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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/22/2013 6:33:48 PM

Saul via John Smallman: Many of You Have Become Aware That the Lives You are Experiencing are Not God’s Will for You

SaulSaul: Many of You Have Become Aware That the Lives You are Experiencing are Not God’s Will for You. Channeled by John Smallman, May 22, 2013 –

Hear John’s reading of today’s message here:

I am Saul, a being of Light – as is everyone who incarnates on Earth. All consciousness, all sentience is Light. Light is another word or symbol for Love, the energy of the Source, God, the Father, the supreme Intelligence, the Essence of all that exists. It is One.

Separation is a dream, an imaginary state of fear in which you have become embroiled, by your own choice, and from which you are in the process of disentangling yourselves. I offer you loving guidance to assist you in that task, as do many others in the spiritual realms. Be assured that to fail in the task is not possible, is not an option; you will awaken!

Many of you have become aware that the lives you are experiencing, in which pain, suffering, betrayal, and conflict are almost constant, are not God’s Will for you. And if that state is not God’s Will for you, then it must be due to choices that you have made, choices that you can change. And you have made the choice for change, to awaken from that dream – therefore, you will.

However, many others are still holding on grimly to the illusion, believing that it is real, that there is nothing apart from it, in fear of being annihilated, ceasing to exist. Over the eons families have often taken steps to protect their bloodlines, especially those who considered themselves royal, divinely privileged, of higher station, or just better than the so-called common man. That concept, of protecting your station in life, is intensely divisive, driving wedges of envy or fear between you and leading to choices to reject and destroy those whom you believe to be alien, unnatural, not of your stock, and thus providing you with a constant supply of enemies. The insanity of this viewpoint can no longer be ignored, let alone maintained.

The Light-bearers and wayshowers are embracing the divine field of Love, in which all exist, and weaving inextricably into it the energy fields of each and every human that imagines itself as separate. Your imaginations are powerful; they are under your control, and they enable you to build dreams in which to experience life in many different environments – physical, intellectual, emotional – dreams of restriction and limitation, or of freedom and joy. What the Light-bearers and wayshowers are doing is demonstrating Love as a life path, the way it truly is, and showing those who choose to be open to it to see the happiness it brings. Without Love there can be no happiness, no joy; only fear, and all the miserable consequences that follow from it. However, it is impossible to be without Love; you can only pretend to be without It – because It is your very essence.

Demonstrations of Love in action have been ongoing throughout the eons of human existence, as holy ones walked the Earth, but the intent to be separate, individual was so intense and dark that their example was frequently ignored. However, your natural state is one of Love, of Light, and it was quite impossible that you would forever refuse to accept and acknowledge that. The example of those holy ones was remembered and recorded, and over time the seeds of Love that they had planted began to grow and flourish. There have been backlashes against Love as those with dark intentions attempted to smother It, extinguish It, but, as you know, the flame of Love within each and every human is utterly inextinguishable. It can only be temporarily ignored or unacknowledged.

You have chosen to end those dark times and awaken into the Light of God’s Love. In fact you made the choice eons ago at the moment that the separation apparently occurred, and now that choice is being put into effect. There has never before in human history been such an enormous demonstration of Love-in-action on Earth, and the imaginary power of those who would deny that or insist that Love is weak is dissolving, because you have decided that Love is the way forward as your energy fields mingle with the divine energy field and you feel its effects and choose to embrace it.

The tide has turned, the decision for separation, for fear has been revoked, and consequently, Love is flowing freely across the planet for all to acknowledge and embrace. The dark, which is but an absence of Light, is fading as daily more humans uncover the flame of Love within themselves and align with It.

As you have been informed so often, “There is only Love; nothing else exists.” Anything other than Love is illusion, an illusion with which you have chosen to engage while you are experiencing it, and as ever more of you choose to disengage from it, it is disintegrating. Love is the Way, the Truth, and the Light. Nothing can resist It because there is nothing that resists. Love is All!

With so very much love, Saul

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/22/2013 6:34:55 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: The Beliefs That You Hold are So Deeply Ingrained That You Never Question Them

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150Jesus: The Beliefs That You Hold are So Deeply Ingrained That You Never Question Them. Channeled by John Smallman, May 22, 2013 –

John’s reading of today’s post can be found here:

The ongoing awakening process that humanity is undergoing is progressing very nicely indeed. Look for signs of it on the alternate news sites which are making a point of focusing on the good news around the world – there is an enormous amount of it – and do not be disheartened by the bad news reported in the mainstream media.

