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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/21/2013 4:06:04 PM

Pallas Athena via Fran Zepeda: I Take You Close To My Chest and Heart and Comfort You In Your Uncertainty

PallasAthenaAnthony: The Greek goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts, Athena, is often also referred to as Pallas Athena.

Pallas Athena: I Take You Close To My Chest and Heart and Comfort You In Your Uncertainty. Channeled Through Fran Zepeda, May 20, 2013 –

Greetings, I am Pallas Athena, warrior of truth, loving presence and protector of all mankind. I come to bring you good tidings and words of joy and assistance. For yours is not an easy task but a monumental one, and it is time to light up all corners of the earth in preparation of true ascension for all.

I am a seeker of truth, a purveyor of truth and a guiding light for your journey here on Mother Earth. Many of you do not know me, but I stand in waiting for your call for assistance. And you shall have it, dear ones, upon the asking.

Come into my energy, bring forth my energy, when you are uncertain of your path, when you are uncertain of your truth, for you shall have it with just a request and an intention to be fully aligned with the truth and with all-pervading love.

I see you struggling with the onslaught of energy of late, kind of like reeds bending in the wind. However, just like the reeds which eventually stand up tall and unyielding following and in spite of the barrage, you shall recover too as you accept the flood of energy and light designed only for your benefit. Just like a flower who accepts the sunlight with gratitude, you are accepting the energy from SOL (the sun) with equal gratitude and even relief, for with that avalanche of Truth and Light comes Freedom and you are all in line for it.

I take you close to my chest and heart and comfort you in your uncertainty for as the clouds are clearing, you are seeing a bright new day. Just as the wind must first blow away the dust, and the rain must wash away the soot before the landscape can be sparkling and pure again, you are withstanding major droves of clearing for yourselves and others and the only thing that can come of it, if you allow it without bending or retreating or pushing it down, is a bright new life that benefits you and others.

My love for you all is always there, and my gratitude for you is always present as I work with the other Ascended Masters, Angelic Realm and Star Beings to assist you and to assist Mother Earth through this transition you are all going through. Only good can come of it. Know that, dear ones.

Your strength is immense and you keep drawing more, for the well of courage and strength and power is unending, for you are tapping pure true Source, dear ones. And you are getting better at it, every day.

So carry on, dear hearts. I am always by your side, offering you my words of wisdom and encouragement for you to carry on. Well done so far! Now through all the dross, and with all the might with which you have carried yourself so far, please continue on in the same vein.

Your loyal servant,

Pallas Athena

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/21/2013 4:08:28 PM

Master Kuthumi via Natalie Glasson: Clearing a Pathway for Love

Master KuthumiMaster Kuthumi via Natalie Glasson: Clearing a Pathway for Love, channeled by Natalie Glasson, 20 May, 2013 at

From the expanse and warmth of my heart I extend my love to you now as a greeting that will remain eternally with you. My love for you is never lacking nor is it withdrawn; I love you unconditionally and eternally.

It is my greatest purpose to allow and support you to feel the love within your being, to experience, to acknowledge and accept the vast expanse of love that you hold. I would ask also that this becomes your purpose for yourself and for others, to support yourself and others in feeling and experiencing the love that is present.

Every action that you take on the Earth whether you achieve it to support yourself or another is to allow you or the other, or in truth both, to experience the love within your beings. Such a beautiful intention that can be held will allow for a greater and more abundant experience of love within your being and reality. There is no such thing as lack of love, only abundant, every flowing eternal and unconditional love. It is important to truly realise and understand my words and their meaning as they can if you choose alter your experience of the Creator’s love and loving presence.

Do you push love away? Do you feel as if you are lacking in love or other parts of your reality and being? Are these beliefs that you have created and built true or helpful to you as a being who seeks to become one with the Creator? Can you acknowledge that lack is another feeling or belief in disguise, as you rejecting and pushing yourself further away from the Creator’s abundant love?

At the centre of most experiences of lack is fear but fear can take on so many different forms that it is no longer recognised as fear. Fear in itself is an illusion, fear doesn’t exist and yet often you may choose to create it. There is only the essence within your being, the easiest way for you to experience and to recognise this essence is to acquaint it with love.

