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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2013 10:03:45 PM

Spiritual Maturity and the Divine Qualities


Wayshowers in this area: Desmond Tutu

In observing that I believe spiritual maturity will be the next planet-wide baseline of social behavior, I’m expressing a wish more than an observation. I’m “putting it out there” as something to be achieved, as much as saying that I think it will be forthcoming.

What is the relationship between spiritual maturity and the divine qualities?

In my view, the person who’s successful in following the divine qualities in their life is a spiritually-mature person. The two are synonymous.

The divine qualities include such godly ways of being as love, compassion, courage, integrity, impartiality, unity, harmony, and so on. They’re the qualities that we think God has. I’m not sure we can know. We’re always faced with talking in estimates.


Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

I’d imagine that our knowledge of what qualities God actually has just grows and grows so anything I or perhaps anyone else says on the matter is definitely subject to being revised and even discarded either soon or eventually.

Anything said about God has to be by successive approximations. In fact anything said about God may have the shortest shelf life of any statements made about anything. So do know that I know that. I can’t think of another area in life where there are guaranteed to be no “experts” but this must be one of them.

But at the same time, I believe there’s no more fruitful area for contemplation than what the divine qualities are or may be. How can one lose from focusing one’s attention on a subject like that? I cannot conceive of how.

Spiritual maturity could be said to be the commitment to live life according to the divine qualities. How far we get in our contemplation may depend on how successful we’ve been in clearing out our leftover vasanas (habit and reaction patterns) and exiting the constructed self. The constructed self is the persona we create in reaction to the trauma we’ve suffered in life to see that we don’t suffer that trauma again.

As we emerge from our “old business” in life, we stand a better chance of being able to (1) live by the divine qualities and (2) act in a manner that can be described as spiritually mature.

Nelson Mandella

Nelson Mandella

I don’t particularly hold myself up as a person who behaves spiritually mature. I’m an aspirant in that area along with everyone else, I think. I could point to any number of lapses and failings. But I do aspire.

A further baseline might be enlightened behavior. As soon as we contemplate that as a baseline, we’d have to be specific about the degree or level of enlightenment we’re talking about. There are many levels. I just mention it now as a possible further baseline.

The baseline of spiritual maturity is a lesser baseline than that of enlightenment. What I’d like to see is an entire planet in which the population aims at living lives that are at least spiritually mature. That for me would be a world that works for everyone – or would soon lead to it.

Aung San Suu Kyi 1

Aung San Suu Kyi

To see that arise, I’m willing to speculate on what would need to happen, but not as a show stopper; instead as a show opener. I fully expect what I say here overtaken in a very short time.

The first achievement that would bring us closer to that goal would be that we’re no longer subject to being swept away by our emotional reactions to things. Not me, there!

The second achievement would be that we’ve left aside judging others. Hmmmm…. That’s an admirable goal.

The third achievement would be that we reliably commit ourselves to behavior on our part that reflects the divine qualities and to avoid behavior that does not.

The fourth achievement would be that we’re able to place our caring for others alongside or or even ahead of our caring for self, except in those areas where caring for self represents a wise, necessary, or advisable matter. So standing aside from greed, looking out for Number One, complacency about the lot of others.

There are undoubtedly other achievements that would be desirable but let me stop here and allow others to add to that list or argue for the exclusion of any from that list that turn out to be ill advised. This is not a matter that can be settled once and for all. This is a subject for deeper and deeper contemplation.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2013 10:23:06 PM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

The Ascended Masters: You’ll Find the Mastery We’re Known For


-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Every lesson you’re being given is ultimately designed to help you find the emotions, heart sets and understanding of the higher realms, and we ask you to treat yourselves and those around you with the grace and ease of the Creator; which many of you are beginning to find yourselves able to do with increased ease.

This is because the pure energies delivering your ascension, which you are absorbing and assimilating unto yourselves with fervor yet grace, are settling upon your perspective and helping you to understand and see the Divinity of every single moment of the infinite and glorious Now.

The Now and the energy of the Now are being increasingly understood by a plethora of awakening souls, and the mental desire to fight, rebel or spark argument is derived from a desire not to experience the infinite calm of the moment of Now.

