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4/8/2013 10:33:55 PM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Comfortable Complacency, Letting Vengeance Fade and the Prevalent Presence of Spirit


416 small-Channeled through Wes Annac-

If we could only detail every last bit of energetic progress you the ascending humanity have been making upon your paths, than we would be able to uplift and motivate you dear souls in much stronger ways than we will be able to because of the communication gap between us and you. This gap that we speak of is growing smaller and smaller by the moment and as has been said, your belief in your ability to pick up on our impressions will determine its strength.

The sacred bond with the higher realms and with we souls within the higher realms that humanity is beginning to open up to simply cannot go unrealized by the entirety of your collective, and every single one if you will in due time, find the states of consciousness that help you to understand the reality of every facet of what is happening on your world and in realms far beyond the conscious understanding of the physical humanity.

We have so much Light and Love to share with you dearest souls, and we ask for you to open yourselves up and receive this Love as you absorb our communication and feel the impressions we are sending each of you individually. We are connected with every soul who is absorbing this communication, and we will begin to make ourselves known before many of you who find yourselves close with our energies and impressions.

The Energies of this Time

We would like to speak on what this current time is providing for you energetically.

At present, you are being given continual rounds of shifting and upgrading, and your physical bodies need the proper nutrition and balance to be able to absorb the increasingly pure energies you’re being given. We ask you all to make your attempts to connect with the planetary chakras or “energy gates” of dearest Gaia for in doing so, you will receive a bounty of Source energy that you will be able to recognize as coming through yourselves.

Indeed, so many of you have already begun to open up to the concepts of energy work and Lightwork and your actions have been wonderful to behold indeed, for so very many of you have helped to bring in and anchor a new paradigm that much of the physical humanity is still out of resonation with. We ask for you all to expect rebellion in some Earthly souls (when disclosure breaks) who for the most part, do still resonate with the Earthly paradigm so many of you are growing away from.

So many Earthly souls have forgotten their true spiritual and multidimensional nature and like you, they will grow back into that realization but a lack of perception of the higher realms has driven a comfort with the physical paradigm that some souls will not want to (have broken).

Indeed, plenty of souls on your world are still comfortable in the old vibrations of negativity and separation from their fellow man, and we are looking toward you awakening souls to act as the Light beacons and truth-bringers that will help those still lost within the fading paradigm of physicality to be able to find the higher states of consciousness every soul truly deserves to feel and know.

Reflections in the Collective Energies

The collective vibrations are reflecting both the density that has been put out by humanity, and the wonderfully-pure Lighted energies each of you are being given. You are assimilating these energies and radiating them out for the entirety of your collective to absorb, so we hope you can understand when we say that the unawareness being fed collectively at present will indeed give way for a collective enlightenment, and every soul upon your world will feel such enlightenment if they choose to.

It is a sacred choice to knowingly advance from one realm of consciousness to another, and each of you who have continued along your ascension processes valiantly have been able to anchor and radiate the higher realms as you find yourselves grasping new concepts, which are features of the new paradigm you are entering.

This new paradigm is and will continue to be built upon by each one of you beyond the realms of your conscious understanding, and we wish for you to know that you can reflect the new paradigm you are beginning to enter with your physical actions, words and thoughts in any and every moment.

Everything you do must reflect the paradigm you wish to build, and we wish for you dear souls to understand and see how you can be held back when allowing negativity to change how you are feeling about yourselves and your Lives. For this and so many other reasons, we ask for you to allow negativity and difficulty to pass you on by whenever they creep up and attempt to change your perspective.


They will do so quite successfully if you allow them to, and everything that’s coming up for each of you is related to the surfacing of buried-away mindsets, habit patterns and memories that accumulated during your past Lives and for many of you, your childhood. What you are going through is related to things you previously experienced on the Earth, and every last bit of pressure, stress or frustration that is coming to you now is absolutely meant to be before you; so that you can learn and grow away from it and the perspective it would drive.

When you can allow yourselves to be seen as sovereign Godsparks of an infinite, powerful and all-Loving Creator, any worry or concern about your current physical self will diminish away and will be replaced with a security, comfort and knowing that the higher realms are and have always been with you.

Dearest scribe, we have indeed met and worked before in past encounters, before you and all absorbing this message made your ways to the Earth and as we have said before, we have worked with nearly every one of you in the past as well. You will come to discover that your work with the ascended souls speaking to and through humanity has indeed been fruitful and for many of you, this is why you find yourselves so drawn to our communications or to the channeled communications of plenty of other souls assisting in the ascension of your planet.

You have worked with us and them in the past, and even the souls in the Lives of some of you who are playing the “enemy” position have worked with you in the past and in many cases, have even been allies.

The Futility of Separation & the Progress of Disclosure

The “ally vs. enemy” mindset will fade away collectively on your world when humanity’s oneness is fully known and understood, and we ask for you dear souls to see the futility of separation and to understand that continuing to fight against each other will only manifest disharmony on the world stage and the manifestations that have long been looked toward which will usher in your new paradigm, will be stalled that much longer because the collective energies would not yet allow for the presence of we or your Galactic brethren, as well as so many others.

Your vibrations in this very moment are determining what is to happen with disclosure and the giving of abundance to your world and while our perspective is mostly an energetic one, we will be happy to provide such perspective on the ongoing attempt to introduce disclosure and abundance on your world.

As you have been told, you Lightworkers are and have been instrumental in spreading so much truth and Light alike, and you have fruitfully trained for this Life that you are in. You have the infinite ability to access the higher realms and help every soul on your world find such an access for themselves, and the energies you can bring through yourselves and express to those around you are vastly purer than what you would expect to be able to express as of yet.

