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4/7/2013 6:14:09 PM

Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: You Are Society’s Teacher

pamela kribbeStephen: This is the first of three messages channelled by Pamela during a workshop in France in February. As Pamela writes: “The channelings, two by Jeshua and one by Mary Magdalene, show us how to make the transition to the New Earth, first and foremost on the inner level. The New Earth is not something outside of us; it is a reality we first birth inside ourselves by holding up our darkness and fear to the light of our consciousness. Jeshua shows that though we often think we are outsiders, not fitting into society, we are really society’s teachers. We can be so when we are able to shine the same light of compassion and understanding on society’s darkness as we do on our own.” The message from Mary Magdalene, is below. The third, another message from Jeshua, will be posted tomorrow.

Jeshua: You Are Society’s Teacher

As channelled by Pamela Kribbe – February 2013

Dear friends,

I am here with such joy. Feel my joy. I love to see you all here united as brothers and sisters. This is what the New Earth is about. When people meet each other with an open heart, when they join together in a circle like this, something new arises, something much more than the sum total of the individuals. So feel the energy that you have created together in these past few days. It is your energy.

Take pride in yourselves, you are the carriers of the Christ energy today, and I want to pass on the torch to you. Imagine that you are holding a torch in your right hand and hold it out in front of you, do not be intimidated. Now look around you, what is the first thing you see? Do you see other people around you? There are people around you who want to enjoy and receive your light, because your torch burns like no other, you are unique.

Sometimes it makes me sad to see how you hide your own torch, your own light, which is so much needed now on Earth. I appeal to you today to stand up and show your light to the world. It will deeply fulfill you to do so, it is your mission, your true path.

Now, when I say to put your light out into the world, I know it scares some of you, because your dealings with the world have not been smooth; they have been difficult and painful at times. Some of you would rather withdraw from the world. You feel you do not belong there; you do not feel at home there.

You feel that you can be yourself only by leaving society behind, but society is waiting for you. You have to travel into the dark to change it from within, and you do this within yourself. I have asked you before to look behind negativity, behind destructive behavior and see the fearful child within yourself. I ask you to now do the same with society. Do not enter into a struggle with the energies there. Enter into it with a sense of peace. When you struggle with society, you are still in the realm of duality.

You feel there are aggressive powers in society and that you are either its slave or its opponent, but both these roles are within duality. You do not want to be a slave of society and for some lifetimes you have become somewhat attached to the role of warrior, of the rebel fighting against the norms of society. But your true role today is neither of those roles. You are not society’s slave. You are not its enemy. You are society’s teacher, and you teach from the heart. This means that you look beyond outer appearances and go straight to the heart of things, of situations, of people. As a teacher, you know and understand that your energy will not always be received or appreciated, and you accept that, and so you do not feel rejected by society. You are very self-aware and act from love and compassion and, most importantly, you know when to act and when not to act. You do not have to change the world. The need to change things comes from a place of dissatisfaction or even judgement. You are truly here to be teachers of love. I am passing this torch on to you and ask you to be in the world and not of the world, to always find your truth within, but also to be available and ready to share it with others.

I now ask you to see the energy of society as a child and to give it the face of a child. There is such a lot going on at the moment; the collective energy of humanity is in a state of confusion. Now give it the face of a child. Think of the old structure that is still active: the hierarchies, the misplaced authority. And even if you think it is all very ugly, see if you can find there the face of a child. If you look deeply, you can see a lost child imprisoned within the aggressive male structures of traditional society. It is, in fact, a male child who has become alienated and separated from its own heart. Feel the sadness of this child for a moment. He lost his way a long time ago. He longs for his mother, the mother energy, and at the same time he resists it. He wants to be in control, wants to rule the world with his mind, with his ego. But it is a terrible state to be in and he is not at all happy.

So what would you do with this child? Right now, he is desperate and ready to change. Reach out to see what this child most needs, which is, in fact, you. The energy you carry within will heal him. So, talk to this child and connect with him. He is a part of you and a part of humanity, and you, too, are a part of humanity.

You all have played different roles throughout your many lifetimes on Earth. You have had lifetimes in which you were a victim of aggressive male energy on Earth. But there have also been lifetimes in which you were on the other side, in which you yourself expressed this form of male energy. It is part of your journey on Earth, so you have been both victim and offender. And today you are a teacher and leave both these old roles behind.

We are now here to redefine male energy. That is what is needed for humanity and for yourselves. You need your male energy to express yourself in the world, although both the men and women among you have reservations regarding male energy. The male energy has, because of the past, become associated with ego and aggression. But that is not its true nature and we need a new definition, a new feeling about male energy, because it is a necessary part of creation. Male and female are complementary energies.

So I ask you to now look at the male energy within yourselves. See if you can observe the figure of a male inside you. Allow the male energy to express itself in your body, whether you are male or female. Feel the natural strength of the male energy, its clarity, its perseverance, its power to express and manifest. You need this energy to bring your light into the world. Make peace with it.

