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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/20/2013 5:13:40 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 312

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 312, May 20, 2013 at

The tide has turned for so many of you, as you have one by one relinquished those shackles holding you firmly fastened to the old you. And, as you can see for yourself, as soon as you let go of this viselike grip it had on you, it is as if your feet barely touches the ground. You become filled with so much light, it is as if you are almost levitating from the sheer lightness of BEing.

Yes, we are well aware that for some, nothing could seem further off than this image of floating through any obstacle that seemingly appears right in front of you. Instead, it will feel as if you are being rammed head first again and again into a brick wall. So what we say now, is only to encourage you to keep going, for sometime very soon, you will also feel as if this brick wall simply crumbles into dust and vanishes, and you too will be able to breathe freely once again.

And how do you attain that freedom, we hear you ask. Well, again the answer must be only you will know. For it is you and only you who can be able to discern the chain that links you to the old and dense past you have been dragged through for so long. The light is there to help you see better, but the light cannot tell you what to do, or even, what to see. For that is you and you alone who are able to understand the signals and the not so discreet hints coming your way that will point you in the right direction. But it is your choice to open up to what you see, and to act accordingly.

So in this, you stand alone, but not unsupported. For you have a whole host at your beck and call to abet and assist you in this. Some of this is of pure energetic nature, and as we have talked about earlier, never has the power of the light been more helpful in helping you to break through this last and final barrier. But you have also by now acquired a whole host of more earthly bound souls, like all of these fellow men and women you have connected with through these messages. You all walk on individual paths, but by now, you have also learned the lesson in connecting your light in such a way it helps each and every one of you to shine stronger.

We know it is not news to any of you, but it bears repeating once again: do not make the mistake of hiding away like a wounded animal when you feel the lightstorm raging within, but reach out and ask for assistance from those near and dear. For you all need to connect, that is the only way to get through this. But again, choose your way of connecting, for that can also come in all shapes and forms.

Personal contact, sharing words, touch, or just energy, you will all find a way to lean on someone that will help you see things in a better light, and indeed, make that final wall so much more penetrable. For going alone will only make that wall seem almost bulletproof, and your instinct to hide away in shame or humbleness will only make it all that much harder to break through.

So open yourself completely, and you will feel how not only the light from above, but also from every soul standing beside you, will flow through you and strengthen you. But that will only happen if you come out of hiding and stand out in the open, letting those that can see you reach out and add their light to yours. That way, you also help each other. For it is indeed like in the Pond.

The more you share of your own individual energy, the more you will be replenished from Source. So give what you can, but it is even more important to receive all you can, for that way, you keep the circulation of energy growing and magnifying in the best way there is.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/20/2013 5:15:53 PM
Dear friends, here is Poofness' latest.

Poof: May 19, 2013 – The Promised Land

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/20/2013 5:19:30 PM

Archangel Uriel: Everything Supports Your Journey

UrielArchangel Uriel via Jennifer Hoffman: Everything Supports Your Journey, channelled through Jennifer Hoffman, May 20, 2013, at

This is the Archangel Uriel channeled message for May 20, 2013

Everything on your life path supports your journey from pain to joy, from fear to love, from powerlessness to empowerment, and from limitation to limitlessness. There are no challenges in any aspect of your reality that do not support your evolution. Every trial and sorrow has embedded within it the spark of your Divine truth, which you can see and know when you seek the highest outcome.

That is why the brightest path is often the most challenging one because it represents your soul’s call to healing. It is not the path of highest vibration, greatest clarity, or the one that is the most joyful and peaceful for you. Very often it is the one that is the most challenging and that you find least desirable. Your soul lights this path so you will follow it and in doing so, create healing and transformation. This is your journey into Ascension and evolution.

The more you resist this bright path, the brighter it becomes. Your soul agreement is grounded in healing and you are the healer, as well as the healing. It all happens through you and while you have the ability to experience the pain, you also have the ability to take the journey through the pain to create joy. If you allow the pain to become the journey, you have lost sight of your soul’s healing commitment. The commitment you have with Source is to move from healing to evolution, from density to Light, and from fear to Love. Everything in your reality supports this journey. This is Ascension and it is your mission.

You are warriors of the Light and for the Light, and many of you are now completing this very long journey, whose beginning you do not remember as it began with your first incarnation. The veil between dimensions, frequencies and vibrations has been lifted, but it is one of several veils that are now clearing. When the veil is lifted, all that was hidden behind it is revealed and this includes the veils in your own lives.

