn’t have a good reputation – you have somebody who’s about to sign a confession, you have him in a jail house, in a secure setting, and the police officers around him are not armed because he’s in a secure setting. For the FBI, this was, at best, horribly mishandled. But it sounds to me very much like they went there with the intent to provoke him and stage a shooting,” Ruppert went on, recounting a similar shooting from decades ago.

And the implication of this, in Ruppert’s words, is that America is landing itself in a Stalinist, or Nazi, system of silencing people.

“If we go back to [those] days, these are executions… dead men tell no tales… and I will speak as an American citizen. My country is behaving like a totalitarian state run amok.”


Lawyer Zaurbek Sadakhanov shows a photo of Ibragim Todashev’s body, with what appears to be a bullet wound in the crown of the head, at the RIA press conference on May 30, 2013. (RIA Novosti / Alexander Natruskin)
Lawyer Zaurbek Sadakhanov shows a photo of Ibragim Todashev’s body, with what appears to be a bullet wound in the crown of the head, at the RIA press conference on May 30, 2013. (RIA Novosti / Alexander Natruskin)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2013 4:14:35 PM

Meanwhile…Boston Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Says He’s Innocent

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, walked without a wheelchair to speak to his mother last week and said he and slain brother Tamerlan were innocent, she says.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, walked without a wheelchair to speak to his mother last week and said he and slain brother Tamerlan were innocent, she says.

From AP – May 31, 2013

THE remaining suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings has recovered enough to walk and assured his parents in a phone conversation that he and his slain brother were innocent, their mother told The Associated Press.

Meanwhile, the father of a Chechen immigrant killed in Florida while being interrogated by the FBI about his ties to the slain brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev, maintained that the US agents killed his son “execution-style”.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, walked without a wheelchair to speak to his mother last week for the first and only phone conversation they have had since he has been in custody, his mother Zubeidat Tsarnaeva told the AP.

In a rare glimpse at Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s state of mind, he told her he was getting better and that he had a very good doctor, but was struggling to understand what happened, she said.

“He didn’t hold back his emotions either, as if he were screaming to the whole world: What is this? What’s happening?,” she said.

Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, left, and husband Anzor Tsarnaev show videos they say show their sons could not have been involved in the Boston Marathon bombings from their new apartment in Makhachkala, Dagestan. Picture: AP

Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, left, and husband Anzor Tsarnaev show videos they say show their sons could not have been involved in the Boston Marathon bombings from their new apartment in Makhachkala, Dagestan. Picture: AP

The April 15 bombings killed three people and wounded more than 260. Elder brother, 26-year-old Tamerlan was killed in a shootout with police, and Dzhokhar remains in a prison hospital after being badly wounded.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, walked without a wheelchair to speak to his mother last week and said he and slain brother Tamerlan were innocent, she says.

“I could just feel that he was being driven crazy by the unfairness that happened to us, that they killed our innocent Tamerlan,” their mother said, standing by the family’s insistent belief that their children are innocent.

The Tsarnaevs met the AP in their new apartment in a 14-story building in a well-to-do area of Makhachkala, the capital of the restive Caucasus province of Dagestan. The apartment had no furniture apart from a TV, a few rugs, and wallpaper materials lying on the floor.

Anzor Tsarnaev, the suspects’ father, said they had bought the apartment for Tamerlan, his American wife, and their young daughter in the expectation that they would move to Makhachkala later this year.

He added that they planned to turn their old home in a dingy district on the outskirts of town into a dentist’s office, so that Dzhokhar, a dental hygiene student, could work out of it after completing his studies.

“All I can do is pray to God and hope that one day fairness will win out, our children will be cleared, and we will at least get Dzhokhar back, crippled, but at least alive,” Mr Tsarnaev said.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2013 9:38:05 PM

The Astrology of June 2013: Help is on The Way

Good News for the Second Half of 2013 and Beyond

The chart for the 2nd half of 2013 combines a Kite, a very supportive configuration, and a Grand Square, a major blocking aspect. This combination of supportive and blocking aspects means, we will see significant forward strides alongside the gradual resolution of deep-rooted, long-standing issues – on all levels, in all areas.

In other words, these aspects will not allow us to simply exploit supportive aspects for short-term gain. They will virtually demand that we also solve underlying problems.

Charts for the first half of 2014 continue this supportive and wholesome trend.

Please read the rest of this prognostication at Carl’s blog…

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2013 10:01:03 PM
This is certainly outstanding news... if real!

COBRA Update: We’ve Opened the Portal!

Posted: 28 May 2013 10:49 AM PDT

Opening of the Portal Report
We have opened the Portal! For the first time in human history, the energy of divine grace has entered the surface of the planet directly from the Galactic Central Sun.

This has drastic and long lasting consequences on the etheric and astral grid around our planet. All etheric and astral matrix, all Archons and reptilians and their technologies have been squeezed into a very thin layer which extends around 100 feet ( 30 meters ) upwards and downwards from the surface profile of the planet. All areas further up and further down from the surface profile have been completely cleared and liberated.

This is a huge victory of the Light and one of the main necessary steps needed before the final victory and the Event.You might begin to feel that there are less attacks and less influence from the negative non-physical entities.The activation of the ALMA vortex has insured that humanity will finally begin to connect with its Soul.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2013 10:08:18 PM

COBRA Update: The Portal & The Event

Lisa Harrison and Co. said it’s their understanding that nothing major will take place now until after the Solstice, June 21st, so we may have a bit of a breather here to adjust to the new energies.

Posted: 30 May 2013 01:23 PM PDT
Short Update about the Irvine/Laguna Conference

Our conference was a huge breakthrough. Our location was the main anchor point for the vortex which activated the Portal. This is one of the main energy breakthroughs needed before the Event can happen.

The focus of our conference was to create task groups which will assist the surface population during the few weeks transition period around the time of the Event. These task groups will develop practical tools which can be used throughout the surface population at the time of the Event to calm the masses and guide humanity through the transition.

Although the civil authority and the Resistance Movement will provide their own infrastructure at the time of the Event, it is very important to have grassroots infrastructure as well. Our alternative infrastructure will fill in the gaps and will ensure that the transition will be smoother and more harmonious.

Six task groups were created: planetary leadership group, healers group, media group, new renaissance group, new technologies group and financial group. All these groups will develop practical tools which can help easing the transition in their specific area.

We have created a special website which will contain detailed instructions for the general surface population for the time of the Event:

Each of our task groups will upload their specific content to the website. It will be upgraded and developed during the next few weeks and when it is fairly complete, it will be time to make it viral throughout the awakened part of the surface population.

Victory of the Light is near!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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