Ego will fight very hard against your establishing of spirituality and understanding, as the lower, mental mind has thrived in the unawareness that has temporarily shielded your minds and hearts.

As you are finding an easy line of connection to the higher realms per your growing-into the states of consciousness you’ve long been destined to find, the mental need to fight or rebel is waning and as such, your ego perceives itself to be in its death throes.

The egotistical aspects of mind are indeed fading away, but your mind will forever be your ally and assistant. The mind is meant to work with the heart, and you can work with your minds from your heart-center on manifesting events in your personal Lives you would like to be able to experience.

Manifesting Necessities

We do not speak of egotistical desires, as to feed an egotistical desire is only to feed the very disintegrating lower-mind that would hold you back forever if allotted. We trust you dear souls are beginning to see when the lower-mind is attempting to take over, as you can now rightly put an end to any type of negative influence it would have over you.

You’ll find that mind is a great ally in the time ahead as we’ve said above, as again, mind can be very helpful when working from a balanced position and when working with the heart to manifest.

Abundance is indeed a necessity, but we don’t intend to say that having a lot of money or material possessions is required for your growth as a soul or for your survival in the lower dimensions. (1)

Indeed they are not, and allowing oneself to fall too deep into the throes of ego and materiality actually serves to halt one’s soul-growth quite exponentially.

You are always growing and learning and your growth as a soul cannot be fully halted, but materiality and feeding the ego can serve to bring your soul growth to a near-grinding halt, and has done so for many Earthly souls who don’t yet understand that there’s something beyond wealth, materiality and possessions.

Consumerism has only encouraged materiality and egoism, and this is why the awakenings taking place in the minds and hearts of humanity are more important than ever. It is time for humanity to learn that there are fruitful, infinite realms just beyond your conscious perspective waiting to be tapped-in to and felt.

Shining Light onto Secrecy & Connecting with us

The awakening you find taking place within you is only to increase in intensity and as such, the lessons you learn and the growth you experience will be planned-out in increasingly-intense ways, that will attempt to break open the paradigm of personally-held secrecy and suppression that’s run rampant.

We do not speak of the secrecy and lies that have been perpetrated on the world stage and rather, we speak of the secrets and emotions kept locked-away within each individual human soul who’s in desperate need of surfacing and release.

It’s time for your ordained Light to be shone onto every last aspect of your existence that has been previously covered-up, as the Light energies leading you ever-onward toward the higher dimensions are ready to uncover all that is not in resonation with their purity.

We ask you to make your attempts to feel the energies of we Masters speaking before you, for we are truly here for every one of you to tap-in to our energies and bring forth fruitful communications and guidance as a result.

We’ve always been with every one of you and while souls steeped in various religions feel themselves unworthy of a solid and constant connection with us, we’re truly here, with and for every one of you and we’ve long been waiting for you to tap-into this realization and bring-forth a resulting contact with us.

We have always been here for every one of you and when this can be understood, the loneliness and detachment from the Divine that so many souls have felt will itself be understood as illusory and unnecessary.

We say that loneliness and feelings of abandonment are unnecessary, because the Love of our Creator can be felt and accessed within the minds and hearts of each one of you. We hold the impressions and energies of our Creator in everything that we do and in every interaction we are blessed with having.

Calming the Public

We are imbuing massive amounts of our Creator’s omnipotent energy unto this communication, and unto every communication we give to various scribes and channelers who are picking up our impressions and utilizing them for the benefit of the entire collective.

Every Earthly soul is awakening to the reality of the existence of realms beyond your understanding, and the energies of we souls are being picked-up on more and more as the very idea of communicating with us and finding a very real and steady link to our energies begins to be accepted by more souls.

People on your world who have previously assumed themselves to be finite human beings will come to find the understanding of their personal Divinity, but when greeted with a plethora of revelations that will make your heads spin and will open your minds and hearts to truths that many souls had previously been blocked away from; we can anticipate the collective energy levels taking quite a dive for a moment.

Others have spoken of the potential difficulty that could be garnered for a very small period of time, when the initial revelations begin to surface that may upset the general public the most.

Like others have, we will remind you that you are on the Earth to act as a beacon of calm and Light for every person who may be initially angry and indeed, even furious over the clear orchestration that has been the establishment of your society as you see it today.

