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4/30/2013 10:05:49 PM

Citizens Hearing on Disclosure Schedule

hearing 22Citizen Hearing On Disclosure

April 29 To May 3, 2013 – Washington, DC

“If the Congress won’t do it’s job, the people will.”

An event with historical implications will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC from April 29 to May 3, 2013. At that time as many as forty researchers and military/agency witnesses will testify for thirty hours over five days before former members of the United States Congress.

Note: the full Citizen Hearing will be Webcast live on the Internet. Subscribe here.

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race will attempt to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years – seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.

For this reason the motto for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is “If the Congress won’t do its job, the people will.”

Testimony Schedule

Testimony is scheduled in panels of three to six witnesses. Some witnesses testify only once; others may testify two or three times. There are two panels in each morning and afternoon session for a total of twenty panels. Most panels have a topic focus.Note: This schedule may be changed at any time.

April 29th – Monday 09:00 am


Opening Remarks (Bartlett, Woosley) 09:05 am

Opening 2

Opening Remarks (Bassett, Mitchell, Hellyer) 09:10 am

Panel 1 History / Background (Dolan, Cameron, Friedman, Howe) 10:45 am

Panel 2 History / Background (Dolan, Huneeus, Sheehan, Col. French) 12:15 pm

Lunch 01:45 pm

Panel 3 History/Background (Sheehan, Cameron, Dr. Greer, Huneeus) 03:30 pm

Panel 4 Rockefeller Initiative (Bassett, Cameron, Dr. Greer, Howe) 05:00 pm


April 30th – Tuesday 09:00 am

Opening Remarks (Kilpatrick) 09:05 am

Panel 1 Bentwaters (Burroughs, Sgt. Penniston, Pope, Frascogna) 10:45 am

Panel 2 Bentwaters (Burroughs, Stg. Penniston, Pope, Frascogna) 12:15 pm

Lunch 01:45 pm

Panel 3 Nuclear Tampering (Capt. Salas, Sgt. Scott, Capt. Schindale, Capt. Fenstermacher, Dolan) 03:30 pm

Panel 4 Nuclear Tampering (Capt. Salas, Sgt. Scott, Capt. Schindale, Capt. Fenstermacher, Dolan) 05:00 pm


May 1st – Wednesday 09:00 am

Opening Remarks (Gravel) 09:05 am

Panel 1 Various Issues (Davenport, Howe, Heseltine, Dr. Valone) 10:45 am

Panel 2 Documents (Dr. Wood, Howe, Friedman) 12:15 pm

Lunch 01:45 pm

Panel 3 Roswell (Schmitt, Friedman, Col. Randle, Col Marcel, Jr., MD, Dr. Mitchell, Col. French) 03:30 pm

Panel 4 Roswell (Schmitt, Friedman, Col. Randle, Col Marcel, Jr., MD, Marcel III, Marcel) 05:00 pm


May 2nd – Thursday 09:00 am

Opening Remarks (Hooley) 09:05 am

Panel 1 South America (Gevaerd, Dr. Choy, Col. Sanchez, Col. Santa Maria, Huneeus, Chionetti 10:45 am

Panel 2 South America (Gevaerd, Dr. Choy, Col. Sanchez, Col. Santa Maria, Huneeus, Chionetti 12:15 pm

Lunch 01:45 pm

Panel 3 Other Countries (Pinotti, Dr. Shili, Cameron, Nick Pope, Huneeus) 03:30 pm

Panel 4 Other Countries (Pinotti, Dr. Shili, Cameron, Nick Pope, Huneeus) 05:00 pm


May 3rd – Friday 09:00 am

Opening Remarks (Cook) 09:05 am

Panel 1 Pilots/Controllers (Col. French, Maj. Filer, , Callahan, Allen) 10:45 am

Panel 2 Truth Embargo (Torres, Howe, Dolan, Anonymous) 12:15 pm

Lunch 01:45 pm

Panel 3 Technology (Dr. Wood, Dr. Greer, Dr. Roger Leir) 03:30 pm

Panel 4 Disclosure (Hellyer, Bassett, Dolan) 5:00 pm

Closing Remarks (Dr. Mitchell, Bassett)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/30/2013 10:07:52 PM
Dear friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

The Formless Creator, Experiencing Itself


After channeling some information from the Hathors about sacred geometry, a subject I admittedly know little about, as well as reading some of the channeled messages posted today (April 29) I’m finding myself growing into a greater realization of how the infinite and formless has devolved so to speak, down into the finite and formed.

