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4/30/2013 10:15:48 PM

Saul: Truly, What You are Waiting For is Worth Every Disappointment You Have Ever Had


As channeled by John Smallman – April 29, 2013

Listen to John read this latest message from Saul here:

Message from John: Hello. This is John with Saul’s message for Monday April 29th 2013. I have been tired and irritable these last few days and have had difficulty making a connection with either Saul or Jesus, and that is why there was no blog post last Sunday. So I decided to share with you the whole experience. I started receiving this message last Friday and got very little. Sitting during the weekend did not help, and finally I managed to unblock or release my irritation/anxiety today. And so we have a message. Enjoy!

Saul channeled Friday April 26th 2013 1.10 pm.

John: Good afternoon, dear Saul. Thanks for your last message. My energy, motivation, and tiredness have been rather up and down lately. Anyhow, please start dictation of a message to post tomorrow night on our blog. Thanks.

Saul: Good afternoon, John. Just relax and allow, and I will help, then we can start – there is much to report that will uplift you and our readers.

(Break from Friday 1.20 pm thru Monday 11.15 am)

John: Well, I didn’t get far with listening to you! What’s going on? I feel disconnected, tired, useless, a waste of space. It’s not a case of “poor little me” even if it sounds like that, more a case of “no one home,” a kind of emptiness, waiting, but for what I know not.

So, dear Saul, if you can get through my block, your input would be most welcome. Please talk, and help me to listen/hear. Oh, yes, I’ve also been feeling angry, irritated, and nothing sparks my interest.

Saul: Dear John, relax. All is as it should be, you are just resting, as you need to do, because on other levels you are very busy.

John: What does that mean?

Saul: The new energies flooding the planet are very energy intensive and many of those who are consciously intending for humanity to awaken are feeling tired and dispirited at present, because these new energies are tiring for bodies which are still adjusting to accommodate them. Do not be alarmed.

The necessary adjustments to your physical bodies that will enable them to ascend are taking place just as you and God intend. Many who made that intention before incarnating for this human life cycle, however, are now unaware of that commitment.

But at deeper levels of their being they still hold that intent very determinedly, and it does add immeasurably to the power that is right now changing humanity’s collective intent so that awakening can occur.

In fact, there are only a very small number on Earth at this time who wish to maintain the old order of “divide and conquer” or “suppress and control.” They have been ably supported by many who believed that they would make personal gains from a relationship with those who seem to hold the reins of power.

However, those supporters are just deeply asleep, and their true intent, like the vast majority of humanity, is to awaken, and they are now stirring in their sleep, and coming out of their state of unawareness of God’s Love for all of His creation.

Those who know that they are Light-bearers and wayshowers are finding it hard at present, partly because they expected that by now they would have ascended, and partly because of the demands they are making on their bodies as they continue determinedly holding the intent for humanity to awaken.

Your success is divinely assured and your efforts are divinely honored. Keep holding the Light and demonstrating love in action and know that what you are doing could not be done by anyone else – you are utterly irreplaceable.

Truly, what you are waiting for is worth every disappointment you have ever had; in fact, infinitely more than that! Otherwise it would not be an awakening but merely a temporary moment of intense joy. When you awaken you will be shocked and inspired at the same time because what you will experience is way beyond anything you can possibly imagine.

Even those of you who have had moments of enlightenment, upliftment, stunning but brief spiritual revelations, will be amazed and overwhelmed with joy.

Yes, those inspired moments of brilliant light or understanding that a very few of you have experienced were sent to you to grab your attention, as they most certainly did! However, do not think that they were rewards for unstinting service granted to a few specially chosen ones, as that is most definitely not the case. All are equally deserving in your Father’s eyes, and only He knows why some appear to be so favored.

There is infinite Wisdom behind everything He does, everything He offers, and everything He demonstrates, and you all know this, so rejoice in the wonder that has been revealed from time to time to some of his earthly children, while remembering that you are all One, and what is given to one is given to all.

There are none among you who do not know that you are divine beings created in Love for eternal happiness. It is just that your illusory state of existence has temporarily hidden this divine truth from you.

