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5/1/2013 10:25:22 PM

Jesus: You Are Each a Master of What You Choose to Pay Attention To

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150As channelled by John Smallman – May 1, 2012

John’s reading of today’s post can be enjoyed here:

Well, as I have told you before, humanity is on a roll! The awakening process for you all is proceeding very rapidly indeed, and the loving energy that you Light-bearers and wayshowers are demonstrating and sharing is proving extremely effective in helping this process along.

Keep it up, because you are doing great work — work that no one else can do — and that is why you chose to be here at this time. You are to awaken to a great honoring of your most noble and compassionate roles in humanity’s unavoidable and inevitable awakening. Just keep releasing all that “stuff” that keeps coming up for you, seemingly inexplicably. Only some of it is your own, much more of it is of the collective who are still too deeply asleep to release it on their own, and their gratitude to you will astound you.

As you allow yourselves to acknowledge that change of an essential nature is taking place, then so will you be able to become increasingly aware of it. It has not been hidden or kept secret; it is just that, to put it bluntly, you have been captivated by the bad news, the disasters and catastrophes prominently broadcast by the news media and have tended to ask, “How could God allow this to happen?”

God does not allow or disallow; He just offers a helping hand so that you can exit the illusory quagmire that has seemingly been holding you captive and involved as observers and fixers in all the unloving activities that are still going on across the world. Take His hand.

Focus on Love – sharing It, demonstrating It, engaging with It – by looking for and seeing the Christ in everyone, for no one is without the Christ energy: it has just remained unacknowledged and therefore has not been called upon for help nearly often enough. Too much time and energy has been spent judging, blaming, and condemning, instead of looking for the Love that is securely anchored in every earthborn living soul. Focusing on Love has enormous power. If you could see and understand what occurs when you do just this – nothing else, just this – your amazement would overwhelm you, and you would be unable to understand why you were not doing just this in every moment of your existence. It is what your Father does! And you are reflections of Him, inseparable aspects of Him, eternally one with Him.

I cannot emphasize strongly enough the immense power of Love. There is nothing stronger; it is as simple as that. Large numbers of you have, at various times, “fallen in love,” and when this has happened to you you have been overwhelmed with joy and happiness, and with the way it seems to empower you. You feel not only that nothing is impossible but also very intensely that the love you are feeling must be visible to everyone with whom you come in contact. What you experience as embodied humans when that occurs is but the most infinitesimal sense of what actually awaits you when you awaken into Reality and into the Love in which your Father embraces you eternally.

Love, as you have been frequently informed, is the power, the energy, and the intelligence of creation itself. Everything that exists was created in Love, by Love for the infinite pleasure that it would then enjoy, basking in and forever savoring the divine embrace in which all is encompassed. So, when you want to achieve something, when you intend to achieve something, the way to do so is to engage with Love. You are all children of Love; Love is your eternal nature, and it is by engaging with It that all that you could possibly desire not only becomes possible, but actually occurs.

By constantly behaving lovingly, compassionately, and generously you are bring humanity to awakening, although at present many of you are plagued with doubts about whether this is really possible. There is no need for these doubts. Release them . . . because they only distract you by drawing you off your paths and into all those fearful “what if?” thoughts that can so effectively bring you to a standstill of indecision and confusion.

As humans you have become so conditioned to believe that life is an endless succession of strife-driven struggles that that is what you mostly experience. When you engage with hope and with faith in the power of Love, of God, unexpected, almost unbelievable, changes happen which relieve that strife. But mostly you do so only momentarily before your conditioning returns you to your old beliefs, and the power and enthusiasm for the wonders of life that was building within you seems to drain away. You become once more weighed down by the daily grind that is the life that so many of you are experiencing.

There is an amusing song that many of you may have heard: “Always look on the bright side of life,” which is obviously meant as a rather tongue-in-cheek suggestion. Nevertheless, you are each a master of what you choose to pay attention to: you can choose to be an optimist or a pessimist. Moods, which, like the weather, can be seen as good or bad, will flow through your lives and pass on. But when you are tired it is very easy to cling to and travel with the bad ones — the ones that drag you along with them by worrying or depressing you.

With the new energies swirling abundantly all around you it is now much easier for you to become aware that you have become caught up in a bad mood, and then acknowledge it and release it to flow freely on its way. You do have to make a positive decision or choice to do so, but when you do, the sense of blackness or gloom will lift quite rapidly. So become aware of being aware of moods in which you are apparently enmeshed and choose to let them go. As you do so, remind yourselves that you are divine beings of infinite power, and then intend very determinedly to look on and see “the bright side of life.” It is always there for you, and it is far more enjoyable than doubting and worrying. Go for it, look on the bright side! After all, that is what your Father is offering you in every moment of your existence; you only have to choose to accept it.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/1/2013 10:30:28 PM

Ute Posegga-Rudel: Conversation with Our God-Self – The Function of a Guru

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012

As channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel – April 29, 2013

VIDEO (recommended)

Dearest friends!