These energies will only continue to increase in purity, and many of you will find the increased perception resulting from this. Along with this increase in perception, you will find the brimming astral landscapes that have simply been waiting to be accessed and felt by you once again. We ask for you all to imagine your infinite abilities to travel anywhere you wish to and perform any feat or miracle you wish to for truly, you are garnering these powers for yourselves as you realize that you have always been infinite beings who are not limited in any way.

You can experience so much higher dimensional joy, beauty and wonder but for many of you, the shells and veils employed within the lower dimensional experience can stop you from fully attaining an access to such things and again, you will forever be encouraged to see when negativity is attempting to take your unfolding higher dimensional experience from you, and righty put an end to its influence over you for when doing so you will see, feel and understand the harmony that is meant to be accessed and felt by each of you.

This harmony has been bestowed upon you by our dear Creator and can never fully be forgotten; only temporarily lost.

Increasing the Distortion of Energy

The energies Creating and sustaining you reality are increasing in purity in every moment and as you know, we have had a hand in increasing the purity of these energies with each time they are sent to you. When we receive such energies from higher dimensional entities within your Sun, we are required to increase their distorted nature before they are sent to your reality and this distortion is minimizing in every moment as the awakening Lightworker collective help to (transmute) the aforementioned lower dimensional veil that has been Created around so very many souls.

This veil will continue to be mentioned and discussed, as the importance of piercing and transmuting it and everything that has held it in place could not be expressed enough. Each one of you who are beginning to find an access to the higher realms will benefit greatly by undergoing your final surfacings and releasing of negativity, so that you can enjoy the growing connection you are garnering for and finding within yourselves.

Understand, dear souls that this connection is only to grow and grow and that any fear or concern you may have about somehow losing your connection are not based in the heavenly reality you are growing toward.

You are Assured to Ascend

Every soul who begins to be interested in the subject of ascension is assured to ascend, and this is because of the subconscious drive that would manifest in their outward reality as an introduction to the concept of ascension which, if at their surface they are ready to embrace, they will resonate with and begin to understand and accept.

Indeed, your ongoing evolution should not be minimized as a “New Age” theory, because your evolution is a very real and cosmic event and were your mainstream science truly acting in the best interests of the people, your collective evolution would have long been understood and discussed.

However, too many aspects of your world are still kept under the control and fading influence of the few with money and perceived power, and these souls have created money specifically in an attempt to keep them in “higher” positions and you dear souls in positions of poverty and difficulty.

Opened Minds & Closed-Off Hearts

These souls possess mental intelligence to have been able to do everything they have to humanity, but their hearts have been closed for so very long and their closed-off hearts are being worked on by a myriad of forces in the higher realms, as the events preceding your collective ascension simply need to happen and the stubbornness of these souls cannot be allotted any longer.

We cannot continue to accept or tolerate the stalling on the part of the dark souls who only wish to keep you trapped in bondage and limitation and indeed, nether should you dear souls. We ask you to peacefully rise up as the powerful and sovereign collective you are, and fully demand answers as well as abundance for every soul on your world to enjoy a good standard of Living because of.

Any intelligent soul who looks around your world can see that it is not in the condition it is supposed to be. Indeed, too many souls are still suffering under the bondage of poverty, and your right to clean water and healthy food has been denied to you. We do not say this to put you in a state of anger or vengeance but if such feelings arise for any of you, we ask you to sit with them and analyze them rather than attaching yourselves to them.

Releasing Vengeful Mindsets

When discussing the cabals and their actions, do you find that negativity or a wish for vengeance arises within you?

If so, than it is likely because of the aforementioned subconscious pains, fears and hates held within that are coming up to the surface for release. Your outer realities are always reflective of your inner, and the feelings and emotions you feel which will teach you are being brought about because of the external events you feel garnered such emotions, are in many cases actually because of things that have happened to you previously that garnered such feelings.

The diminishing influence of the cabals will be and has already been apparent, and there are already so very many happenings ushering in the new paradigm on the world stage while so very much of your populace continues to remain temporarily unaware.

Disinformation Attempts & The Growing Influence of the Light

The cabals have had their day in the sun and their influence is and has always been temporary, though they have thought themselves able to maintain their grip for far longer than they have been told by your Galactic brethren they would be allotted to. At present, they are fighting to maintain their grip and influence via the network of disinformation and negativity-spreading that is ongoing on various alternative media and spiritual news websites (among doing other things).

Individuals are paid to surf various forums and in many cases, build up a reputation to use as an avenue to funnel disinformation that they are being paid to analyze, study, learn and express on the sometimes-various websites and forums they are assigned to.

This, along with many other things are continuing to be done in an frantic effort to keep the dark’s influence and the negativity and separation that has driven it, employed and even the souls who have been hired to do such things have recently been encouraged to hype-up the negativity and infighting in any ways that they can because again, your cabal and the descendants of the astral beings who have employed them wish for negativity to seem as the prevalent energy and influence when truly, it is no longer.

Potential “Earth Changes” Will Not be Destructive

The actions of each and every one of you have proven this fruitfully and again, the Light you are bringing forth is changing things in ways you could not yet imagine. There will be many changes to make upon your dear Earth indeed, and many of the Earth changes that have been discussed will not be brought about in catastrophic or destructive ways and will rather, be brought about peacefully by the awakened humanity and with technologies you will be given by your Galactic brethren which largely involve frequencies and sound, that we will help you to understand and learn to utilize.

You will be making a plethora of changes in every aspect of your world and society.

Governments that are in place currently which do not act in the best interests of the people are to be replaced with temporary governments that are established by you the sovereign humanity and as has been said, individuals with Lighted intentions will step up and offer themselves to the fair governing of your entire world.