I don’t mean to use the term “devolved” in a negative way as indeed, we have come from the realms of intelligent infinity (to borrow that phrase from the dear collective of RA) to experience an orchestrated illusion we were to temporarily believe was reality.

It’s been said for a long time that we are the Creator, experiencing ourselves in a more distorted form for the purpose of knowing ourselves in a greater way and while that’s a good sentiment, it is also a much realer and deeper truth than I have ever fathomed during this short Life on Earth, until right now.

For me, this intense understanding and realization has been brought about because of the aforementioned messages I read and received on this day, and because of an increasing experience of existing in and as the formless; in and as the infinite nothingness (yet allness) of our pure, undistorted realms of experience.

I’m realizing in a greater fashion that I, from the realms of intelligent infinity, sought to understand myself in greater ways by venturing beyond the allness (yet nothingness) and Creating and sustaining an illusory hologram for myself to play around in and experience the various aspects of my infinite and grand oversoul in.

I’m recognizing that I did not just Create one lone realm for myself to experience the hologram I had Created within; I Created multiple, nearly-infinite dimensions, Universes, Galaxies, Planets, trees, humans, animals, etc. for myself to experience as much of this illusory hologram as I possibly could.

Again; this all seems nice and believable on paper but truly, and I mean truly, feeling and understanding it with all of oneself is a profound experience indeed, and still has me reeling.

I recognize that I fell quite deep into the hologram I was experiencing myself within. The illusions I had entered and cast over myself seemed to become reality, and I quite literally lost myself within the hologram I had Created. It then became necessary for greater facets of myself who had underwent similar experiences, to lend their intervention in certain instances (such as this Earth experience) and instate themselves as “spiritual guides”.

I recognize that these guides, no matter who they are – Hilarion; Jeshua; El Morya; SaLuSa the Sirian; Mira the Pleiadian; they are all aspects of the ultimate oversoul of consciousness that is Me.

The guides and the souls existing in higher states of consciousness helping us to evolve areus, in a more evolved form. This is not to say that they are aspects of our mind or of our higher selves but in a much greater, more zoomed-out sense, they are facets of the same infinite and formless being who sought to know itself that I AM and that we are.

Shortly after the 21st of December last year, I can remember having an intense and amazing experience of being encompassed within what I called at the time, “the all-encompassing Oneness energy” or something to that extent.

I wrote about this experience after it happened, and I can remember having an access to the energies and impressions of every single Galactic race; every Ascended Master; every Angel; every Universal Creator; an infinite and vast array of feeling-based knowledge and connection was bestowed unto me and while that initial experience was fleeting and didn’t last, I find myself now able to access it nearly-instantaneously when merging with the allness that is my ultimate being.

The actual connection to the infinite; to the formless; to the nothingness and the allness; it is instantaneous and can be felt even right now. Go ahead – close your eyes for a moment.

Beyond the colored and glittered vibrations some of you may see, what lies ahead of your vision? Nothingness. Pure, blissful infinite existence that seeks no name; no label or identity. It simply is and yet, as I mentioned above, some of you will notice the beautiful glittered vibrations swimming around your perspective. Titillating, are they not?

Even beyond the infinite blissfulness that can be accessed instantaneously, those vibrations and the energies swirling around you seem pretty worth exploring. And so, some of you may choose to go into meditation and expand upon those vibrations, just to see what they can Create for you; what you can experience having tapped into them.

In doing so, you will have just brought the formless into form. Do you see how simple it is?

Every one of us, as a single and infinite Creator, noticed those beautiful vibrations swimming around in the realms of intelligent infinity, and that’s when we first emitted a mental impression which told us, “hmm, those might be worth exploring”.