The souls who have been purposely held-back by the cabals in the interests of greed and sacrifice, and who experience vast poverty as a result, are to be given abundance before it is delivered to the considerably-more prosperous areas of your dear world.

If souls in the United States and other developed countries could truly feel the starvation and lack being enforced in too many areas of your world, they would want to do everything they can to help the souls who have been forced into such positions.

Blessing Poverty-Stricken Souls

We will reiterate that every soul is where they are for a specific and ordained reason, but the suffering that’s been enforced is ready to come to an end and the exponentially-negative and damaging vibrations that have been manifested are ready to be healed, rather than continuing to be fed.

We ask every one of you to send your purest of blessing and Lighted energies toward the souls in the areas of your world experiencing such poverty and difficulty, as the cabals have wanted to put every soul who is not directly in their families, into the positions of extreme lack and difficulty that souls in various underdeveloped and “third world” countries have long been ready to rid themselves of.

Your experience of reality has been conditioned in so many ways, and distraction has been used to keep souls in developed countries unaware of the plight of those experiencing massive difficulty and poverty.

We are confident that every one of you reading this can break through the shells of distraction and complacency that would otherwise serve to have monumental effects upon you, as your attunement to the Light energies and your garnering of awareness and compassion are essential if you wish to assist your collective with moving into the sovereign future we can feel you are so very ready to move into.

Many of you are on the Earth to act as way showers; as bridgers for the new world to come about.

Channeling in Various Different Ways

You exist on the Earth, anchoring as much higher-dimensional energy as you possibly can in the midst of your everyday experience. Souls all throughout your world have taken to various different means of channeling the energy of the higher realms unto and through themselves for your entire collective to benefit from.

Some souls actively channel various different ascended beings whom are waiting for our energies and communications to be picked-up on, and some use music or other forms of expression or art to channel vastly-pure energies and vibrations through themselves, for others around them to benefit from.

Every one of you play specific and needed roles in the ascension of the Earth, and to say that everything you’re doing is necessary is a vast understatement.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we express that you’ll find the Mastery we’re known for as you discover that your ability to Master every lesson you are given is actually much stronger than you’ve allowed yourselves to believe.

Illusory limitation will no longer keep you shackled to the realms of the unconscious and as always, we are guiding you ever-onward into perceptions that you have not felt in quite a while but that nonetheless, will feel so very familiar.

Thank you to the Ascended Masters.

(1)-Upon reading over this section of the message, I asked the Ascended Masters if they could provide a bit more clarification on the necessity of abundance. This was their response:

“When we refer to the necessity of abundance, we speak of the personal, spiritual abundance and sovereignty that every soul deserves and requires along their path of understanding their innate godhood and spiritual ability. Outward abundance, manifested in one’s physical reality in the form of enough funds to survive in their everyday Lives, comes as a result of the garnering of enlightenment and personal, spiritual abundance.”

So it seems that, just as they said, they weren’t speaking of financial abundance in the referenced section but rather, spiritual abundance and sovereignty.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2013 4:01:50 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 317

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 317, May 30, 2013 at

The time has come to take a good look at yourselves, dear ones. Do not be shy, and take into account all that you see. Who are you really? And how have you evolved over these last few months, if not weeks? Do you still feel the same, or do you feel as if everything has been turned upside down? Is the image clear, or is it still somewhat blurred? We see you very clearly dear ones, and we see the splendor of who you truly are, but we also see a lot of uncharted possibilities still lying dormant.

Do not take this as a form of chastisement, just as a reminder that there are still pockets of inaccessible energy within you all, and those pockets are more than ready to burst open at any moment now, and give you that added strength you may feel sorely lacking in your lives at the moment.

Let us also remind you of your reason for being here in the first place. Originally, mankind was put onto Earth to help the whole of Creation learn a lesson that could not be given under equal circumstances anywhere else. For you have been put into a physical form with many limitations, and you have been cut off from your own inherent greatness in a way that would force you to evolve by your own prowess alone.

