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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/21/2013 10:01:36 PM
Dear friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Ascension Effects, A Rapid Evolution and Fourth Dimensional Growth


-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Your conscious experience as you go about it is sustained upon a frequency of reality. The specific octave of consciousness you exist upon breeds an equally-specific type of experience, and as you rise in consciousness you find the density around you growing lighter and lighter.

You will find yourselves beginning to weigh less as you go about your physical ascension processes, and one of the initial symptoms you will notice when your perceptions are kicked into a noticeably high gear will be the seeming weightlessness of your form. Your experiences will brim much more with joy and synchronicities than they do even currently and in general, you will find your moods very easy to lighten.

You will find yourselves sparkling with exuberant, Divine energy and you will attach an energy to yourselves that is recognizable in a plethora of pregnant women who seem to be “glowing” when taking in a new Life and a new soul which, in your most recent decades, will have (likely) come from the higher realms to help the Earth find Her ascension and to help Her collective awaken in time for such an ascension.

In regards to this, the entire collective of humanity is finding an increasingly pure understanding and perspective and while it does not yet seem to be so, we ask you to trust that the inner-workings of the Divine are awakening a plethora of souls who would have otherwise chosen to remain asleep.

Preparing to Feel the Effects of Ascension

The assistance you are all offering is largely helping to initiate the widespread, collective awakening taking place, and we attempt to explain some of the initial ascension-related symptoms you will feel when the purest of energies and perceptions begin to descend down in a partial effort to prepare you for such feelings.

While we do not feel you will be overwhelmed by the time they come about, we simply wish to see you ready and will give as much assistance and guidance along the way of doing so as we possibly can, for our Love for you is so very strong and pure.

We are helping to prepare you to understand the brimming realms of full consciousness you have been working toward for so very long, as every bit of understanding you have gained about the higher realms is not to be scrapped altogether, but upgraded.

You are discovering the higher realms through the filters of your (currently) lower dimensional minds, and your opening hearts are helping you to gain purer and purer glimpses into the higher realms in every moment. You are growing your perceptions of these realms, and along with this will come an easy ability to understand much of what would still seem too complex or complicated for your expanding minds and hearts to comprehend from your current perspective.

Your perceptions are increasing in purity, and your perspective in every moment will begin to reflect this increase as you find yourselves growing and learning exponentially.

A Rapidly-Proceeding Evolution

While for some of you, your growth as a soul tends to feel as if it is dragging on or as if you are never going to find the higher dimensions of experience; we remind you that your evolution is actually proceeding at quite a rapid pace compared to what is seen as normal for the ascension of a planet, and Earth is among the select few planets (initially) undergoing a collective ascension and will quite literally start a tidal wave of ascensions all through the vast Cosmos when such ascension occurs.

For this and plenty of other reasons, we ask you all to increase your efforts when you feel you can while at the same time, making allowance for the necessary rest you must seek at some points during your journeys.

Your metaphysical perceptions are increasing in every single moment, and it is important for you to absorb and take in the energies you’re feeling yourselves better able to access and as well, to allow yourselves to rest if you need to assimilate such energies in a slower manner.

At times you will, because these purer energies bring with them a blatant change to the functioning of your bodies so that your higher dimensional capabilities can be brought about and understood as much as possible.

As your bodies have been adjusted to a lower dimensional plane of reality for so very long, the increased perceptions you are finding in yourselves call for allowance to be made for adjustments to your bodies; as your growing and learning is only to continue and your perceptions are only to expand.

You are Uplifting the Earth’s Surface

(Many of) you are finding and feeling so many changes in yourselves and even when it does not seem to be so, we remind you that your growing and learning has been exponential and will only continue to be so.

We are here for you dear souls, to offer our perspective in every moment on your ongoing ascension processes and on the awakening of the minds and hearts of each and every Earthly soul who has been stuck within the perceptual constraints of a reality adjusted to a specific lower octave of consciousness.

It is truly amazing to watch you quite literally uplift the surface of the Earth and the collective consciousness of those around you, as you are lifting yourselves and those around you into a purer octave of consciousness and experience as you go about your daily endeavors and find a plethora of difficulty at times.

Every bit of difficulty you experience is necessary for your ultimate growth as a soul, which is why we ask you to allow everything that happens in your Lives to play out accordingly and to know that always and in all endeavors, Source is with you.

We have always been with you as well, and we are quite close with many of you dear souls who have worked with us in previous encounters on various facets of the ultimate ascension of the Universe.

The ascension of the Universe has itself been in an accelerated phase, and this will become increasingly apparent after your collective undergoes your ascension and the aforementioned tidal wave is felt across the Universe and across all of Creation.