And so, we Created. And Created. And Created. We manifested multiple outlets for our Self to separate into and eventually reunite once it is understood by every facet of We the Creator that we are One oversoul. We enjoyed our experiences, yet we Created and experienced illusory emotions and feelings that were quite literally the opposite of the calm, formless realms we had originated from.

We manifested separation; discord; disharmony and pure hate, and we Created and brought forth an array of negative emotional energy that we convinced ourselves was real and at present, a plethora of people on our world do not know many other emotions or feelings beyond anger or stress. They’ve been convinced that those things are reality when in truth, only infinite, identity-less Allness exists.

Even truth itself is an aspect of what we perceive to be reality or not, and I’m learning that everything is reality, as reality is consciousness-based and driven and of course, everything is consciousness.

As usual, I have some more inner-searching to do surrounding this subject or perhaps, I really don’t have any more searching to do as in this very moment, the biggest truths and mysteries of our existence all seem so obvious and for the first time in, well, I would imagine a very long time, I actually feel like I have it all figured out.

“But how could that be?” The mind screams-forth to me. “How can a physical human incarnate in the physical third dimension have figured out all of the secrets without traversing all of the higher realms required to reach such a perspective?”

I guess the answer is that I’m only a physical, evolving human in this reality. In another, I’m an oversoul-extension of the man writing this, who is helping him and the planet Earth to evolve. I could go on and on with examples but in the realms that really count, which I’m finding myself able to access quite easily, I am the formless Creator who seeks nothing other than the peace and solitude of my personal infinity and wholeness.

Ah, does this feel great. Worries and concerns fade and seem so miniscule in the face of this ultimately-greater understanding and the resulting feelings it garners. I’m going to take some time now to bask in this realization, and I hope you are all reaching something similar in this truly-wondrous time we’re blessed to exist in.

Wes Annac – The “identity” of whom needs no explanation

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/30/2013 10:12:27 PM

Ronna Herman: Archangel Michael – The Essence of Who You Are

archangel-michael-desktop1Transmitted through Ronna Herman, Sacred Scribe – April 30, 2013

Archangel Michael – The Essence of Who You Are

Beloved masters, we have told you that “You are the Inbreath of the Creator.” These are unprecedented times whereby you have the potential to resolve all past karmic issues, to move into harmony with your vaster Being and to be an integral part of our Father/Mother God’s plan for the expansion of this Sub-universe.

Are you ready, once and for all, to let go of all the old restrictions, beliefs and limitations that are keeping you from moving out of the quagmire of pain, lack and suffering? Will you allow your mind and heart to open to the higher wisdom of your Soul and Spirit? The ethers, or higher vibrational fields of consciousness, are filled with vast potential just waiting to be molded into your greatest dreams and desires.

Once again, we will review some of our teachings from the past to assist you to understand the complex Journey of the Soul every human Being is in the midst of, whether it be at an entry level of awareness or as an advanced disciple on the Path. There comes a time when the Soul has reached the furthermost point of Its experience in separation, fragmentation of Self and co-creation.

The Soul entity is then ready to begin the process of “reunification and integration” for the current cosmic round of Creation. The Soul Self is gradually infused with a Divine discontent which slowly filters into the consciousness of the human mind. Hopefully, that is when the human entity begins to turn inward, to tame the ego personality and reconnect with the Soul, the resident OverSoul/Higher Self, as well as with the multiple facets of Its greater Self.

Humanity is in the midst of a mass awakening. A transformation of mass proportions has begun, which involves a global, galactic and Sub-universal reunion: the beginning of an ascension into a heightened state of Creator/Spirit-infused consciousness. At a cosmic level, the Supreme Creator is now sending down the radiance of Itself via the Great Central Suns, which is being filtered down upon Earth in great bursts of Living White Fire Essence of Life through the Sacred Heart Core of our Father/Mother God by way of the Sun of this solar system.

