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4/19/2013 5:43:15 PM

Council of Angels, your Higher Self, and Source via Goldenlight: A Message About Abundance

sun-shining-waterChanneled by Goldenlight, April 18, 2013

Good evening we are the Council of Angels, your higher self, and Source, bringing you a message today about Abundance.

As the channel took her daily walk on the beach today, the concept of Abundance was materialized everywhere – in the massive mounds of seashells that were piled on the beach, the plethora of cat-tails swaying in the breeze, the billions and trillions of grains of sand on the beach, and the sun shining everywhere in the clear blue sky. The sun, and abundance, shine indiscriminately on everyone, with no one left out.

Abundance is the natural state of the universe, and indeed, of everything that I, Source, Am. Everything is created so that there will be plenty – from all natural things on your earth up into the heavens, the galaxies, the stars, the universes and beyond….everything that I Am and everything that I have created is naturally abundant. There are no shortages where I Come From. I have created everything to be plentiful.

Notice a field of grass….how many blades of grass sway in the breeze….or a flock of birds…..all flying in formation together. As you look up into the sky at night, you see just a small area of the billions of stars in your galaxies….and there are many, many, other galaxies, and many other beings in all of the other galaxies and in the multiverse.

Abundance of ALL creation is the natural state of all emanations from source….everything you see, including yourself, that is born in nature in your world is an emanation from source, all plants, oceans, land masses, rocks, trees, the sun, people, animals, every living thing and living creature on your earth and on all other planets and in all other galaxies and in the multiverse, are all emanations of source, meaning they all emanate from the Source of All That Is. Everything that is an emanation of Me, Source, is created in abundance. I rarely create one of anything. Just not in My nature. Well, you could say there is only One of Me, but even that is not true, because YOU are all Me, the plants are all Me, the creatures are all Me, the galaxies are all Me, and so on.

Cluster of Galaxies

An Abundance of Galaxies

Now we come to the “man-made” creation of money, which is a manipulated form of abundance. The is not “per-se” an emanation from source. This is controlled by many, hoarded by a few, and not available to everyone in unlimited amounts.


This will all be changing in the future, as man steps into a new paradigm, wherein he lives his life KNOWING that he is an emanation from Source. When all beings on your planet realize that they are all connected, and all come from the same source, all violence and wars will stop. All self-serving behaviors will stop. All disharmony, greed, and lack shall stop. You are all on the verge of a great awakening, a mass awakening and ascension that has been planned by Me for eons. You are waking up from your slumber.

You are saying the violence, wars, hunger, and poverty have to stop. What you are willing to tolerate as a species is changing. You are beginning to be in control of your own destinies. You are ALL beginning to tune into UNIVERSAL abundance, and that includes the cutting-edge concepts of what your leading and visionary thinkers are thinking about. Free energy. A new monetary system based on Oneness, unity and harmony instead of service to self, greed, and disharmony. You, as a species, had to get pulled to the brink of disaster, to the edge of despair, in order to be pulled back again in the other direction.

The mass awakening that is occurring now will propel you into the brightest future you have ever known. You are on the verge of coming into open awareness of beings from other galaxies. Awareness is always the first step in the key to change. After awareness, comes action. After your societies accept the awareness that there are beings from other galaxies, and that these are LOVING, KIND, CARING, HIGHLY EVOLVED BEINGS, you will begin to communicate and interact with them.

So many in your higher awareness (“lightworkers”) circles are already communicating with these beings. The next step is to have a reunion with these beings, (yes, you have known them in other lifetimes), finally leading to open relations with these highly evolved, loving beings, who are emanations from Source, just as you are. Reuniting with these loving beings is a part of your universal abundance, as they have technology to assist you with Free Energy. Free Energy alone will release so many of your society from enslavement and poverty.

So this is a huge step forward in mankind coming into universal harmony and abundance, which will in turn be beneficial for your Mother Gaia as she will no longer have the “blood” of her body (oil) extracted so carelessly from her. This extraction has unnecessarily removed the necessary lubrication needed for her tectonic plates (similar to your bones). Imagine what your body would be like without lubrication in your joints and blood to give life to your body. Free energy will also reduce toxic oil spills, pollution, and mass inequality of wealth.