Inspired Evolutions

As small of a planet as Earth is in comparison to the infinite realms and planets beyond yours, the powerful evolution you are to experience will be just that and will inspire the evolution of so many other individual souls and collectives who can truly use the uplifting energies Earth’s ascension is to provide.

If you could only fathom the importance of your mission and how wonderful what you are doing is, you would understand the brimming happiness you are always greeted with in the higher realms. Of course, if you possessed our perspective entirely and could fathom the importance of what you are doing on the Earth, it would take some of the fun out of you awakening into such importance and understanding just how needed and Lighted what you are doing truly is.

You are all meeting with Councils of Angels at night and as your heads lay sleeping, your innate spiritual selves travel off to fruitful astral lands and convene with a plethora of souls from the higher realms; we being some of them.

You have communed and worked with us in your sleep realms; with your Galactic brethren; with the Agarthans and with so many other souls whom you will fully remember upon being introduced to us in your physical reality.

What you’ve known as disclosure is to bring along with it much more than the presence of your Galactic brethren, who have been waiting as eagerly as you all have for their presence be made known so that they can be with you on your surface.

Fruitful Introductions & Strengthened Bonds

You will be introduced to we, the Hathor collective; to the Ascended Masters and the infinite choirs of Angels assisting in your ascension in every moment; to the various ascended souls within various higher realms and dimensions who have lent their “helping hands” and energies to your evolution back into full consciousness; we could go on and on listing souls you will be introduced to who will maintain an active presence upon your world, but your cup will runneth over in the time ahead in terms of how many souls you will be connecting with, representing and meeting.

Indeed, many of you have come from the higher realms to act as representatives for we souls existing in these realms, and we can feel already that many of you will do your jobs with ease and pride.

Of course, you will face the usual detractors and the souls who wish to smear our or your “image” but you can take it all in stride knowing that the influence of the dark and everything that has run and fed it is truly fading.

We delight when you begin to open yourselves up to the higher realms and we souls existing in these realms in purer ways than you previously have, because we have so very much to teach you and so very much assistance and Love to offer and in the time ahead when you can be with us fully and purely and we can begin sharing many of the revelations and understandings we have with you, our relationships and bonds will grow even stronger than they already have.

Some of you who are on the Earth know us from fruitful previous encounters as far before the ascension of the Earth, we have helped many of you to uplift various planets and civilizations.

Fourth Dimensional Existence

Along the way of your ascension processes you will encounter various shifts from sub-plane to sub-plane of consciousness, and many of you reading this communication are traveling back and forth from various (sub-planes) in every moment.

Much of your collective already largely exists in the fourth dimension; even the souls who don’t yet realize it or are not initially interested in understanding where they have come from and the brimming realms of consciousness they are returning to.

If one looks around, one may notice those around them beginning to be given fourth dimensional lessons, and the perceptions you’re uncovering for yourselves which are growing in purity in every moment in terms of your ability to reach them will be reflected by the largely-fourth dimensional perspective that is beginning to descend unto you now.

An ultimate theme of the fourth and fifth dimensions you will be given is balance, and this is one reason we and so many others have pursued getting you to understand the need for balance in your everyday Lives, as well as compassion and patience with yourselves and those around you.

Along your fourth dimensional learning and growth, things will arise that are meant to take you away from your natural center, and we trust that many of you will be able to find and maintain your balance in a manner that sees you far outlasting any negativity that would attempt to sway you.

We Look Forward to Greeting You

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we express gratitude to our dear scribe and to every one of you who continue to remain essential and helpful to the ascension of the Earth and the various ascensions that are to take place once it has been attained.

We look forward to greeting you in the realms of full consciousness and when we do, you can take pride knowing that you had played the largest hand in your own personal evolution and in those of every other soul who will be with you and us in these wonderful realms.

Truly, they are a joy to feel and we know that every one of you will remember the feelings you unlock for yourselves upon reaching these states of consciousness once again. Remember that you are Divine, and that everything around you is comprised of the same Divine energy of Love and perfection.

Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/21/2013 11:51:12 PM

Pope criticizes 'savage capitalism' on visit to food kitchen

Reuters/Reuters - Pope Francis speaks as he leads a Pentecost vigil mass in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican May 18, 2013. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandin

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis criticized what he called "savage capitalism" on a visit to afood kitchen on Tuesday, in an address in which he called for the values of generosity and charity to be revived.

"A savage capitalism has taught the logic of profit at any cost, of giving in order to get, of exploitation without thinking of people... and we see the results in the crisis we are experiencing," the pope said.

Francis greeted the men and women coming to the 'Gift of Maria' food kitchen, located at the walls of the Vatican.

The first non-European pontiff in centuries, the Argentine-born pope last week called for financial reform, condemning a "dictatorship of the economy" and a "cult of money".

Francis has set a simpler style for the papacy since taking office in March, shunning traditional ornate garments and living in a guest house instead of the Apostolic Palace. He has said he wants the 1.2-billion-member Catholic Church to defend the poor and to be more austere itself.