The Soul could be described as a small Seed Atom of pulsating Life Force energy which resides within the Sacred Heart, along with your multi-faceted Diamond Core God Cell. Your Diamond Core God Cell contains the twelve Rays of God Consciousness for this Sub-universe: the virtues, qualities, aspects and talents that you are seeking to activate once more so that you may become the proficient co-creator on the material plane that you were designed to be.

The Soul may be only a small Spark of Life within the heart area in those who are still ensnared in the illusion of the lower dimensions; however, as it blooms and blossoms into its full dynamic power, it expands and becomes the “Solar Heart Center” which encompasses the solar plexus, the heart, the thymus and throat area. In the past it was called the “Three-Fold Flame,” and the heart has been called the “Seat of the Soul”.

The Soul communicates to you via both your emotional and your mental bodies: the emotions through the heart center and with the mind via the pineal gland; thereby igniting the packets of Light Wisdom stored within the higher vibrational portions of the brain called the “Sacred Mind.” When the connection is complete, the physical vessel begins to reap the rewards by way of better health and vitality, as well as a deeper connection with the Body Elemental.

We tell you empathetically that you cannot become a “lost Soul” or lose your connection with the Creator. You may lose your way, and you may become diminished in Creator Light, but your Soul is immortal and can never be lost or destroyed. You “save” yourself from pain, suffering and the illusion of being disconnected from the Creator through the integration of your Soul, the multiple facets of your Higher Self and your personal God Ray.

The mass consciousness belief structure of the past is slowly being replaced with Lighter, more refined and liberating thought forms of the new Divine Plan. It is important that you understand that there are many levels on the spiral of Ascension – it is never-ending as Creation ebbs, flows and evolves.

At a cosmic or Omniversal level, you are “Spirit” – a facet or a Seed Atom of Divine Essence sent forth from the heart core of the Supreme Creator. At that level, you are fully conscious of who you are and of your connection with the Supreme Creator; you are aware of and know your “I AM” identity. At the Universal and Sub-universal levels, you are a Divine co-creator, once more sent forth on a great refracted Ray of Light to manifest worlds without end in the name of our Father/Mother God. You are aware of the overall Divine plan for this Sub-universe and the part you are to play in it; however, you may or may not remember your origins or identity at a cosmic level.

As Spirit, which we will call your “God Ray,” you are a great Being of Light who also sent forth facets or sub-rays of yourself, leaving OverSouls or parts of your Essence in different dimensions, galaxies, star systems and worlds throughout this Sub-universe, and in turn, each of these great Oversouls also sent forth Sparks or Soul fragments of their Essence. The you now incarnated in a physical body on planet Earth is one of those Soul Sparks who agreed to journey forth into the unknown void, to create diverse worlds, to inhabit them, and then to experience what you helped to create so that your unique experiences can be incorporated into the universal consciousness and ultimately into the Cosmic Mind.

When your physical vessel was first created, the Etheric Body sent forth billions of tiny Elemental Sparks throughout the bodily form. These Elemental Sparks were programmed to convey the Adamantine Particles of Light (the gift of life) to all the different parts of the body: the organs, the blood stream, muscles, tissue and bone structure (much as the Nature Elementals transmit the Adamantine Particles of Sun Light to all of the Nature Kingdom, and any facets of Creation which are not ensouled with a Sacred Seed Atom of Creator Consciousness).

The master teachers of the past often made reference to the Human Body Elemental and the Etheric Body or Etheric Web. The deep, esoteric teachings of the past were often written so that only the most advanced students on the Path could decipher the true meaning of the lessons. It is time that those teachings are revealed, upgraded and simplified so that all serious Souls on the Path of Ascension can understand, and then gradually integrate them in order to expand their conscious awareness. Gaining the advanced knowledge and then integrating the wisdom from the universal teachings of the higher realms are vital components in the process of Ascension.

The ancient teachings said that your physical bodies were originally created from etheric substance. You first came to Earth in your radiant Crystalline form, and gradually over many ages you developed your beautiful physical body from the Adam/Eve Kadmon Divine Blueprint for this Sub-universe. The distortions began as you sank into the density, and the ego desire body gradually took control of the mental and emotional bodies; this resulted in a good portion of your Soul Self withdrawing from your Sacred Heart Center into your Soul Star above the Crown Chakra.