And that was an interesting experience for us all. Not just for all those lucky enough to partake directly by being allowed aboard a human vessel and get to live it all by virtue of being a human amongst other humans on this little planet. But the lessons you have learned, have been for us all, and that has been the intention all along. But, as you know, some other beings intervened, and changed the rules in the classroom so drastically, you were forced to live under a regime that actually hampered your education instead of encouraging it.

As you know, these false rules have now been set aside, and you have once again been allowed the freedom to start to blossom freely, like you were meant to from the very beginning. And many of you have taken upon you the role of being the forerunners in this. For not only have you started to throw off these old shackles of fear and started to grow into the real you, but you have also started to open your heart to the fact that you are an integrated part of the divine cosmos.

You are not merely a human being, you are also a spirit that is connected to All there is, and so, you are so much more than what you see when you look at yourself in the mirror. That is a fact, and we know you have started to realize it, but it is mayhaps not a fact you have truly taken to heart yet.

As we told you in an earlier missive, there are still some blockages stopping the flow of information in the form of light into your heart, and those are the blockages that you have been told to look into now. For they must go, otherwise you will not be able to do what you came here to do. For you came here to bring heaven to Earth in the form of channeling in the divine light that will bring with it the knowledge that has been hidden from mankind for eons.

But unless you remove those blockages you still carry within, that light cannot access your channel fully. And so they must go. But what are those blockages, dear ones? Well, to put it to you in the best way we can, we want you to see that they are nothing more than battle scars, remnants from all of the human dramas you have been partaking in while you attended the school of fear.

These scars can be few, they can be many, they can be slight, or they can run very, very deep. But they are all nothing more than scar tissue, they are actually dead and devoid of any importance at this stage, but as in your phsyical body, this dead tissue is standing in the way for new growth. And so that is why we have told you to let the light come in, for the light will effectively remove these scars, and it will do so painlessly.

But for many, the biggest problem is that they fear these scars, they fear the painful memories and the emotions that made them originally, and so they lose their courage and just pretend that these scars are not even there, or they use all of their energy trying to gather the courage to crack them open. But as we told you earlier, the actual removal of this scar tissue is so much easier than the accruing of them, and infinitely more painless than what many of you think. For you still fall back into human drama when you look at those scars. For the scars in themselves can trigger so much more drama, and so, it turns into a never ending cycle of drama and more drama, all of which is compeletely unnecessary.

Remember we told you earlier to not just leave the stage, but the whole theater of human drama altogether? Well, never have those words been more important. For if you continue to fuel these old scars with new drama, you will only block the light from your channel more and more, and soon, even the strongest of light will have a hard time penetrating it at all. So step away from it all, and look upon it for what it truly is, just old remnants of old drama, wounds from the old school of fear that are ready to be healed and removed in one go.

That is, if you allow them to be. But if you insist on scraping into them, either by forcing yourself to look away from them, or by continuing to remember the reason for their existence, you will make this whole opening up of your own divine channel nearly impossible. So again we say, only by stepping away from the drama, and by letting the light come in, will these old wounds disappear, and the blockages they make will also come undone, and the light will flow fully into the very core of your being. And from there, it will be allowed to flow out into your world, and then, miracles will start to happen.

And when we talk of the light, we talk of the divine light coming in from heavens above. You are all connected to this light, but as yet, the force of it has not been set to full, and it cannot be that either, not before we are well and truly sure that your channel is clear and ready to take it in. And so this is what we want you do to.

You must allow yourself to truly receive what is being given from above. And so, this upcoming Sunday, during the next Gathering, we will help you all we can to attain that full opening. For then, you will be asked to surrender yourself to receiving this healing light that comes from above. You have all been hooked up to the divine golden grid already, and now, the time has come to start to open up for the full potential it carries.

But remember, in order to achieve just that, you must also allow yourself to let go of the human drama that helps to lock you in in so many ways. For then, and only then, will you become that open channel for divine light that will change not only you, but your whole world. Forever.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2013 4:07:16 PM

The Return of the Masters is Underway – Part 1

Ascended Masters 20936Lord Maitreya’s announcement, to be broadcast Monday, May 3, 2013 on An Hour with an Angel, that he is here and will be appearing publicly later this summer is about as clear an indication that the event known as “the Return of the Masters” is nearly upon us as there probably can or will be.