To love as the Creator and to be loved can be one of the most valuable and difficult lessons upon the Earth to master because there are so many levels and forms within your being and reality that this lesson manifests as, in order for you to experience and overcome it. Often lessons connected to love manifest without you consciously realising and so it can take great self-observation to truly recognise and understand them, allowing yourself to open up to love.

Experiencing, embodying, accepting and expressing the love of the Creator can be both something that you deeply desire and also fear simultaneously. When you begin to let go of the need, the attachment and desire for experiencing the love of the Creator especially as an expression through others then you set yourself free.

Often when in a physical body the experience of separation is so severe that you can become focused on the need, attachment and desire to experience the love of the Creator therefore becoming so concentrated on seeking love that you forget that which you seek is always present and available for you to experience. It is often nourishment of the essence or love that is already present within your being is all that is required but one can often become focused on seeking nourishment for the inner love as well which acts as a distraction.

Recognition, knowingness, repetitive focus of the presence of love eternally growing within your being will again offer to you the freedom that is needed to enjoy and experience that which is within you. When your demands upon the Creator and those around you cease then there is no choice but to observe what is left within you. It can often appear that what remains within you is weak and unworthy of your focus but this is only because you have yet to recognise all that you are and all that is the Creator within your being.

This recognition is eternal and so there is a need to become familiar with the process of recognising the Creator, and or love within your being. The process of recognising the Creator becomes your constant companion. The freedom that can be experienced when all of your needs, demands, desires and expectations for and from the love of the Creator are discarded actually allows an instant reaction which can be experienced as love flowing into or from your heart chakra, or simply the heart chakra opening to reveal the love within. In truth it can be like a breath of fresh air.

It is my belief that focus upon your thoughts and the vocabulary you use can assist you in dissolving attachments, demands and expectations upon yourself and others and even the love of the Creator. Allow yourself for a few days to observe the wording that you choose to express yourself and your essence. As you observe naturally allow yourself to make active changes in order to generate a sense of freedom and love in your vocabulary. Your wording is extremely important as it co creates with your mind your own reality and manifestations to experience.

Your wording can actually share with you all issues of resistance, illusion and lack that you may still be holding onto. For example, ‘I have to go to work, I have to meet a friend or I have to meditate,’ maybe this emphasises that you are not in control of your reality, that you have no options or opportunities and feel limited. Maybe it would serve you to say, I choose to go to work, I choose to meet a friend, it would serve me to meditate.’

Another example could be, ‘You/ I should do……’ which could be converted to ‘You/ I (may) feel guided to do…….’ Allow yourself to infuse your vocabulary with love and positivity rather than lack, fear and pressure upon yourself. It is to create a positive statement while not taking away the meaning of the statement creating a greater experience of love and freedom within your vocabulary; therefore you will experience love and freedom in your reality and within your being.

Another opportunity to experience a greater sense of freedom in your experience of the love of the Creator is to observe your reality holding the perspective that you are the creator of your entire reality. Allow yourself for this exercise to take away all forms of blame and judgement upon other people within your reality.

Allow yourself time in a state of meditation and contemplation to observe the actions of others towards you whether they are loved ones or strangers, with this observation permit yourself to realise that you created every action, reaction, word or experience. Remember that this observation is only for the time that you set aside as a meditation exercise. Imagine without judgment on yourself that everything you are experiencing you chose to put into your reality to experience.

Rather than dwelling on the experience, the action or reaction, allow yourself to interpret the lesson or insight that is available for you to grow and evolve in this moment. Observe your feelings, thoughts and beliefs, let yourself come to an understanding of why you chose to experience whatever you are focused upon. Then you begin to understand yourself more fully and can almost see beyond the illusion of the Earth. With your recognition and with your love of your guides and for yourself you can heal the origin of the creation allowing for a transformation to occur within your reality because that healing will be projected from within you into your reality for you to experience.

It is important to realise that you co create your reality with others, their creations can have an impact upon your reality as can your creations influence the lives of others, but when you allow yourself to step back, to detach and to take responsibility you are taking a step to knowing yourself more fully, healing yourself and changing your physical reality.

Even taking responsibility during this meditation experience can allow you to develop inner strength, compassion, a greater sense of truth and can assist you in avoiding becoming entangled in unneeded creations within your reality. To take responsibility in this way allows a greater sense of freedom and for your heart chakra to open to reveal the natural love that exists within your being, which is your power, your truth and your essence. Your natural love essence is your divine right to experience.