There is a wide-spread misunderstanding about the function of a Guru, especially in the New Age community.

This conversation with our God-Self is aimed to bring greater clarity into this.

But before the actual conversation, it is perhaps first necessary to clarify why I call it “our God-Self”, and not “my” God-Self. Some of you might wonder about it. And I never really discussed this before.

It is simply a matter of definition. The God-Self in my messages is the One Self of all things, beings and happenings, the One Source and Divine Consciousness of all creation, that is paradoxically also appearing AS individual form and consciousness. So if you believe it should be “my God-Self”, then you are coming from the point of view of your own “Higher Self”, which is the Higher Mind of your incarnate identity. As such it is still an individual being, even if appearing in subtle form.

Whereas Source is the “substance”, the alchemists “prima materia”. “The Mother”, from which even the Higher Mind or the Higher Self is arising.

As “Our” God-Self is the Oneness of us all, It naturally can speak to every heart, because it dwells at the core of every being.

I hope this serves your better understanding.

In the following conversation I asked our God-Self about the importance and function of the Spiritual Master. As we know, in the New Age movement Spiritual Masters are no longer “in”, because everybody seems to “know” already that they are their own masters and do not need anybody “outside” of themselves to teach. This is of course very true, in case one is really in touch with their own inner Master or very Source.

But there is often a confusion about mind and feeling, the mental substance that is arising in consciousness, and pure consciousness itself which is the domain of mere feeling or feeling attention.

This confusion can lead to the idea that merely thinking one’s Self is already being in touch with It. But what happens in this case is that one has created an idea of the Self, but which is not the Self Itself.

Many members of the New Age philosophy are making this error. It requires a self-transcending practice (“self” written with a small “s”), deep insight, self-understanding and actual “Self-inquiry” to a degree – to come truly in contact with the Self, that is the Mother of the Higher Self. It emerges only when the mind becomes still. When we release all concepts about ourselves and the world, high or low, and when we stop searching.

Now the conversation with our God-Self begins.

Q: Many people believe that a Guru is not necessary and that he/she is a personality who enforces him/herself on the disciple and makes him/her dependent and weak. Therefore only weak people would be looking for a Guru.

On the other hand it is traditionally said, that God Is Guru.
What does this mean and how does this work, how can an individual be the Unlimited, the Source, the All-That-Is?

A: First of all, please understand that a True Guru is a shortcut. The relationship with a Guru can significantly shorten the time of one’s spiritual process and Self-Realization.

From the ‘point of view’ and Realization of a True Guru He Himself (or She Herself) is not an “other”. This is only the beginner’s perception. For the True Guru only One exists. One Self or One Divine Conscious Light. Guru is a principle, a function, and not a body-mind, although it may appear to the external observer as such.

Guru is Mirror, is the Divine Force that directly appears – seemingly outside – to the Seeker who has not yet found his/her own Divine Truth within. But in truth “inside and outside” is the illusion of the Disciple.

The relationship between Guru and Disciple is deeply mysterious and cannot be understood by the mind. It is based on a Love that is greater than the love between human lovers. And it is based on the truth that Consciousness is primary and body-mind is secondary. Both body-minds, the body-mind of the Guru and the body-mind of the Disciple are arising in Consciousness. Therefore both are sharing Consciousness, although the Disciple is not conscious of it yet, whereas by means of Conscious Realization of the Guru, His/Her body-mind is fully surrendered to the Conscious Light or Energy and is such transmitting It directly to the Disciple.

So a Sacred Spiritual Transmission is taking place in this relationship that is able to awaken the Seeker to his/her own Truth within. However this Truth is not found IN the body-mind. The body-mind only possesses portals that provide an opening into a higher Reality. In this Reality Consciousness and Light or Energy, the male and female aspect of the Divine are One. In the ancient Indian spiritual tradition it is called the Unity of Shiva-Shakti.

Q: How is it possible that the Realization of the Guru tends to continue to influence the Disciple, even when they are physically apart or when the Guru left the body and even returned to Source Itself?

A: It happens by intention of the Guru, based on Grace and Blessing. The Guru magnifies the awareness of Self in the Disciple, and he recognizes therefore in contemplation his own Self in the Guru. If the Recognition is True, it is very powerful as it provokes the Guru’s Spirit Force upon the Disciple which initiates profound and palpable changes in his body-mind while it also alters the DNA and molecular structure. The body-mind of the Guru disappears in the Disciple’s deep and self-forgetting contemplation of the Guru and only the One Self remains. What the Disciple first recognizes in the Guru he discovers ultimately in and as Him-Self.