Every one of you will be instrumental in electing officials who you know will be acting based on what you want done on your world, and with the off-world and extra-dimensional assistance you will be given with the restoration and full repair of your world as well as the initiation of it and each of you into the Galactic society you have always been destined to become; everything will be brought about with a grace and ease that for many of you, does not likely seem possible as you continue to meet the same old Earthly limitations and densities.

Relinquishing the Desire to Control

Again, everything happening before you is related to the surfacing of aspects of yourselves that many of you have hidden away from without realizing it was so, and when you can relinquish the mental desire to control the outcome of situations occurring in your Lives you will find yourselves enjoying the experiences that play out before you quite a bit, as you see that unique and specific things are set up to happen in every single day of your Lives.

Absolutely everything happens for a reason, and you will find when releasing the control of your Lives to your spiritual Selves and the facets of your higher selves helping you to shape and mold the events that will play out, that so very much will happen that is meant to help you find and remain in your ever-important spiritual centers.

Remaining Balanced

When you can find and remain within such center, you will be able to Master so many aspects of your Lives that we see some of you having trouble with. Everything you are experiencing has been planned-out and you will find upon reaching the states of consciousness of the fifth dimension that your Life paths have been very carefully planned and that everything you’ve manifested for yourselves has fit into this plan accordingly.

Balance and remaining in your center have always been necessary components of finding and remembering the higher realms and the perspective and emotions that drive your unfolding higher dimensional experience, and the aforementioned veil between our realms and yours simply could not be smaller as it continues its disintegration into nothingness.

This will happen along with the merging of your third and fourth dimensional realms and experiences with those of the fifth dimension, and the disclosure of the existence of various ascended beings from various planets and off-world Organizations such as the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command will precede your collective entrance into the fifth dimension.

Indeed, (many of) you will witness disclosure from a fourth dimensional point of view, and even the issuing of disclosure and humanity’s learning of so very many truths and revelations will help initiate you into the pure states of consciousness that so many facets of the awakening public are already beginning to access Masterfully.

Synchronicities Abound

Synchronicities abound in this present moment, and we ask for you to realize the many ways in which they will make themselves known to you.

Of course, synchronicities do not have to be numeric in nature and whenever you notice anything that seems to be of a coincidental or repetitive nature or is based upon something you were thinking right before it happened; you can take those things as signs that we of the higher realms are attempting to make ourselves known to you and are encoding messages into the events that happen in your Lives.

We do this in accordance with the actions of your future selves and your higher selves, who are helping to mold and shape your Lives in the specific ways you have allotted them to be molded for your personal growth and learning of lessons. Fruitfully encoded impressions and the energies they come within also abound for each of you at this time, and when you can pull these increasingly-pure vibrations to yourselves you will understand that, as we mentioned above, they are simply not going anywhere.

These energies are to sit within your minds and hearts and slowly yet strongly permeate your conscious perspectives, until the Light so many of you have been able to feel becomes the prevalent influence; not just on the world stage, but within yourselves as well. You can aide in this endeavor in each and every moment and one of the best things you can do is to get out and enjoy the brimming nature Gaia has to offer, for your mental and emotional fields will be cleansed and you will be re-energized with the awesome and omnipotent power of our dearest Creator when doing so.

Spirits are with You

Along with doing everything you can to find and feel the brimming purer vibrations beginning to make themselves known within you, you can also begin to realize that our presence and that of departed Loved ones and other souls in the planes of Nirvana or other Earthly (metaphysical) planes, are and will only continue to be with you and attempt to make ourselves known to you in bolder and bolder ways.

Dearest Wesley, you recently had a conversation with a departed Loved one who you were fairly close with, and this soul was quite happy with the exchange indeed. We note that you noted the “feel” of the exchange which was not as if you were speaking to someone who has passed on but rather, a family member who was excited to speak with you and who will be excited for the future conversations that are to result from the initial exchange.

The departed Loved ones of many of you have been attempting to get ahold of you, because an (initial) desire to communicate with those still on the Earth is strongly bred in one who has departed their Life.

For many, it is understood and accepted that the veils just cannot be breached in relation to them getting to communicate with their Loved ones, but those of you who are beginning to awaken and receive higher dimensional impressions within yourselves can now find and communicate with those around you who have passed on and not only can you do this; they on the other side are excitedly awaiting your ability to do so.

Those of you who are opened up are receiving constant impressions from those around you who have passed on, in hopes that the awakenings you have found in yourselves are instrumental in helping you to actually pick up on their frequencies and find a connection. Wesley, the soul who is close to you was indeed very happy to finally be able to connect with you in such a pure manner, and we say this to you in front of all absorbing this communication in an effort to help them understand that they too can find such a strong connection and find and re-build upon the relationships with their Loved ones who have moved on.

Responding to the Ascension Energies in Nirvana

While we do not wish to generalize every soul who has departed on your world, we can say that the ascension energies being delivered to you at present are being responded to quite favorably by many souls who have passed on in recent decades.

The ascension of the Earth has been in an incredibly-intensified phase since the 1930s in your time, whenever dearest Gaia cried out for the assistance of various higher dimensional souls and was aided in this call by dear Archangel Michael and a plethora of other souls who recruited us, you and so many others for the ascension of the Earth and for our collective attempt to spread the Light on the Earth in preparation for such an ascension.

Souls from various higher realms are with you now and are also waiting to be made known to you dearest souls, and this connection can be picked up on as well as your hearts continue to open and your minds continue to sharpen in terms of your ability to receive, decode and translate the metaphysical impressions and energies you’re being given from the higher realms.

Excitement for Contact Beyond the Veil

The joyful and bountiful energies of spirit are begging to be made known within you now, and we and every other facet of the Light Forces assisting your world await the time when we can be with you openly on your world just as much as you dear souls do.