I hold you in a loving embrace always,

I am Master Kuthumi

Please share and post with others including the following details: ‘Channelled through Natalie Glasson of the Sacred School of OmNa,‘. Thank you

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/21/2013 4:11:10 PM
Dear friends, here and in my next post are parts 6 and 7 of Steve Beckow's great article.

The Truth Will Be Revealed – Part 6

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/21/2013 4:14:44 PM

The Truth Will Be Revealed – Part 7

musko-underground 1

There are underground naval facilities as well

(Continued from Part 6.)

On Oct. 7, 2011, Wanderer of the Skies confirmed David’s report.

“The underground bases, of which we have spoken in the past which harbor those factions of the Illuminati who have created the most resistance to these changes, have indeed been destroyed with no loss of life we have been able to detect.

“A clear message has been sent to some of the last hold outs to the agreements already in place for the surrender of the Illuminati and their capitulation in your affairs. Other sources have begun to report on these events and the Illuminati needs no confirmation of what has occurred.

“That message, as we have been able to monitor through the emotions and thoughts of those it affected, has been received quite forcefully. They are now aware there is no alternative and this is their end.” (4)

On Oct. 10, 2011, Matthew Ward also told us that the underground bases were in fact destroyed and that the operation had been carried out without loss of life.

“You may have heard that two vast underground areas that housed Illuminati-controlled laboratories, vehicles, weaponry, storehouses and living quarters were destroyed, but it was by safe technologies, not nuclear devices; and some within the Illuminati camp have been removed from power, but not by killing them. As both defensive and offensive measures, the light forces use only the power of light and technologies that have no harmful aftereffects.” (5)

On October 13, 2011 David said:

“MANY underground bases have now been completely cleared out… materials, equipment, and personnel… by yet-unknown forces. An international coalition, intending to overthrow the Old World Order and free humanity from enslavement, is claiming responsibility. They also appear to have extraterrestrial assistance in this mission.” (6)

Two weeks later he gave this full report:

TR3-B 22

And a secret space fleet, Solar Warden – TR3-B

“These strikes have dealt critical, mortal blows to Majestic [the cabal's ET handlers]. It is as if the brains have been removed from the body. It is the greatest single surprise in this entire behind-the-scenes war, since the dawn of the UFO cover-up — and it was still only the first volley. …

“The Colorado earthquake from barely a day earlier was apparently due to another very major underground facility being wiped out — which was directly connected to the Denver airport.

“The facility near Washington, DC was where many government personnel and insiders planned on fleeing to in the event of an “emergency” — such as the public revealing of their culpability in high crimes and misdemeanors.

“Apparently, many of them had lavish private quarters in this facility, complete with personal belongings — all of which were wiped out.

“Similarly, the facility under the ground in Colorado was massive, and had a great deal of supplies. I’ve now had multiple points of confirmation from every key insider I know that these bases were indeed wiped out on August 22nd and 23rd. …

“It also seemed hard to believe that such a massive strike could have occurred against Old World Order bases. Nonetheless, as time went on, various insiders I knew were briefed about what had happened — and over a few weeks of time, the ‘big picture’ came together. …

“I have since heard that no radiation was found in these bases, and the damage is consistent with a 20-fold increase in air pressure that occurred spontaneously.

“Later on, audio recordings were recovered from within the bases, revealing that for 24 hours prior to the ‘explosions,’ there were sounds of furniture sliding all over the floor and people yelling and screaming.

“It does appear that all the personnel in these bases were ‘portaled’ to a safe location, along with the material they need to survive.” (7)

SaLuSa explained that the loss of these bases had significantly reduced the Illuminati influence.

“You have to move quickly from the set up that has been maintained by the Illuminati, one that has kept you under their control. They have sought to create situations that make you more and more reliant on them. In so doing they have done everything in their power to stop you advancing into the New Age, as that would have made you more independent of them.

“However, their power has now been greatly reduced and will continue to do so until we can remove them from positions of authority and influence. Already many of their secret bases have been dismantled and disabled so that they are permanently out of use.” (8)

In early 2012, he said that “in time all military bases will be closed forever.” (9) On March 1, 2012, Matthew Ward informed us that some of the really dark experiments that had been going on in the DUMBs had thereby been halted.