Let go of your doubts, of your worries, of your fears that suggest to you that maybe there is no God, no immortality, no divine Reality, because that is to support the unreality of the illusion which you are, with enormous help from those in other realms, in the process of vaporizing, dissolving, completely removing from your minds and memories by awakening.

You have experienced many setbacks, but your victorious ascension is inevitable, so when doubts, anxiety, fear, or exhaustion arise, place yourselves in that place of inner peace where you can release all attention to the outer unreal world and allow the soothing balm of that inner peace to envelop and comfort you, and remember . . . God has your backs, always! You are, therefore, invincible!

With so very much love, Saul

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/30/2013 10:18:24 PM
Dear friends, like this message affects me personally.

Bella Capozzi: The Healing Properties Of Music And Art

imageBella Capozzi: The Healing Properties Of Music And Art

A Mini-Reading by Bella Capozzi – April 29, 2013

For today’s reading I was drawn to the angel therapy oracle card deck, and the card which jumped out mid-shuffle was “Singing and Dancing.” This is a pretty easy one to interpret, with it’s colorful imagery and joyful symbolism. It reminds us that we need to take a break sometimes, from the intensity of the subject matter and events which are bombarding us from the internet and mainstream media.

I’m not saying that we should ignore it-after all, we are all here to transmute negativity to light. It’s just that we need to take a break every now and then, in order to be at our most effective. And what better way to relax and unwind than through music and the arts. The angels are guiding us to incorporate music and dancing, and all sorts of other types of artistic expression into our daily lives.

Try playing soft music in the background, during meditation. Sing along with the radio while you’re driving in the car. Dance around the house when nobody is looking, or better yet, ask them to dance with you! One of my favorite ways to detox and raise my vibration back up is to visit an art museum and spend a few hours surrounded by beauty and our planet’s illustrious history. It’s so relaxing and might serve to inspire your next creative endeavor.

If you’re not particularly musical yourself, how about inviting friends out for the evening, to enjoy a nice dinner and listen to a great band? Yet another way to banish the doldrums! The key message here is to create, unwind, make an effort to spin an aura of joy and loveliness around even the most mundane of your daily tasks.

Find the still point within and make it your home. Make it cozy and colorful, filled with music and movement. Let yourself exude the melodies of heaven, and everyone you encounter cannot help but be affected. You are the wayshowers!

Copyright Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/30/2013 10:19:32 PM

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: All Conscious and Subconscious Beliefs of the Parents are Transferred to their Children upon Incarnation

AngelsAs channeled by Taryn Crimi – April 29, 2013

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of belief systems, more specifically we would like to share with you the effects a parent’s belief systems have on their children.

Many are unaware of the tremendous impact their beliefs have on their own children. All children are directly impacted by their parent’s belief systems.

We are not simply referring to the beliefs that you teach your children, we are referring to every belief you have that is encoded in your being; all beliefs that a parent holds, regardless of whether they are conscious or subconscious beliefs are “downloaded” into their child’s subconscious upon incarnation. This of course has a profound effect on how the child views and experiences their world in the early stages of their life and often into their early adulthood.

All souls are aware of this before they choose to incarnate into this reality. In fact, it is quite common for souls to choose their parents based on the belief systems and patterns they will “inherit” from their parents. This offers the soul a particular set of beliefs that will help them to focus more intently on particular life lessons that result from having those beliefs instilled within them at an early age.

The beliefs of the parents are transferred to the child and held within the child’s subconscious waiting to be discovered and if desired, replaced with a set of new beliefs. Of course the parent’s beliefs are not the only reason why a child is impacted by the numerous experiences that are manifested in this reality; some ailments and experiences are directly the result of the soul’s choice to have the experience for the growth that would be gained by all involved.

However, even though a particular experience can be the result of a choice made by the soul before incarnation, it is still manifested due to the beliefs held by those involved. Remember free will is always the determining factor upon incarnation.

The beliefs of your parents heavily impact your reality in your formative years as a young child. Once a child has grown past the age of 6 they become more and more capable of forming their own conscious beliefs. Know that we are not simply referring to a child’s preferences or their likes or dislikes; we are referring to their beliefs about their reality. Often the child’s beliefs will still mirror the belief patterns of their parents and caretakers for quite some time, often well into adulthood.