Your power and true Light were hidden from you so you could fully experience the density of that which you came to heal. And this is what has become your brightest path so you can apply your power to its resolution. The time you have long awaited is now here, move forward to bring the Light of truth, peace, and love to the places you know need them the most, beginning with you and your healing journey. You heal the world by healing yourself.

If you resist the pain, you are resisting the expansion of your own Light. You created this path for yourselves so you could bring Light to the world. Resist the temptation to judge, as it limits your ability to understand the true nature of your experiences. Everything exists to support your transformation, evolution and Ascension.

The most difficult challenges can inspire you to take the greatest action and while fear can create powerful inertia, you use fear as a vehicle to move you from that which you fear the most into joy. How much easier could your journey be if you recognized that fear and its emotions indicated the presence of powerful healing opportunities?

Have the courage to step bravely into the most brightly lit path, the one you fear the most. Empower and encourage yourself with the Light, guidance and support that will help you transmute the fear into a greater expression and expansion of your Light. Be willing to go within and find the spark of Divine Light that is within everything and your boldness and courage will be rewarded with the guidance you need to take the next step, and each one after that.

Always ask to be shown the highest outcome, the most wonderful solution and the greatest peace, joy and love in every situation. Seek healing and wholeness, to be brought back to your Divine center of unlimited joy, peace and love, expect to be guided and supported in each step of this journey and you will be.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may translate, quote, and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-commercial sites only, as long as you include the author’s name and a working link back to this website. All other uses of this article and information are strictly prohibited.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/20/2013 5:21:57 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: The Expanded Awareness of Self

Michael 2

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: The Expanded Awareness of Self

May, 19, 2013 at

We wish now to discuss with you the expanding awareness of Self. You will note that we have written that with a capital S. We do not wish you to understand by this that we are referring to the parts of yourselves which are currently conscious for most of you. And we say most of you, because your state of awareness varies widely from individual to individual.

What is consistent, however, is that all of you, from the most conscious to the least, are receiving an empowering light from your Creator which is causing an expansion of that awareness. The more aware of you, are receiving this and its resultant growth with gratitude and appreciation. This is causing you to evolve in ever more wonderful ways and is actually speeding the process for you.

Others, being more determined to remain as they are, which is an impossibility by the way, are not understanding at all what is happening and are at a loss as to how to deal with what they are feeling. Quite a bit of the ‘acting out’, as you term it, is a result of this. Again we counsel you to offer whatever is asked for, but not to feel responsible for healing the entire populace. Those who choose not to see have free will also.

You will see also some very remarkable turn-arounds in those about you as and if they allow themselves to get a glimpse of what their alternatives are. It is not in anyone’s nature to choose pain over gain, so you need not worry yourselves, even though you may not see at this time how their particular turn-around might occur. You are not aware of all they have seen and heard, nor are you aware of their inner responses. All will be as it should be.

Dedicate yourselves to the continuing expansion and upliftment of yourselves. That is what you are here to do, and that is the way in which you may most help the world and every sentient creature upon it. No, you do not fully appreciate that fact, as yet. But when you have reached the awareness we speak of, you will understand it.

Your responsibility to your Self is your responsibility to All. Of course, as you reach ever upward, you find yourselves sharing more and more with everything around you. You just don’t see yet that the sharing continues out into the infinite. We assure you that it does. And the overall weight, the power, of what you are creating is soon to result in a world beyond your fondest dreams.

Be ever more deeply and constantly in your hearts now, dear ones, dear angels, and we will speak again soon. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/20/2013 5:23:13 PM

Arcturian Group Message via Marilyn Raffaele: May 19, 2013

Arcturian Group 21Arcturian Group Message. Channeled by Marilyn Raffaele, May 19, 2013 –

Arcturian Group welcomes all readers to another message of light and love. We are here to assist all those choosing to ascend into the higher dimensional energy now becoming ever more apparent with each passing day.

Those choosing to ascend must experience the clearing of their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy fields which is the release of any old dense energies still being carried from the past (or present). This can be an uncomfortable process.

You may find yourselves experiencing days when you cry, are depressed, or angry for no reason. You may be crying and laughing at the same time while being able to rationally observe the experience much as if you were standing outside of yourself watching. Many (not all) will re-experience some intense emotional energies as they release. Allow them go, not claiming them back in as your personal problem for when you say to yourself; “I am so depressed” or “I need medication, better go get some pills” you hinder the releasing process.