We do indeed feel the drive and at times, impatience in many of you for matters to really get off of the ground and for your efforts to begin wielding the results you have heard so very much about, and we understand and respect them, and honor you for them and for what you are doing on the Earth at this time. You did indeed know how difficult this mission was to be, but you also knew of the pure energies and perspectives you were to be able to find in yourselves which many of you have built upon your ability to perceive in plentiful past Lives on the Earth.

While there are the few evolving souls on your world who have only been here for a short few Lives, so many of you have taken to thousands of Lives upon the Earth and have truly Mastered all of the lessons you are undergoing now as well as the final aspects of the same overall lessons you have long set out for yourselves to learn. Some of you have already ascended on the surface of the Earth individually, and have come back for the “big parade” that is the collective ascension of the Earth.

As has been said before, there will indeed be fireworks so to speak, and what we mean by this is that much will be happening and so very many things of a startling nature will present themselves to humanity.

Indeed, some of you may have to pick your jaws up off of the ground after learning some of what has been done but in the end, everybody will understand that what you will have learned was and is necessary for your growth and for the final and just shattering of a carefully-crafted and instated paradigm of physicality that has been, in many cases, force onto by many facets of the human collective.

The False Rein of Corporations & Quelling Initial Upsets

Makes no mistake, dear souls; THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is indeed a corporation (1) on which the cabals have a perceived “rein” by way of sub-corporations taking over and polluting the land and environment, and every soul with nearly-every job in the United States and in many other countries are making money for the cabals that is being used for various black ops programs, as well as drug, gun and human smuggling (among other things).

These will be some of the truths you will have to absorb as a collective, and finding out where your hard-earned tax dollars have really been going may put many of you in an initial upset that we hope the Lightworker public will be able to help quell.

You Lightworkers will, again, be so very instrumental in so many aspects of disclosure and you will be acting as full Representatives for the higher dimensions and for the Galactic and ascend souls who will be making ourselves known to you. This is a mammoth task indeed, and we ask those of you who are fully and truly committed to this role to realize what you will be doing so very soon, for your Lives are to become much, much busier and indeed, more enjoyable than they are now.

We will make our final impressions for this communication now so as not to burn out you dear readers, though we note and appreciate the enthusiasm in our scribe who feels as if we could keep going for much, much longer. He and many of you are beginning to feel this way because of the supreme opening of your hearts taking place, and we will continue to encourage your interest in bringing the encoded impressions of the higher realms through for yourselves, to decode and absorb.

Enjoy the lightening perspective beginning to descend down unto you and please, do not take your experiences too seriously. You will find that seriousness is a fading aspect of the old paradigm and can be replaced with pure enthusiasm and joy, and will be in the time ahead.

Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.

(1)-There is actually a difference between “The United States of America” and “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” Corporation, thus the Hathors’ use of the latter term.

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a corporation established in the 1800s in the District of Columbia, the rein of which has spread all throughout the country. The IRS and plenty of other institutions act in the interests of this corporation, and its establishment was just one of the many ways we have been enslaved as a society.

For more information, please see “The United States Isn’t a Country – It’s a Corporation!” at:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/9/2013 11:19:46 AM

India use drones to protect rhinos from poachers

Associated Press/Anupam Nath - Remo Peduzzi, managing director of ResearchDrones LLC Switzerland prepares to fly an unmanned aircraft or drone at the Kaziranga National Park at Kaziranga in Assam state, India, Monday, April 8, 2013. Wildlife authorities used drones on Monday for aerial surveillance of the sprawling natural game park in northeastern India to protect the one-horned rhinoceros from armed poachers. The drones will be flown at regular intervals to prevent rampant poaching in the park located in the remote Indian state of Assam. The drones are equipped with cameras and will be monitored by security guards, who find it difficult to guard the whole 480-square kilometer (185-square mile) reserve. (AP Photo/Anupam Nath)

GAUHATI, India (AP) — Wildlife authorities are using aerialdrones to oversee a sprawling natural game park in northeastern India to protect the one-horned rhinoceros from armed poachers.

Security officers conducted flights of the unmanned aircraft over the Kaziranga National Park on Monday and will fly drones at regular intervals to prevent rampant poaching in the park in the remote Indian state of Assam.

The drones are equipped with cameras and will be monitored by security guards, who find it difficult to guard the whole 480-square kilometer (185-square mile) reserve.

"Regular operations of the unmanned aerial vehicles will begin once we get the nod of the Indian defense ministry," said Rokybul Hussain, the state's forest and environment minister.

The drones will also be useful during the annual monsoon season when large areas in the Kaziranga reserve are flooded by the mighty Brahmaputra River and three other rivers that flow through the game park, park officials said.

Hussain said the Central Bureau of Investigation, India's equivalent of the FBI, will soon begin investigations into the steep rise in rhino poaching this year.

Poachers armed with automatic rifles killed 22 rhinos last year, but have killed 16 rhinos already this year.

Rhino horn is in great demand in China and Southeast Asia where it is believed to have medicinal properties.

A rhino census conducted in Kaziranga reserve two weeks ago put their number at 2,329, up from 2,290 in 2012.

In recent weeks, wildlife authorities in Assam have deployed 300 armed guards to protect the rhinos in Kaziranga but they have been no match for organized gangs of poachers who have been managing to strike at the rhinos with increasing regularity.

"What worries us is the use of automatic weapons like Kalashnikovs by the poachers," said Assam police chief Jayanta Narayan Choudhury.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/9/2013 5:27:35 PM

US: ‘Break Up Banks’ Bills Have Wall Street Nervous

In this file photo taken Saturday, May 5, 2012 shows Sen. Sherrod Brown speaking before a campaign rally at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. Brown has introduced a bill to force banks to carry a higher percentage of their assets as capital. (AP Photo/Mark Duncan, File)

Sen. Sherrod Brown (AP Photo/Mark Duncan, File)

Stephen: Not sure any of us would expect Wall Street would do anything other express its ire at the prospect of the Brown-Vitter US Senate bill, which will require banks with over $400 million in value to hold at least 15 per cent of their assets (which still seems incredibly low to me) in ‘hard capital”. But the Brown Vitter bill follows calls by stalwart Senator Bernie Sanders late last month that he would introduce his own bill to break up the banks that were ‘too big to jail’ (see story below) Judging by the reactions of the banking lobbyists, the banks can already see such suggestions are quickly gaining support.