(Reporting by Naomi O'Leary; Editing by Michael Roddy)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/22/2013 11:01:53 AM

The Week

Are we on the cusp of a solar energy boom?

By John Aziz | The WeekTue, May 21, 2013

Solar power is getting much easier to store — and at a much cheaper price

The total solar energy hitting the Earth each year is equivalent to12.2 trillion watt-hours. That's over 20,000 times more than the total energy all of humanity consumes each year.

And yet photovoltaic solar panels, the instruments that convertsolar radiation into electricity, produce only 0.7 percent of the energy the world uses.

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So what gives?

For one, cost: The U.S. Department of Energy estimates an average cost of $156.90 per megawatt-hour for solar, while conventional coal costs an average of $99.60 per MW/h, nuclear costs an average of $112.70 per MW/h, and various forms of natural gas cost between $65.50 and $132 per MW/h. So from an economic standpoint, solar is still uncompetitive.

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And from a technical standpoint, solar is still tough to store. "A major conundrum with solar panels has always been how to keep the lights on when the sun isn't shining," says Christoph Steitz and Stephen Jewkes at Reuters.

But thanks to huge advancements, solar's cost and technology problems are increasingly closer to being solved.

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(Bloomberg & New Energy Finance)

The percentage of light turned into electricity by a photovoltaic cell has increased from 8 percent in the first Cadmium-Telluride cells in the mid-1970s to up to 44 percent in the most efficient cells today, with some new designs theoretically having up to 51 percent efficiency. That means you get a lot more bang for your buck. And manufacturing costs have plunged as more companies have entered the market, particularly in China. Prices have fallen from around $4 per watt in 2008 to just $0.75per watt last year to just $0.58 per watt today.

If the trend stays on track for another 8-10 years, solar generated electricity in the U.S. would descend to a level of $120 per MW/h — competitive with coal and nuclear — by 2020, or even 2015 for the sunniest parts of America. If prices continue to fall over the next 20 years, solar costs would be half that of coal (and have the added benefits of zero carbon emissions, zero mining costs, and zero scarcity).

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Scientists have made huge advances in thermal storage as well, finding vastly more efficient ways to store solar energy. (In one example, solar energy is captured and then stored in beds of packed rocks.)

Lower costs and better storage capacity would mean cheap, decentralized, plentiful, sustainable energy production — and massive relief to global markets that have been squeezed in recent years bythe rising cost of fossil fuel extraction, a burden passed on to the consumer. All else being equal, falling energy prices mean more disposable income to save and invest, or to spend.

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The prospect of widespread falling energy costs could be a basis for a period of strong economic growth. It could help us replace our dependence on foreign oil with a robust, decentralized electric grid, where energy is generated closer to the point of use. This would mean a sustainable energy supercycle — and new growth in other industries that benefit from falling energy costs.

Indeed, a solar boom could prove wrong those who claim that humanity has over-extended itself and that the era of growth is over.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/22/2013 3:40:46 PM

Young objector challenges Israeli army

Associated Press/Oded Balilty - Left wing activists hold signs during a protest calling for the release of Israeli conscientious objector Natan Blanc from military prison, in front of the ministry of defense office in Tel Aviv, Tuesday, May 21, 2013. The Israeli military has jailed Blanc for six months because of his opposition to Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, in one of the most protracted cases by a conscientious objector in years. The refusal by 20-year-old Natan Blanc to serve in the military has shined a light on Israeli policies toward the Palestinians. It has also put the military in a delicate position as it tries to resolve the case, since releasing him could set an unwanted precedent while keeping him jailed could turn into a public relations debacle. Hebrew on signs read: "Natan Blanc political prisoner." (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)

JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military has jailed a young man for six months for refusing to serve because of his opposition toIsrael's occupation of the West Bank, focusing attention on the longstanding conflict between the country's universal military service and divided political beliefs.

The refusal by 20-year-old Natan Blanc to serve has put the military in a delicate position as it tries to resolve the case. Releasing him could set an unwanted precedent, but keeping him jailed could turn into a public relations debacle.

Last week more than 30 Israeli legal experts, including the dean of Hebrew University's law school, signed an open letter urging the army to release Blanc and saying the detention violated his freedom of conscience. On Tuesday, several dozen of his supporters demonstrated outside Israel's military headquarters.

Blanc's father, David, said his son was supposed to be inducted forcompulsory military service last November, and after declaring his refusal to serve, he was sent to a military prison. Since then, he has been sentenced to a series of 10 consecutive terms totaling 178 days in jail, with no end in sight.

The younger Blanc, in a videotaped statement made several months ago, said that he objects to Israel's occupation of the West Bank.

