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4/20/2013 2:34:20 AM

Enough of the Old Ways and the Old Paradigms… Enough, Already…


A “New Paradigm of Now” Being

The last Blossom was titled, “This is a Time When You Are Releasing All That No Longer Serves[See page 497 of this thread.]. I scanned through the article. And although I did not read the whole thing, all I needed to see was that one statement. That was it (for me, at least). This is a Time When You Are Releasing All That No Longer Serves.

Lately, from time to time, I’ve been noticing a few articles, about “this government thing is going on” or “that new financial system is coming online” or “this terrible thing has happened”, or “thatterrible thing is surely going to happen”. “This was a cabal false flag”, “That was a cabal in drag.” And on and on it goes.

Finally, I got to a point where I just said, “Enough, already. This(or that) is not mine to pay attention to. In any way, shape, or form.” Enough, already!!!

Now all I’m saying here is that all of the “this or that” mentioned above is simply not mine. Am I saying, “It’s not yours”? No. Everyone has free will to pay attention to whatever they want.

But that stuff is clearly… not mine. All of it (for me) is old… old paradigm.

You might want to do a search of this blog for “old paradigm”. See what comes up. You might ask yourself (as I have for myself), “What old paradigms am I still carrying within me?” Or, “What parts of my personality are still aligned with ‘the past’, or ‘things that worked great… back then’.”

For me, folks, all I will say is that “This is a Time When I Am Releasing All That No Longer Serves“… Old things, old ways of thinking, old ways of feeling, old ways of doing, old ways of being.

I am here to serve “The Light”. In this moment. Whatever that means, to me, in thismoment… of Now.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/20/2013 2:35:30 AM

GW Hardin… “A Celestial Mystery Solved” (or, “Getting Your TesserAct Together”)

20130418-070913.jpgThis, I believe, is one of the most important articles AK has published. And I felt the thrust to get it put up here… The link, at least. I’ll likely add the text and “moving gifs” later.

A CELESTIAL MYSTERY SOLVED: The Secret to an Unknown Human Power
by GW Hardin

When American Kabuki said that he would post this mystery of a picture, that had shown up out of nowhere, on his blog and let the “crowd source” (his blog members) bring forth the answer, I had my doubts. But no longer.

Read more at AK’s site…

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/20/2013 6:26:32 PM

Archangel Indriel via Bella Capozzi: In Gratitude And Grace

imageArchangel Indriel via Bella Capozzi: In Gratitude And Grace

As channeled by Bella Capozzi – April 19, 2013

There has never been a finer time to step back and take stock of your many blessings. During these days of cleansing and upheaval, it is imperative that you be always conscious of the good in your life and to remain in a holy state of perpetual gratitude. Give thanks for everything. Shift your attention away from the negativity and instead place your awareness on the variety of ways in which you are abundantly blessed.

Thank the Creator over and over again. Morning, afternoon and evening, you must count your blessings and give thanks. Do this nobly, all the while maintaining an air of gratitude and grace. Think, before retiring, of what blessings the day has brought you. Reflect on all that has gone right in your day, rather than what has gone wrong. Then record it, if you like, to be looked back upon and savored during erratic times.

When you are constantly bombarded by your media with imagery of pain, suffering, lack and deceit, to remain in such a pure state is rarely an easy thing. It takes your constant focus and vigilance. We acknowledge this to be true. Yet you must try. The rewards far outweigh the effort you expend.

I ask you not to ignore the ones who are suffering, but to instead extend to them prayers and compassion. Prayers for fairness and restoration, sent in love, and from your heart. The planetary shift in vibration is all about the heart. And when your ire should rise and you bemoan the horror and injustice of it all, never for a moment forget that the perpetrators shall indeed be answerable to the father and mother. All shall be brought to justice, but I speak of justice in it’s divine form.

Despite how things may look on the outside, know that there is a grand plan and all the pieces of the puzzle are falling neatly into place. As I’ve said so many times before, you must tear down the old before you can build the new. The land must be cleared. The rubble plowed away.

You cannot construct a palace of gold upon a pile of rubbish. The Earth is ailing, and she must be made healthy before the full influx of fifth-dimensional frequencies can be allowed to descend upon her. You can assist her, you know, and it is ever so simple to do. You do this by operating from from the core-essence of your heart, and by following the example of the other great Masters who have walked these roads before you.

The key is in not just performing graciously, but in being grace; not in merely going through the motions of being sweet and generous, but in being generosity and sweetness. Emanate the Creator’s goodness in everything that you do, and recognize your Brothers and Sisters not as separate entities but as a part of yourself. Then treat them as such. Go forward in unity, dearests, as it is you who shall change the world!