‘Break Up The Banks’ Bill Gains Steam In Senate As Wall Street Lobbyists Cry Foul

By Zach Carter and Ryan Grim, The Huffington Post – April 8, 2013

WASHINGTON — Momentum to break up the nation’s largest banks is building quickly on Capitol Hill, just weeks after a unanimous, symbolic vote in the Senate to end taxpayer subsidies to Wall Street. The latest sign of this swift and unexpected shift in the political wind came Monday when Rob Nichols, a lobbyist with the Financial Services Forum, attacked new capital standards proposed by Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and David Vitter (R-La.) as “comically high.”

The Brown-Vitter bill is, in fact, designed to put banks in a difficult position. As Brown told HuffPost in February, he hopes to move legislation this year to break up big banks; Vitter echoed Brown’s comments on the Senate floor. By crafting a bill that requires banks with more than $400 billion in assets to hold at least 15 percent of those assets in hard capital, the senators hope to encourage the handful of multi trillion-dollar behemoths to split up into smaller firms.

Brown has been pursuing this line of attack for years, pushing a ‘break up the banks’ bill during the 2010 debate over the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill. Wall Street endured the heat, however, and emerged from the fracas without having to downsize.

But bank lobbyists are growing increasingly wary of the Senate. On Monday, Financial Services Forum CEO Nichols attacked the Brown-Vitter bill in Politico’s “Morning Money,” a D.C. newsletter focused on the financial industry. The entry was headlined: “WALL STREET REACT TO BROWN/VITTER: ‘COMICAL.’”

Brown spokeswoman Meghan Dubyak responded in a statement to HuffPost: “Not surprising coming from a group that thinks deregulation is the answer to the credit bubble and Great Recession.”

Nichols’ comment to “Morning Money” comes just days after a Vitter spokesman said that a bank lobbyist “stole” a draft of the legislation in order to generate opposition to it.

“A Wall Street lobbyist stole and distributed a copy of our draft bill to try and drum up support for protecting the big banks’ taxpayer funded handouts — and ultimately remain too-big-to-fail,” Vitter spokesman Luke Bolar said Friday.

Lobbyists and lawmakers are typically very cordial, and such tactics and rhetoric underscore unusual tensions between Wall Street and Washington.

Laena Fallon, a spokeswoman for Financial Services Forum, which represents major banks, told HuffPost that, despite the temperature of the rhetoric, the group’s underlying argument is valid. “Every dollar of additional capital reduces banks’ ability to lend by a considerable multiple. Given that banking system capital is already at record highs and that economic growth stalled to just 0.4 percent last quarter, while 23 million Americans remain out of work or under-employed, it is not the time to remove that kind of lending capacity from our economy,” she said.

Lending, in fact, has been stagnant since the recession hit, with banks preferring to funnel money into securities and government debt rather than issue loans to businesses, as former FDIC Chair Shiela Bair noted in March.

“The reality is we’re not getting new lending and jobs,” Bair told the Atlantic Economy Summit. “You look at bank balance sheets, what happens is they’ve increased their excess reserves, they’ve increased their securities investments.”

But the fact that a bank lobbyist even felt the need to make a public assault on Brown-Vitter suggests there is momentum behind the legislation, which would likely have gone ignored last year.

In late March, the Senate voted 99-0 on a nonbinding resolution to end taxpayer subsidies to too-big-to-fail banks.

The Senate’s moves come as Wall Street is making significant inroads on deregulation in the House. Last month, the House Agriculture Committee cleared six bills to deregulate derivatives — the same instruments that were tied to mortgages at the heart of the 2008 financial crash.

The Brown-Vitter bill would force all banks to carry at least 10 percent of their total assets in shareholder equity, limiting the amount of borrowed money they can put on the line. Banks with at least $400 billion in assets would have to carry an additional 5 percent, bringing their total capital ratio to 15 percent.

Perhaps more importantly, Brown-Vitter eliminates many of the loopholes that currently exist in capital standards that allow banks to exempt some assets from the total and include some types of debt as capital. While the international capital standards, agreed to under the Basel III accord in the wake of the crisis, require banks to hold at least 7 percent of their risk-weighted assets in so-called Tier 1 Capital, only 3 percent of total assets must be reserved in hard equity. While the 3 percent minimum is stricter than the standards in place prior to the crisis, it would not have affected the sort of risk-taking in which banks, including Lehman Brothers, engaged during the housing bubble.

In February, Boston Federal Reserve President and CEO Eric Rosengren gave a speech emphasizing that banks burn through their capital very quickly during a financial crisis as overvalued assets plummet in value.

Senaor Bernie Sanders

Senaor Bernie Sanders

Sanders to Introduce Bill to Break Up Banks ‘Too Big to Jail’

By Ramsey Cox, The Hill – March 28, 2013

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Wednesday that he would introduce a bill to break up banks that are “too big to jail.”

Sanders’s announcement comes after the Department of Justice said some banks have grown so big that it has not pursued prosecutions for fear an indictment would “have a negative impact on the national economy.”

“In other words, we have a situation now where Wall Street banks are not only too big to fail, they are too big to jail,” Sanders said. “That is unacceptable and that has got to change because America is based on a system of law and justice.”