When you pray or meditate just hold the intent to send love, compassion, healing, and forgiveness to those situations of which you are aware where people or the planet are in distress – because it is very effective. And, of course, as more and more people become aware of the power of their loving intentions and make it one of their daily tasks to open to, interact with, and share the wonderful benefits of their connection to the divine field of Love, then the awakening process accelerates.

Never think that your loving intentions, from which you mostly receive very little feedback, are of little use, meaningless, or inadequate, because I can assure you that they are always extremely powerful and effective, they are changing the world.

Many are looking for and hoping for astounding changes in the world – the world which they perceive – and are experiencing disappointment. This is because they have not changed their perceptions. Within the illusion, you are born into and then normally grow up in a cultural environment to which you become accustomed, and your acceptance of its rightness, its reasonableness is constantly affirmed and strengthened by the very fact of your being immersed in it. The beliefs that you hold – what guides your assessment of what is right or wrong, acceptable, tolerable, or unacceptable – are so deeply ingrained within you that you never question them because you are unaware of them. When you interact with people from different cultural backgrounds, however, you become quickly and vividly aware of the strange concepts that they believe are normal. Basically, for eons, most humans grew up with an unquestioned attitude that “my culture is normal whereas the cultures that are different from mine are strange, lacking in core values, or even threatening,” and are unaware that it is only a belief – a belief that they can change should they choose to do so. It is so deeply ingrained that the idea that they could question it has rarely arisen – until now.

What is happening now is that more and more people across the world are experiencing cultures other than their own, and instead of making instant judgments about them are engaging with them, learning about them, and discovering that while these lifestyles may be very different from their own, their basic needs and desires are very similar. Humanity’s basic needs (not necessarily in order of importance because these needs are all interdependent) are: to be fed, clothed, safely sheltered, and loved. Without an adequate and satisfactory provision of these basics, survival is problematic, and the opportunity to thrive and develop the fullness of the human potential is severely restricted.

This new, ongoing interaction between, and acceptance of, other cultures is leading to huge changes in perception. Across the world organizations have sprung up at the grass-roots level which intend to bring to the collective an awareness of humanity’s interdependence; an awareness of the need for loving cooperation to address and resolve the issues which continue to divide you and encourage conflict; and an awareness that unless harmonious cooperation can be achieved that will bring violent conflict to a halt, humanity may well destroy itself – or rather, the insane choices and decisions made by various inflexible, arrogant, and self-serving elitist groups may do so.

The mainstream news media appears to be unaware of and uninterested in these grass-roots movements, possibly because their paymasters have made that choice for them. And so looking there for the changes you want to see occurring will not be fruitful. However, if you search for the subject “spiritual evolution” and other similarly inspirational subjects on the World Wide Web you will find an enormous number of offerings, attesting to the proliferation of these people-oriented organizations and clearly demonstrating that profound changes in perception are occurring on a massive scale. It is these changes that you need to become aware of and share with friends and family.

Your views – of the world, of people, of issues, of religious or political beliefs – are choices that you have made and that you can change. Mostly they are judgments! When you realize that you have made a judgment, stand back from it. Reassess it. Is it prejudice? habit? animosity? discomfort? For whatever it may be, it sets you up for conflict, and expecting conflict tends to attract conflict.

Instead of perceiving situations or events as calls to judgment, make the decision to perceive them as calls for love. When you do that, you can let go of the involuntary stress or tension that results as soon as you became aware of the situation or event, and you can center yourself, observe what is happening, and make a loving decision, a loving choice about how to respond.

Seeing a call for love instead of a call to judgment is the basic change in perception that is necessary, that is essential, and that is now leading you collectively towards your awakening. And because so many Light-bearers and wayshowers have made this change in perception, the energy of it, the energy of positive, loving change is growing and spreading like the incoming tide, washing over all in its path.

Add your intent to be loving in every situation in which you find yourself to the collective intent to do so, and watch as miracles occur!

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/22/2013 6:38:55 PM
Dear friends, here and in the next post are parts 8 and 9 of Steve Beckow's latest article.