Now some may wonder about those who are either adopted or are cared for by another person other than their biological parents. This is a wonderful question. Know that the belief patterns of the biological parents will still in fact be passed down to the child, just as the biological genes and cellular makeup will be; however in a situation where a child is cared for by another person, only the conscious belief patterns will be shared and absorbed by the child.

Let us rephrase our answer to ensure you understand our explanation. A child will always inherit the genes, the conscious and subconscious beliefs and the cellular makeup of the biological parents regardless of who raises the child. However if a child is raised by someone other than the biological parent, the caretaker will only share their conscious belief systems with the child. Why is this? A child will not inherit the genes of their caretaker simply because they are being raised by them, just as they will not inherit the caretaker’s subconscious belief systems. You cannot consciously teach a child, what you yourself are not consciously aware of.

Young children are incredibly impressionable and many of your ingrained beliefs were established in your early formative years. Children often encounter similar experiences as their parents. Of course we are not stating that all children will live similar lives as their parents, we are simply saying that with common ingrained beliefs one is likely to attract and experience similar situations.

This is often why the phrase “history repeats itself” or “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” are so accurate when pertaining to this topic. This is also why it is quite common to find a child making similar decisions as their parents no matter how hard the parent tries to deter them from making the same “mistakes” they feel they have made in the “past”.

We are referring to both conscious and subconscious beliefs that are held by the parents which the young children assume as their own until they grow older and can make the conscious decision to choose a new belief if they so desire. The transfer of the subconscious and conscious beliefs are made only upon incarnation.

As your child grows older and you inherently change, release and replace your subconscious belief patterns, the belief patterns will not instantly change within your child. It is not as if there is a continual connection that will instantly update your child with your “latest” version of subconscious beliefs. The transfer is made at birth.

Some may wonder how the parent’s beliefs could be transferred to the child. Quite simply it is like an automatic encryption that gets “downloaded” into the very DNA of the child; much like the genetic makeup that a child inherits from their parents. Scientists have yet to discover that the genetic makeup that one inherits from their ancestral lines also includes the collective belief patterns held within that genetic lineage.

This is why we have said many times before that many of you are not only clearing limiting beliefs that are being held within your being, but you are also serving to assist your genetic line with the encoded information on how to release that limiting belief.

With that being said, you may wonder why an ancestor would need help in releasing limiting beliefs if they are already deceased. Remember that we do not perceive time in the same manner that you do. Everyone and everything exists in the now moment from our perspective. This is one of the ways in which you can alter a version of the past.

We say version because there are many pasts, although you only perceive one. As you work on clearing each limiting belief to increase your own vibration, you inherently help all others to do the same. Not because you clear the belief for them, but you in a sense show them exactly how it can be done.

You cannot remove a belief for another, however as you remove and release a limiting belief from your being, you unlock the exact directions on how the belief was cleared. This is so very profound! The stresses, experiences, and worries that all of you have willingly subjected yourself to are always for the higher good of all. We will focus more intently on this topic of releasing limiting beliefs in our next message.

Our intention for sharing this message is to simply help you to understand yet another layer of the complex illusion that you perceive to be your reality in this now moment. As each subconscious belief is uncovered or shall we say brought to your conscious attention for further assessment you can then decide if it is in fact a belief that you would like to keep or if you would like to release it and replace the belief with a new one.

Although we know you are anxious to uncover all of your subconscious beliefs, know that there is a divine flow to all that you experience. You will discover each belief at the pace that is right for you. To uncover them all at once or to draw these beliefs to your conscious attention too quickly would often prove to be more harmful than beneficial.

As always we are standing beside you every step of the way anxiously awaiting your invitation to welcome us in to help you to release in peace and to replace in joy.

We hope that this message has in some way served you.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

Copyright © 2012 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/1/2013 10:22:49 PM

Suzanne Lie: Galactic/Earth Alliance – The Landing Party Remembers, Part 3

HigherExpressionBy Suzanne Lie – April 30, 2013

The Landing Party Remembers – Part 3

Mytre Speaks from the Ship:

I am very concerned about Mytria. She is, indeed, awakening to some of her experiences on the Ship. But it appears that as Mytria is remembering more about the Ship, she is actually forgetting more about me. I know that it is selfish of me, but I am afraid that I have lost her.

