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4/8/2013 4:17:00 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Your Savior Is Standing In Your Shoes

imageArchangel Michael via Ron Head: Your Savior Is Standing In Your Shoes

As channeled by Ron Head – April 7, 2013

Our topic for this day will be the messages that we send to you and your trust in us. This is a very crucial question to the entire subject of ascension. It brings into sharp focus the need for you to have developed discernment that you can rely upon rather than allowing events about you or the words of others to sway you to and fro like a leaf in the wind.

We believe we have never asked for you to believe in, to trust, the messenger, but have always urged you to base your judgment upon the content of the message itself.

Further, we will tell you now that messages that are sent to you from the higher dimensions, particularly those which contain the truth of the divine Creator, will always carry a detectable feeling to you which you will sense as a loving embrace. It is the transmission to you of that which your hearts have yearned for ever since you have journeyed away from it. We do not appeal to your intellects, neither to any other emotion or feeling than that.

You may hone in on Divine Truth like a beacon by this energy of unconditional love. There still are among you, even among those of you with sincere intent, those who persist in trying to analyze and dissect this phenomenon. There are those who persist in asking for material proof. There are those who continue to ask when such will be given.

Dearest ones, you have been doing this since the time of Enoch, of Abraham, and before. And for all that time, and before, you have been taught that you, you physical co-creators of your own existence, are the ones who make those things happen. Yet you continue to look up into the starry sky and say “When?” You wait for a savior. Well your savior is standing in your shoes. And the time is now, if you so choose.

Sometimes what is needed is a little straight talk, is this not so? We know that many, many of you are indeed not in need of this today. You are far past that now. Yet there are also many who still need to hear this once again. Once again the community that has been built is being battered by those who claim to know better than to believe or trust. And once again we are telling you to trust your heart.

Go within, connect with your highest concept of the Divine, whatever name you call it by, and ask for assurance. We ask nothing further than this.

Be at peace in your hearts. We shall speak again soon. Good day.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/8/2013 4:18:09 PM

Blossom Goodchild: April 7, 2013

Blossom Goodchild newThe Galactic Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild – April 7, 2013

Blossom: Hello my friends. To be honest, I am not quite sure how this will go. Yet the house is quiet for a few hours and it would be lovely to connect up with you. Anyone home?

Federation of Light: Dearest Blossom … firstly we would like to address the fact that one’s responsibility lies within the self for the self. We who are not of Earth … register the energies emanating from souls individually and as a whole. We discover in these times that there is a mixture of both high and low. Yet … take into account … these energies are ONE. Therefore … the lower ones mingle and merge with Higher to create perhaps … a middle! Many of you are finding these days that you are experiencing all three. Sometimes in the same minute of your time.

Correct! It can be quite disturbing. Except when the Higher energy is predominant within … Those moments are glorious! Yet … how strange to find oneself in the depths now and then … yet KNOWING that it won’t remain. This Ascension thing is quite different from what we had thought or expected.

And yet … This Ascension thing is exactly how you are choosing to create it.

What? Even with our ‘downers’? I thought that was more to do with the Higher energies that are coming in and causing disturbance as the lower ones leave.

Remember this at ALL times. YOU create this New World. This we have always spoken of. Energy is a form that can be changed and rearranged. Yet it needs strength of mind and character in order to ‘come out on top’. This is why the warriors of Light were chosen to Be. You … each one of you that has inside of them … this strength. This power to overcome the lower vibrations that are fighting for ‘your lives’!

Many of you are felling disheartened … as ‘where you are’ is not where you expected yourselves to be.

Well, I guess it’s because we didn’t have any warning of what to expect. All that was spoken of was this beautiful New World that we were walking into . Don’t misunderstand me. I KNOW we are on our way. I have a deeper KNOWING now … even though I find myself a little misunderstood! Yet … being here on Earth at this time sure is a roller coaster! Sometimes I find myself looking up at the stars and saying to you ‘ You come down and try it !’

And we hear you. Yet we cannot. That is not our position. Yet we can do our utmost to try to assist.



WE KNOW THAT THE PLAN IS FULL STEAM AHEAD! … and we ask that in YOUR BEING … the core of that which is YOU … YOU ACCEPT THIS … and therefore KNOW it also.

