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4/29/2013 3:45:02 PM

That Knowing is to Break Through into Conscious Awareness

eleven starJesus through John Smallman recently spoke my thoughts entirely and I have to draw a line under what he said. Consider this passage:

“As I told you in ‘A Course in Miracles,’ and as you well know at the depths of your being: ‘Heaven is here. There is nowhere else. Heaven is now. There is no other time.’ That knowing is to break through into your conscious experiential awareness, changing your perception of one another and of the world around you, permanently.” (1)

I know many people will say “I don’t understand what he’s talking about.” No matter. I am certain you will. Just hang in there and the energies and the teachings will unravel this mystery to us in a way that’s comprehensible – in time.

Jesus is describing life lived outside the mind, outside the constructed self. Consider that I called that space “conscious awareness” (following Werner Erhard, 2) and Jesus calls it “conscious experiential awareness.” No difference. As long as we’re inside our acts and numbers, we live in unconscious awareness. When we leave our acts and numbers behind and exit the constructed self, we live in conscious awareness.

Before we enter conscious awareness fully and permanently, we have to step outside the world of the mind, the self that we built out of our resolutions and convictions and decisions and desires, the unreal self, the illusion.

All the thoughts we think about ourselves, think about others, everything that defines, directs or guides us. It doesn’t matter how right it is. It’s the silence outside the mind we seek.

Now hear the passage again please: “‘Heaven is here. There is nowhere else. Heaven is now. There is no other time.’ That knowing is to break through into your conscious experiential awareness, changing your perception of one another and of the world around you, permanently.”

Heaven is here and now. When we leave the world constructed by the mind, the world where we look over our own shoulder and say “I want this and I’ll do that to get it,” the world of desire and design, self-assessment and judgment, image and pose and every other product of the mind – when we step outside that whole world, we find that Heaven is where we are and Heaven is our own here and now. It is no other place and no other time. We don’t get in a spaceship and fly to Heaven.

And if we want to be there permanently, we must step outside the chatter of the mind permanently. That for me is the first step.

The mind is like a spider’s web, which is made of thin but strong silk and can imprison an insect larger than the spider. We’re imprisoned in the web of the mind.

The mind ties us up with its constant comment on every facet of our lives, but its chatter is invisible to us. Only when we step beyond the din of its chatter can we see that Heaven, above the line between unconscious and conscious awareness, was always here now. After that presencing the Self becomes our new discipline.

Lin-Chi (Rinzai) is famous for metaphorically and literally describing the act of will that carries us out of the mind.

“Where the student is exerting all his strength, not a breath of air can pass, and the whole thing may be over as swiftly as a flash of lightning or a spark from a flint. If the student so much as bats an eye, the whole relationship could be spoiled. Apply the mind and at once there’s differentiation; rouse a thought and at once there’s error. The person who can understand this never ceases to be right before my eyes.” (3)

“Followers of the Way, if you want to be constantly in accord with the Dharma, you’ll have to begin by learning to be first-rate fellows. Be weak-kneed and wishy-washy and you’ll never get there.” (4)

Weak-kneed fellows never get there.

In part this describes being 1,000 percent through and finished with our act. Jesus called it our eye being single. (5) We’ve made up our mind to drop our act and there’s not the slightest holding back or disagreement with that resolve.

Not a contrary thought or any thought stirs in the mind as we step outside the web of the mind in an instant. Rinzai says it’s all over in the space of a shout. That shout can be “No!” That was my experience.

Two years ago this March during a meditation retreat, I sat in an elevated space, which I now see was the formless, and I acted without acting, moved without moving.

Much of that experience was held back from me, probably so I wouldn’t take the next train out of Dodge. There wasn’t a feeling component to it, no bliss. It was in black and white rather than color. Just as well, I now see. I would’ve vamoosed the ranch.

Lao-Tzu describes that space:

“Accordingly, the Wise Man
Knows without going,
Sees without seeing,
Does without doing.” (6)

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna called it “the action that is inaction.” (7) Leaving the constructed self is done by moving without moving, acting without acting. It is done by an act of will but not a muscle of our body moves. And certainly our mind doesn’t move. It’s exactly what falls quiet.