Many in your society in the past have attempted to develop free energy, but it was always suppressed. The free energy technology that will be brought in from intergalactic relations will help you develop it much more quickly, allowing you access to this technology in the NOW moment. As you all being to raise your frequencies ever higher and higher, you begin to access the higher dimensions beyond the fourth dimension, into the fifth, and beyond. Time does not exist in these higher dimensions, wherein all is happening in the NOW moment.

This raising of your frequencies will assist you in creating harmonious intergalactic communications and relationships. Communication in the higher realms is accomplished by telepathy, and you all, as evolving humans, are in the process of developing these higher dimensional abilities.

We will end this discussion for now as the channel is having difficulty typing due to an injured finger! But will resume at a later time our continued discussion on abundance. For now, try to get out into nature as much as possible, and tune into your higher selves and into nature to absorb the abundance frequencies so prevalent everywhere. This will give you ideas in your own life about the things you can do and the steps you can take in your own personal lives to assist with abundance, as well as in assisting with the abundance of everyone on earth.

You are moving into Unity consciousness, wherein all beings work for the harmony and abundance for all, not just for self, and the movement towards this philosophy and mindset is extremely beneficial for everyone on your planet to begin adopting. Begin to think of yourselves as ONE, for indeed you Are, and you are all loving creations of the One Source, and I, Source, love you most dearly and truly, and cradle you in my loving light always and in All Ways. Know this, each and every moment of every day, that you are INFINITELY loved, and that there is never a time that I Am not loving you, each and every moment of every day and every NOW moment.

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.


An abundance of seashells


An abundance of stars


Abundant Cat tails swaying in the breeze

© The Golden Light Channel, Please include this copyright when reposting this message.

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4/19/2013 5:46:11 PM

Lord Ashtar via Lucy Colson: Santa Fe Galactic Command Center April Update

UFO-sfgccThis is taken from the Santa Fe GCC’s April Newsletter, the full version and subscription option can be found on the website.

As channeled by Lucy Colson, April 14, 2013

We will update you as we go along. In this communication we will speak about the prime locations for the Centers, and changes that will affect streams of energy flowing into Planet Earth.

It was first noted that only five centers would be created, with many branches throughout the world. That has now been changed. You see, we too are changing plans to comply with the extraordinary amount of energy you of Earth are giving to this project.

We are now seeing seven major command centers, each established on one of Earth’s seven continents: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and even on Antarctica. Though it is covered with ice and snow, Antarctica is destined to become a tropical paradise once again for your planet is in the process of great change, both to your landmasses and your peoples.

First, let me address the landmasses. A time of great change is coming to your planet (and to your solar system as well). During Earth changes you will witness subsidence and emergence of lands. Portions of Atlantis will arise again, especially off of Cuba and Bimini as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge continues to pull apart. You note that Iceland is gradually splitting apart right now.

In the South Pacific significant activity will continue with changes in the Tonga-Kermadec Trench as it shifts upon its micro plate subducting under the Pacific Plate. That, and the Mariana Trench, are two great trenches which will bring about the greatest changes to landmasses nearby. Lemuria is also scheduled to rise owing to subterranean shifts. But please realize that none of this is going to happen tomorrow. Some of what we are speaking about will take place perhaps in as much as 25 to 50 years in your future especially the changes to the Antarctic’s frozen topography.

As I have already mentioned, a galactic command center will be created on each of Earth’s seven continents. You and we are calling them “command” centers because they will supervise development and activities of the many branches created on their continents.

Some of you have asked if there is need to start building edifices or to procure land. No, that is not necessary at this time. Your task and your opportunity now is to come together to establish a consciousness of unity based on your increasing awareness of becoming “one” with the Creator. As you increase your spiritual light quotient (the capacity to receive and hold fifth-dimensional frequencies) and as you set your intention to make Planet Earth a hub of Christed Light to serve the Galaxy, this intention will create the framework for the Galactic Command Centers.

It will then become our “job” to lower into your frequency the celestial structures and energies that will fulfill your intention. The buildings will not be made of Earth-frequency materials, but will be of pure light created out of our crystalline thoughts. Whereas it might take as much as a year of your time to create Earth buildings, it will take us but an instant to manifest these remarkable centers.

