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4/19/2013 1:01:25 AM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 301

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAs channeled by Aisha North – April 18, 2013

As you have already ascertained, the waves come and go, and sometimes, it is as if your feet are being knocked out under you. But at other times, you will feel yourself as lifted aloft, and you will feel how the power of the waves surges underneath you, carrying you higher and longer than ever before.

For such is the nature of these waves. They are not here to drown you, but to lift you even closer to that oh so elusive goal that you have searched for for such a long time. And what is this goal, we may ask, and we think you have all started to find your true answer to just that. For what on the outset started out for many as a quest for that perfect world, has now turned inwards.

For you have all started to see the truth that paradise is not something that comes from the outside, it is indeed something that comes from within. And as soon as you discover this, much will start to fall into place. For then, you can finally start to build your future on the most solid base of them all, namely the one that you always carry with you.

For eons, mankind has set his store on other, more flimsy constructions. And these constructions have been many indeed, and they have gone by the name of family or ancestry, government or even religion. But all of these, no matter how closely tied they are to each and every one of you, are outside constructions, and nothing to build your own future on.

We do not talk about a complete disregard for your fellow men here, nothing could be further from the truth. No, what we refer to, is the fact that for a very long time, makind has searched outside himself for some sort of salvation. And in many cases, it will have seemed as if he found it, only to discover that this salvation was a fickle one at best. For no matter how solid a ground you seem to stand on, it is nothing but quicksand if you do not have the rock-solid foundation you truly need inside. For then, and only then, can you start to build everything else around you.

So that is what this process is all about, the tearing down of everything old and misconstructed, and the rebuilding of the most solid foundation of them all. Namely that fact that you are indeed sovereign beings, complete and perfect, and ready to start to go out in the world as such. And when you do, you will start to interact with all of these other, new rock-solid beings that surround you, in the shape of your fellow men and women.

And together, you will build the world of your dreams. But again, that dream must start at home as it were, with the complete dismantling of anything old and substandard that may be present inside, for then, to put the good pieces back together and build it into this rock-solid and immortal being you are all starting to emerge as. For what we have talked about today is not news to any of you, for you are not novices in this.

For you have been in this construction business for a very long time now, and now, the time has come to survey this magnificent structure you are about to complete. It can be difficult at times in midst of all of the seeming chaos to see just how powerful a structure this really is, and just as it is on a regular construction site, without surveying the blueprint, it can be very difficult to get a clear image of what is under way in this confusing mass of busy workers.

But we have the blueprints, dear ones, and we can see just how faithful you all are in following them, and so we can see clearly just how close you are to putting that final capstone into place, and declare this, the work of re-constructing yourselves, as finished.

It may not be all of the comfort you need at times like this, when tempers fly and irritation can become high in this, the final flurry of finishing touches before the unveiling. But trust us when we say that even if you might feel a bit stressed out now and then, and you feel as distant from the finished product as ever, know that this is not the case.

For you are not lagging behind, not in any way, and you will all make the deadline you have set for yourselves for this process. So fret not, even if you at times may feel like your whole structure is tethering on the brink of collapse. For your building is indeed build on solid ground this time, not on the loose and treacherous sands of yesteryear, and as such, it can weather anything that maybe waiting ahead.

We do not say this to imply any sort of cataclysmic event, we just say this in order to remind you that you are build of sturdy stuff now, and so come rain or shine, storm or quiet, you will be standing tall and proud and rightly so. For what you have done, is to build something that will last and last, and when you get to know this new you better, you will also see the bright future that you have in store.

Not just as brilliant individuals, but as this whole beautiful conglomerate of magnificent structures, all linked together in a way that will make everything else pale in comparison. For this is no fata morgana, this is the true paradise you are building. For as you struggle and push to get those final pieces in place in your own personal setup, you are also simultaneously doing the same to this whole planet.

For this is what dreams are made of. Not mere fiction, but the facts that you have already started to make it come true by making yourselves become true. The true humans, based on their true conviction that what you have become, will never be torn down again, and as such, paradise is already rising from the ashes of the old. And you are the ones making this happen, by doing the hard work of rebuilding your own personal being from the ground up. And now, you can all feel dizzy at times as you have started to raise this new you to such lofty heights, you are already towering above the old remnants of the one you used to be. There is no need to look down now, dear ones, just keep your focus up, and you will have a better chance to finish this whole process off without being too overwhelmed by vertigo.