And somewhere inside me … I do accept that. There just seems little evidence … on the outside.

Yet it is on the inside that we are interested in. For it is from the inside that the outside is created . Let go dearest friends of that which appears to be. Bring in … that which you KNOW to be TRUTH.

When each individual recognises ‘their TRUE self’ … which is that KNOWING deep within … then we ask you to hold onto that … even when the roller coaster is going full speed into the dipped track … hold on to the KNOWING that … in your world of duality … the lower you go … the higher you shall then rise.

Which is a bit of a concern then. For every time I rise Higher … does that mean my next low will be even lower to oppose the amazing High I have just experienced?

NO. It does not mean this. For this is where your strength of character comes in. Yes there is the opposite in ALL things. This is the law of your planet. Yet you … as Light Beings encompassing a human body came here to change that. For this ‘time’ of duality is being left behind. It has served its purpose. The more you embody your ‘Lighter’ self … in these times … the less one shall fall into the ‘darkness’. Yet it is up to you … to take control.

And this is why I say … ‘come down and try it’. What with all that is ‘showered upon us’ in the way of negative and harmful chemicals in order to keep control of us … sometimes one feels weak with it all. I am not always sure that I KNOW WHO my True self is and how life would be … let alone implement it.

Yet we would say otherwise. Within each one of you is your DIVINE BEING. A spark of your DIVINE TRUE SELF. There is not one chemical or poison or lower vibrational imput that your Higher self cannot counteract. How can it?


Without your human form … when you are free from that … YOU ARE LIGHT. THAT IS WHO YOU ARE.

Do not allow thoughts of ‘This is simply too hard’ … to overtake thoughts of ‘This is just so easy’!

We are aware Blossom of your thoughts regarding a new project to be constructed with your friend with whom you laugh so much … and it is entitled?


Precisely! And do you think this is just a whim? Of course not. For this is what it is all about. The smooth path into this New World is all about THAT.

CHANGING YOUR ATTITUDE to/in ALL things … Find the joy in ALL things … Find the LIGHT in ALL things. THIS IS WHAT YOU ALL WANT IS IT NOT?

Indeedy! Yet we humans ‘struggle’ with this regarding many issues.


One is not always in the mood to find the strength to do so.

Yet that does not mean that it cannot be done.

Dearest souls … do not be disheartened. There is so much that lies ahead in Joy and Laughter and the LIGHTEST of energies.

We have spoken to you before regarding the fact that when you all volunteered … you KNEW this would be the score. You KNEW what you were letting yourselves in for. You KNEW why you came and why you volunteered and why you agreed. Because you KNEW you had the strength to complete your mission.


Complete your mission you shall. YOU ARE!

All that you are experiencing is just part of it. When you KNOW this … when you accept this … then it is much easier to say … ‘Ok … got it!’. In the KNOWING that you KNOW! Therefore … the acceptance allows the flowing of.

Do you not Blossom … even when in the ‘dip’ … find a few smiles and laughter within yourself at the way you are feeling … for it is so ‘not you’?

Yes I do.

This is what we mean. You are recognising the ‘journey’. The necessary journey. This section of the pathway that ‘is the letting go of the old ways’… the ‘old you’ … And the ‘old you’ won’t give up without a fight.

Why not? If it KNOWS that it is for my own good?

Because the ‘old you’ was trapped inside a world that was controlling you! NOW … in this middle section … this intermediate plain … the new you is emerging.

The simplest analogy is that of a caterpillar. It felt ‘at home’ being who it was. It was all it knew. It did what it did in that phase of its life/existence. Then … THINGS CHANGED! It suddenly finds itself in a ‘different phase’ of itself. It may not know what exactly is taking place … but none the less… there it is … in this next phase of itself. All it can do is ‘be there’. .. Not knowing where exactly it is going next … or indeed what/who it is going to turn into . Yet with ACCEPTANCE AND PATIENCE in the KNOWING that ALL IS AS SHOULD BE … before long … when all is in correct alignment with all … with some movement and effort required …. It emerges into the most beautiful winged Being … that can fly!!!!!!



Yet … shall we say … the soul being one and the same … for it always was … is and shall be.