“Military leaders are cooperating with the light forces to impede aggression by troops still in the Illuminati camp, and the destruction of some of their cavernous underground areas has halted heinous experiments and other covert activities.” (10)

Later in 2012 David speculated that the destruction of the bases had terrified the Illuminati.

“Even more surprisingly, dozens of underground bases have now been completely emptied out — beginning on August 23, 2011.

“This is terrifying to the occult Cabal that has seized control of much of the financial system, as well as the governing and judiciary bodies of several of the top nations in the world.” (10)

The destruction of the bunkers was an iconic event, signalling as it did the end of the cabal’s ability to survive the nuclear winter and emerge afterwards as the undisputed rulers of Planet Earth. Although the truth of this event is probably not even suspected by the population at large, it is a watershed in human history.

(Continued in Part 8.)


(1) SaLusa, Sept. 21, 2012, at

(2) George Green, “George Green: Interview transcript – Part 1,”at

(3) David Wilcock, “Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed,” Divine Cosmos, Sept. 16, 2011, at (David Wilcock, “Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed,” Divine Cosmos, Sept. 16, 2011, at

(4) Wanderer of the Skies, Oct. 7, 2011, at

(5) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 10, 2011, at

(6) David Wilcock, “Disclosure Imminent? Part II: Many More Bases Destroyed,” Oct. 13, 2011, at

(7) David Wilcock, “New Fulford Interview Transcript: Old World Order Nearing Defeat,” Oct. 31, 2011, at

(8) SaLuSa, Nov. 30, 2011.

(9) SaLuSa, Feb. 3, 2012.

(10) Matthew’s Message, Mar. 1, 2012.

(11) David Wilcock, “Divine Intervention: ETs Defeating Old World Order,” May 9, 2012, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/21/2013 4:15:57 PM

Electricity From Thin Air: Using Nanotechnology to Capture the Energy Around Us

Dr Zhou Lin Wang holds fibers containing nanogenerators. Woven into clothing, these fibers could power devices using energy from our daily movements. Image courtesy of Gary Meek.

Dr Zhong Lin Wang holds fibers containing nanogenerators. Woven into clothing, these fibers could power devices using energy from our daily movements. Image courtesy of Gary Meek.

Thanks to Suzanne.

By Kevin Boehm – Yale Scientific Magazine – May 11, 2013

Energy exists all around us — in the motion of a heartbeat, the fluorescent light in an office building, and even the flow of blood cells through the body. These individual units of energy are relatively small, but they are numerous.

Dr. Zhong Lin Wang, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, has developed a way to harness this ambient energy.

After months of work, Wang and his team have developed the very first hybrid cell, which is capable of harnessing both motion and sunlight. By tapping into multiple sources of readily available energy, the tiny cells have the potential to revolutionize the way we power our devices.

All of our electronic devices, from medical sensors to calculators, require a constant supply of energy. Currently, the most common methods are a plug and power supply or batteries, both of which are large and thus limit miniaturization.

Since Wang’s cell is small enough to work on the nanoscale, it can readily be incorporated into biomedical sensors, cellphones, and other small electronics. The cell’s hybrid design is an advantage as well: Solar energy alone produces high voltages but is unsuitable for devices used in the dark, while energy from ambient motion is more consistent but is available on a smaller scale. By combining these sources, Wang’s device can provide a highly reliable supply of electricity.

Wang developed the motion-harnessing component of the hybrid cell in 2006. These devices, called nanogenerators, can collect energy at the micro- and nanoscales of motion by relying on piezoelectricity, the production of a current from compression or strain.

To construct a nanogenerator, Wang grew a vertical array of microscopic zinc oxide (ZnO) wires on a flat base. On top of this, he placed an electrode with multiple pointed peaks that give it a “zig-zag” appearance. When the ZnO nanowires are bent out of their ordered formation, they generate small electric charges due to piezoelectricity. They then touch the zig-zag edge of the electrode, which collects all the electricity to produce a current. Due to its sensitivity, a nanogenerator can capture even vibrations of very small magnitudes, which can then be harnessed to power an object such as a pacemaker. In fact, nearly a milliwatt of mechanical energy exists in each cubic centimeter of the ambient environment.