Copyright©Bella Capozzi. all rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/20/2013 6:30:00 PM

Jeshua via Judith Coates: The Master Secret

jeshuaAs channeled by Judith Coates, April 18, 2013

Beloved one, down through the ages ones have wanted to know, “Who is God? What is God?” There have been definitions; wise ones have come up with an explanation, a description of God, and yet that is not God. They may describe an aspect of God, but not all of God, for to describe and to define God is to limit It.

God is not a him or a her, not even an It as in gender, but an ongoing infinite Energy which is forever expanding from before time began. And after the purpose of time has been fulfilled—believe it or not, there is purpose to time—after that purpose has been fulfilled, you as the one Mind, the extension and expression of the one Mind, will keep on expanding, forever asking—not in words, but in the Beingness of energy—“What more can I experience? What more can I create? Where can I express?”

You will keep on creating universes upon universes within universes, physical and spiritual, to the place where you know yourself truly as spirit; not defined by anything; not limited by anything. And yet you have chosen, volunteered to be within this incarnation to take form, to coalesce the Light and the energy that you are, to take form and to walk with other brothers and sisters who yet believe that there has to be a form that they can reach out and touch, a form that they can see, a form that they can speak with.

You have said, “I will go one more time as the Light and the Love of the Father/Mother/God/Goddess/All That Is and I will speak with my brothers and sisters, but more than that, I will be with them in the essence of All, in the essence of One.

You are a master. We have spoken of this in other days, in other times. You, because you are a master, before this incarnation and before many other incarnations, have looked upon what was happening in the 3D reality—or sometimes 2D—and you have said, “I will go and bring my Light and my wisdom, as much as will be acceptable, into the experience of the whole.” And so, as the master that you are, you have come one more time to serve the Awakening.

I know that you question this. You say, “Well, if I’m here to serve the Awakening and I can see all these issues that are going on, not only in the collective but also in my individual life, how can I be a master? Why, if I am a master, would I ever choose to come into such an experience?”

Well, it is because you are a master that you did choose, and every day you choose. The overall master secret—and it is not a secret; it is for everyone to know—the master secret is choice, the fact that you have choice. You can choose to abide with the news media and say, “Oh, my God, it is so bad. I don’t know how this is ever going to work out. I feel so bad for my brothers and sisters who have to go through the wars and the violence that the news media reports. How is that ever going to lead to an awakening?”

In that moment you have the most wonderful gift: the gift of choice. You can choose to stay in that place where you say how bad it is, or you can say it is completion and demonstration, which truly it is. It is completion, sometimes on the individual level. And many times it is a demonstration for the brothers and sisters to see and to have opportunity to feel empathy, Oneness. Many times ones of the brothers and sisters who are going through great disasters, violence, having all of the family members perhaps giving up the body in most torturous ways, are masters who have volunteered to play that part.

Now, I am not saying that it is easy and I am not saying that they do not suffer, because they do. They know human body experience. They know human emotion. But above and beyond that, the soul of them, the true being of them, is a master who has agreed to play the part so that others can look upon it and see that what is happening is not loving, that it is not of Oneness. It is of division and the un-Truth of separation.

And so when you look upon what your news media will bring to you, you have the moment of identification with what is going on. You understand the appearance. You know what is going on. Then you move into the place, as a conscious choice, to thank them for what they are doing to bring you to the place where you can say, “I am complete with it. I want to be in love. I want to greet everyone in love, and I want to have all misunderstandings resolved to the place of understanding Oneness.”

And when ones will come and bring you an example where there is opportunity to look with human emotion on something, you have the most wonderful master tool of choice. It is so simple that it is overlooked many times. It is simplicity itself to choose; not to react, not to judge, not even to see that there would be something to judge; but to be thankful that they are completing and showing the completion of man’s/woman’s inhumanity to man and woman.

Even on a more personal scale, when you have friends who perhaps see things differently than you do and they bring up the opportunity where you could see divisiveness, you have choice. You can look beyond what they are saying—as you have done—and love them as the being, the true being that they are. The words do not matter.

You do not realize the great power of choice, because separated ego will bring to you the possibility that you could look at this in judgment, saying, “Ah, but it feels so good to stand in judgment because I am superior. I don’t know why they are doing what they are doing, so I’m going to judge,” and so you do, for a moment or so, and that is okay, because now you know you do not have to stay there. You recognize, “I am standing in a place where I don’t have to be. I have the power of choice, of moving out of whatever I have thought the truth—lower case ‘t’—of this situation is, and I have the power of choice to know the Truth—capital ‘T’—of this situation.”