Thank you for that. These words of encouragement from you certainly help me and many it seems. I’d like to ‘shift’ the energy now if I may. Last time you spoke of yourselves as ‘WE ARE’. Someone asked if this meant that you are therefore the ‘I AM’ presence or energy.

Yet you know we shall reply that you are all the I AM energy. EVERYTHING IS.

We speak about your Higher selves. We speak of different levels of vibration. That is all everything is composed of … a certain level of vibration. So we would say to you that ‘our level of vibration’ is within a LIGHTNESS that is of … how shall we say … High calibre. We have not had the ‘density’ experience of Earth. This can cause havoc with ones ‘level’ … on or off planet.

Can you elaborate on that?

The density of Earth that was established can ‘stain’ one’s Being. It can seep into ones Being and leave its mark. When a soul leaves the Earthly coil into freedom of the selfsoul … it can take quite a bit of healing in order for one to be cleansed of these ‘markings’. These ‘markings’ were not originally intended … yet through man’s conscious choices … this is the way it became.




One that cannot mark or stain the Being … for there shall be nothing within it that is of that vibration. There shall be nothing that has the desire to do so.




Do not feel defeated because one of our Mother ships has not hovered over a major prominent building!!




March on valiantly in the KNOWING that all this is to come and will do so.



Yet I think you’ve just left ! Are you still about?
Many thanks until next time. Onwards upwards and sometimes … sideways!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah ha … 11.11am. Nice timing!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/8/2013 4:22:26 PM

Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: Being the Bridge to the New Earth

pamela kribbeStephen: This is the third of three messages – and Jeshua’s second – Pamela channelled during a workshop in France in February.

Jeshua: Being the Bridge to the New Earth

As channelled by Pamela Kribbe – February 2013

Dear friends, dear family of mine,

I love you all deeply. I am here from a space of friendship. I am your equal; I am not a master standing above you. I want to be with you from soul to soul and also from human to human. I know what it is like to be human on Earth and to experience deep emotions of doubt, fear, and anger. I want you all to have compassion for yourselves and all the emotions you have. But, above all, I want you to be aware of your greatness.

In this day and age, we are moving into a new reality on Earth. A new consciousness is being born right now. It is a consciousness that is founded on the heart and based on the oneness we all share. You all long for this consciousness to manifest on Earth, and you live for it – it is your highest ideal. But what I would like to impress upon you is that you are the carriers of this consciousness.

This is not something happening outside you. It is not something you have to wait for, and you do not have to rely on others for messages or predictions about the future. You are the very center of this transformation. It is you who are the birth canal for this new energy, and I ask you to truly stand up and to be all that you are, because I see many of you hesitating. Your hearts are open and you reach out to the new consciousness that is dawning. You long intensely for this vibration of oneness, but you are also afraid.

There are two kinds of vibration on Earth. There is the old vibration of fear that has intimidated you for a long time, even to the point of going into the cells of your body. You react from fear and, for a long time, this is what you have been taught to do. You have been told that in order to survive, you have to act like a small person, not a great one. To be a “good” person is all too often to listen to the voices of fear. The new vibration is quite the opposite. Feel it for yourself – the new vibration is full of joy! It is evident from this vibration that there is enough for everyone. The new vibration encourages you to be great, to share your talents, to be proud of yourself.

How do you move between these two vibrations? Sometimes you connect with the higher vibration of joy and it makes you feel ecstatic, as if you are a little drunk, because it reminds you of the energy of Home, the energy of your soul. You are moved to tears and you know deep inside: “This is what I want!” You want this in the area of your work, and also in your relationships. You want this in everything!

I want to offer a little exercise to you. Imagine that the new vibration of joy and lightness and abundance is coming to you now. I am here, I am standing in the middle of this circle, and with me are numerous guides and friends, who are smiling at you, wanting to offer you this new vibration that is really the vibration of Home. I ask you to receive it and to be aware of anything within you that resists this new vibration. Notice it in your body. You may notice a tension in the body caused by resistance or fear. What I am asking you to do is to identify what parts of you cannot merge with the new vibration. And please, give the energy of resistance or fear a face and let it appear to you as a child.