We heard Sanat Kumara, planetary logos, announce the Return of the Masters on An Hour with an Angel on May 28. On that occasion he also addressed our mastery and our return as the masters that we starseeds are once we’ve ascended. Because these events are truly epoch-making, here’s that exchange at length:

Sanat Kumara; Now, there are various masters, particularly Jesus Sananda and St. Germain, Lao-tzu, St. Francis, St. Claire, as you well know, (1) who are very involved also in this reawakening process. …

Steve Beckow: But just before you get to [your round-up], could you be a little more specific, please, on who the masters are who are here? Because I personally know of seraphim who are in incarnation; I know of elohim; I know of the leaders of some planetary high councils that are here; I know of prophets. So could you tell us in more detail or specificity who the people are who have come to participate in form in this Ascension effort, please?

SK: Now, also understand, as I say some of these names, there are those who choose not to be known, and that sometimes it is not an aspect [of their being that incarnates], but an expression of their being.

All of the Apostles as you have known them are already on the planet, as are most of the disciples that have walked with Yeshua, including his family — no, excluding the mother, of course, and excluding Jophiel [who incarnated as Joseph]. …

Saul/Paul, Mohammed — in aspect or expression; Moses, Abraham, most of the old prophets, as you have known them; many of the what you would think of as the eastern beings — Djwhal Khul, St. Germain pops in and out as aspect; Kuthumi, Maitreya — in and out, not fully anchored as yet. There is a new Buddha already born, and already in practice, in place. The Blue Tara, Green Tara. An aspect or an expression of Quan Yin. So they are already present upon the planet.

SB: And the rest of us, so to speak, I’ve heard it said that we are masterful individuals. What specifically is meant by “we are masterful individuals”? Are the rest of us Ascension masters as well, or who are we?

SK: You are yourselves. And that is why I say that in fact you are underestimating the fullness and the truth of who you are. (2)

In this series of articles, I’d like to prepare us for Maitreya’s interview on Monday, June 3, 2013, by looking at what our sources have said about the Return of the Masters.

In 2008, SaLuSa reassured us that “we know the tasks ahead are formidable but where your spiritual knowledge is concerned, the Masters will return to Earth to give you the truth. They will also tell you of what lies ahead, and how the choice is always yours as to which direction you go.” (3)

“Before very long the Masters will return to Earth and, with those already here, will ensure that the false teachings and historical records are either corrected or removed. The truth is not just something written into your records, but an energy that lifts other people up and brings them to a true understanding.” (4)

“When the Masters return you shall learn a lot more about the higher dimensions, and how you will need to adapt to the requirements necessary to live within them.” (5)

He referred to the Return of the Masters on many other occasions as well.

“The Masters … wait in readiness to return to Earth. You might say that the big guns are waiting to appear to you and that is correct, as the truth will sound more acceptable when it comes from those who are familiar to you. Jesus and many Angelic Beings such as Archangel Michael will address you and their words will carry a powerful energy, that will leave you in no doubt that they come to you with Love and Light.” (6)

Some are already here.

“The Masters are returning, and some are already incarnate carrying out their work to bring as many souls as possible into the Light. You have your ideas as to who they are, but for the time being they prefer to work unannounced. However, once the major changes are completed, some Masters will return as names in their own right.

“St. Germain who is so closely connected with your evolution has always come and gone as he pleases, and he will certainly make himself known to you.” (7)

Following disclosure, which we already know Archangel Michael has said is “underway,” (8) they will declare themselves as part of the general revelations.

“The Masters of Wisdom … will be coming to Earth. Indeed some are already with you waiting for their opportunity to reveal who they are and serve the people.” (9)

Archangel Michael through Debbie Erasmus says that a wave of wayshowers will come with the Masters. These wayshowers will be those among us who have ascended early – what i call “the early risers.”

“You are now standing at the cusp of Ascension in earnest with the opening of the 12.12.12 portal. This portal signifies the start of the Ascension process because with it will come a wave of Wayshowers that will infiltrate all the corners of the Earth who will show those who are meant to ascend their way to Ascension.

“These Wayshowers are people of high consciousness and with a high level of understanding of how Ascension works. These people hold an extraordinary high Light quotient on the Planet and they are significant in helping Gaia and her people ascend at this time.