Whether it has to do with relationships and the healing thereof or if it has to do with the body and the healing of the body, you have choice as to how you will look upon it—the healing of the planet, the healing of all of the knowledge that you have brought to this incarnation. You have choice.

Now, as I have said, it is simplicity itself; it is so simple that separated ego often downplays it and says, “Ah, yes, but you know, it really feels good to get a little bit of anger going here. I can spend a minute or two with a few choice words.” And you can. But the wonderful part that I want you to understand is that you have and you do use the power of choice, whether to abide there or to choose to let it go.

I watch you; I see you as you are letting it go more and more quickly as you are choosing to be in a place that says, “I know love. I feel love. This other is only drama. This other is passing,” and it is. “I know the feeling of expansiveness of love, and that is where I choose to abide.”

And once you choose to abide in the space of love, you find yourself laughing at the other part of you that has gotten so worked up about something. There is a quotation in another treatise I have authored that says, “I could choose peace instead of this.”

But this lifetime you have feelings of judgment. You know human emotions. You know how it feels to have judgment, but you also know how to step out of that space. Your beloved friends, the four-footed ones, your beloved pets do not spend much time in judgment. They can have reaction but then it passes very quickly.

Everything that you call forth is there because you have called it forth to give you opportunity to choose, to give you opportunity to have the human emotion that is quite well-trained because of many, many lifetimes, and then to have the power of choice to say, “Well, I can stay really angry at this situation,” or “I don’t think it’s worth the energy.”

Other ones’ judgments, even other ones’ facial expressions belong to them, and if they have certain facial expression that you could interpret as being rather down-putting, you can laugh. They may wonder what you are laughing at, and you can say, “Well, I just remembered something funny,” and you can go on. It changes the whole energy.

The master knows the secret. The secret is choice as to where you will abide. There is no judgment in it: you do not judge yourself for spending a minute, five minutes, five days in a certain place of judgment. And sooner or later—sometimes later—you move out of that space as you have choice and you have power.

That is your power, the power of choice, which you have built into this reality. As I have said, it is so simple that it is often overlooked. And we have spoken many times of the power of the smile. When you are toe to toe with someone and you feel really strongly about what he/she said to you, all of a sudden the idea may come, “I don’t have to resist this. I can smile.” Then you smile, and the other one will ask himself/herself, “What page are they on? They’re not on the same page of the script as I am. They must have skipped forward somewhere.” And then the energy changes.

Try that. The next time when you have a person who is perhaps wanting to give you a hard time, you do not have to take it. You can smile. You can choose to be in the space of true communication—common union—which a smile can bring forth. Or perhaps you can choose to walk away in love.

You do not have to abide in the place of judgment. You do not have to abide in the place that is unpleasant — even a physical place; you can walk away from it. You can speak your truth, knowing that perhaps another one will not hear it quite the way that you are wanting them to hear it. That does not matter. You smile and you walk away from it, sometimes physically, always emotionally.

Many, many lifetimes you have embroiled yourself in drama—heavy, heavy drama—not knowing that there was any other alternative to it. Many lifetimes you have acted according to habitual generational teaching that says if someone throws a stone at you, you have to throw one back at him/her, whether it be physical or whether it be a mental judgment or a word. But now you know you have the power of choice. You can smile with your bright eyes and move on to something that is more pleasant.

You are a great master who is remembering the simplicity of choice, of the power of choice. You can choose where you want to be. You can change your world by your choice as to where you will abide. That is your power.

Abide with me. Laugh often. In the lifetime that is so famous and written about, I laughed often with you, my disciple. For, truly, life can be heavy, but it does not have to be. It can be light and taken lightly, and I chose — as I choose in this day and time as I walk with you and as you — I choose to walk lightly and to laugh often, because the drama is just that, and it is passing and it is evolving.

Choose to look on the bright side of things. Choose to look for the light. Choose ye where you will abide—in light, in love, and with me, always.

So be it.

- Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/21/2013 12:30:28 AM
On Boston attacks (from Wes Annac's personal blog)

No Longer Pacified with Lies


Note: This article leans less toward spiritual pursuits or ideals, and more toward standing up to tyranny, oppression and lies. Both aspects of our evolution are quite important, and my aim is to keep a balance of discussing both of them.

I’m going to attempt to expand upon something I was just writing for the conclusion of this week’s Newsletter. I was essentially saying that it’s time to stop giving our power away to the external, cabal-run mainstream sources who will only continue to deceive us.

Much of this inspiration I’m drawing upon has resulted from the Boston attacks. Yes, opinions have flown around here and there about exactly who was responsible for the attacks, but the level of propaganda we are being given from the mainstream news about the FBI and the Boston Police force displays that at the very least, the cabals will use any tragedy they can to make themselves look good.