When she comes aboard the Ship at night now, she appears to be fully human. She no longer interacts with her friends from the Ship and stays with the other humans who believe they are having a dream. I am happy that her human guise has awakened to the Mission. However, it appears that the more she fulfills her Mission, the less she remembers her real SELF.

It is as if she has gone so far into her human Earth vessel that she can no longer remember me, her Divine Complement, or her true SELF. My deepest concern is that she is working her Earth vessel too much. I can see that she falls into bed exhausted each night because she is doing too much during the day.

I fear she is overcompensating for some inner reason that I cannot determine. Clearly, she is lost in her human and perceives her visits Home to our Ship as interesting dreams. However, she is doing so many things with her Blog and her meetings with others that she is greatly depleting her human Earth vessel.

She seems to have forgotten the warning we received that if we “died” while in our Earth vessel, we may not remember our true SELF even then. In that case, we would enter the Wheel of Birth and Death that surrounds that planet rather than return to our true expression here on the Ship or on our Homeworld.

Mytria is actually sharing the Earth vessel of the human. This agreement was made before the human’s birth. The Mytria on the Ship has been in deep meditation and holding the energy so that she can continue her bi-location, and I have been checking her life-signs that are displayed outside of the cubicle.

In fact, this human is a component of Mytria’s myriad expressions of her Multidimensional SELF. But the human has all the limitations of a third dimensional being. We were also warned before we took this Mission that human limitations are very infectious. Hence, we could begin to believe human illusions while we wore that form. I am concerned that this has occurred with Mytria.

So far her life signs are consistent with her Pleiadian self. However, if they become consistent with her human Earth vessel, then she could become trapped in the illusion of her humanity. I must speak with the Arcturian about my concerns. I am so happy that the Arcturian decided to join us on this Mission, as “becoming human” is very dangerous. Mytria so wanted to perform her duty that she has put her SELF in great danger of forgetting who she really is.

Suddenly the Arcturian appeared in front of me as if IT had been listening.

“Mytre, we are aware of your concerns. In fact, we share them with you. Mytria entered very deeply into the consciousness of the parallel reality of her human expression. Through her Mytria SELF, she has been communicating with this human for many decades. However, the human could not bring that information into her conscious mind.

“Hence, all of the human’s communications with Mytria have been stored in her deepest subconscious. Now that the higher Light is entering the human’s form, which is now shared by Mytria, there is a growing perceptual awareness and an expanding state of consciousness.

“However, the human consciousness (in which Mytria is becoming increasingly intertwined) cannot directly experience this shift yet, as it is occurring within her DNA. Nonetheless, these changes are shifting the perceptual field of the Earth vessel that Mytria is sharing with the human. Even though the process of perceptual shift is still unconscious to the human’s daily thinking it is creating many uncomfortable emotions.

“You are correct in your concern that Mytria has become lost within the consciousness she is sharing with the human. Mytria has indeed forgotten much about her true SELF aboard this Ship and perceives herself as the human form she is wearing.”

At this point, I became extremely agitated, which the Arcturian instantly sensed.

“Mytre, your concern is not helpful to Mytria nor to the Mission. You are to be Mytria’s anchor in the higher planes, and whether or not she is aware of it, she does feel all your emotions just as she has always done. Therefore, a part of her uncomfortable emotions are because she can unconsciously feel your concern.”

This statement made me quite disturbed. Thus, I knew that I would have to dedicate myself to having more faith in Mytria’s abilities. She was a Keeper of the Violet Flame on our planet, thus I must trust her innate power.

“Yes, Mytre,” the Arcturian said in response to my thoughts. “It is vital that you remain calm and confident, so that she can find her own calm confidence. If she is to assist the humans, she must experience what they are experiencing. Mytria is becoming the human that she is wearing in order to fully understand how to transmute that form into its higher expression. She is very brave to do this and needs you to be confident and supportive.”

I thanked my Arcturian friend. I did understand how my concerns could easily bleed into Mytria’s consciousness. On the other hand, I also understood how a growing shift in her perceptions of reality could be quite disturbing to the third dimensional thinking which had temporarily taken hold of Mytria’s consciousness.