For remember, you are not yet used to moving in these let us call them elevated spheres, and as such, you will feel a little bit insecure and unsteady on your feet. So just stay focused on where you are going, and do not spend too much time mulling about where you actually came from. That way, your heart will follow your eyes, and you will find yourself striving towards your own completion in a way that will help you to attain it faster than if you spend too much time looking back over your shoulder.

For you are not going back, you are simply to keep moving ahead, and that is what you do each and every day, even at the times where you feel more like you are holding on for dear life, on the brink of being tossed back down onto the ground again. But trust us when we say that this is not the case, it is simply a signal that you have not yet gotten used to the purer air at this height.

So just take your time and go slow whenever you feel the need to do so. As we said, there is no risk that you will miss your stipulated time of completion. So again we say that all is well, and even if your whole structure seems to be swaying considerably at times, it is more solid than you think and it can withstand it all. For you are made of the same stuff as the stars, indeed you are all stars, and you shine brightly even in the brightest of daylight. Not just today, but forever.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/19/2013 10:49:08 AM

Frugal pope nixes bonus for Vatican employees

Frugal pope nixes election bonus for Vatican employees, Holy See cites tough economic times

Associated Press -

In this photo provided by the Vatican paper L'Osservatore Romano and made available Thursday, April 18, 2013, Mons. Miguel Delgado Galindo presents a jersey of Argentine soccer star Lionel Messi to Pope Francis, at the Vatican Wednesday, April 17, 2013. (AP Photo/L'Osservatore Romano, ho)

VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The global economic crisis is hitting Vatican employees in their cassock pockets.

The Vatican said Thursday that Pope Francis, known for his frugal ways, decided Vatican employees won't be getting the bonus that traditionally comes with the election of a new pope.

In the past, the Vatican's 4,500-plus workers — both religious and lay — would receive an extra little something upon the death of one pope and another upon the election of his successor: In 2005, the total reportedly came to 1,500 euros (nearly $2,000) apiece.

Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said that given tough economic times — the Vatican posted a 15 million-euro deficit in 2011 — "it didn't seem possible or appropriate to burden the Vatican's budget with a considerable, unforeseen extra expense."

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/19/2013 5:13:01 PM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

The Ascended Masters: Revelation upon Revelation Awaits Humanity


-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Note from Wes: This is the second part to what was originally one message from the Ascended Masters. I’ve given this message as well as a few posts this morning, but I will be out for today.

You are all acting in accordance with and receiving energies from Gaia’s grid of Light when performing your collective and individual blessings, and the Light that you receive is being increasingly purified as you find yourselves better able to absorb purer encodements of it.

This Light energy will be instrumental in exposing to you and clearing out all of the old third dimensional dross and drama that has kept you in shackles of illusory limitation for so very long, and the awareness being spread at present is garnering a widespread collective awakening to and understanding of not just the injustice that has been wrought on your world for far too long, but of the metaphysical realms that lay beyond your conscious perspective as well as your abilities to interact with them.

Startling Truths & the Filter of Discernment

You are growing into your roles as energetic alchemists, and this will continue as you begin to realize your Divinely-sanctioned powers more and more. An opened heart will see you very easily able to receive the inpouring impressions being given from the higher realms, and we ask each one of you to have an open perspective as we gradually begin to introduce truths through this and other channels that may startle you or initially spark disbelief.

Indeed, things have been said through this scribe that did not go on to reach the public eyes and hearts, because much of the information we have to give is of such a startling nature and of a nature so outside of the paradigm of even the awakening Lightworker public, that we must be careful with the issuance of our communications.

We must work thorough the “filter” if you wish to call it that, of discernment that has been established within each one of our scribes, though this discernment is more than necessary to develop as each one of you dear scribes have, at times, found energies around you that were not of the highest and purest Christed consciousness of us or of the other ascended souls speaking to and through humanity at this time.

There will be so very much to tell you, and some of the most startling truths will indeed be brought about in the disclosure announcements rather than through specific scribes who may not believe what we are saying because of the “too good to be true” mindset and because of the sheer awesomeness and paradigm-expanding nature of much of what we have for you.

Staring Down a Corridor of Experience

In the avenue of advanced technology, revelation upon revelation awaits humanity so that you can all understand what has been hidden from you and rightfully take back your world as you proclaim your sovereignty and freedom as a collective body. The unconsciousness of much of humanity has fed and driven the lower states of consciousness and the tyranny that has been wrought upon the Earth, which is why the missions so many awakening Lightworkers are finding set out for themselves are more important than ever.