People, we should not be praising the FBI or the Boston Police Department for “thwarting the bad guys”. The cabals have conditioned us to think that they have our backs; that they can stop any terrorist attack or scary event from occurring and that all we need to do is surrender just a little bit more of our otherwise-unalienable freedoms.

Just as others have said, the United States has come very close to becoming a police state in recent years as an apparent response to 9/11, and our rights and freedoms continue to be stripped away just so that an attack on a marathon in Boston, an attack on an elementary school, a movie theater, etc. can take place anyway.

Besides Steve Beckow, does anybody else see the link between the stripping of our freedoms and these attacks happening anyway? (1) Does anybody see that the forces who claim to be working in our best interests seem to have let something like this happen (and likely orchestrated it themselves) and used the opportunity to basically implement Martial Law in Boston?

Now, I’m seeing so much propaganda in favor of the cabals and the Boston police, and people are continuing to give their power away to these individuals as they truly and strongly believe the cabals have their best interests at heart. Emotional manipulation has run rampant in this society, and at the core of the matter is the fact that we’ve allowed our power to be taken away.

Truly, that’s what has caused this entire mess we are in.

We’ve allowed the building and running of our society to be placed in the hands of intelligent but clearly mentally-unstable individuals who feel themselves all-powerful and worthy of controlling the populace. They have kept a tight grip on the running of our societies and now that they see we are waking up, they are taking desperate measures to quell the truth and Light being spread and to put us back in the conditioned fear that saw us adoring them after 9/11.

I very much hope everybody begins to see the clear orchestrations taking place. Beyond those of us who have already awakened and who long understand what is going on, I’m ready to see the public willingly educated on what the cabals have been doing to keep them in states of pacified fear.

It is truly sad to see so much propaganda in favor of forces we’re being led to believe are keeping us safe when in reality, these forces have usurped humanity; attempted to drain our very spiritual essence by keeping us enslaved in positions where we quite literally serve them, financially and spiritually; and physically hurt and killed our public in the name of their greed and desire to remain in control and put others in fear.

Now, many of the organizations that represent these souls are being honored in the eyes of the public for “catching the bad guys”. Nobody’s stopping to ask why these “heroes” couldn’t thwart the attack in the first place, and too many people are still closed off to the idea that these “heroes” may not be working in our best interests at all.

Again; at this heart of this entire problem is the fact that we allow our power to be given away.

We remain pacified. We only worry about what is to happen next in our personal Lives or we only work to maintain a false and hollow image and in doing so, we’re distracted; conditioned; kept in states of perpetual unawareness; and the forces portraying the puppet show seem to continue to thrive and seem to continue to be able to orchestrate or at the very least, do nothing to stop events like the Boston bombings.

They’re able to do this because we let them, and because we quite literally praise them for doing it! Of course, the praise only comes after their script has played out on the world stage and they are able to emerge “victorious” over the apparent bombers and make themselves look good.

Truly, it takes guts to continually hurt and kill a public you’re supposed to be working in the best interest of, and then use lies to orchestrate that very public praising you. The cabals have done this for decades and now, it is truly time to stand up to these souls and proclaim our collective freedom and sovereignty as we dissolve their perceived rein.

Nobody is going to do it for us, and if we remain complacent or pacified than the cabals will only continue to have their “day in the sun” and will only continue to orchestrate tragedies that they are meant to look like heroes because of. Yes, the Light is here to stay on this planet and the darkness is being purged in every moment, but the Light cannot move around a pacified collective consciousness.

Light understands, from a purely neutral point of view, that for it to work its way into a collective consciousness and have a real effect, any and every last bit of darkness must be purged from that consciousness and transmuted.

This is what’s happening now, in our personal Lives and on the world stage and as an aspect of serving this purging and transmutation, I strongly encourage you and everyone else not to be taken in by the propaganda and lies of our governments.

They are not working in our best interests, and only have a desire to keep us in states of fearful enslavement. It’s time to stand up and let them know that truth and Light is here to stay, and that we are a growing and increasingly-motivated populace who understands and is standing up to the tyranny and oppression they have gotten away with for far too long.

In essence – it’s time to get motivated!

Wes Annac – Looking evil in the eyes and shining the purest of Light upon it

(1)- Steve Beckow on the Boston attack:

“We go to so much expense to build so many security systems, subject civilians to so many searches, and position so many closed circuit cameras everywhere, but when push comes to shove we somehow cannot nab (people) with multiple backpacks putting homemade bombs in trashcans at the heavily-guarded Boston Marathon.”

See “Questionable Bombings in Boston” at:


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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