The problem is that our mind is usually divided and the divided mind – the house that’s divided – cannot stand. It quarrels with itself. It cannot generate the willpower to step outside the mind. It cannot effect the spiritual movement that I call leaving the constructed self. Only the undivided mind can, the eye that is single.

The moment of release for me was like stamping my foot mentally. It was a standing forth, an emergence. I came forth at the sound of my “No!” from a mind that was truly sick of itself, dropped its act, and fell silent.

When we release ourselves from the mind, I expect us to march forward to level after level of conscious awareness, even reaching levels of reality where we are very much aware that we move without moving, act without acting. The whole ladder of consciousness that stretches out before us seems characterized by more and more moving without moving, acting without acting.

How exciting to hear Jesus describe it.

And the rest of what he says in that reading is so reassuring and exciting, I can hardly sit still.

“Much is happening worldwide that will amaze you when you hear of it. The field of divine Love works constantly and surreptitiously to enable and bring about the essential behavioral changes that will ensure that an end to grinding poverty, contagious diseases, and desecration of the planet is achieved smoothly and effectively.

“As that happens, planet-wide healing of the earth herself and of all the life forms she supports will accelerate as the constant damaging activities that have encouraged and maintained those wretched conditions cease. That cessation of widespread damaging activities will release enormous quantities of energy to assist in the necessary cleansing and renewal that needs to occur to return your planet to a state of tranquility in which her health, beauty, and abundance can thrive so that the needs of all who rely on her wellness for their own well-being can be fully met.” (8)

Jesus has graciously described for us where to go next. Never mind circuit riders; these celestial riders have our situation in hand.

What a time to be alive! How can anyone remain asleep in the face of the energies and revelations of the masters, galactics and angels?

I must add that I don’t consider “conscious awareness” enlightenment. It may turn out to be the farthest we can go before God takes over and steers the boat home. But not enlightenment itself. So I continue to be unenlightened as do any like me.

Out of my agreement to go through Ascension publicly as a journalist of awareness, I can say that as far as I can see, the masters are telling us exactly what we need to know to flow with the rising wave of consciousness and exactly what we ourselves are discovering. If they didn’t tell us, we might still have our discoveries but overlook them, dismiss them, or sell ourselves short.

The masters are gently waking us through their energies and teachings to conscious awareness from unconscious awareness, to life outside the constructed self from life inside, to the world as it is from the world the mind thinks it to be.


(1) “Jesus: A Sea Change in the Way Information is Released into the Public Domain is Underway,” As channeled by John Smallman, April 26, 2013, at

(2) “Above the line: conscious awareness” in “Above the Line between Conscious and Unconscious Awareness” in Est Dictionary at

(3) Lin Chi [Rinzai] in Burton Watson, trans., The Zen Teachings of Master Lin-Chi [Rinzai].A Translation of the Lin-Chi Lu. Boston and London: Shambala, 1993, 58.

(4) Ibid., 41.

(5) By our eye being single, Jesus was probably referring to the opening of the Third Eye, but his terms usually have many more meanings than just one. Here I interpret it to mean our “seeing” being single, our perceptions and thoughts being undivided, focused, determined.

(6) Lao Tzu, The Way of life. The Tao Te Ching translated by Raymond B. Blakney, 1955, at

(7) Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944

(8) “Jesus: A Sea Change in the Way Information is Released into the Public Domain is Underway,” ibid.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/29/2013 3:47:04 PM

Jennifer Hoffman: The Energies of May

jennifer-hoffmanBy Jennifer Hoffman – April 28, 2013

As we complete the last few days of April many of us are wondering what else can happen? April was certainly eventful on the global scale and it didn’t even have the energetic potential of May, which has two eclipses and the third Uranus Pluto square, as well as starting with both the Sun and Mars opposing Saturn. This is where the rubber meets the road and if we are not firmly strapped in our seats, meaning grounded in our own energy and intention, we may get thrown around the cabin a little bit.