When the Disciple, by the Grace of the Guru, Who is his own Self, finally comes to understand by direct knowing that there is only One Self, One Radiant Consciousness, and not “two”, he/she acknowledges It as his/her Own. This recognition requires the understanding of one’s own body-mind and the permanent capability to transcend it. Then the Guru has fulfilled His/Her purpose.

But the Love between Guru and Disciple continues eternally.


Beloved friends, here ends the conversation ~ that was rather an experience of deep-felt awe, great stillness and eternal love.

It is my wish that you can feel it too!
Much love to you all,

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/2/2013 12:21:32 AM

ROLLING STONE: “Conspiracy Theorists Of The World, Believers In The Hidden Hands Of The Rothschilds, We Skeptics Owe You An Apology.”

Posted on

April 30, 2013
Source: PoliticalVelcraft

Guy Fawkes ~ Father Of Vendetta Anonymous.

Guy Fawkes ~ Father Of Vendetta Anonymous.

Conspiracy theorists of the world, believers in the hidden hands of the Rothschilds and the Masons and the Illuminati, we skeptics owe you an apology. You were right. The players may be a little different, but your basic premise is correct: The world is a rigged game. We found this out in recent months, when a series of related corruption stories spilled out of the financial sector, suggesting the world’s largest banks may be fixing the prices of, well, just about everything.

You may have heard of the Libor scandal, in which at least three – and perhaps as many as 16 – of the name-brand too-big-to-fail banks have been manipulating global interest rates, in the process messing around with the prices of upward of $500 trillion (that’s trillion, with a “t”) worth of financial instruments. When that sprawling con burst into public view last year, it was easily the biggest financial scandal in history – MIT professor Andrew Lo even said it “dwarfs by orders of magnitude any financial scam in the history of markets.”

That was bad enough, but now Libor may have a twin brother. Word has leaked out that theLondon-based firm ICAP, the world’s largest broker of interest-rate swaps, is being investigated by American authorities for behavior that sounds eerily reminiscent of the Libor mess. Regulators are looking into whether or not a small group of brokers at ICAP may have worked with up to 15 of the world’s largest banks to manipulate ISDAfix, a benchmark number used around the world to calculate the prices of interest-rate swaps.

Interest-rate swaps are a tool used by big cities, major corporations and sovereign governments to manage their debt, and the scale of their use is almost unimaginably massive. It’s about a $379 trillion market, meaning that any manipulation would affect a pile of assets about 100 times the size of the United States federal budget.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/2/2013 12:34:41 AM

Transmuting Collective Human Consciousness By Channeling Light

May 1, 2013

light12Every thought and emotion sends out vibrations. Whether these are constructive or destructive depends on the inherent positive or negative nature of the vibrations. Strong vibrations accumulate into the collective global human consciousness and invisibly influence human behavior. Each one of us lives within the energy field of the collective human consciousness.

The sheer amount of negative vibrations generated by humanity, especially in the last millennia, full of violence, genocide, aggression, corruption, greed, etc. have made the field toxic. Each negative act of non-love and hatred increases the chances of generating more of the same. To break this cycle, humanity has to choose and manifest Love and Light individually and channel Light to cleanse the vibrational pollution of energies. Purging the collective global human consciousness of negative vibrations and increasing positive vibrations will create an environment wherein lasting Peace can thrive.

Channeling Light is the best and the easiest way of purification at the individual, familial, communal as well as the global level. Light works at the sub-grassroots level of energies which precede thought, emotion and action, hence positivizing those who channel Light. As the Light is spread around engulfing the whole world, the ocean of vibrations we live in also gets purified.

Light is the Energy of God, Light is God. It has infinite potential to establish all the Divine Values right here, right now. Using our Freewill we have to request the Divine Power of Light and intend that Light heals each one of us and the world. There is an invisible fraternity of highly advanced Spiritual Masters who have been, and are, working behind the scenes to help humanity overcome its limitations and realize its full potential. Let us take this assistance being provided and shine with Light.

You can contribute to World Peace. Channel Light for seven minutes daily, from anywhere at any time for at least seven minutes or as long as you feel comfortable. Transmute the collective human consciousness into a sacred Ocean of Light.

How to Channel Light

Imagine an ocean of Light above you. Imagine / intend that the Light descends and fills up your body. Then, experience the Love and Peace of the Light for a minute and then, imagine / intend it spreading out gradually to your home, locality, country and the world.


Light is the Creative Intelligence behind the Creation. Light is the formless God. From this Light, an ocean of Consciousness emerged, and from that this whole Creation. This Light is everywhere in the Creation.