Inside you, there is a child who is afraid to surrender to this new vibration. It does not trust it, because this child has not learned to trust. I ask you to be very aware of this child, because this is the key. What I see happening to you is that you dwell in two realities at the same time. Sometimes you feel very inspired and elevated, and at other times you fall back into the old vibration and fear overpowers you. Everything you felt before in your heart, your truth, seems to vanish and you find yourself depressed or blocked from moving forward. And some of you even feel that it is hopeless. You feel you do not belong on Earth, you even want to leave. That is why it is so important to recognize what is behind this reality of fear. It is a frightened child and you are able to help it; that is your true greatness.

Your greatness is not so much that you are able to feel oneness, but that you are able to reach out from that place of oneness to that which is in the dark. If you do not honor and understand this fearful child within yourself, you cannot fully enter the new vibration. So invite this child to now be close to you. Let it express his or her pain to you and allow it to express it freely, to even exaggerate it. What is its deepest fear? Is it even ready to be here on Earth?

It is when you are fully acquainted with this child, this inner presence, that you can put your arms around it and save it from the fear that has overpowered it. Fear may express itself in a variety of ways. It can be expressed through depression, and also through anger and not wanting to be part of this reality; a distrust towards other people, or a desire to escape, and it can lead to all kinds of destructive behavior. But if you can look behind the destructive behavior and see the face of a frightened child, you can reach out with compassion.

Today, we can do this together. So now imagine that you have your own child in front of you. It is leaning against you with its face toward the middle of the circle. Tell your child it is safe. Be aware that to experience Light can be frightening for this child. I invite you to feel the energy that we, I and the guides who are present here, are sending to this child. We approach your child with patience and tenderness. We love it exactly for who it is, right now. Can you receive this love from us?

Really healing yourselves means descending into the dark, and the ability to do that is your greatness. This is the essence of the Christ energy. It does not separate, it does not accept a distinction between Dark and Light, because it knows that oneness is everywhere.

My message for you today is that you are the carriers of the Christ energy in this day and age. First of all, you apply this in your own lives. You do not walk away from reality, you do not walk away from fear or darkness when you see it. Instead you kneel down to it and you ask: “Where is the child within?” Do not be afraid of darkness, because it is your fear of darkness that blocks you from moving into the new vibration.

You all carry memories within yourself, not only from this lifetime, but even before that. You have memories of moments in which fear overpowered you and you lost your way. That is why you sometimes get lost today and do not believe in your greatness. But I tell you: this is the time for change, it is now. And your true mission is not just to leave the old vibration behind and enter into the new, but to bring the new vibration of love and joy into the old, to heal the child within, and to heal society as it is now. Because that is the result; this is what happens when people heal themselves individually; this energy will flow out into society. It will enter the institutions of education, even politics and medicine, and the new vibration will enter peacefully, without struggle.

You are able to do it, and I thank you for being here.

© Pamela Kribbe

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/8/2013 4:24:37 PM

Pleiadian Council of Nine via Tazjima: Building Bridges

imagePleiadian Council of Nine via Tazjima: Building Bridges

As channeled by Tazjima – April 6, 2013

We are the Pleiadian Council of Nine. We are your sisters and brothers in light and love. We come to instruct, to cajole and to encourage you.

These past two weeks our companion council, the Pleiadian High Council, has advised our scribe that she sits on that same council. During her waking hours, she has no remembrance of these ongoing council meetings, except dreams about being with large groups of people in gatherings. During her daylight hours, however, she deals with the practical matters of being in two worlds, even three, at the same time.

Her soul resides with us in the fifth and sixth dimension, her physical body in the third, her heart and mind in the fourth. It has become a daily task to learn to remain calm in the face of clashing egos, stubborn rigidity and unfounded fears.

She does not always manage to find balance every waking moment, but she is working on releasing the fear and on building the light body so she will have a suitable vehicle in which to reside in calm and safety while drama still occurs in the world around her. It is a challenging balancing act, but one that she has prepared lifetimes for, as have you who are now reading these words.

Those of you who are light workers and who are aware enough to know that you are workers of light, each of you are now finding ways to seek and keep balance in your life. You are slowly beginning to realize, sometimes much to your dismay, that your soul chose to act as a gatekeeper during these transitional years, as the old system clashed and crashed into tatters and dissolved, before the full physical advent of the new age.