When I lived in Australia I would take the very long flight between Sydney and Los Angeles, which always experienced heavy turbulence mid-flight. As we approached that point the pilot would turn on the seat belt sign and warn passengers to get back into their seats. Most of them did but there were always a few who did not. As we reached that point on one flight the plane suddenly dropped several hundred feet and everyone who was not strapped in flew up and hit the roof of the cabin. Several people were severely injured.

May is a little like that, there will be smooth times and mixed with patches of heavy turbulence. As long as we are prepared for them, we will navigate them successfully. Some of that heavy turbulence will include choices that we need to make that will up-end our lives, others will be the results of others’ choices that impact us. And the answers to our prayers sometimes creates consequences we did not consider. As we set an intention, we create an energetically charged intention field around us. Anyone or anything that isn’t aligned with that intention and its energy may quickly make an exit. Conversely, anything that matches the energy of the intention field will quickly enter.

Balancing the incoming and outgoing traffic may be a little unsettling this month. The big question we must honestly answer for ourselves, is are we happy. If we are not living in joy, loving everything about our lives, then May’s energy will point out, with great clarity, the missing pieces and then help us to fill in the blanks. This may be inviting a change we have been considering but have not had the courage to do, or it may be allowing a belief, thought pattern, person, thing or situation to leave our life. It can be more fulfilling to open a door ourselves, with grace and ease, than to have it opened for us. We are ready for the changes that arrive, on a deeper level, even if we do not think that we are.

We are now five months into 2013 and it feels like we haven’t made much progress. Where are the peace, joy, love and abundance that we thought would happen once we achieved the December milestones? They are potentials that still exist and in May the structures that need to come down in order to make room for them will start moving. The May 21 Uranus/Pluto square is a powerful point, as are the May eclipses.

All of them point to change in the form of upheaval and turbulence but sometimes we need to see the problems clearly before we are ready to take action. I think that the intense activity we may see this month will open even the most tightly closed eyes. This is usually the case, events and situations unfold until we have the information we need, with a degree of clarity that leaves no doubt, about what needs to happen next.

I invite you to join me on the May New Earth Energy call, which will be May 2, 2013 at 8PM US central time. It’s a 90 minute recorded call in which I’ll talk about May’s energy in greater detail, what intention fields are and how you can work with them, the opening of our galactic community, and much more. You can find out more and sign up by clickinghere.

The call is recorded and you have access to the recording if you cannot be on the live call. You also get a call agenda and we’ll be doing some energy clearing and exercises to help you prepare for May’s energies. I hope you can join me on the call.

Have a wonderful month and keep those seat belts fastened.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, link to and translate this article, on free, non-commercial websites only, as long as you include the author’s name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/29/2013 3:50:18 PM

Suzanne Lie: We Are Conscious Creators of New Earth

oneBy Suzanne Lie – April 24, 2013

We Are Conscious Creators of New Earth

Tomorrow I return from my retreat in Nature. I wish I could say that I spent a great deal of time in Nature, but I actually spent a great deal of time sleeping. Being away from the house and all the things that I should do gave me time to do exactly what I wanted, and/or needed to do. And, what I spent a lot of time doing was sleeping.

I woke up several times last night, but I still slept a good three hours longer than I usually sleep. As I often do, I woke up with a sentence, which when written down becomes pages and pages. However, today’s sentence is not about writing. It is about doing, for when I awoke this morning my sentence was:

I Suzanne Lie from California USA

Volunteer to be a Conscious Creator of New Earth

The pivotal word in this statement is “conscious” creator, as we are all in the process of creating New Earth with our every thought and emotion.

We had hoped that our years and lives of dedication, meditation and service would be sufficient to give us a free ride to New Earth and/or the higher dimensions. However, this was not the case. We, the members of incarnated humanity, are the creators of New Earth.

Yes, finally, time is on our side. The higher Light from the Galactic Center is flowing into our world, and we have more assistance from the Galactics and Celestials than we have since the Golden Age of Atlantis.