In order to shift her perceptual field into the higher frequencies of her reality, she must first become aware of the lower frequency fear-based emotions that tie her attention to that frequency of perception, and thus that frequency of reality. Mytria’s challenge was to show the humans that the reality they live is the reality they perceive.

I must remember that within the NOW of the reality Mytria is visiting much of humanity is experiencing extreme emotional shifts within a short period of time. Furthermore, time itself is shifting in nature. As the frequency of Earth reality continues to shift into the higher dimensions, third dimensional time changes into fourth dimensional time, which is much faster. A more gradual shift in their perception of time is very helpful to diminish humanity’s fear of change.

“Yes,” thought the Arcturian as It joined in with my thinking. “Becoming the master of ones fear is the greatest challenge in the Now that Mytria is living. Her human expression with whom she has merged had battled fear for most of her life. It was the unconscious influence of Mytria within her human form that initiated a great shift in the human’s consciousness.

“However, we do agree that we must watch the life signs of our Mytria on the Ship. We are fully aware that you are doing so on a regular, somewhat obsessive basis. When you go to check on her, stay there for a while and talk to her Pleiadian SELF. In this manner you will assist her to remember her SELF more than you may think.”

I was very happy to receive that information from the Arcturian and tried not to run to Mytria’s meditation cubicle. Because she was in a very deep trance, she was fed intravenously and constantly monitored. I had not considered the component of Mytria that was aware of my concern and how much I may have been harming her. I wanted to instantly run to Mytria’s cubical, but my duties made it impossible to visit her until much later.

Mytria Speaks:

Because of my deep connection with Mytre I can feel his thoughts. That is, when I am not too absorbed in my human life. I have to admit that it is getting easier and easier to become lost in the turmoil of my human life. There, do you see? I just owned that human vessel as “my life”. Mytre is correct to be concerned. I am of no use to anyone if I become lost in this human vessel.

In the briefing for this Mission we were warned regarding the power of illusion on this world. Now I must admit to the arrogance I had that illusion would never fool me. Becoming lost in this vessel greatly concerns me, as well. Perhaps it would be good if just I, without my human consciousness, visited the Ship. All right, I will admit it. It is not the Ship I wish to visit, but Mytre.

If I could be with Mytre again and feel his body around mine, it may be easier to maintain my SELF in the midst of wearing this Earth vessel and living this challenging Earth life. There is a growing hope on Earth that I can feel, even though there are still so many that are totally asleep and completely unaware of what is most important.

So many humans are so stuck on surviving. Others are having glimpses of a new reality, but they cannot maintain that vision. Some of them can remember that possible reality while in their night-body such as I am doing now. But I must not judge them, for my sense of self is becoming more and more human and less and less Pleiadian.

I have had to move very deeply into the consciousness of the human to assist her to awaken and to act upon her awakening. I am very happy that her Blog is well read and she is doing a great deal of research about multidimensional realities and higher expressions of SELF.

However, she is still unable to own the fact that SHE is multidimensional and SHE is her own higher expression. Actually, that SHE is ME because she is one of my myriad Earth expressions. However, when she is unconscious about my living within her, it makes it very difficult for ME to remain conscious inside of HER.

Oh, she is waking up now. I will think of Mytre and the Ship so that I can better remember my SELF.

The Contact Person Speaks:

I had a very interesting dream last night in which I was a very tall and quite beautiful alien. I will have to search the Internet to find where this being is from. I think it was a female, but she looked so different from me. I mean, she looked like a human, but she was very tall, with light skin and long blond hair. I knew she was not human by her eyes.

They looked much like human eyes, but the centers of the eyes were not black like human eyes. The centers of her eyes were white, as in white light. Her eyes were very hypnotizing, and she appeared to be looking into my Soul at the same time that I was looking into her face. It was a very unusual and somewhat upsetting experience.

I do not understand what is going on with me. I enjoy my Blog and love my new Internet friends. But I still feel like something is missing. No, actually, I feel like some ONE is missing. I know that this alien has a mate. I can feel it just as I can feel it when someone is in a happy relationship. Yes, this alien is in a relationship, but her happiness seems a bit tainted by sorrow. What does sorrow have to do with an alien?