All around you are the remainders of the deteriorating third dimension whose rigid structures are collapsing into chaos, entropy and disarray. The leaders of the old paradigm still cling to the belief in their ascendance over the human race, in their ultimate victory in bringing a stubborn people to heel, buried in debt, poverty, disease, disarray and despair.

While plans are still being carried out, plans that have been centuries in the making, the new reality, the new world is emerging into the awareness of all that dwell upon this planet. And it is thanks to the light workers, for your presence on this planet, that there is now an opportunity for more of the population, the still sleepy masses, to awaken from their collective nightmare.

What some of you might be discovering is that to find balance and to remain calm in the face of so much apparent chaos is difficult if you have not secured a connection within, with the greater part of yourself, your soul. Relax; it is never too late to consciously begin the process. You have all the time in the world as the real You exists in the ever present Now.

Those of us who act as your guides and mentors and who are your brothers and sisters, observe the struggle of some to let go the conditioning of years. There is some confusion still among the light workers within their own emotional bodies, as they still have strong ties to loved ones, to family and friends. They worry that they won’t succeed in their mission or even if they do, many of their family members and friends, who now appear to be hopelessly caught up in the illusions of the third dimension, will be lost in the end. This fear is groundless, as are all fears.

All humans upon this planet will ascend when it is the determination of their soul to begin the journey of return. Let go of self-judgment and judgment of others and allow them the enjoyment of their own journey.

Merely having such strong emotions, such as fear, doubt and grief, can, at times, be overwhelming for light workers, as many of the galactic cultures from which you have come do not have the extreme range of emotions as currently experienced by most earth humans.

Finding that point of balance within where you can feel the emotions but not be swayed by them can sometimes feel elusive. Each of you must go through this particular initiation on your own, without overt outside assistance, but there are guides who can lead you through the process. Set your intention and search them out. There are many resources that have been given through others who are a bit more advanced than some, as first wavers, as gatekeepers and mentors for the light worker community worldwide.

With 2012, there was great hype and anticipation that ascension would bring the light workers instantly, overnight, into a new world. Much to the chagrin and disappointment of many light workers that has not been the case. Indeed, from outward appearances the world appears to be even darker than before, with the drums of world war being incessantly beaten by those who have ever played both sides to their own benefit.

These are manipulations and ploys by those who keep you forever in the dark and under their thumb. They know the cycle has moved beyond their control. They know that their time is now over; they are just not willing to concede defeat for it is not in their nature to believe that they can be defeated by what they consider an inferior race, the humans.

And yet, the light is penetrating more into the world every day waking up people who have felt that they had no other alternative than what was before them, letting them know that it is their responsibility to reclaim their sovereignty and to throw out the carcasses of the dying paradigm of the kali Yuga. Change must come from within each human and within each community.

What is the role of the light workers through all of this? You who are awake, who stand with one foot in heaven and one foot in the mud of the third dimension, you are the bridge builders, the gatekeepers, who decided as a collective to hold the door open to the rest of the world so that many, many more individuals could have the opportunity to shake themselves free and step into the light, into the new energies, into the new world.

We heard some of you saying, with great disgust, “Now why would I agree to such a thing? Why would I postpone my own ascension for them?” And then you hear your own thoughts and are appalled. You know why. You are beings of light, filled with the compassion and unconditional love of Heaven. You are uncomfortable with struggle, uneasy around the darker, heavier energies of this planet; you want to go Home, but you came here to serve.

And as seasoned, brave and diligent warriors of light, you serve the Creator without question because it is your pleasure to serve, to be challenged, to perform the impossible deed. You were chosen for this job, to bring an entire world back into the light and you are determined to complete this assignment with aplomb. And so you shall, for we have seen the future of this world and it is light and magic.

So, how must you perform this great miracle without going crazy being here, astride the abyss that lies between the old and new world, like a mini-Atlas? It is simple, although the process itself takes some patience and dedication. You reunite consciously with the greater portion of yourself that has remained behind in the light worlds, your soul, your christed Self, your buddhic consciousness, your soul family, the ascended masters and your galactic sisters and brothers. It is your individual effort to attain ascension that will create the opportunity for others to achieve it also.