However, the higher Light that is awakening those who have dedicated themselves to the manifestation of their Earthly mission and integration of their Multidimensional SELF, is making the Lost Ones fall deeper and deeper into their personal torment. Unfortunately, this inner torment is acted out as torment against others.

Fortunately, inner peace and Unconditional Love is also acted out on others. However, we have been calibrated from myriad lifetimes on Earth to put fear first and wait until later for love. Our animal brains tells us that fear is the most important emotion as it protects us from attack and eventual death. But death is always eventual and far less important to our Soul than the love.

Fortunately, as we download, integrate and become the Higher Expressions of our SELF, we have powers of creativity that are far beyond our former powers of destruction. Hence, what took TIME, effort and greed to destroy can quickly be transmuted with the Unconditional Love that is the core of the higher Light that is awakening our creative powers.

However, in order to be master of our creations, we must master our thoughts and emotions. I imagine that is why I woke up with the above sentence. It is one thing to write stories, meditate, lead groups and help others, but another thing completely to BE the Master of ALL our thoughts and emotions.

We can easily think of all the “hard work” it would take to create a New Earth based on Unconditional Love for all life. However, living that Unconditional Love with our every thought and emotion is an entirely different challenge. We are used to “hard work,” but we have NOT had much practice at being the Master of our Energy (thoughts and emotions).

In fact, even those of us who are able to have pretty good control of our thoughts and emotions, still fall into the trap of complaining about the difficulties of daily life. We even complain about how difficult Ascension is! In fact, most of us “Lightworkers” are afraid to say the word Ascension because it did not occur according to our specifications.

You can see that I include myself in that list. I too, have complained about the difficulties of remembering our True SELF while in the turmoil of our 3D life. It is indeed a challenge to maintain a higher state of consciousness while we are observe the atrocities of life around us and while we travel in traffic and confront a pile of bills.

Therefore, when I woke up with the statement that “I AM Creating New Earth” it means that my every thought and emotion IS creating my reality. My thoughts direct my intention and my emotions dictate the state of consciousness that fills that intention. Hence, if I am to BE a creator of New Earth, and I create my reality with my thoughts and emotions, I must be a Master of my thoughts and emotions.

Is it becoming clear now why we did NOT ascend? How many of us are actually a master of our every thought and emotion? Not me! I am striving to become a Master of my thoughts and emotions. However, I am fully aware that this form of mastery is impossible for our third dimensional animal brain. Hence, our animal brain is incapable of creating New Earth.

On the other hand, the Animal Kingdom that does not include humanity IS ready for Ascension. They are ready for Ascension because they live in Unity with Gaia and with respect for their planet. The human animal does not live in unity or respect for our planet. The “animal’s” brain has a code of ethics and behavior that has been lost by the human animal.

However, the human animal has something that the animal kingdom does not. Humanity has the ability to be conscious of, to recognize, integrate and BE their higher dimensional expression while wearing a human body. However, in order to do this, we will need to release our third dimensional thinking, just as we had to release wooden wheels in order to have a faster vehicle.

I know that I have restated what I have been saying for quite a while. However, I know that a reminder is important, as I must constantly remind myself. Then, I still act from my human self. My advancement is that I catch myself more often now. However, if I am too tired, if I have allowed myself to become “stressed out” by daily life, the reminder does not work. My wounded ego ignores my higher expression and steers my Earth vessel into the trenches of the third dimension.

Therefore, when I awoke this morning with that message from my SELF, I have chosen to share it with all of you who I know are endeavoring, just like me, to remember that:

I­­ ________ from _________

Volunteer to be a Conscious Creator of New Earth

If you would like to add your name to our list, please do. You can use a pseudonym or only your first name, as YOU know who you are. Also, if you just write that sentence down on a piece of paper or type it into your computer, you could use it as a mantra to assist you in remembering that YOU ARE the Creator of your REALITY.

The higher Light has been entering our brains now for several months and giving us many uncomfortable symptoms of transmutation. However, slowly we are beginning to adapt to this higher frequency of Light. On the other hand, we can look around our world and see many who have lost all control of them selves because of this energy. To them, we must send our Unconditional Love.