In addition to the four recognized elements – fire, water, earth and air – ether is said to be the fifth element; thus comes the name “etheric.” The Etheric Body or Etheric Web, which is much finer in substance than the Earthly body, refers to the invisible counterpart of the physical body. It holds the blueprint for your three lower-physical bodies (physical, mental and emotional). It is sometimes called the “memory body” for it sustains and vitalizes the material form. It is susceptible to your thoughts and emotions, both positive and negative.

Disease or debilitation occurs first in the Etheric Body and then gradually infiltrates into the physical vessel. The Etheric Body sustains and vitalizes the components of the physical body, and it controls the digestive and assimilation processes. It also repairs the damage in the physical body caused by the wear and tear of living in the third/fourth-dimensional density.

There was a failsafe program encoded within the Etheric Body so that when you sank so deeply into the density and you were nearly to the point of self-destruction, your Body Elemental Cells went into a semi-dormant state, and they have remained in that state for thousands of years. Just as you are awakening to your true nature and your Divine state of Being, so are the Body Elemental Cells awakening, and they are gradually beginning to respond to your positive affirmations and the higher frequencies of Light you are integrating.

It is vitally important that you understand that there are subatomic dark crystals throughout the bodily form of everyone who resonates to the lower frequency thought forms. These crystals are packed with negative waste material created and recreated over many lifetimes, some of which are inherited negative patterns that you brought with you into the physical form to heal.

The subconscious mind – your subjective mind – is part of the Etheric Body consciousness, and it records and stores everything you experience, what you see, hear, think and feel emotionally. The subconscious mind takes everything literally, and it does not matter if you have experienced an event or just imagined it vividly, the subconscious mind registers it as fact. That is why it is so important to change negative, debilitating, past memories into positive memories. Your thoughts and intentions resonate to specific frequencies, and by changing the frequency patterns you project through the use of will power and conscious effort, you will gradually create the life, physical health and circumstances you desire.

You will become aware of your physical body consciousness as your Body Elemental wakes up, so to speak, and begins to work harmoniously with you to gradually correct all the miscreations you have created in your bodily form due to erroneous thoughts. Over time, you will gradually become more sensitive to your Body Elemental’s signals.

Your body cells are all conscious to one degree or another. Some are disharmonious and create chaos and discomfort within, while others resonate in harmony, thereby vibrating at a higher frequency and conveying a sense of balance and well-being. Metabolizing Light is an important, intricate process that is necessary for your well-being. You might say that you have been on a starvation diet of half-spectrum God Light. Your trillions of bodily cells must relearn how to recognize and utilize Light as a vital energy source.

The reality of the senses or physical body consciousness: When you are in the flow of Spirit, you will exist very lightly in your body, often with no pain or discomfort. You may experience some diminished bodily sensations, except within the Solar Power Center and especially within the deep Sacred Heart area, where you will gradually begin to feel loving bliss and joy as they blaze forth from our Mother/Father God. More and more frequently you will experience a great sense of well-being, harmony and peace.

Dear Hearts, we ask you to study what we have revealed to you over the years, and to endeavor to get the universal schematic we have created firmly established within your mind so that you will be able to understand and implement the next phase of the wondrous cosmic events which are unfolding before your eyes.

  • Your goal is to integrate the higher mental body, which is your en-lighten-ed higher self for this round of evolution.
  • In order to accomplish this, you must bring the ego desire body into alignment with your soul’s desires.
  • You can use force and resist or you can tap into the transforming power of love. Strive to tap into the will-power of self-mastery, which is the combined wisdom of your sacred heart, sacred mind and your oversoul / higher self.
  • Spirit without matter is motionless. Matter without spirit is lifeless.
  • You are passing from a time-oriented world into a timeless reality.