The Truth Will be Revealed – Part 8

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/22/2013 6:40:16 PM

The Truth Will be Revealed – Part 9

Pandemics swine-flu

Swine Flu Virus

The direction of these dark strategies not only came from the cabal in the United States but from dark regimes around the world who saw their rule as being threatened by increasing public resistance to the Illuminati.

“It is not enough to create a distraction for only the people of the United States simply because this is the country where much of the corruption and deception originated and where now investigations are running deep.

“No, it must be a global effort because individuals with dark intentions, who live around the world, are panicking as they see other governments’ citizens joining the clamor for truth, for peace, for renewable energy sources, for improved health care and education, for just laws and rightful recognition of women’s equality.” (1)

Not only were scientists cooperating with the dark agenda; so was the media, Matthew revealed.

“The newest strategy—the ordering of laboratory-designed, created and released swine flu virus—is, as before, abetted by the controlled media’s part of the plan, to declare PANDEMIC!” (2)

President Barack Obama did not support the pandemics, as his predecessors had, as Matthew reports:

“This new diabolical plan has been done without the US government leader’s knowledge, unlike the previous two pandemic attempts, which were fabricated with the approval of the highest members in that administration.” (3)

ET Intervention against Pandemics

In 2008, Matthew told us that the God of this universe had authorized extraterrestrial intervention against pandemics: “God has authorized extraterrestrial intervention to prevent all … attempts” to destroy Earth’s population, “including the neutralizing of manmade viruses that were intended to create pandemics.” (4)

This is important because galactic intervention would have to be authorized at the highest levels in the universe. Unlike us, the friendly galactics follow the universal laws, including non-intervention in the affairs of other civilizations, unless authorized.

On several occasions, Matthew told us that galactic technology neutralized the vaccines and erased the programming of the nanotechnology that vaccines were intended to introduce into people’s bodies.

“But, just as in the previous flu situations, the technology of our universal family has neutralized the swine flu virus-laden vaccines and will continue to do so as long as the makers persist in their scheme. And please have no worries about programmed microchips being implanted via inoculations—if that is attempted, the programming will be erased by that same technology.” (5)

“This swine-flu situation will have the same result. The technology of our family in other star nations has neutralized the vaccine that is intended to spread this disease, just as they did to prevent the spreading of SARS and avian flu.” (6)

“And those diseases would have caused justifiable panic if their full effects had not been severely curtailed by ET technology that reduced them from the laboratory designers’ expected bang to a whimper.” (7)

He revealed that extraterrestrials planted in the labs often did the work of neutralization: “None of the highly publicized ‘feared’ pandemics occurred because family members working in your laboratories neutralized the toxins in vaccines that were designed to cause illness and death.” (8)

Matthew found it “puzzling … that these dark ones did not learn from their abject failures with SARS and then the avian flu, both of which were widely publicized with the same global pandemic prognosis; eventually the publicity was forced to cease because those diseases caused a few deaths, then totally fizzled out.” (9)

In March of 2009, he told us that the galactics were painstakingly investigating “deliberately contaminated vaccines and laboratory-designed diseases to reduce the world’s population. … This far-reaching [legal investigation] is being accomplished within legal means that require indisputable evidence, an essential but tedious and time-consuming process, and like all legal matters, progressive developments are not publicly reported.” (10)

In July 2009, Matthew found it “heartening to see widespread rebellion against inoculating the populace for a mild form of flu, but at this point we cannot determine if that will derail the vaccination program because the energy of resistance is about equal to the energy of greed and diabolical intentions of pharmaceutical companies’ top management.”

“Yes, indeed they are Illuminati, and they still wield strong influence in clinical medicine, medical research and drug approval bodies—in short, they have been creating diseases by one means or another and manipulating health care systems and medications around your world.” (11)

Thus, our star family is the force that stood between us and our injury at the hands of the Illuminati’s biowarfare efforts.

The full truth of this dark plan to reduce the world’s population by any means possible, including pandemics like AIDS, will come out along with all the other revelations that can be expected when the world’s media throw off their chains.


(1) Matthew’s Message, April 28, 2009, at

(2) Ibid.

(3) Ibid.

(4) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 21, 2008.

(5) Matthew’s Message, July 18, 2009.

(6) Matthew’s Message, April 28, 2009.