However, it is important that we do not become reactive to the fear that surrounds us because WE ARE THE CREATORS OF NEW EARTH. In other words, we can serve as the antidote to fear by showering with our Unconditional Love. Sending love into fear becomes increasingly easier as our 97% DNA is turned on, and our multidimensional thinking/feeling comes online.

It is important that we remember to release our survival-based, human thinking and function more and more through the higher-dimensional Operating System of our multidimensional thinking. From this higher perspective we can send Unconditional Love into that which creates fear and focus our personal attention on that which creates love.

Therefore, we have to make some choices in our lives to release that which lowers our consciousness. If we hate our job, change it. If our living situation makes us unhappy, move. If our relationships are not going well, look at where you are feeding the negative and ignoring the positive. In some extreme cases, relationships will need to end.

Most important, remember to BE your SELF as often as you possibly can. I realize what I am asking because I ask the same of myself. I cannot say that I am wonderful at remembering to be my SELF.

But there are certain times that I AM my SELF.

  • When I am in the midst of a creative endeavor, I AM my SELF.
  • When I am with someone that I love and/or a dear friend, I AM my SELF.
  • When I am doing what I love to do, I AM my SELF.
  • When I am in nature or gardening, I AM my SELF.

There are also many places where I am not my SELF.

  • If I get too tired, I am NOT my SELF.
  • If I get too stressed out (which is usually when I am too tired) I am NOT my SELF.
  • If I am doing a mundane task that I must do now, I am NOT my SELF.
  • If I am working too hard (which is the collection of the above) I am NOT my SELF.

Take a moment to write down when you ARE being your SELF and when you are NOT being your SELF. I think you will discover, as I did, that if we are not taking good care of our Earth vessel, the symptoms of transmutation are stronger and we fall out of our SELF.

On the other hand, when we realize that we are all working together as ONE Being to be the Creators of New Earth, we know that we are our Multidimensional SELF inside of the Earth vessel that we are currently wearing. This Earth vessel is of a frequency that is much lower than our resonance and is having great difficulty integrating our SELF into its small clay form.

We must give a great deal of Unconditional Love to our small clay vessel, as well as to the elements and Elementals that have created that vessel for us to wear. While we were not conscious of the fact that we were our SELF, the Earth vessel fit fine, for most of us. Conversely, as we begin to remember that we are our SELF, we begin to allow the higher frequencies of light into our clay form.

This form is not accustomed to the frequency of our true resonance and is not comfortable with the frequency of light that is now entering its Pineal Gland. Hence, we must be loving to our vessel and give it thanksgiving for creating a portal through which we can contribute to the planetary venture of Creating New Earth. Furthermore, we must remember that we did not come here for our personal gain.

We, the Creators of New Earth, took an Earth vessel at this time to assist our dear friend Gaia, consciousness of all life on planet Earth, to expand Her planetary essence into the higher frequencies of reality. The greater percentage of humans are currently unable to realize this fact, but the plant and animal kingdom, as well of those who have awakened to our SELF, are working as ONE to Create New Earth!


Remember that when we are Masters of Energy we can maintain mastery of our thoughts and emotions. This mastery ~ which is alive within our SELF ~ constantly reminds us to focus on Unconditional Love. The frequency of Unconditional Love will keep us in constant connection with our Multidimensional SELF who will keep us in alignment with our Mission.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/29/2013 3:53:50 PM

Hilarion: Seek First the Kingdom of the Creator Within You, All Else Will Follow

hilarion2As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – April 28, 2013

Beloved Ones,

As a new day dawns on the horizon, more is asked of you when all you want to do is rest and relax. Be good to yourselves, take a deep breath and hold to the vision of a better world as you stand in proxy for humanity. All is in the process of shifting and recalibrating. There is a collective sigh as the density builds in the atmosphere ready to be transmuted into a higher vibration.

Let all that distracts fade away as you maintain the certainty that inside each human heart is a wellspring of goodness and innocence that is uniting into a power that is greater than can be told; it is something that can only be experienced.