Sanders said his bill would give Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew 90 days to make a list of commercial banks, investment banks, hedge funds and insurance companies that he deems too big to fail. One year later, the Treasury Department would be required to break up those financial institutions identified by the secretary.

“If an institution is too big to fail, it is too big to exist,” Sanders said. “We need to break up these institutions because of the tremendous damage they have done to our economy.”

Sanders opposed the $700 billion bank bailout after the financial crisis in 2008. He added that the 10 largest banks in the United States have only grown since the taxpayer bailout.

“No single financial institution should be so large that its failure would cause catastrophic risk to millions of American jobs or to our nation’s economic wellbeing,” Sanders said. “No single financial institution should have holdings so extensive that its failure could send the world economy into crisis.”

Sanders said that U.S. banks have become so big that the six largest financial institutions in the United States — JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley — have nearly $9.6 trillion in assets.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/9/2013 5:29:24 PM

Super-Rich Hide Their Wealth Through False Company ‘Directors’

What links the Rwandan genocide, a C.I.A. secret prison, and Saddam Hussein? All used anonymous fronts offshore.

What links the Rwandan genocide, a C.I.A. secret prison, and Saddam Hussein? All used anonymous fronts offshore.

Stephen: The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) continues its multi-faceted probe into the financial lives of the super-rich. I can’t emphasise enough how incredibly huge this whole truth exposé is.

Today’s story reveals the hidden network of people – some ordinary citizens – who become directors of dozens of companies in name only. They hire their names out, knowing nothing about the companies they then become ‘directors’ of; and thus protect the real identities of the company owners – and their mammoth hidden wealth. It’s big, big business.

Faux Corporate Directors Stand in for Fraudsters, Despots and Spies

By Gerard Ryle and Stefan Candea, ICIJ – April 7, 2013

Worldwide network of ‘nominee directors’ helps hide real people, and organizations, behind offshore companies.

On November 14, 2006, a man going by the name Paul William Hampel was arrested at a Canadian airport on charges of being a Russian spy. Hampel’s carefully constructed identity portrayed him as a successful businessman, yet for a decade his company did no business.

Only months before his capture, the same apparatus used to create his alias was also employed by a very different spy agency – the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency —to build a secret prison in Lithuania, where U.S. agents interrogated suspected al-Qaeda terrorists.

Earlier again, it was used by the regime of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to cheat the Oil for Food program.

All three deceptions employed a common subterfuge: far-flung corporate entities used as anonymous fronts, with “executives” who lacked knowledge of what the firms were up to.

The activities of these so-called nominee directors are a little noticed part of the world of secretive offshore finance that’s grown so vast that it touches more than 170 of the globe’s 206 countries, but it’s one that’s often drenched in intrigue.

For a fee as low as $90, men and women who often appear to have little or no formal business qualifications lend their names as directors to enterprises they later can claim to know nothing about – even after those enterprises are linked to everything from stock fraud to money laundering.

As one Panama-based offshore financial services firm tells clients, “It doesn’t matter who the front man for your corporation is, as long as it’s not you.” The firm promises that the nominee directors it supplies will be “completely ignorant to the happenings of your corporation.”

The service the nominee directors provide is, in itself, not illegal. They generally say they are helping owners of companies preserve legitimate privacy.

But the scale and the organization of their networks became vivid as the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) scoured millions of secret files from the offshore world.

The documents are client records and internal emails largely associated with two firms — Commonwealth Trust and Portcullis TrustNet — that form offshore entities for a range of other middlemen and have offices in many offshore havens.

The documents lay bare complex interrelationships the two financial service providers — and there are many more like them, found largely on tropical islands — have with the nominee directors and hundreds of tax agents, banks and law firms scattered around the world.

It’s a secrecy system on a gigantic scale that obscures ownership of billions of often-untraceable dollars that flow through those entities every year, adding to a global flood that exceeds $1 trillion and has grown so large that it can distort and even destabilize the global economy.

What emerges is that drug cartels, arms dealers and rogue nations take advantage of the same system as the covert arms of the Russian and U.S. governments.

Uncovering the secrets

Most offshore companies and nominee directors are up to “pretty boring things,” says Jason Sharman, a scholar at Australia’s Griffith University who studies offshore secrecy, but “you’re certainly going to be using a nominee director if you’re doing anything bad.”

A 2011 World Bank and United Nations study co-authored by Sharman found that nominee directors regularly emerge in what it calls “grand corruption” scandals around the globe.

The study says the complexity of the relationships in the offshore world often produces a maze that can sometimes discourage investigators, regulators, lawyers and others who are trying to track corruption, money laundering and other misconduct.

“Offshore jurisdictions take a relaxed view of the duties of nominee directors, particularly if the director is in another jurisdiction,” Sharman explains. “Onshore authorities are very unlikely to go through all the effort of an extradition to get some foreign nominee director.” Law enforcement work across borders, he says, “is a major pain.”

Few nominee directors personify this better than Stan Gorin and Erik Vanagels. From a base in Latvia, a tiny nation in the Baltics, their names have been attached to hundreds of corporations around the world, some of which can be linked to “grand corruptions.”

Gorin and Vanagels have proved so good at acting as straw men that questions have arisen about whether or not they even exist.

A Ukrainian journalist working for television station TVi sought to track down the pair in 2011, and discovered the real live Gorin was an insurance broker in the Latvian capital, Riga, who denied all knowledge of his alleged work around the globe. Gorin also denied knowledge for this story.

In a follow-up report, the same journalist failed to find Vanagels, who was described by a woman who said she knew him as a half-blind vagrant, living on the city’s streets.

The ICIJ could not locate him either.

What is undeniable, according to the documents obtained by ICIJ, public records searches and the findings of other journalists, is the litany of intrigue that can be tied to the two identities.