My brave ones, we know there can be much pain, discomfort and fear as you move through these accelerated processes which are causing the dramatic changes now taking place throughout your world. Know that together we will overcome all adversity. Our mission is to open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire to return to harmony. Know that each of you is making a difference. When you doubt, need inspiration or strength, come into your personal pyramid of Light and we will give you courage, lift you up and inspire you. When you feel lonely or unloved, move into your Sacred Heart center and we will be waiting there to fill you with the radiant love of our Mother/Father God.


***Dearest friends, I am regaining my strength and I am feeling much better. I have heard from people all over the world who have or are going through the same type of “cleansing process.” Archangel Michael told us some years ago that “a virus and/or a fever are not always a negative occurrence. Sometimes, they initiated as a means of more quickly clearing out impacted vibrational patterns that you have released within the body and that need to be transmuted.” We are preparing our bodily forms to receive more of the higher frequencies of Light that are necessary for us to integrate so that we may continue our journey into the higher dimensions and fulfill our new “Galactic mission.” I thank you all for your loving energy and prayers. I felt surrounded in your loving energy during my time of distress. Eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/30/2013 10:13:40 PM

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: You Are the Power and Glory of Creator ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ April 29, 2013

As channeled through Fran Zepeda –April 29, 2013

Dear Ones, much is afoot in your “neck of the woods”, as they say. Seriously, much is a-swirl and in change and transition and some things may now feel like polar opposites. But be assured that the shift toward greater consciousness is indeed occurring.

Take time to constantly return to your center and assess situations only from that perspective, in the core of your heart. This is a test and an affirmation of your true Reality, as you know.

You are beginning to glimpse the bigger picture, dear ones, and to delve into the recesses of deeper consciousness. Sometimes you may feel like you have hit a void but it is just the transformation of energies. Sit with it and cover and immerse yourself with the incoming energies and listen to that still, small voice within, always.You are beginning to dissolve the holograms of the past which are at times persistent to remain, but the glimpse of freedom that you are experiencing from dissolving these mindsets can more than compensate for the loss of old familiar patterns of yesteryear.

It will take diligence and perseverance on your part to reject the old patterns and embrace the newfound freedom that awaits you, that is already there in front of you. Just move aside the veil of illusion and you can see it, dear ones.

Love for yourself and others is the key through all this transition. Keep coming back to that. Live in that bubble, dear ones. Fear has a harder time of entering when you abide by that regime. In this you are taking back your power and coming back to your True Essence.

You are beginning to see that many of the scenarios you find yourselves in are merely “play outs” of old energy. You will see that with just a “flick of your wrist”, so to speak, you can move it aside and glimpse the brand new clear energy of your birthright. Can you feel the energy softening around you? Can you feel this new energy persisting more and more as you just let go and surrender to it?

You are the leaders in this. You are the trailblazers in this. What you maintain affects millions. You know this.

Keep looking at things from this new perspective of Love and devotion to the true core of you – the silent and soft and powerful core of you. Take your focus away from the old and worn out ways of thinking and of looking at things. Be still and invite a new perspective.

Many of you are learning that you are so much more powerful than you ever realized. Be in that power as much as you can. With that power of Love and Centeredness in your Heart, so much is being built; the old patterns and play outs of your old reality are fading more and more with each decision to look at things from your Divine Nature, one that has all the power and abilities of Creator. Be in that knowing now, dear ones.

Our love and devotion to you has no boundaries or end. It is time for you to feel it more and conjure up that strength that comes from knowing you are all elite and complete just as you are. It merely takes opening up doors in your heart when you are still and one with Creator, with no separation or judgment as to your view of yourself.

By no means believe that you are less than the power of Creator, less than the power of Love. Keep that in your storehouse of knowledge forever and always, dear ones. We are waiting for you to realize the impact of that “knowing” of yourself: as being as big and expansive as Creator – forever and always.

Take this in and sit with it, and remind yourselves of it daily, hourly, moment by moment. Allow the power of that knowledge to infiltrate every part of your Being. Let it sift and simmer and take over your presence, your concept of yourself. Be with it and indulge yourself with it. Know it. Settle into it.