As this certainty is maintained in a holding pattern, mighty but elusive changes are occurring within every system in every aspect of life on Earth. These are the grass roots movements to establish a new paradigm based on Universal law and truth. All that has held power over the unawakened souls in every corner of the world is being gently dissolved and dissipated. Sometimes each heart bleeds at the injustices that are brought to light, sometimes the inner warrior comes stridently to the forefront. In each instance, those of you who have been taking a stand for the truth in your corner of the world are being uplifted and supported as you daily labor.

Every day the human soul is confronted with even more revelations that test your limits of forbearance. Take heart, Dear Ones, and know that you are the change agents, the mighty forces of love who stand together with opening hearts to increase the light quotient of your planet in order to raise the level of consciousness to move above former understandings and perceptions.

There is a choice before every human soul, a crossroads if you will; which path to follow – one that is steep and leads directly to the Creator, where the soul holds the weight of the world upon its collective shoulders, or, the one that spirals around the mountain as the souls upon it experience lesser levels of density but which ultimately bring them into wholeness.

Every thought, word, emotion and deed is now being magnified into a cohesive field that emanates from each individual as they move about their daily life. As one chooses the steep path and lonely climb, one is finding themselves able to withstand the onslaught of Earthly temptations that rise before them. So many of these fall away as the incorruptible ones steadily maintain their vision, making way for the new ones who are now rising up to take up the torch as world change agent.

Holding on another hour, another day, another week – step by determined step, they keep to their chosen path, and miraculously the way before them is cleared. Clues and signposts point the way as nature conspires to gift them with more clarity and understanding.

Seek first the kingdom of the Creator within you, all else will follow. First and foremost, let your Light remain pure, authentic and unsullied as the temptations of the old world rise to acute levels before you. You have passed this way before and so you now adroitly step around and above them. Your inner crystalline core shines brightly within you. Those who choose the spiraling path eventually arrive to their destination also. All move into Oneness.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and the Scribe’s credit, copyright and website address is included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/29/2013 9:11:44 PM
Dear friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

The Pleiadian Council of Nine: The Influence of the Light is Growing in Every Moment


-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Your mainstream media will still not yet report the progress humanity as a collective is making with the purging of the dark souls from your collective society and influence, and this is because such media is still largely owned by those individuals.

You will find in the time ahead that free press is an absolute and just as will be so with your governments, souls in your mainstream media who display malevolent or service-to-self-based agendas will be kindly taken away from their positions and, depending on what their higher selves and their guides wish for them personally, will perhaps be rehabilitated of the negativity that would drive a malevolent perspective.

Higher Dimensional Rehabilitation

This rehabilitation we speak of is not anything that will be forced onto anyone and rather, will be an optional choice that we are quite confident many souls steeped in negativity will accept.

We speak (in part) of the souls who you refer to as “criminals” who have entered into a specific archetype and way of Living for their current Earth experience. They will be offered the choice to rid themselves of the negativity that has driven many of their perspectives for so very long and as goes without saying, every soul on your world who has been imprisoned under false means will be released and given redemption from the difficulty they have had to suffer because of the injustice continuing to take place on your world.

Of course, we do not wish to feed a victim consciousness in humanity even when discussing the many ways in which you have been victims of sorts, and even the souls on your world who are falsely imprisoned are where they are for specific reasons that are unique to them and where they are heading along their Life paths.

Every single one of you are where you are at specifically for a very real and necessary reason, and we ask for you all to see the sheer perfection and Divinity of this very moment as you find yourselves expanding in unprecedented ways.

Awaiting the Lightened Collective Energy Levels

We have long informed you that your abilities are to expand and become as infallible as you have begun to learn they can be, and you can as well become infallible in the sense of no longer allowing any happening in your personal Lives to bring you down or take you away from the natural center you are learning to breed and feed in yourselves as you embrace the pure states of consciousness making up your ascension experience.

The ascension of the Earth has been in a magnified phase since the end of your year 2012, and we note with enthusiasm and joy the purer perspectives already beginning to be made known within you.