Wang’s device relies on incredibly thin zinc oxide nanowires, which are arranged in a vertical array to harvest light and ambient motion. Image courtesy of Nano Jet News.

Wang’s device relies on incredibly thin zinc oxide nanowires, which are arranged in a vertical array to harvest light and ambient motion. Image courtesy of Nano Jet News.

Many devices, however, cannot be sustainably powered by nanogenerators alone; solar cells generate a larger voltage more practical for use in bright environments. To miniaturize solar power capture, Wang made use of an existing technology called a dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC). These cells are made by combining an anode with an electrolyte solution to form a semiconductor.

First, a dye is applied to the anode to make it sensitive to light. When light strikes the dye, it releases electrons that flow through the anode toward the electrolyte solution, generating a current. Wang’s method employs the same principle on a miniaturized scale. Dye-coated ZnO nanowires serve as the anode, surrounded by the cell with a chamber of electrolytic fluid, forming a DSSC small enough to integrate with a nanogenerator.

After refining both technologies in collaboration with Dr. Xudong Wang of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wang has discovered a way to incorporate both nanogenerators and DSSCs into a device he terms a “hybrid cell.” The upper layer of the cell harvests light energy, and the nanogenerator below collects ambient motion. A single layer of silicon is sandwiched between the two and functions as an electrode for both devices, combining their energy into a single output. The two sources can be connected in parallel for higher currents and in series for higher voltages.

Even in the absence of light or motion, the circuit can still be completed. This is highly desirable because it generates electricity based on what is available. The hybrid cell captures what it can from the environment, but it is not limited by the absence of one source. Furthermore, although the nanogenerator alone produces a low voltage, combining it with the solar cell boosts the overall voltage of the device. These complementary sources allow the device to efficiently use energy resources in a variety of environments and situations.

Solar-powered calculators are a macroscopic example of using ambient energy to power a device. Image courtesy of Office Depot.

Solar-powered calculators are a macroscopic example of using ambient energy to power a device. Image courtesy of Office Depot.

Hybrid energy harvesters are well suited to power implantable medical devices and other small electronics. In particular, Wang has proposed the installation of hybrid cells on sensing devices that gather information about the environment. This would replace traditional macroscopic sensing and provide more points of data for analysis. Using this richer data source could revolutionize fields such as environmental temperature studies, military reconnaissance, medical endoscopies, and underwater exploration.

However, there are many factors that must be addressed before this technology can be deemed dependable enough to power life-saving medical devices and other valuable electronics. One major problem is consistency, since solar energy cannot be harvested within an organism due to the lack of light. Additional complications arise from the ZnO wires in the nanogenerator. They are not all of the same length, resulting in some wires that are too short to touch the zig-zag electrode and others that are too long to flex and produce a current.

Wang and his team are working to address these challenges. To improve the nanogenerator component, Wang anticipates increasing the wire density to result in greater power output: If there are more wires per unit area of the substrate, there will be more electricity generated. Researchers are also investigating devices that can harness other sources of energy, such as thermal and chemical, and be incorporated into the cell. Biochemical energy — using enzymes to catalyze energy-yielding reactions — is particularly attractive due to its prevalence inside an organism where light energy is low.

A hybrid cell in series conformation showing how the nanogenerator and solar cell are combined. The layer of silicon in between the two portions functions as a shared electrode. Image courtesy of Zhong Lin Wang

A hybrid cell in series conformation showing how the nanogenerator and solar cell are combined. The layer of silicon in between the two portions functions as a shared electrode. Image courtesy of Zhong Lin Wang

The integration of two energy-harnessing methods is the true genius of Wang’s work. As the movement for self-powered electronics gains momentum, future combinations may harness thermal, biochemical, and other energy sources depending on the device’s location. Each energy source has its own limitations, but integrating multiple collectors into one device leads to efficiency, reliability, and sustainability. It may not be so long before our iPods are powered by the steps we take in our morning jogs.

About the Author: Kevin Boehm is a sophomore in Silliman College majoring in Biomedical Engineering. He is the vice president of the Yale Biomedical Engineering Society and conducts research in diagnostic radiology at the Yale School of Medicine.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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