Be careful now of letting in any feeling to the contrary, as you encounter “realities” of the opposite. Return to your knowing of the truth no matter what you see or hear around you. What is not of substance will fade much more easily and readily that way.

Be careful not to perpetuate old thoughts and patterns. They are coming up for you now quite readily and often, are they not? Not because they are real, but because they are leaving. Allow them to disappear from your Reality, with gratitude of course.

Remain constantly vigilant of what is true for you based on your knowledge and commitment to the Divine Essence that you hold and have always held. Allow it to return once again; allow it to return to full focus and full throttle and to remain in your consciousness throughout everything you do and say.

You are the Power and the Glory of Creator, dear ones. Do not ever forget it. Do not let anything infiltrate it. You are One with Creator. That, you will see, is coming into focus and true to your reality with each breath you take if you will just allow it.

Welcome back to your true essence, to your true nature. Hold it with loving hands and within your heart of hearts, dear ones. Believe it and savor it and become it.

Your loving brother, Yeshua, and the Company of Heaven.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/30/2013 10:14:44 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 304

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAs channeled by Aisha North – April 29, 2013

As you have mayhaps noticed dear friends, the fires have been stoked now. For as we approach the firstGathering that has been set up for this upcoming weekend, many of you will feel how the heat of the fire will reach a heightened momentum now as you have agreed to take part in this world wide event.

For the threads you have all so studiously gathered will already start to become a part of the great fold now. In other words, you have all been caught in this new web of light filaments, and now, we will make sure that you are all securely fastened as we start to spin the threads and weave you all seamlessly into this magnificent structure of light. This does not imply that you are prisoners in any way, quite the opposite.

For this only means that you are no longer the solitary journeyer through a dense vacuum of lower densities, for now, you have all joined the party as it were, as you have all been connected to the filaments of tomorrow. And by your very actions, you have made that decision to the thus included a very long time ago. For this YES was something you gave on a soul level before you even came in, and as such, the joy you all feel in your heart comes from the realization that now, this YES will start to come into full effect.

For the journey you all had to take to bring you to this point has been a long and arduous one indeed, and for some, the trials and tribulations may not even seem to have lessened yet. But trust us when we say that your agreement to be an intrinsic part of this joyful web of light that has been started to spun, is a decision that will also cut all of the threads to the old that still feel like chains around your neck.

For the net cancels the old, in every way you can think of, and when you all step into this great bright Pond together in a few days’ time, it will be like the final anointment that will wipe away the tears and the sorrow, the anger and the despair once and for all. For then, you will all be given the opportunity to really connect, not only with your own true core, but with the core of All there is.

And once you get a glimpse of that, so much of the old dross will simply fade away, and it will be just like old fading photographs in an album. And even if you decide to open up that old album to take a small stroll down memory lane, it will almost be like looking at the memories of a stranger. For that used to be you, but it will not be you any longer. For now, the fires have been stoked good and well, and the heat from the flames will not only warm your hearts, but it will also burn away anything that has no place in this, the new you and the new world. For like a phoenix from the flames you will all rise again, and together you will stand shining as brilliantly as never before.

So again we say, all is well, even if you at times may feel the heat to be a little bit too high in the days ahead. For the preparations before the first Gathering are nothing if not thorough, and as such, you can all expect some interesting encounters with yourself in the days and indeed nights ahead. But breathe deeply, and know that you will not be burned by these flames of purification. For you are like the diamond still encased within a thin outer layer of carbon, and in order for the diamond to emerge completely, there may still need to be some measure of pressure and heat to bring it forth.

But again we say, you are all guided closely throughout this last stage of the process, and we think you will all find a way to truly connect with the joyful part of this stage of the journey as well. For you have opened your hearts to this, and as such, you have also given yourself the permission to rejoice, not only for this Gathering, but also for yourself. For you have all started to shine more brightly than ever as you set up on this initiation, for that is what it really is. We will of course return with more on this remarkable effort you have all agreed to take part in, but for now, we will leave you all to ponder our words, and to give yourself ample time to rejoice and renew your vows to be a joyful being once again.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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