The ICIJ documents show the names Gorin and Vanagels were used to set up a series of offshore entities linked to Mukhtar Ablyazov, the former head of Kazakhstan bank BTA.

Some of the entities were incorporated through Commonwealth Trust by Ablyazov’s business associate Paul Kythreotis and Ablyazov’s brother-in-law, Syrym Shalabeyev.

Ablyazov stands accused in his home country of embezzling up to $5 billion from BTA in what British media describe as one of the biggest frauds in history. He fled Britain last year, where he had been living, shortly before being sentenced there to 22 months in jail for failing to disclose full details about his wealth, leaving behind a string of luxury homes financed allegedly using fake loans, backdated documents and offshore accounts.

Then there was the case of the MV Faina, a merchant vessel captured by pirates en route from Ukraine to Kenya in September 2008.

International concern at the time focused both on the plight of the crew and on the cargo: 33 Soviet-made T-72 tanks, plus grenade launchers and small arms ammunition, destined for the rebel government of South Sudan, then under a United Nations arms embargo.

An anonymous Panamanian company, Waterlux AG, officially owned the ship. But behind Waterlux AG were two other Panamanian companies, Systemo AG and Cascado AG — both of which were fronted by Gorin and Vanagels.

A very different but equally eye-popping event dates to July 9, 2003, when a Panamanian entity linked to Gorin, Star Group Finance and Holdings, was used to register an entity in Washington, D.C., called Elite LLC.

The CIA later used Elite LLC to buy a former horse-riding academy outside Vilnius, Lithuania, in March 2004. The U.S. agency flew in prefabricated elements to build a secret prison there. It opened in September 2004 and was later the subject of a European Parliament inquiry after ABC News reported that it was used to covertly and harshly interrogate suspected al-Qaeda terrorists.

ABC quoted a human rights researcher who claimed that prisoners suffered “various forms of torture, including sleep deprivation, forced standing, painful stress positions.”

No persuasive reasons

A report released in January by the nongovernmental European Network on Debt and Development, “Secret Structures, Hidden Crimes,” finds that opaque legal structures are one of the key ways to hide the real ownership of entities that can sometimes facilitate tax evasion, corruption and related crimes.

“Using nominees is a key way of hiding the real owners,” says the report’s author, Alex Marriage. Investigators, he says, have “found no persuasive reasons for nominee shareholders.”

“There may be very special circumstance where a nominee director is needed,” he adds, citing the example of two international corporations needing neutral territory to conduct business, “but small changes in the law would make this unnecessary.”

A June 2012 report from the U.K.-based advocacy group Global Witness points out that one of the problems is that legal authorities in the United States, United Kingdom and many other countries don’t hold nominee directors responsible for the conduct of the companies they front.

In addition, documents setting up offshore companies often include clauses that shield nominees from financial liability if the companies get sued.

“It is perfectly legal in many countries to avoid having your name appear as the director or owner of a company by employing the services of a nominee, whose name appears instead,” the Global Witness report states.

“Nominees are, in essence, renting out their name, and in doing so, providing the anonymity that corrupt officials, tax evaders and other criminals require to move dirty money around the world.”

Gorin and Vanagels are far from lone players in this regulatory wilderness.

The group of 28

The ICIJ, working with The Guardian newspaper in England and the BBC’s Panorama program, identified a group of 28 other nominee directors who have represented more than 21,000 companies between them, with individual nominees representing as many as 4,000 companies.

For example, Jesse Grant Hester — a nominee director based on the English Channel island of Sark and later the Indian Ocean tax haven of Mauritius — was the director for an Irish entity Candonly Limited, which an official inquiry later found was used by the regime of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to cheat the United Nations’ Oil for Food Program.

Hester, who did not respond to a request for comment, has been listed as a director for at least 1,500 other companies in the British Virgin Islands, Britain, Ireland and New Zealand, according to the ICIJ analysis.

Until the practice was stamped out in the late 1990s, it was common for Sark residents like Hester to lend their names as directors to businesses around the world wanting anonymity.

At the height of what became known as the “Sark Lark” the BBC reported, the 600 inhabitants of the island held 15,000 directorships between them, some of which later led to controversy.

One extreme example was a resident John Donnelly who lent his name as director to an Isle of Man company, Mil-Tec Corporation Ltd., which shipped rifles, rockets, mortar bombs and ammunition to Rwanda that were used in the 1994 genocide.

After a crackdown by the British government, many nominee directors from Sark relocated to other jurisdictions like Cyprus, the United Arab Emirates, Mauritius and Ireland and, as the secret documents obtained by ICIJ show, they simply resumed operations.

Russian spy

The ICIJ documents identify three other former Sark islanders who formed parts of the mysterious backstory of Hampel, the alleged spy for Russia arrested in Canada.

According to the National Post, Hampel had established a corporate presence in Ireland from July 1997, two years after he received his first Canadian passport using a fraudulent Ontario birth certificate.

Corporate documents described the Irish entity, Emerging Markets Research & Consulting Ltd., as a tourism venture — and Hampel as a travel consultant. But the National Post reported that the company’s annual accounts showed it didn’t do any business and that it appeared to be merely a cover for his spying activities.

Though he denied the allegation made in court that he was a member of the Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki, the successor to the infamous KGB, Hampel was eventually deported to Russia after admitting to being in Canada illegally.

Appearing as nominee directors in Hampel’s Irish entity at various times were Sean Lee Hogan, Simon Ashley Couldridge and Michael Andrew Gray, who each show up over and over in the documents obtained by ICIJ. Each declined emailed requests for comment.

Among Hogan’s many other directorships — including nearly 100 in the British Virgin Islands, 743 U.K. companies and dozens in the U.S., Panama, Austria, Ireland and New Zealand — are companies linked to a Norwegian professor, the Russian gas and oil giant Gazprom and a music publishing company, Plaza Mayor, whose website claims that they represent the work of Julio Iglesias, Ricky Martin and Placido Domingo.