Light is energy. It carries within Itself Love, Wisdom and Energies. This Light is not the physical light. It is very subtle and pervades the higher subtler realms. It can be accessed by thought, Meditation and by extending our Awareness. It can help us in every way at the individual as well as the global levels.


It is allowing the Light to descend into us by intending and then spreading it around the entire world. Our body transforms the higher frequency of the Light to a grosser level.

How does Channeling Light help?

The vibrations from the Light reach all beings and nature. They carry the energies of Healing, Love, Peace and Positivity. They help Transformation. We will be better human beings. Our world will be a better world.

How does it help the individual?

The quality of our thoughts, emotions and actions improve. Conflicts reduce. Efficiency improves. Our life will be a better one.


Anyone and everyone can channel Light.


No preparation is required; except the desire to change ourselves and the world.



Guruji Krishnananda

For more info, please visit -

(Based on the teachings of GURUJI KRISHNANANDA.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/2/2013 4:47:26 PM

Pleiadian Message via Bella Capozzi: Angels In Human Form

imagePleiadian Message via Bella Capozzi: Angels In Human Form

As channeled by Bella Capozzi – May 1, 2013

Greetings, beloved brethren: You are each precious angels in human form. You are here with a purpose, each and every one – a purpose most unique and unlike that of any other. You are on earth as representatives of the many cultures and races who watch you with avid fascination. You are a diverse community at the the very least. With the dismantling of the veil, this diversity and it’s accompanying intricacies are being gradually revealed to you along with your memories, your contractual obligations, your origins and the true facts about your history.

For those who chose to take on a more cumbersome veil of forgetfulness, you have known yourselves only as your current, perceptually limited human self. There has been struggle and pain as you have been fighting what has seemed to be an uphill battle, all the while aware, in that mysterious place deep with you, that there had to be something more, something you were missing, something far more substantial than what was readily apparent. It has been difficult, no question about it. Yet the truth is that you are so very much more than you ever might imagine!

The earth is rather young, and well before she ever drew her first breath, you lived and thrived elsewhere. An unlimited and omnipresent being, you were and are having a colorful variety of life experiences in many other dimensions and locales simultaneously. You are supremely holy and of God, spun off from the Source of All That Is. As you, and the many facets of you, you live to learn and grow wise, and to aid your less evolved brethren in their spiritual growth.

The day will soon dawn when each of you shall remember these things, and to yourself you shall marvel, “How did I ever forget I was so glorious?” The truth shall be revealed in it’s own time and always when it is most appropriate. Knowledge is power, it is said, and the truth is the most potent knowledge of all. Do you think you are effective now? Well, just wait until you carry your full knowing in your arsenal of Godly weaponry. You shall be quite literally unstoppable.

Go out and spread your Light. Each new one who awakens instantly becomes a carrier of the new frequencies. They, in turn, automatically influence each the others that they come in contact with – each of those moving on to perpetuate the energetic chain of influence.

Think of the activation of another as being akin to flipping on a lightswitch, because in truth that is exactly what you are doing. So imagine this chain going on and on until every single soul on earth has been touched. This is the most simplistic explanation of how the awakening of the human collective shall occur. It is also the most understandable way we have by which to impress upon you the importance of why you must embrace your predestined role and become a part of it.

The stronger the Light becomes, the more physically evident the effects of the shift shall be.

You are feeling discontented with your old way of life. This is good. Discontent is a precursor to change. It is quite important to spend time in contemplation and sit with your discontent. Examine it. Study it. Discover it’s origins and then proceed to construct a viable solution; one which is in keeping with the energies and philosophies of the new paradigm. Thank this blessed discontent, as it has spurred you into action, and then release it back to Source, to be recycled into something bright and fine.

We advise that you also find time to silence the inane babbling of the egoic mind and instead listen to the quieter and more gentle wisdom of the heart. Take a few moments to do nothing and think of nothing. Listen closely. Melt into the high-pitched ringing in your ears, as these are the melodies of Home. We are speaking to you, guiding you and infusing your physical vessel with much needed upgrades. Take note of certain words and phrases which repeat themselves, as there is tremendous significance in these transmissions.

This new age brings with it not only equality and abundance, but a complete integration and restoration of all aspects of your self. The precious people of Gaia are awakening one by one, and at an ever increasing speed. As each one opens his eyes and his heart and veers off the expected path, so rises the Light. Be the shepherd to each one who breaks away from the herd.

Every one within billions is equally precious and important in the grander scheme of things. The puzzle shall not be complete until each piece is snapped into place. The story shall not conclude until each chapter has been rewritten, and read throughout the universe by enraptured cultures far and wide. And you, dear brothers and sisters, hold the pen in your hand. It is you who are the authors of your own destiny.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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