From your very first thoughts of this activity, with your permission we made this a cooperative endeavor. We are working with your creative thoughts by adding ours to bring into manifestation that which will create the highest good for all.

Earth is destined to become a star nation and to participate in the Galactic Federation. We plan to send emissaries from many star nations to work with you as you establish the Galactic Command Centers and their branches. Together you will perfect technologies of healing; you will train to become Christed emissaries who carry wisdom and Light to many planets throughout the cosmos; you will create councils to enable all Beings to work together in harmony. And you will unite with your indigenous peoples, who have for many centuries held the truth of your origins in the stars. These ancient ones on all continents have never lost contact with us. And now their truth held in sacred trust for millennia will be revealed. A great example of this are the Dream Walkers of Australia: they will become “Star Walkers” leading you into the galactic reaches.

A celestial event is to take place on Earth and throughout all creation, possibly even this year. As many of you know, the Father-Mother God of us all is projecting a beam of Light through the Great Central Sun that is to change the multiverses in the twinkling of an eye. All universes will shift upwards in evolution, thus erasing the effects of that which transpired before. You will begin to see evidence of this Divine Light-Energy perhaps as soon as the third or fourth quarter of this year.

When this energy strikes your heavens, every knee on Earth will bend. At that moment the planetary energy which manifested your civilizations for eons will no longer exist. All will be made new in keeping with the Creator’s flow of Its ever-new consciousness. Subtle aspects of Planet Earth will arise out of the Fifth Dimension into the Sixth and higher so as to continually lift your endeavors .

It will be shortly after this event that you will participate in manifesting the Cities of Light and the Galactic Command Centers. But we do attach a now familiar caveat! Though Prime Source is perfect in Its manifestation, timing as you know it is definitely subject to change — always owing of course to the rapid expansion of humanity’s consciousness as you come into the Ascension.

I am Ashtar; good day.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/19/2013 5:47:41 PM

UFO Disclosure Hearings Accomplishing Their Aim

ufo 2736Stephen Bassett’s hearing on UFOs, set for the end of the month, has actually attracted comment in a range of mainstream media outlets from the Washington Post to the London Telegraph to the Huff Post.

Some articles talk about “little green men,” but they still record accurate details of the hearings. Stephen appears to have accomplished his aim of making Disclosure a topic of general interest even before the hearing starts. We post perhaps the best of the current crop of stories from the Huff Post.

Also, there are a raft of more local newspapers and other media reporting such things as UFO conferences in their areas. I’ll record some in footnote 1.

UFOs: Disclosure Is Coming

Connie Willis, Huffington Post, April 10, 2013

Disclosure is coming for the UFO world, or so we hope. Political activist Stephen Bassett, along with researchers and military witnesses, will tell their stories before former members of the U.S. House and Senate at the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, starting at the end of April in Washington, D.C. They will testify about events and evidence that supports the idea that many people have of an extraterrestrial presence regularly engaging the human race. Their goal is to end the alleged ET truth embargo.

As controversial as UFOs and aliens are, the last time Congress held a hearing addressing the extraterrestrial issue was in 1968. How can that be? There are so many daily sightings around the globe, some telling of crafts that are stupendous in size.

What is probably the most well known UFO story is the Roswell Incident of 1947. A saucer, reportedly containing aliens, allegedly crashed on a ranch near Roswell, N.M. U.S. military personnel were sent to the crash site to gather all relevant evidence. The world was first told it was a crashed flying saucer, then the story was changed to it being a weather balloon, and then later, the public was told it was test dummies. It is one of the most publicized and controversial of UFO incidents.

Did you know there was a fleet of UFOs that flew over the White House on July 12, 1952? It’s known as the “1952 Washington, D.C. UFO Incident,” the “Washington Flap” or the “Washington National Airport Sightings.” There were a series of reports from July 12 to July 29, 1952, over D.C. Yep, more than two weeks of UFO sightings over our nation’s capitol.

A massive UFO was spotted by dozens of people over Stephenville, Texas, on Jan. 8, 2008. It was described as half a mile wide and a mile long. Some witnesses claimed to see military aircraft following the object, and others say they saw black helicopters flying at low altitude over their property after the sighting. There were reports of missing livestock and others claimed to have been threatened to keep their mouths shut about what they saw.