If she really wants to feel what sorrow is, she should come to Earth!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/1/2013 10:24:07 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young: The Time is Now

Byzantine painting of Archangel GabrielAs channeled by Shelley Young – April 28, 2013

Greetings, Dear Ones, how pleased and honoured we are to be in your presence today. We honour you for coming to ground in the energies of the group and, of course, when we say group we mean not only those who are in the room at this time but also those who will be enjoying this transmission on your internet at a later time.

Did you know that through your participation you have created a bridge, an energetic bridge, that always exists between our energy and yours? We are available to each and every one of you whether you are in the room or experiencing this transmission in another way, whenever you may desire to feel it. We encourage you to take advantage of that and to use us as a support for you moving forward.

We understand that you are in a challenging energetic time as you are experiencing the falling away of the old and the brand new energies of the New Earth, as you are in the process of creating it. You are in a series of eclipses, which frequently can be energetically, interesting, let us say, for those of the human condition.

Your sun is also in a very active phase and we understand that all of these elements can be challenging to navigate. We are not going to go in depth into these elements right now. There are a great many people in service that are doing a fine job explaining the energetics of your planet.

We will simply remind you to stay in a state of surrender and flow, of acceptance and of focused creation. Listen to your bodies. Be the nurturers of yourselves. Honour yourselves and give yourselves what you need to keep your balance, to bloom, to shine and to navigate with grace and ease. Know that while these energies can be somewhat uncomfortable, they are moving you forward, at a rapid rate, into all of the things that your hearts desire and wish to experience.

We would like to speak to you today about stepping into your mastery because the time is Now, Dear Ones. Many of you have been actively embracing your ascension process for many years now, purging and healing, shifting, assisting, transmuting energies. Many of you, because you were so very aware of the fact that you were part of this pivotal, important, magical, ascension process, understood that there were elements that you needed to wait for to occur. Many of you were focused, on that soul level, on getting past the pivotal alignments of December 21, 2012.

It was a line in the sand, if you will, between where you had been and where you were going and because many of you had been waiting for the energies that you are in right now for so very long, you have adopted the habit of waiting as part of the process. So what is happening is many of you are still feeling your mastery as being something that happens later on, something that you must continue to wait to shift into. You see your perfect health as something that will come down the road. You see living a life of joy as something that you will somehow experience but not being available to you in the Now. You see and work on your focused creations but through your belief system, you are also seeing them as something that will magically appear down the path, you are not creating it in your Now. You have developed this “one day” thinking that was very valid at one point on your journey but you are continuing it still even though it has no more purpose.

So what does that mean to you? What does the time is Now truly mean? This can be a challenging statement for many of you who are afraid to step into your authentic power. Many of you have experienced power as being an unpleasant thing. Perhaps you used power inappropriately in some of your other life expressions. Or perhaps you were suppressed by others, who lorded power over you.

As an enlightening human being, you may have a fear of the ego. You keep yourselves small because you think to step into your grandeur, into who you really are, would mean falling headlong into ego. You are far too mindful for that, Dear Ones. If you were to fall headlong into ego, you would become so uncomfortable it would be impossible for you to stay there at this point. Do you see? It is not an option for you anymore. It does not match who you are energetically. It is not you.

You are here on the planet expressing your highest alignment while staying in the body. The ego is not the enemy, it is just not part of your plan. Do you see? You are safe and you are free and you are ready to step into that authentic power. We are seeing a great many human beings who are fully prepared, fully ready to truly step into their authentic power pause because they are holding onto “one day” thinking or they have a fear of stepping into their authentic power. We would ask you to throw those old habits out today. The time is Now.

Many of you say, “Well, Gabriel, I believe that I can create. I believe that. But how do I believe something is Now when it is not part of my reality, when I don’t see it?” This is difficult because you are trying to practice a non-linear creation practice and apply it to linear time. There is a disconnect in your brains, being linear human beings, that doesn’t understand how that can happen.