At present, you are staring down an entirely new corridor of experience for yourselves to undergo, and while many of you remain comfortable in the old rooms and perceptions you have known for so very long; we ask you not to walk, but to run down this new corridor and to remember all of the features about it that you had previously forgotten.

Look at the pictures on the wall. Look out the window. Even go outside if you wish!

We use this metaphor to display the importance of not hanging on to your old and outdated belief systems or frames of think and feeling, as we encourage you to explore the new metaphysical territory that is now fully yours for the exploring. You will remember so much of what you find, as you have all traversed the higher realms before making your ways to the Earth and you all carry the subconscious memories of these ventures within yourselves.

Intense Lower Dimensional Testing

Such memories have remained under the surface and locked-away within your personal Akashic records as you embraced an experience of lower dimensionality, the extremes of which have been turned up.

Indeed, the lower dimensional experience will test many of you to your very core and things will happen to you along your experience and especially at this stage in your growth, which may leave you scratching your heads or wallowing in confusion for a short time.

However, those with a fostered and opened connection to the higher realms will understand that you are never left alone and that you have plentiful spiritual guides around you along with us and so many others, who will help explain things to you and help you to understand everything that plays out before you.

We have no malevolent purpose in speaking with you, and we are confident that the increasingly-pure energies we are attaching to this communication will help you to see and feel that we have no agenda other than to inform, uplift and help you to reach the higher states of consciousness we have reached and are speaking to you from.

Of course, we can only go so far in issuing our communications and offering our advice, and by this we mean that we cannot force any of you dear souls to take the advice we are giving, nor would we wish to.

Acting in Accordance with Humanity’s Freewill

Do not get us wrong, dear souls; we would very much Love to see you enact the spiritual disciplines and reach the heightened perspectives that will (help you to) find a higher dimensional experience and convene with us in a much more personal manner than is so with our communications, but we like many others are acting within the perimeters of your collective and individual freewill and cannot act past the measures we have been given.

Some of us have acted beyond these measures in incarnating unto the Earth and directly spreading the truths of our Father and Mother Creator to the souls on your dearest world, and many of you who are absorbing this communication are attracted to our energies specifically because you were attached to us and what we were doing in previous lifetimes.

You are the same humanity who has experienced your Earth throughout decades, generations and centuries; it is simply that a few of you have entered or left the Earth experience. Some have ascended; some have simply given up on their Earthly ventures and incarnated unto an easier third dimensional planet; but the general collective body of humanity that is you has experienced your history throughout every time period your Earth has been established as a planet.

Of course, at times different races or races from other worlds were introduced into your collective, and the civilizations of what used to be Maldek as well as Mars exist on your dear planet with you and have been for so very long.

Humanity’s Collective Power & Increased Channeling Abilities

You have been a united collective body for every bit of your Earthly history, and even though you have remained separated and divided this truth has never ceased to be. In fact, the strength of your collective power has (fed) the massive negativity and hatred toward one another, which has been propelled by your feeding of it on massive levels.

Much will be discussed in relation to repairing and restoring your dearest world, and those of you who are just beginning to understand the concepts driving your higher dimensional experience will help so many others to understand many of the same concepts you’re just beginning to be introduced to as you learn to embrace such concepts.

Doing so will see you uninhibited in your experience of the higher dimensions that are descending down upon you at present and as we make our final impressions for this communication, we remind you all that the impressions of we souls within the higher realms will only continue to increase and pick up as you find yourselves opened and expanded much, much more.

We enjoy that you enjoy the abilities you have found in yourselves, and you will all be able to find these abilities (strengthened) in due time and will be able to bring through long, flowing and fruitful communications from the higher realms. Of course, you will not need to rely on your natural channeling abilities to communicate with us and rather, will communicate with us constantly and in every moment as you find your abilities to channel having reached unprecedented proportions.

Thank you to the Ascended Masters.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/19/2013 5:38:15 PM

Jesus: How Could You Possibly be Unworthy of the Substance of Your Being?

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150As channelled by John Smallman – April 12-19, 2013


Message from John: Hello this is John with Jesus’ message for Friday April 19th 2013. Since early April I have felt blocked and tired, and so channeling just has not happened. In order to give you a picture of what I have been experiencing I have printed up my complete communication with Jesus from April 12th through the 18th just as it occurred, because I thought some of you might find it of interest. Jesus’ main message starts after the line across the page. John.