I just told you that in the distant past you have had lifetimes in which you yourself misused the male energy, lifetimes in which you experimented with the energies of domination and power. On your journey as a soul, you came to deeply regret these lifetimes. You no longer wanted to have anything more to do with that energy, so you entered into a cycle of lifetimes being a victim of aggression and domination, because there was resistance within your heart against defending yourself. But you need both energies in order to have a full human life.

So today, I am asking you to no longer be afraid to use your male energy. Be clear, be visible to others. Dare to speak up, dare to distinguish yourself from others. Your spiritual feminine energy is about connecting with others, and your male energy is there to protect you when needed and to disconnect when it is necessary. Use both!

I would now like to end this talk by simply sharing our energies. Feel the gentleness in your heart and also your strength, your ability to be a teacher and to become the teacher you are. It is important to meet with others who are on the same path, like the people gathered here today. I want to encourage you to create circles of your own, to be together just enjoying each other’s company, sharing your gifts, and telling your stories. This truly helps you create new energy. It will support you.

Thank you all very much.

© Pamela Kribbe

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/7/2013 6:16:23 PM

Mary Magdalene via Pamela Kribbe: Feeling at Home on Earth

mary magdaleneStephen: This is the second channelling from Pamela’s workshop in France in February. Pamela says: “Mary Magdalene pays special attention to our relationship with mother Earth and the importance of feeling rooted and safe on Earth”.

Mary Magdalene: Feeling at Home on Earth

As channelled by Pamela Kribbe – February 2013

Dear friends, dear men and women,

It fills me with joy to be with you on this clear morning. We are old friends. Our paths have crossed in time and space many times before. Feel our old friendship; we are part of the same family. Cherish for a moment this feeling of familiarity, of coming Home.

Simply relax and let go of all tension inside yourself. Visualize how the tension flows into the Earth and is neutralized. Feel how your body relaxes and becomes heavier. Receive the healing energy returning from Mother Earth and let it encircle your feet and your legs and flow into your waist and belly. Feel supported by Earth; you are safe.

Feel the rhythm of Earth; it is slow and steady. This is the rhythm you seek. Your soul comes from a different realm, and when it descends it has to adjust to the rhythm of Earth. Your soul has to dwell in a body and has to learn how to use a mind, and it can become confused because of that. The soul is on a learning path. It is not just you as a human who is learning, your soul is learning and growing as well.

In your soul, you carry painful memories about being on Earth and, therefore, it is not evident to you that you can trust Earth and surrender yourself to it. There can be a blockage in your body preventing you from relaxing and feeling safe here. This blockage is an energy, it is not something just physical. In reality, this blockage was not caused by Earth, but by what happened to you in the human world: the negativity you experienced here, the pain of rejection and not fitting in. This has made it difficult for you to feel at home here.

I want to remind you of the true nature of Mother Earth. She is an angel herself. Think of the beauty of the forests, the oceans, the flowers. That is the true nature of Being on Earth, and you are part of this majestic reality. You are like a flower yourself, but a flower cannot open unless it is firmly rooted. You have to feel at home on Earth in order to be able to express yourself, your light. So I now invite you to connect to Earth, the angel that she is. Feel her energy deeply within your body; you are her child and you can relax.

Imagine you are now walking in a beautiful place in nature. It can be a forest, or near the ocean, or in the desert, and make this vision very real and alive for yourself. Feel the elements of nature, the wind, the sun, the air. Feel the ground beneath your feet. Then sit down and put your hands on the ground. Allow Earth to affect you, to heal you, and to remind you of your partnership with her. Your soul wants to be here, even though your soul has been wounded on Earth, especially by the fear and the struggle that is present in human society. But as a human being, you are also connected to nature and to the harmony and the rhythm that is there. And if you embrace nature, both without and within, you can clearly hear the message of your soul.

So you are still sitting on Earth. Feel how an energy comes to you from above. You are very well able to receive it, because you are now connected to Earth and her energy. These two energies are meant to be together. Let this energy from your soul now shine on you like a sun. Just enjoy it for a moment.

Often, when you connect, or try to connect to your soul, your mind interferes. You want to have concrete, practical information about your life. But to receive real information, you have to first shift your consciousness, because the need for information, the need to know what to do often arises from fear. You first have to relax completely and be in a state of alert fantasizing or imagining. So go into that state now.

Imagine you are completely free, not bound by the laws of human society. You are an angel, and like a butterfly you go from flower to flower. Ask yourself: ”What gives me joy in my life?” Do not think of the results it brings to you, just focus on the feeling of joy and inspiration. You can receive inspiration from very simple things like taking a walk or having a quiet moment for yourself. It is important that you recognize the language of your soul. It does not speak in an obvious voice that you are used to. You are used to speaking very sternly to yourself. You criticize yourself a lot. You have a mental picture of how you should be and you constantly compare yourself with it and feel that you are failing. But it is in fact the judging that is the real problem. This type of judging, or this tone of voice, does not come from nature.