In reality, your creations exist beyond time and space. You create them with your imagination and with your focus and then you anchor them into your reality. How quickly that happens is dependent upon how well you are able to stay in that flow, to ground in that energy, to believe that you are worthy, to know that you can have it Now and allow it to become part of your existence. So many of you have the habit of saying, “My money is coming soon” which always keeps it coming soon but never arriving in the Now. A powerful affirmation you may wish to try is, “My time for my creation is Now.” Then allow the universe to figure out how to make that your truth.

We wish to give you an analogy that may make this easier for you to understand. Imagine that you are going about your day and you suddenly become aware of the fact that you are hungry. You are not just a little bit hungry, this is not just you thinking that you should eat. You are truly hungry. Your vehicle requires fuel. So, with your awareness, you have identified a need to support your well-being and your comfort. So you ask yourself, “Well if I am hungry and I must take time to take care of this, what would I like to have?” You ponder and consider all of the different options that are available to you, and because you are being mindful of what you put into your body, you decide you would like to have a salad.

You also want it very quickly, so you decide that you are going to go to a restaurant that has very fast service, that will give you a healthy salad to sustain yourself and allow you to be comfortable and go about your day in a manner that will support you. You do not sit and think, “Oh I am so hungry! I wish the universe would come and plunk a salad in my lap.” You identify a need and you move into action. You make it be so. You do not think, “What if the restaurant is not there? What if I get lost on the way?” Do you see? You simply launch yourself into the action that will bring it into your reality.

So you arrive at the restaurant and you go up to the server and you announce what you would like and you pay for it. Now you have fed it energetically. You have stated loudly to the universe, “It is my intention to have a salad and I would like to have it Now.” In reality, when you walk into a restaurant and you announce what you want, they don’t hand it to you in that moment, but you are still considering that you are in the act of having it Now by feeding it energetically. Do you see? This is an important part. It may not appear to you instantaneously but you are still energetically stating that you are having it Now.

You do not walk up to the server and say, “I’m hungry but I don’t know what I want” and expect her to deliver something that will be completely satisfying to you. You do not say to her, “Well I’m really hungry and I’d like to have a salad but I think I’ll have it later.” Do you see? You state your intention, you energetically feed it, and then you sit down and wait for it to arrive with the complete assurance that it will be so.

If you run into someone that you know and they come and see you and ask what you are doing, you don’t say, “Well, I’m hoping to have a salad one day.” You say, “I’m having lunch. I’m grabbing a bite to eat.” You say it in the Now, so you are still energetically supporting it and you have no doubt that it is about to happen in your Now.

Dear Ones, you do not sit at the table in angst wondering how on earth it is going to come together behind the scenes. You don’t fret over whether there is lettuce and tomatoes. You don’t wonder whether people showed up to work or what steps they are going to have to take to put it all together in a package that can come to you. You leave it in the hands of the experts, knowing it is their job and they have done it many times before. Even if it is happening behind the scenes, even if you can’t see or imagine what it looks like back there or how it is going to come together, you trust that it will.

You do not decide after three minutes that you are not worthy of salad and leave. You do not run up to the server every few minutes re-ordering salad and paying for it again. You do not call up one of your friends crying that you are not sure that the salad is coming and ask them if they could just go check. “Can you consult your cards? Is my salad really coming?” (much laughter) You are getting a glimpse of what it feels like to be us. (smiles)

If you can just sit in your knowingness, before you know it, you have the salad in front of you and you can enjoy it and you can give yourself exactly what you need. And by giving thanks to the system that allows you to have your sustenance, you ensure that it will happen time and time and time again because you are staying in that alignment.

People ask us why we use food analogies so frequently. We use food because it is something you all have in common. You all eat. We give you analogies that are simple to understand and are easy to apply. It is also such a perfect match because both food and spirituality are your sustenance. Do you see?

Dear Ones, your time is Now. Let go of all these silly games that you play with yourselves in your ego’s desire to keep you small. Live. Create. Dance. Love. Heal. Express yourselves as the wondrous creators that you are. Have fun. Lead by your glorious example. These are the times that you’ve been waiting so long to experience. Cherish them. Allow yourselves to have the full experience because there is no reason to have anything other than that. And with that, we will leave you for today. You are loved and honoured beyond measure and it has been our great pleasure.
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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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