It’s been reported that over 10,000 people witnessed the gigantic series of lights over the city of Phoenix, Ariz., in 1997. Known as the Phoenix Lights, even Fife Symington, the governor at the time, after making a joke of the situation at a news conference the following day, has since come out to say he, too, saw this huge “otherworldly” object.

These are only a few of the numerous sightings seen in the United States. Unidentified flying objects are reported daily all over the planet.

I feel witnesses are left without answers, baffled, confused and sometimes terrified. If they mention what they saw to anyone, they then have to prepare for the potential ridicule of being told they are fools, nut cases, real wackos, and left alone to deal with something that may have changed their lives forever.

When a gun is found in a school locker or an unmarked box is seen in the middle of a highway, it can make national news, and result in full blown investigations. But when a massive, silent machine glides in the air over one of our cities or suburbs, and it’s reported to be the size of four football fields and seen to reach speeds from 0-3000 mph in an instant — as was reported in Stephenville, Texas, the same national news coverage does not exist. And if there are investigations, which I sure hope there are, there is no mention of them.

It is always interesting to hear the different theories of what these crafts are in the sky. Some people claim these UFOs are our military testing new top secret aircraft. I have heard others say they are some other country’s military aircraft. Witnesses, like myself, want to know what these objects are in the sky. Since we get no definitive answers, our next question seems to be, “Why are you not telling us?”

If the day comes that you see a massive vehicle flying over your head that is completely silent and the size of four football fields, or you see many strange lights that hover in the sky changing directions at angles we are not used to seeing and then shooting out of sight at speeds we are not used to seeing, you, too, may ask these same questions and feel frustrated that no acceptable answers are forthcoming.

One of the many theories suggesting extraterrestrial visitation is that they created us and are watching our progress. A theory I really enjoy related to this idea is theIntervention Theory by Lloyd Pye. It speaks of an intelligence behind the design of Earth.

Another theory out there is they are visiting and mining our planet for minerals. Others have speculated that we already have different treaties with the aliens. One of those alleged treaties allows them to study us, which includes continuous abductions of people and animals. In return, it is said they are to give us technology, medicines, or knowledge. Scary, eh?

It is thought by some, myself included, that if we were all privy to knowing that ETs exist, we could cure every disease, mental disorder and energy problem, because it is thought the alien visitors have these answers.

I believe disclosure will tell us who we are as humans and what our role is in the universe. I also believe we humans are ready to handle the truth of these other beings.

Good luck to those attending the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure speaking out about what you and many countless others have witnessed in the sky. I am quite sure the day will come when your efforts and courage will be acknowledged by the masses.


(1) Mainstream attention: Washington Post and The Telegraph. Local coverage: The Charlotte Observer, The Anchorage Press News, Sarasota Herald Tribune, Carroll County News, Michigan Radio, etc.

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4/19/2013 5:54:45 PM
Dear friends, an interesting comment by Stephen Cook on the Boston Marathon Bombing manhunt started a few hours ago.

Boston in Lockdown: One ‘Suspect’ Dead.

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4/20/2013 1:38:06 AM

Serbia, Kosovo reach tentative deal on relations

Associated Press/Yves Logghe - Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci addresses the media upon his arrival, at the EEAS headquarters in Brussels, Friday, April 19, 2013. The leaders of Serbia and Kosovo negotiated for the 10th time in Brussels on one of the most difficult issues dividing them, as Serbia strains to meet conditions for eventual membership in the European Union. (AP Photo/Yves Logghe)

BRUSSELS (AP) — Serbia and Kosovo reached a potentially historic agreement Friday to normalize relations between the Balkan neighbors, end years of acrimony and put them both on a solid path to European Union membership.

The tentative deal culminated months of tense negotiations and showed determination of both Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacicand Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, EU negotiator Catherine Ashton said.

"What we are seeing is a step away from the past and for both of them a step closer to Europe," Ashton, the EU's foreign policy chief, said.

In what would be an extraordinary change, the deal appeared to recognize the authority of the Kosovo government over the north of the country, which is inhabited predominantly by ethnic Serbs.