Releases from physical cellular memory will often flow through the body’s weakest area resulting in issues involving a particular area over and over again. Energy release is also done in dreams. An individual may have dreams of some violent activity such as being a fighting warrior and wonder why. These dreams are probably the release of stored cellular memory from actual experiences. Energy may also release in the exact spot of an old injury where cellular memory still holds the traumatic event. People living with excessive fears–water, heights, certain animals, etc. still carry in their cellular memory some traumatic past experience involving these things.

We have discussed clearing in previous messages, but wish to remind you that all who have chosen to move spiritually forward must clear. You cannot take the old and dense energies of the third dimension with you into the new and higher. You are also in the process of opening blocked meridians upon which energy flows as well as clearing the seven chakras and bringing in new ones. Much is going on within you now dear ones, so remember this as you experience these clearings. Try to avoid rushing to some third dimensional medical diagnosis with these experiences but do not hesitate to see a doctor if you are being guided to. Know that many of today’s physical issues for evolving souls is the clearing and release of old energy.

We would like to talk to you about living in the higher frequencies which is an energy of openness and respect. Respect for each others choices in all areas–no judgement or criticism which is always involves personal concepts. Higher dimensional living flows harmoniously on an energy of love because it is lived out from a realization of Oneness. That which human beings have come to accept as normal (duality and separation) has programmed them to believe that it is the reality. We say to you that it is an aberration–the energy of love and oneness is the reality. Humans forget the peace and calm lived in on their home planets or in experiences between lives because when a soul chooses to incarnate he willingly accepts the veil of forgetfulness that comes with it. This results in lifetimes on earth lived with no remembrance of who one really is.

Belief in the permanent reality of duality and separation is now beginning to dissolve as the immense amount of Light flowing to earth from many sources and from your own Divinity shines light on the shadows. We remind you of this because as you begin to experience more manifestations of what is real, the fruits of duality and separation will lessen–the inner is the outer. You will begin to observe more peace, calm, abundance, respect, joy, health and a sharing of all things because these are the reality, held in place by Divine law.

Mankind has been programmed to believe in lack, limitation , separation, and evil which has resulted in lifetimes involving selfish and cruel behavior on the part of any (even you dear ones, in un-awakened lifetimes) who would dominate others in the belief that they would have nothing unless they forcibly took it. The experience of duality was and still is for some, an important tool of evolution, but its time is finished for the awakening ones.

That which is old and the false is rapidly dissolving into the nothingness that it really is and spiritual awareness is beginning to manifest outwardly as new and higher forms of living which is why you are seeing so much chaos at this time. Appearances would say the world is falling apart, things are getting worse, and mankind is going backward. The truth is that higher frequency Light energy is beginning to shine on the shadows within governments, churches, businesses, and corporations bringing to light those things that have been heretofore hidden from you.

It is now time to reclaim your innate power dear ones, and make everyday decisions from a place of awareness. The bringing of an enlightened consciousness to the daily choices you make as human beings will bring about the change. There needs to be a conscious coming together of the spiritual and the material in your understanding for in truth there is no separation. The world you see is simply the material sense of the spiritual reality.

Decisions made from a deeper intuitive place instead of from 3D propaganda will vote self-serving and un-evolved people out of office. Not supporting corporations that would feed you chemicals and junk will bring change. Refusing to blindly support belief systems and churches that would keep mankind in bondage to personal and egotistical doctrine and concepts will also bring change.

Now is the time for all to accept and integrate both the masculine (active/be-er, do-er energy) and the feminine (receptive, creative energy) aspects of self. This will result in a more balanced, whole, and powerful state of consciousness that allows the individual to function and make choices that serve the higher good instead of being controlled from outside influences.

Evolved beings have learned to live from their center outward, and not from outward to center. You are the power dear ones, and it is past time to recognize and begin acting out from this awareness. Be very aware that we are not talking of power in the sense of power over someone or something for the use of power in selfish or self serving ways has been the downfall of many and is in and of the old energy. We speak of the power that comes from the realization that you are the manifestation of Source and nothing or no person can separate you from that–all that you need is already within. It is the power of truth that sees nothing needing healing or correction.

Always honestly examine intention dear ones, for what ever you say and do is carried on the energy of intention. Be scrupulously honest and true to yourselves asking; “What am I believing that is making me feel or act this way?”. The energy of truth and light will always be your guide in whatever choices, actions, or words are necessary if you seek, trust, and allow it.

We are the Arcturian Group 5/19/13

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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