Your entire light family is backing you up. They/we stand at your back, guiding and protecting, being respectful of your free will, helping when we are called. It is needful for you to discover the quiet that exists within the center of your higher mind and to open the secret chamber of the heart so you have complete and full access to your soul and to our 24/7 assistance. Even before you make contact, you have our assistance through guidance received in dreams, meditations and through the avenue of intuition.

You might be at this moment saying to yourself, “But I am not worthy of being a gatekeeper. And it takes so much work! I want to go Home!”

Yes, we want you to come Home, too, but you did step forward and indicated your desire for this experience, for the challenge of being challenged and for the richness of what you would encounter. For you knew the extent of what is to occur on this planet, nothing short of the physical ascension of an entire planet and race. This has never taken place in the Universe. Ever.

It is a great work upon which you have set your minds and hearts to accomplish. Now reconnect with your higher heart and soul, reconnect with us, your guides and mentors. Have faith and trust in the process, that you will get Home when the timing is right, when the mission has been accomplished and you are the victors, celebrating in concert with those who you have brought with you, the ones who have become your family and friends during your sojourn on this lonely but lovely blue planet.

Believe us when we tell you that you are performing miracles daily merely by being in the world. Whether or not you are aware, you are binding and anchoring the light into the planet through your own physical bodies. Your physical bodies are being slowly upgraded daily so they can carry even more light. Areas of resistance, pockets of unresolved emotions and thought forms are revealed through the presence of aches and pains, headaches, dizziness, and various other symptoms. As has been suggested many times before, see your medical provider to be checked out if certain symptoms persist, but most times your provider will not discover anything wrong with you.

Your body is ascending, every moment of every day. Changes are happening at a molecular level as your cells are bombarded with cosmic rays of great magnitude. The body’s defense mechanism, the ego, is disturbed by the changes and tries to resist, creating tension, aches and pains in the body. Be easy on yourself as there is much going on that your human mind cannot and really doesn’t want to comprehend. Its scope of practice has been limited through genetic engineering and societal conditioning; it only knows what it knows and fears what it does not know.

Only by reconnecting with the greater part of your Self can you successfully bridge the gap of knowing and not knowing. Only by believing in yourself and your part in this great work can the way open before you to reveal the great beauty that already exists around you. You are the designers, the engineers and the workers of this great project now underway, the ascension of planet Earth. Believe in your worth and believe in your ability to carry forth this great work for it is already accomplished and done in the ever present Now.

Through the work and effort that each of you make by building the antahkarana, the bridge of light, within your own being, from your physical vessel to your spiritual one, you are building and maintaining a bridge of light so that many others can pass through the transition. Through every difficulty that you engage in and conquer, you carve out energetic footsteps, creating a stairway to heaven, only you are bringing heaven to earth, anchoring the energies of heaven here on the physical form of the planet through your own bodies.

This is a physical ascension as well as a spiritual ascension. It is the transformation of an entire planet with her very physical essence being transformed into light; so it is with your bodies. All of you, collectively, first the light workers and then those of the populace who begin to first awaken, all of you are bringing heaven to earth. It is real. It is happening on a daily basis. It takes intention, dedication, attention and above all faith and trust in you to bring all to fruition. You can do this. As great beings of light, you are all quite capable of performing what could be considered as miracles. They are what you do, what you are. You are the bravest of the brave and we will continue to urge you on to greater heights still because we have faith and trust in your abilities, even if you do not at this time.

Through your suffering you learn to overcome. Through your pain you gain focus and intent. These things are illusory and transient; they are not you. Honor them, the pain and suffering, as the great teachers they have been for they have served you well through the development of inner strength, courage, determination and focus. You can overcome anything that stands in your way; even doubt and fear, even a sense of personal unworthiness and loneliness, for you are Love, the pure essence of eternal Love that encompasses all of Creation.

Though the fires of Hell you have come to bring surcease to a dying planet. Through your efforts, she is rising and her people with her. She is returning to the physical manifestation of the blueprint that the Creator designed for her in the beginning. She is becoming a blue star.

Your doubts and fears are natural, but must be left behind and released. They serve to either hold you back or to strengthen your determination to succeed in the tasks that you have set before you. Never believe that you are alone in your efforts; we are there always at your side, day and night. Call on us and we will be there as a glow in your heart, as a lightening of the burden, as a light breeze on your cheek and a smile on the inside of your mind. We like you. We love you and hold you in the greatest respect and awe for what you have already accomplished and what is yet to be revealed.