Jesus Channeled Friday April 12th 2013 13.10. Blog # 142 04/19/13.

John: Good afternoon, dear Jesus. Thanks for your last message. Can we start a new one to post tomorrow night, please? Today seems to be another “blah” day for me. I have an acceptance of life as I am experiencing it, but no enthusiasm for it. Anyhow, if you are happy to do so, please dictate.

Jesus: Good afternoon, John. You know that I am always happy to offer you a message which you can share on the blog.

You are not alone in experiencing the blahs. Everyone is adjusting to the new energies surrounding you which are unfamiliar and tiring. As you adjust this will change and you will feel far more energized, peaceful, and content. Hang in there, you are all doing great work for which you are divinely honored, and the rewards for your efforts are getting very close to being revealed to you. Pray, meditate, and persist, knowing that your Father is taking care of you in every moment, and that joy is to overwhelm you.

John: Thanks, but I don’t feel motivated by life, nor do I feel any enthusiasm, just the blahs, as I said above. Anyway please dictate an uplifting and inspiring message for me to share. (close, 1.20pm through Thursday April 18 11.11am) Well, either I didn’t or couldn’t listen or hear you. I am sorry, can you please start over, and help me to relax and hear. My failure to make contact with you or Saul over the last week or so has depressed me as has my lack of enthusiasm to do so!

Jesus: How Could You Possibly be Unworthy of the Substance of Your Being? – April 19, 2013

There is no such thing as “failure.” It is just another aspect of the illusion that you use to beat yourself up – or others! Just let it go, like all other forms of judgment which serve only to distract you from being yourself — namely Love.

That is what you are; you have just forgotten and have come to believe that you need to receive It, when in fact you always have It in abundance. If you do not experience It, that is because you have chosen to judge yourselves as being without It, in need of It, and by making that judgment you have effectively chosen to block It out, believing yourselves unworthy of It. And so you seek It, frequently in ways that cannot possibly help you to find It.

How could you possibly be unworthy of the substance of your being? You were created in Love, by Love, from Love – there is nothing else – which is just another word that signifies God, the Source of all that exists, and of which every sentient being is an essential and inseparable part. Separation from that Source is inconceivable, unachievable, utterly impossible. You are constantly and eternally one with God, period. No further discussion of this divine truth has any meaning. You are all eternally loved and cherished by your heavenly Father, and nothing can change that, ever.

Quite often, a large quantity of the time that you think you are spending reasoning or thinking logically about an issue is in fact spent in judgment, self-doubt, and self-justification, as you try to convince yourself — “I know I am right, this is right and I need to explain to him where he is at fault” — leading to resentment, anger, and depression, as you realize that you cannot change the other person’s perception. Of course you can change your own, but to do so would be a sign of weakness, an admission that you were wrong and that he was right!

Stop taking things personally because doing so just loads you up with anger and resentment which eat away at your self-respect and self-esteem, making you feel bad about yourself. When you make the choice to cease taking things personally you cease to be offended; you feel freer, lighter, and life flows more smoothly and easily for you. Much of your discontent, your dissatisfaction with life comes from allowing what others say or do to upset you. And you tend to be very good at justifying those feelings : “How could he have said or done that, does he not see how he has hurt me? It’s so unfair!”

When you choose not to be offended you are effectively accepting yourself instead of accepting another’s nonacceptance of you. When you accept yourself, instead of trying to justify yourself to yourself, you place yourself in a position from which you can observe yourself with kindness and compassion. Then you are able to become aware of any aspects of yourself that are, or appear to be, unloving and make a choice to release or change them.

Trying to change yourself because someone else has judged an aspect of you as unacceptable does not work. Yes, you may hide or disguise that aspect because it has been so judged (maybe you even feel ashamed of it), but it lives on within you, causing bitterness and resentment because of the judgment from another that you experienced.

After a judgment has been made and accepted, even if you do not agree with it, it is very difficult to look at what has been judged dispassionately; but if you do not take things personally, then another’s judgment will not offend or unsettle you and you will be able to hear it and assess its validity with practical impartiality.