"The main reason that I am refusing to serve is that I feel that our country is going toward a non-democratic situation of civil inequality between us and the Palestinians, a situation in which there are two peoples in the same state, one of which has the right to vote and participate in elections, and the other does not," he said. "I believe the Israeli military plays a major role in preserving this situation, and my conscience does not allow me to participate in it."

Israel rules over more than 2 million Palestinians in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, areas it captured in the 1967 Mideast war. West Bank Palestinians do not have the right to vote. While east Jerusalem Palestinians are eligible for Israeli citizenship, most reject Israeli control and few have accepted the offer. The international community considers both areas, which the Palestinians claim for a future state, to be occupied.

Most Israelis, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, say that establishment of a Palestinian state is the only way to preserve Israel's Jewish majority. Without a partition of the land, most demographers believe the number of Arabs living under Israeli rule could soon outnumber the Jewish population. Peace talks have been stalled for more than four years.

In Israel, military service is compulsory, with men serving three years and women doing about two. But in reality, thousands of Israelis are given automatic exemptions, including ultra-Orthodox religious men, Arab citizens, married women and people with health issues. In addition, young religious women often serve civilian national service instead of in the military.

Blanc has requested that he be allowed to serve in Israel's civilian paramedic service. But when it comes to people who want to avoid service on ideological grounds, the army takes a tough line.

"Israel today has a compulsory draft that applies to all men and women in Israel, with a few exceptions granted due to health-related issues, religious reasons, place of residence and more," the military said in a statement. "Civilians who do not receive exemption from the (military) but refrain from following the law face the consequences of their actions. This holds true in the case of Natan Blanc as well."

The army would not provide statistics on the number of conscientious objectors, but outside experts said they are relatively rare.

Ishai Menuchin, an activist in the Israeli group Yesh Gvul, which assists soldiers who object to the occupation, estimated that dozens of Israeli youths refuse to serve each year.

Earning an exemption as a "pacifist" requires approval from a special committee and is almost never granted, he said. In most cases, the military dismisses objectors as "unfit" for physical or psychological reasons. A small number are sent to jail for short stints, and then agree to meet with a mental health officer to receive an exemption on psychological grounds.

"The army prefers this. You accept that there is something wrong about you," he said.

But Blanc has refused to leave on psychological grounds.

"He's not going to lie to get out. That's apparently what's required," said Blanc's father.

Earlier this month, Blanc was handed a 10th sentence, this time 28 days. According to Yesh Gvul, it is the most trials an objector has had, though several have spent longer behind bars.

"We know he is stubborn. But we didn't realize it would go on this long," said David Blanc. "His principles are what they are."

The elder Blanc, who said he was an officer in the military, said he respects his son's decision. "He should certainly follow his conscience," he said. "I think I'm proud for standing up for what he believes in."

Moshe Yinon, a former military judge, said the army can often find ways to accommodate young Israelis who oppose serving, but it draws the line at political objections. He said the army differentiates between "pacifists," who oppose any use of violence, and "selective objectors" who oppose certain Israeli policies. Blanc would fall into that second category.

"There is no place for political ideas in the army. It's a matter of principle," he said. During Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005, for example, soldiers were jailed for refusing to participate in the evacuation of Jewish settlers, he said.

Yinon said it was difficult to predict how the case will be resolved. So far, Blanc's punishments have been meted out by a local commander. But at some point, the case could go to a full trial, which could turn into an unwanted public spectacle.

"There is always a dilemma. How long are we going to let this go on?" he said.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/22/2013 6:31:47 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 313

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 313, May 22, 2013 at

For a long time now, you have been staring at the horizon, looking for an opening in this stormfront of mixed emotions. One day, you will be up, while the next day, you will feel as if plunging down an elevator shaft so long, the mere speed of it will leave you breathless.

And so it goes, up and down, until you are left feeling as if reeling from it all, unable to find a stable place to stand on. Well, this wild ride is not quite over yet, but we are here to tell you that in a few days, you will feel it all ease off, and soon, these wild fluctuations will start to slow down as you slowly emerge from this wild water ride and out into smoother waters.

We are aware that for many of you, the mere sight of the word soon will raise a few hackles, because you have gotten the idea that soon just means ”some time far, far into the future”. Well, this time soon means just that, as after this week of heightened activity, you will all be able to feel how the energetic waves lessen.

But just like after a storm, you will be holding your breath, waiting for the next wave to crash into you, so it may take a few days for you to notice it when this subsiding finally arrives. The physical body is rather slow on the uptake, so it will feel a bit like it is in fight or flight mode even after this storm subsides, so again we can perhaps say that the word soon will also this time be perceived in a rather individual way by all.

Still, we just want you all to know that these very intense upheavals are to be a thing of the past in the not too distant future. So hang in there as they say, and you will feel yourselves floating in much smoother waters before long.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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