Go forth with our blessings, dear ones, and know that we are here beside you, in your dreams, in your heart, waiting for the moment when we can walk together side by side in the sunshine of the new dawn.

Thank you, beloved Council of Nine.

Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/8/2013 4:26:00 PM

WikiLeaks Publishes 1.7m US Diplomatic Records

Julian Assange said WikiLeaks had been working for a year to analyse US national archives data. Photograph: Suzanne Plunkett/Reuters

Julian Assange said WikiLeaks had been working for a year to analyse US national archives data. Photograph: Suzanne Plunkett/Reuters

Stephen: Yes, even more former secrets pour into the public arena. Now it’s 1.7 million US documents from the 1970s, including many by Henry Kissinger, which Julian Assange says show the vast range and scope of US activity around the world. It will be interesting to see how this develops over coming days, both in the US and around the world.

Illustrating the power of these documents, one such US diplomatic ‘secret’ has already ‘exploded’ here in Australia (tonight, my time) – see second story below. It involves our current Foreign Minister Bob Carr, a former long standing state premier, who was rushed into a vacant Senator position last year so he could take the national FM role. It seems during the mid-1970s, Mr Carr was “a source for US diplomats seeking information” on the Australian government and his own political party. Meanwhile, a top Swedish judge has also come out in defense of Assange, also below.

By Staff and agencies, The Guardian – April 8 2013

WikiLeaks has published more than 1.7m US records covering diplomatic or intelligence reports on every country in the world.

The data, which has not been leaked, comprises diplomatic records from the beginning of 1973 to the end of 1976, covering a variety of diplomatic traffic including cables, intelligence reports and congressional correspondence.

Julian Assange said WikiLeaks had been working for the past year to analyse and assess a vast amount of data held at the US national archives before releasing it in a searchable form.

WikiLeaks has called the collection the Public Library of US Diplomacy (PlusD), describing it as the world’s largest searchable collection of US confidential, or formerly confidential, diplomatic communications.

Assange told Press Association the information showed the vast range and scope of US diplomatic and intelligence activity around the world.

Henry Kissinger was US secretary of state and national security adviser during the period covered by the collection, and many of the reports were written by him or were sent to him. Thousands of the documents are marked NODIS (no distribution) or Eyes Only, as well as cables originally classed as secret or confidential.

Assange said WikiLeaks had undertaken a detailed analysis of the communications, adding that the information eclipsed Cablegate, a set of more than 250,000 US diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks from November 2010 and over the following year. He said WikiLeaks had developed sophisticated technical systems to deal with complex and voluminous data.

Top secret documents were not available, while some others were lost or irreversibly corrupted for periods including December 1975 and March and June 1976, said Assange.

He added that his mother, who lives in Australia, had told him he was being kept at the embassy “with nothing to do but work on WikiLeaks material”.

Assange is confined to the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he sought asylum in June after losing his legal attempts to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted to answer allegations of rape and sexual assault against two women.

Assange denies the claims, and argues that he fears that if he was remanded in Sweden he would be at greater risk of extradition to the US to face potential prosecution for espionage relating to the WikiLeaks cable releases.

Long-time friend of the US: Foreign Minister Bob Carr. Photo: Penny Bradfield

Long-time friend of the US: Foreign Minister Bob Carr. Photo: Penny Bradfield

Bob Carr: Washington’s Man in Australia

By Philip Dorling, The Sydney Morning Herald – April 8, 2013

Long-time friend of the US: Foreign Minister Bob Carr. Photo: Penny Bradfield

Bob Carr may have been (Australia”s) Foreign Affairs Minister for only 12 months, but he started talking to United States diplomats about internal Labor politics nearly 40 years ago.

Previously secret US embassy and consulate reports incorporated into a new searchable database unveiled by WikiLeaks on Monday reveal that Mr Carr was a source for US diplomats seeking information on the Whitlam government and the broader Labor movement in the mid-1970s.

Then a rising star in NSW Labor, Mr Carr was quick to join in criticism of prime minister Gough Whitlam as the federal Labor Government encountered growing political and economic difficulties after the May 1974 federal election.