You are all divine beings rediscovering that you are in essence One, even though your present experience is as an individual coping with the problems with which separation presents you – confusion, misunderstanding, conflict, nonacceptance, judgment. And rediscovery of your Oneness occurs when you spend time quietly listening to your intuition, to your spiritual nature, to your true self, lovingly assisted by those in the spiritual realms whom you call on for guidance. You are always enveloped in the field of divine Love, but the busyness of your daily lives distracts you from it, leading you away towards situations of stress and conflict, and other unloving states that hide Reality from you.

When you follow the news, whether through the mainstream media or through alternate sites and networks, much of it is depressing, frightening, and seemingly very real. That is why it is essential that you spend time daily, quietly communicating with your friends in the spiritual realms, and seeking their support and guidance. What they offer you will raise your spirits and reassure you that you are one with them, with God, and that Love is the answer, the only answer in every situation.

For eons you have bought into the enormous fallacy that betrayal, conflict, war, and suffering are inevitable aspects of life on Earth, and this is constantly re-emphasized by the endless twenty-four-hour news cycles reporting on events of that kind. It does not have to be like that; in fact, it is utterly unnatural, but you constructed the illusion to experience separation: an unreal and inconceivable state. And separation is fearful – me … by myself … alone … and under constant threat.

You have tried to establish peace and stability through force of arms, and over the eons that method has proved time and time again that it does not work, because those in power always abuse their positions.

However, the truth of the concept that all are one and that the thoughts, words, and actions of each affects everyone else is finally becoming widely understood, and groups are forming all over the world with the intent to join together in peace, harmony, and love to resolve all your worldly problems. These groups are open to the field of divine Love enveloping the planet and it is influencing them powerfully and effectively.

As these groups grow, develop, intermingle, and communicate – as they are doing, constantly – amazing results will be achieved quite rapidly in the collective move away from enforcement and into peaceful and harmonious cooperation. It is only a very few who wish to maintain the status quo, and their supporters are falling away as the field of divine Love draws ever more of you into its loving and most enticing embrace. A vision of peace and harmony has been developing within humanity that is gaining widespread acceptance and changing forever your collective intent. That vision will be achieved!

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/19/2013 5:41:03 PM

Bella Capozzi: Let’s Close Those Old Contracts!

imageBella Capozzi: Let’s Close Those Old Contracts!

A mini-reading by Bella Capozzin – April 18, 2013

You’re feeling it, aren’t you? That inner push to do something different, to go someplace new, to stop dragging your feet and just get on with it. You’re starting to remember that there’s a reason that you came to Earth-a much bigger reason than you ever thought-and the drive is getting stronger and stronger within you to go out into the world and truly make a difference.

Of course, what you’ve been doing up until now has been really important and you chose to do every bit of it, but it’s time to wrap up all of those “smaller projects” and focus your attention on the bigger picture.

Today’s card is from the Romance Angels deck, and it is entitled “Reconciliation.” Taken in it’s most literal sense, it refers to the sudden imagereappearance of certain people and situations into your life – ones that you may have thought long overwith and gone. We’re talking about a where a close bond once existed. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a romantic relationship. It could be an old friendship, an issue with a family member or even a former co-worker.

On the other hand, you may see the re-emergence of some sort of unresolved situation (at least, you thought it was resolved), be it personal, professional or financial. To give you an example, I’m seeing it manifest in my own life as an unresolved financial crisis that I was blissfully unaware of up until now. I recently learned that all of my former husbands debts are still attached to me, and I’m being forced to deal with not-so-pleasant chore of severing these toxic bonds from my physical and energetic space.

But know that it’s absolutely essential that these things get cleared up, because we can’t take them with us into the New World. We can’t continue to raise our vibration higher and continue ascending higher when we’re chained and shackled to heavy weights from the past. So many of these situations are old contracts we drew up prior to our incarnation or are based in karma that we carried over from a previous lifetime.

Yes, we’ve dealt well with it thus far and we basically did whatever it was we initially agreed to do, but there are just a few loose threads that that need to be snipped before the contract can be stamped “Paid In Full.” Try to view these situations, however annoying they may seem, as priceless opportunities for learning and spiritual growth.

The Universe is handing you a great gift; a chance to hone your innate skills of forgiveness, neutrality and compassion. And also for you to obtain some much-needed closure and move on. The more baggage you toss by the side of the road, the faster your vibration will become. And best of all-the sooner the reality of the New Earth will begin to manifest visibly in your outer world.

Copyright©Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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