“You will know these Wayshowers when they are among you by their presence. I say this because it will be impossible to act as if they are not there. They will have a commanding presence that will compel you to listen to what they have to say. They come in unconditional love and will speak to you with words that you will easily understand.” (10)

The Return of the Masters is one of the important events in our Ascension. They’ll smooth the Earth’s acceptance of our star family, reassure the followers of different religions that Ascension is legitimate and nearly upon us, and watch over the building of a new society.

It’s we that will build that new society. And they have no intentions, apparently, of somehow dictating what that new society will look like or taking the enjoyment of building it away from us. Its shape is left up to us to decide. But they’ll be available to mentor and guide us as needed.

Tomorrow we’ll look at the history of the discussion of the masters return and in following parts of this series we’ll look at the impact of their return on spirituality and religion and our role as wayshowers and returning masters as well.


(1) “St. Francis Reveals at Least One of His Later Lives: As Mohandas Gandhi,” To listen to the masters collectively, see Wes Annac’s article today: “The Ascended Masters – You’ll Find the Mastery We’re Known For,” channeled through Wes Annac, 30 May, 2013 at

(2) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013, at

(3) SaLuSa, Nov. 24, 2008, at

(4) SaLuSa, Aug. 27, 2012.

(5) SaLuSa, April 2, 2012.

(6) SaLuSa, March 22, 2010.

(7) SaLuSa, Feb. 8, 2010.

(8) Reading with Archangel Michael and Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 29, 2013.

(9) SaLuSa, Jan. 22, 2010.

(10) “Archangel Michael to Susan S. on Why Different Accounts of Ascension Disagree,” through Linda Dillon, Oct. 30, 2011, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2013 4:08:20 PM

Disclosure and Contact “in Very Near Future”

UFO mothership 333Archangel Michael told me through Linda Dillon on Wednesday, May 29, 2013, that Disclosure and First Contact are “underway.” Here is an excerpt from that reading.

Archangel Michael: There is a great deal of shifting with your galactic friends at the moment. There is a repositioning both above and below of many of what you would think of as the channels or the informants. …

There will be a new channel for SaLuSa but it has need to follow what you think of on Earth as the reorganization. And the reorganization, my good friend – and this is good news for you – is taking place in order to align, prepare, get ready, be in position for full contact.

Steve Beckow: Wow. Boy, that’s wonderful. That’s such welcome news.

AAM: It is needed. It is necessary. And, yes, it is welcome above and below. Your star family – and mine – has been very, very patient. The human beings feel that they have been extraordinarily patient. And I would agree with them. Of course they have been, in their own capacities and in their own way. But your star families have waited a long time for this to come to pass.

SB: Again I don’t want to violate Linda’s agreement with you [not to have dates discussed]. (1) But are we talking about the near future, the mid-range future, or the far future?

AAM: We are talking about the very near future.

SB: Now is that something I can quote publicly or would you rather I not do that?

AAM: We would suggest to you that you can use the word that it is underway, that the planning and the positioning is being put in place for this to take place. But please in honoring of this one, avoid dates.

SB: Yes. OK.

This scheduling of Disclosure for the very near future is in alignment with previous statements that Disclosure would take place prior to the Return of the Masters. Maitreya, in his interview to be aired Monday, has said that he will be starting his world speaking tour later this summer and now AAM has said that Disclosure and First Contact will happen in “the very near future” and “is underway.” That suggests that Disclosure will come first and then the Master’s return will follow.

The revaluation of the dinar is also underway and NESARA is said to follow that event in sequential order. So the order could be NESARA first, then Disclosure, and then the Return of the Masters.

Of course I’m only speculating. All the postponements that have taken place have been needed but still disappointing. I don’t advise anyone to make definite plans on the basis of these statements. We’ve waited this long. Hopefully waiting a few more months won’t be that difficult.


(1) It is hard to plan events like these such that an exact day and time can be given. They may come in a week later than expected. But any failure of an event to occur at an exact time results in a tremendous amount of disappointment and much of it comes down on Linda. So we support her in asking that exact dates not be given when discussing such large and complex events.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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