In August 1974, the US Embassy in Canberra reported at length on what it described as “a pervasive sense of gloom and anxiety” as the Whitlam government “struggle[d] in [a] disorganised fashion to stem growing inflation”.

Together with NSW Labor president John Ducker, Mr Carr candidly told the US consul-general in Sydney that “economic policy has never been Whitlam’s bag” and criticised the prime minister’s “tendency to delegate practically everything”.

A former Australian Young Labor president and then education officer with the NSW Labor Council, Mr Carr later “expressed deep concern to [the US] consul general over [the] impact of Labor disputes on the prospects of [the] Labor Government”.

Asked about his 1970s contacts with US diplomats, Senator Carr said on Monday: “I was in my 20s. I could have said anything.”

The once-confidential cables also suggest that US diplomats turned to Mr Carr as a source of background information on Labor political figures: for example Mr Carr explained that a speaker at a pro-Palestinian demonstration in 1975 – left-wing Labor parliamentarian George Petersen – was “a NSW equivalent of Victoria’s [Bill] Hartley”.

Senator Carr has long been a very strong supporter of Australia’s alliance with the United States and has a keen interest in US politics and history.

In his early conversations with US officials, he appears to have followed the lead of Mr Ducker, his NSW Labor right faction mentor, who advised the US on industrial relations issues and internal Labor politics, and dismissed critics of the US alliance as being engaged in “emotional, silly expression lacking in substance and characteristic of the silly left-wing fringe of the ALP”.

US embassy cables leaked to WikiLeaks in 2010 revealed that another senior NSW Labor right faction leader, former Senator Mark Arbib, was a more recent “protected” US embassy source providing inside information and commentary on Labor politics.

About 11,000 cables from the US embassy in Canberra and consulates in Sydney and Melbourne between 1973 and 1976 are part of a massive trove of more than 1.7 million electronic documents that were transferred to the US National Archives and Records Administration in 2006.

However the records have been largely neglected by historians, owing to the absence of an effective search engine.

WikiLeaks has incorporated a copy of the entire electronic archive into an easily searchable database that also includes the more than 250,000 US diplomatic cables leaked by United States Army private Bradley Manning.

With more than two million documents and more than a billion words, WikiLeaks’s Public Library of US diplomacy is the largest electronically searchable diplomatic archive available to historians, journalists and other researchers.

Meanwhile, a top Swedish judge has defended Julian Assange during a recent visit to Australia:

Stefan Lindskog in Adelaide

Stefan Lindskog in Adelaide

‘Not a Crime to Make Known Crime of a State’: Senior Swedish Judge Backs Assange – April 3, 2013

A top Swedish judge has defended the release of classified information by WikiLeaks, pointing out the case against Assange has turned into a legal “mess.”

“It should never be a crime to make known crime of a state,” Stefan Lindskog told the audience at a public lecture he gave at Adelaide University, according to Australian Associated Press.

The judge, who is one of the 16 justices working for the Supreme Court of Sweden, revealed an extraordinary amount of detail on Assange’s sexual assault case, despite not sitting on it.

The official also indicated that the courts may rule against sending the WikiLeaks founder to the US due to some conditions of the existing extradition treaty between the two countries.

“Extradition shall not be granted when alleged crimes [are] military or political in nature,” Lindskog stressed.

Moreover, according to the judge, it was debatable whether Assange would have committed a crime under Swedish law.

“What is classified under US law is probably not classified under Swedish law, and enemies to the US may not be enemies to Sweden,” AAP quoted the official as saying.

Lindskog added that extensive media coverage of the case has entailed the public distrust in the legal system.

“I think it is a mess,” he said.

Finally, the judge supported the American soldier Bradley Manning, who provided some of the classified information to WikiLeaks. Lindskog said he hoped Manning would go through a fair trial, saying that the release of classified information was for the benefit of mankind.

Prior to the speech, Assange condemned Lindskog’s decision to speak in Australia, calling it “absolutely outrageous.”

The 41-year-old whistleblower, an Australian citizen, has spent nine months in London’s Ecuadorian embassy, after claiming asylum to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning on sexual assault allegations.

Assange fears that once in Sweden, he could be extradited to America where, according to his lawyers, he is most likely to face trial and possibly even the death penalty for the release of thousands of classified US diplomatic cables, some of them about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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