But Dacic appeared to indicate there was a chance the deal could still come unstuck, saying Serbia's top leadership would decide whether to accept or reject the tentative agreement "in the next few days."

Details of the agreement were scant, but Dacic said it was "better than any other we were offered in the past."

Kosovo, a former province of Serbia, declared independence in 2008. Over the years, Belgrade has said it would never recognize the sovereignty of Kosovo, which is considered by Serbia's nationalists to be the cradle of the country's medieval statehood and religion.

Kosovo has been recognized by more than 90 countries including the U.S. and 22 of the EU's 27 members. Because of a blockade by Serbian allies Russia and China in the Security Council, Kosovo is not a U.N. member.

But U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed "the landmark agreement between Belgrade and Pristina," according to a statement from his office.

"He strongly encourages the parties to conclude this historic process and take concrete measures for a faithful implementation of the agreement," the statement added. "The United Nations stands ready to assist the parties in this endeavor."

Serbia relinquished control of most of Kosovo in 1999 when NATO chased its troops out of the region after a three-month bombing campaign. Ending the partition of Kosovo between the Albanian majority and the Serb-controlled north — about a fifth of the country — is a key condition of Serbia's further progress toward EU membership.

The status of northern Kosovo, which is inhabited primarily by ethnic Serbs who do not recognize Kosovo's predominantly ethnic Albanian government, has been among the thorniest issues of the talks.

Northern Kosovo Serb hardline leaders rejected the tentative deal, saying they will refuse to implement it. They also announced the formation of their own "assembly" — a move tantamount to proclaiming independence from the rest of Kosovo.

"We stand by our agreement not to allow the implementation of the agreement," Kosovo Serb leader Krstimir Pantic said.

Thaci said reaching an agreement had been difficult, and there were people in both countries who wouldn't be happy with it. But he said it represented a new era.

"This agreement will help us heal the wounds of the past if we have the wisdom and the knowledge to implement it in practice," he said.

In Kosovo, some ethnic Albanians cast doubt on the deal.

"This animosity has existed for a very long time. We fooled ourselves that it wasn't there even in (Yugoslav leader) Tito's times as if we loved one another," Emin Rexhepi, a 38-year-old resident of Pristina, said.

"I wish there was some result and that we could all at least live with one another as one should."

But Kosovo's minister for European integration, Vlora Citaku, was hopeful the announcement could be the beginning of a new era for the Balkan countries.

Citaku, an influential figure in Thaci's party, tweeted: "And the white smoke is out! Habemus pactum! Happy."

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle hailed what he called a "historic step on the way to good neighborliness and a European future."

"Both sides have shown courage and farsightedness," Westerwelle said in a statement, in which he went out of his way to praise Ashton for her mediation and said she "achieved a great success for EU diplomacy."

Thaci said the deal would pave the way for both Kosovo and Serbia to ultimately joint the European Union, and for Kosovo to pursuit its aspiration to join NATO. A precondition for joining the EU is that countries "normalize" relations with their neighbors.

It appeared that the deal meant that the Kosovo Serbs were being told by the Serbian government in Belgrade to live in Kosovo, under the authority of the ethnic Albanian government in Pristina — and not in Serbia, of which they claim to be a part.

Dacic said Serbia would not block Kosovo's accession to the European Union, but had reserved the right to block its membership in other international organizations.

Having Serbia give up parallel institutions in northern Kosovo — including in policing and the judiciary — was the key condition for Serbia to get a date for the start of its EU accession negotiations.

Still, Dacic said the association of Serb municipalities in Kosovo would retain "a high level of authority" in choosing a regional police commander.

In addition, it appeared possible that NATO would play a role as part of the settlement. The alliance's secretary-general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, issued a statement late Friday congratulating the parties for their constructive approach.

"I am very happy for NATO to contribute to the conclusion of an historic agreement," Fogh Rasmussen said.


Associated Press writers Jovana Gec and Dusan Stojanovic in Belgrade, Serbia, Nebi Qena in Pristina, Kosovo, Geir Moulson in Berlin and Raf Casert in Brussels, contributed to this report.


Don Melvin can be reached at

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