(7) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 31, 2003

(8) “Matthew’s Message,” November 20, 2012.

(9) Matthew’s Message, April 28, 2009.

(10) Matthew’s Message, March 10, 2009.

(11) Matthew’s Message, July 18, 2009.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/22/2013 6:41:38 PM

Myanmar Leader First to Visit US in 47 years

President Barack Obama shakes hands with Burma's president, Thein Sein in the Oval Office. Until two years ago the former general was on a US blacklist. Photograph: Shawn Thew/EPA

President Barack Obama shakes hands with Burma’s president, Thein Sein in the Oval Office. Until two years ago the former general was on a US blacklist. Photograph: Shawn Thew/EPA

Stephen: A trio of new energy firsts here: firstly, that the leader of what was formerly Burma was allowed to visit the US (see below); secondly that he again met with US President Obama (who visited Myanmar in November last year); and, thirdly, that the President used the name Myanmar (although the publication this story comes from didn’t!) Oh, what a turnaround from even two years ago.

Thein Sein Becomes First Burmese President to Visit US since 1966

By Ewen MacAskill in New York, The Guardian, May 20, 2013

Former general Thein Sein became the first Burmese president to visit the White House in almost 50 years on Monday – a visit human rights groups protested was premature, citing alleged ethnic cleansing and civil rights abuses.

Barack Obama, talking to the press alongside Thein Sein, acknowledged the human rights abuses but also praised him for the progress he had made towards democracy in the last two years.

In a symbolic moment, Obama became the first US president to talk about Myanmar rather than Burma. The US has long resisted the change, in part because of pressure from opposition groups and human rights organisations who said Myanmar was a name used by the military junta and was not inclusive of all the country’s ethnic groupings, unlike Burma.

Earlier, the White House press secretary, Jay Carney, anticipating the use of Myanmar, said it was not a change in policy by the US, which continued to view the name of the country as Burma, and there were no plans to officially adopt Myanmar. But there were times when its use as a courtesy was appropriate in certain settings, Carney said.

The visit underlines the extent to which Burma’s status has changed. Two years ago it was still viewed as an international pariah, run by a military junta. Since then, there has been a partial transfer to civilian rule, with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi being allowed to enter parliament and the release of hundreds of political prisoners.

Obama, anxious to encourage reform and trade, visited Burma in November. It has been one of his few foreign policy successes, courting the country and shifting it away from China’s sphere of influence.

Thein Sein was until September last year on a US blacklist that would have prevented entry to the country. It is the first visit by a leader from Burma since Ne Win in 1966. Ne Win led the coup that established military rule in 1962.

Obama praised Thein Sein for making a start towards establishing a democracy. “We’ve seen credible elections and a legislature that is continuing to make strides in more inclusivity and greater representation of all the various ethnic groups in Myanmar,” he said, adding that Thein Sein would be the first to admit it was a long journey and “there is still much work to be done”.

Obama said that Sein shared with him that he planned to release more political prisoners.

Thein Sein told journalists: “For democracy to flourish, we will have to undertake more economic and political reforms in the years ahead … and will need the assistance and understanding of the international community, including the US.”

Muslim protesters outside the White Hous on 20 May.A report on Monday detailed attacks against Muslims in Burma in late March which it said resulted in the deaths of 20 children and four teachers. Photograph: Mladen Antonov/AFP/Getty Images

Obama did not duck the human rights complaints. He said he had discussed with the Burmese president “our deep concerns about the communal violence directed at Muslim communities inside Myanmar. The displacement of people, the violence towards them needs to stop.”

Brianna Oliver, a spokeswoman for the US Campaign for Burma, which organised protests to coincide with Thein Sein’s visit, said: “We believe that President Obama has been giving way too many concessions to the Burmese government. We are seeing sanctions being lifted and we are seriously concerned about the ethnic cleansing and human rights.”

She said the use of Myanmar was significant because Burma had been completely respectful to the rest of the union whereas Myanmar, the name used by the regime, had not been all-inclusive. “It is very unfortunate for President Obama to concede this,” Oliver said.

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, released a report on Monday detailing attacks against Muslims that took place in central Myanmar in late March which it said resulted in the deaths of at least 20 children and four teachers.

The report said state authorities stood by watching the events unfold and were complicit in these crimes.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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