As we have previously informed you, we are waiting for the collective energy-levels to reach the stage needed for us to be able to comfortably be on your world with you dear souls, and we have withheld our “official” contact with your world in a brazen manner that will help everyone to know the truth of our existence, because of the collective energy levels as they have stood for so very long.

Purposely Repeating Certain Things

There are quite a few things said by us in the higher realms that we feel best repeating at times, for a plethora of different reasons. One of such reasons is that the readership of the communications given from the higher realms is constantly changing, as more and more souls are seeking answers to the great questions that have confounded humanity yet remained right in the open for you to begin to understand and know.

As such, the influence of the Light and of the higher realms is growing in every single moment, and as more souls are coming aboard who could use general instructions as to what is currently happening with your planet and the role we been playing in your evolution among so many other things, the necessity to repeat certain facts or impressions we have given in the past arises.

We will delightfully give as much information and energy that the information is encoded unto, as possible as we wish with every facet of ourselves to help you dear souls find these blissful states of consciousness we are so very happy to be speaking with you from.

Every one of you will be introduced to the sentient technology that is our ships, and we encourage every one of you who are beginning to garner interest in us and our craft to research the sightings we have been giving for some time, as they are only to increase in their brazen nature.

Denial Provides Comfort

We are and have been serious about our mission, though of course, seriousness as you see it is indeed not a factor in the higher realms. What we mean is that we are in your skies and under your ground to make ourselves known to you when the energy levels allow for our existence to be accepted and understood, and this is a mission that we fully intend to complete as indeed, it can simply be no other way.

Especially with the vastly-pure states of consciousness you’re continuing to reach and Create for others to be able to reach on the surface of your world, those aforementioned collective energy levels could not be purer and we are happily anticipating an easy entrance into the collective energies when the sacred time finally does come and we are able to be introduced to you and make ourselves known to every soul on your world who has remained within a paradigm of not understanding and in many cases, not accepting our presence.

The denial factor in many souls will be seen as an aid; as a comfort, because it will be easier to remain within the paradigm they have been used to even when faced with truths they had not expected themselves to ever know in their Lifetime.

While the societies you find yourselves in have indeed been cabal-Created and oriented specifically to serve them, plenty of souls on your world are still very comfortable within the paradigm your societies have offered and will need the calming and Lighted influence that will be you dearest Lightworkers and awakening starseeds.

Coming to the Earth from the Higher Dimensions

Some of you have come to the Earth from planets or other objects in our star system, the Pleiades, while others have come from states of consciousness much purer than those that would require Living on a planet.

What we mean is that the pure states of consciousness some of you have made your way to the Earth from, garner a natural experience of pure higher dimensional (Love) and Light magnified to the extent that the wish to have any type of archetype or identity to Live or experience through, which can include Living upon a planet, is simply unwanted.

We are speaking, of course, of vastly pure states of consciousness that, while many of you have come from, you have not yet grown back into and we can say with happiness and Love that you will be able to fully remember these states of consciousness upon growing back into them.

Indeed, there will be so very much for you to learn that will help you adjust to the pure states of consciousness you have long begun growing toward, and we mean this for your personal Lives and for the world stage. Personally, you are going to uncover and remember revelations that will help you to adjust to the states of consciousness you have come to the Earth from, and on the world stage you will be given truths and disclosures that will shock much of your collective back into awareness.

Breaking the Earthly Paradigm

The period between the initial issuing of disclosure and our official landing may be a bit tumultuous, as humanity will come to find that you have been deceived about nearly every aspect of your (existence). (1)

The actions of the cabals in attempting to control and enslave you have not been pretty indeed, and one of the reasons they have kept such a tight grip upon the knowledge of our existence is because such knowledge would and will naturally serve to break the paradigm that has been instilled within the minds and hearts of so very many souls.

Indeed, upon learning about the existence of we benevolent spiritual beings, many of whom are human and have come from our respective planets to assist in an evolution your planet has been undergoing which you have not been told about; in the face of such information, having a job and all of the other physical, Earthly aspects of your Lives will be seen as hollow and unimportant for indeed, you have been kept distracted from the truth and reality of your existence and nature as spiritual beings with the very many aspects of your society designed to usurp the money and spirituality out of you.