Couldridge, who recently put up his Sark home for sale for nearly £5 million, is publicly listed as a director of more than 1,000 companies in Ireland.

Gray runs the Alterego Group, a Cyprus company that boasts in one email obtained by ICIJ: “We at Alterego Management are the visible other self. … The desire to obtain complete privacy, often bordering on total anonymity, is a major reason why so many professional firms do use our services.”

In an example of how much the players in the offshore world overlap, the data obtained by ICIJ reveals that one of Gray’s other clients was Roger Alberto Santamaria del Cid.

In October 2010, Santamaria was named in press reports as the Panamanian contact for an Internet investment scam, Imperia Invest IBC, which defrauded 14,000 investors worldwide of about $7 million. They included about 6,000 deaf people from the U.S. states of Utah, Maine, Wisconsin and Texas.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority all issued alerts regarding Imperia.

There is no suggestion that Gray was in any way involved in Imperia, and the data obtained by ICIJ and searches of public company registers indicate that Santamaria was a nominee director himself. Santamaria could not be contacted for comment.

His fellow officials in one Panamanian entity? Gorin and Vanagels.

Contributors to this story: Arta Giga and Hamish Boland-Rudder

Key findings of this exposé to date:

■ Government officials and their families and associates in Azerbaijan, Russia, Canada, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, Mongolia and other countries have embraced the use of covert companies and bank accounts.

■ The mega-rich use complex offshore structures to own mansions, yachts, art masterpieces and other assets, gaining tax advantages and anonymity not available to average people.

■ Many of the world’s top’s banks – including UBS, Clariden and Deutsche Bank – have aggressively worked to provide their customers with secrecy-cloaked companies in the British Virgin Islands and other offshore hideaways.

■ A well-paid industry of accountants, middlemen and other operatives has helped offshore patrons shroud their identities and business interests, providing shelter in many cases to money laundering or other misconduct.

■ Ponzi schemers and other large-scale fraudsters routinely use offshore havens to pull off their shell games and move their ill-gotten gains.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/9/2013 5:30:49 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 297

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAs channeled by Aisha North – April 8, 2013

Time is passing quickly now dear ones, but for some, it cannot go quickly enough. For they are so eager for change to occur in their lives, and as such, their patience seems to be stretching more than thin at times.

We know you so well dear ones, as you have once more been exposed to the healing forces of the light, but as the light will expose everything to the light in order to make it heal, it will also bring what it exposes to your attention.

So with this light comes focus, and with this focus, comes an overwhelming feeling of not being good enough for so many of you. For what you see, is what is brought to light, and that is also all you see.

In other words, you fail to see the greatness in yourself, for what you focus on, is mostly that which has been pushed up to the surface by this endless stream of energetic lifeforce. And so you see yourself as if crawling with infestations of anger, fear and so many other issues you will consider as shortcomings.

But is that what this really is about? A process to make you feel less and less pleased about yourself? For as the sun rises every day, so too are you rising in our esteem. For what you are doing in all of this, is actually to cleanse yourself of any residue that has been left unattended within, and remember, this residue is a residue collected through many a lifetime.

So even to the lightest of you, this residue at times may seem to be more than plentiful. But remember, that is why the light has come into your life, and that is why you have taken upon yourself to let this light enter into your very core. For it is you and only you who can decide whether or not the light will be allowed to penetrate into the darkest corner within, and when you say yes to this, this is what results from it.

For the light is unstoppable, and it will not stop before it has pushed any and all remains of the old up to the surface and out into the light. And there you will be able to see it all, and for many, the magnitude of old dross will at times seem to be more than a little overpowering.

But again we say, this is not something to fear, this is something to celebrate. For it is only visible to you because it is coming out, never to be seen again. And as such, this final cleansing, for that is truly what this is, will seem to be more dramatic than what it really is. For you are not to sit down and take account of it all.

This is not about balancing the books, keeping a close score of anything that may come out of this cleansing process. This is simply a case of releasing what the light is driving out, and as such, the process is in fact more easier on you than you mayhaps have gotten into your mind. For remember, the mind still have a mind of its own at times, and for the mind, this seeming accumulation of old energy might set it into a spin.

But do not let yourself be deceived by all of this, for you are doing good. And do not fall for the temptation to start to compare yourself to that of your neighbour, for as always, this is an individual process, and each and every one of you must take their own path in this, not try to emulate your brother and sister in any way.

For you must simply go forth and do your thing, whether that involves a lot of releasing, or whether that seems to be s slightly less strenuous path. For it is up to each and every one of you to do what makes you feel lighter, and you must do so at your own pace. But do not forget, the light will stop for no one and no thing, so you cannot tell the light to stop.

But you can give yourself some leeway in all of this, and you do that best by stepping back and relinquishing the controls, and by surrendering yourself to this process, you will assure that it runs as smoothly as possible. For if you do try to take matters into your own hands, you will feel the squeeze from this energy more than if you just let it run its course.

So again we say breathe, and let yourself go with the flow. Only by doing that will you feel better able to sail through all of this without feeling as if your heart is being smothered by these, the last remnants of the old you. For they will surface in one way or the other, and the more you accept this, the faster this flow will pour out, and the faster this process will go. So let go, and let it come, and whatever it is, it is nothing to fear.

For it is lifted out of you in order to let you lift yourself up and away from the one you used to be, but are no longer. For you have already entered the halls of tomorrow, but as you are still a many layered being, not yet fully merged, you will still need some help to get everything together as it were by making sure that nothing is left of the old.

For you cannot carry any extra weight if you want to become the truly enlightened one, so just look upon this process as the lightening of the load it truly is, no matter how burdensome the process in itself may seem at times.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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