We mean it quite literally when we say that your cabals have attempted to Create a slave society, and they have continued to benefit from the hard work of souls whom they have branded “poor” or “ordinary” because their own egos have grown to incredible extents.

Finding and beginning to understand your spiritual nature also helps you to break the instilled paradigm that has remained commonplace for so many, and you will be able to find (greater) perspectives within you with every bit of purer energy you are able to absorb unto yourselves, because your ability to pick up on purer frequencies of encoded Light will grow as much as your perspectives will.

Intention and Effort are Required

Continue to make your attempts to feel the opening of your heart taking place, as you are finding yourselves able to fruitfully express the aforementioned perspectives you find growing within you at this time. Every one of you have maintained the strongest and purest connection to the higher realms; it is simply that such a connection cannot be made known to you all at once for indeed, this would burn you out, dearest souls.

We do not wish for that to happen, and you as well would not want to gain a perspective that you have not naturally grow into because again, you would be overwhelmed. Naturally growing and learning back into the perspectives of the higher realms will see you appreciating such perspectives much more and as with anything, intention and effort must be put in if you wish to find and expand upon your unfolding higher dimensional experience.

Your experiences are truly only to get better from here on out but when we say this, we do not want it to seem as if you will not still be tested with events manifesting in your Lives. Indeed you will, but you will find that the testing begins to orient much more toward what you can do in any and every moment to maintain a balance of physical existence and higher dimensional harmony and joy, which will make your physical existence much, much easier and more enjoyable.

You will be able to breeze through your (experiences) with the happiest of perspectives, and when negativity attempts to come up you will be able to see it for what it is, and transmute it quite successfully and easily.

Attempts to Crash Galactic Craft

We are speaking to you from a perspective of being able to instantly dissolve and transmute any and all negativity that would be sent toward us and trust, dearest souls; your cabals have indeed attempted to use low-frequency weapons on us and our ships.

In the instances they have been able to bring our ships down which has happened more than you are told, and bring us out of our body temples by making us crash; we are spiritual beings leading a completely spiritual existence and at any moment, are able to transport into a new body that is readily prepared for us if it is foreseen that the cabals will attempt to cause mayhem while we do our work in your skies.

Your cabals have only been able to crash or recover crashed ships because of the technology that was meant to be gained from such ships, as we have been helping to carefully plan your collective Life path for so very long and this has included allowing the cabals to back-engineer much of our technology so that humanity could eventually benefit from such back-engineering.

Benefits of Back-Engineered Galactic Technology

One of the ways you are benefitting from this now is the internet, which comes to you on your computers that have been back-engineered from the super-computers we have aboard our ships. You are and have been benefitting from the back-engineering of our technology in so many other ways that you will be informed of during the disclosure announcements, and we have long wished to prepare you to learn much of what will be given fruitfully in a short amount of your concept of time.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we ask you all to brace yourselves for the bursting open of a millennia of secrets.

The revelations will indeed be pouring in one after another, and we are confident in stating that those of you who have already prepared yourselves and learned so much about the very subjects humanity is to be taught in the time ahead, will be able to both calm and inform those around you who may initially wish to panic or retreat back into the paradigm they feel comfortable within.

This paradigm is to truly burst open, which is why your Light and your knowledge will be more needed than ever.

Thank you to the Pleiadian Council of Nine, and to SanJAsKa for being their conduit.

(1)-I don’t want this statement to be misinterpreted into a claim that anarchy will rule the streets after disclosure, nor do I believe it is intended to put anybody in fear.

I believe we’re being told this so that we awakening souls can further the calming influence we’ve been told we will have on those around us, and it does make sense that some people will be initially upset upon learning that so many facets of their physical existence have been fabricated.

It’s a hard truth to digest indeed, and the Pleiadians’ mention of a potentially-tumultuous time directly after disclosure does not have to be a bad thing. Rather, it can help prepare us to sharpen our roles when disclosure comes and to know what we may be up against in helping calm and quell the initial collective upset. Nobody said it would be easy, but it will be worth it!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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