The language of your soul is very different. It is very gentle. It offers suggestions, but never wants to force you to do anything. So simply ask your soul: “What is it I need right now?” And you might receive the answer as an energy and not necessarily in words. Let go of all expectations. As a human, your problems are often caused by the fact that you have a blind spot. You have some persistent beliefs of which you are not really aware and your soul wants you to step out of those beliefs. This means you have to let go of your deepest convictions and be open to something entirely new. You have to let yourself be surprised by your soul.

So whenever you have a quiet moment and you long to connect with your soul, let go of your mind and connect in a spontaneous, playful way. That is the way of nature. You can see it in all the animals and plants that live on Earth. They joyfully go along with the rhythm that is theirs. They do not think of the future, yet they are perfectly aligned. You are part of Earth and part of nature.

© Pamela Kribbe

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/7/2013 6:17:29 PM

Hilarion: Every Soul Incarnated Upon this Planet has a Magnificent Destiny Ahead for Them

hilarion2As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – April 7, 2013

Beloved Ones,

As the days march on into the new Age of Light and humanity is being cleansed of all old patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serves their higher purpose, the heartbeat of the Earth joins with them.

The Earth deeply desires to allow the time necessary for as many of her inhabitants to join her in her ascended state of expansion and so the Cosmic window of opportunity is still wide open to allow this change and transformation to occur. All upon the planet are finding themselves awakening to many truths that were not available for their conscious knowledge before these times that you are now in the midst of.

As these truths are revealed more individuals are finding themselves in difficulty, having to struggle to deal with acceptance of how much they have allowed their innate sovereignty as divine beings to be usurped by those they have allowed authority over their lives. The initial reaction is one of uncomfortable rejection of these truths followed by an internal upheaval as they try to process and overcome this requirement for awakening.

The good news is that the more who awaken to these truths, the greater the impetus becomes for all to awaken and that is what is occurring in your world in the now moment. All upon the planet are opening their consciousness to the idea that they are much more than they ever dreamed possible and that they have many rights they were not aware of before.

These are the end times spoken of by seers and prophets from the days of old. These are the times of tribulation that have been forewarned. What is required of each human soul in the now moment is to make a conscious choice and commitment to align with their own divinity and Source in whatever way is meaningful for them and to nurture that aspect of themselves with full consciousness and motivation. Every soul incarnated upon this planet has a magnificent destiny ahead for them but effort is required to transform former ways of thinking and doing into a new way that is more in unity with their own divine essence and being.

Upon the surface of your planet, seeming chaos is everywhere but all one has to do is become centered within themselves and daily align with their higher essence, to recall and intend to be the greatest vision of themselves and to expect the highest outcomes for all facets of their lives upon the Earth. It also requires each soul to recognize that each is going through their own versions of awakening, acceptance, growth and expansion and that all are united in this great undertaking. All must step up in their comprehension of the bigger picture of the events taking place and make sense of it in a way that will allow the greatest good for all.

Through it all, underlying all activities, is the remembrance that these times were chosen by each soul as a tremendous opportunity for soul growth and expansion that is rarely available anywhere else in the Universe. It is up to each and every creator being who is alive and experiencing life upon this planet to bring about the changes that will uplift and nurture all life in a positive and constructive, loving way, for when this happens there will be peace and harmony on Earth. Those in the forefront of this movement are asked to persevere and keep on keeping on, holding your Light and your Love as an anchor upon and within the Earth.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and the Scribe’s credit, copyright and website address is included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/8/2013 1:36:21 AM

Poofness 4-7-13…”Let the Good Times Roll”

poofness_matura_font_blue62Regarding this week’s Poof message, I will simply add here, one point Poof makes, which I totally “align” with, is that “now” is not defined by “on this calendar date, at exactly this clock time”. According to this message, the “RVs are in the system” (whatever that means), which “started the final countdown” (whatever that means).

“…Every week since the late 90′s I’ve been talking about the things to come and the events that would shape them. It takes fire to make a phoenix egg break open so, this past week, the furnace was turned up and the eggs began to crack open. Some contractors in Iraq had their smart card loaded, one’s they could use internationally, too. That should tell you ‘something’ is locked in place. The folks in the rafters also put the rvs into the system and let them process thru it. That started the final countdown so you could start exchanging your currencies. It also began the the final move to the new metal backed banking system. Let the good times roll.”


  • It takes fire to make a phoenix egg break open so, this past week, the furnace was turned up and the eggs began to crack open.
  • The folks in the rafters also put the rvs into the system and let them process thru it. That started the final countdown so you could start exchanging your currencies.
  • This is no secret, Canada has the machinery that controls the western banking system, it’s been that way for years, from the arctic to the antarctic.
  • When is always the question… it’s all relative. Jamaicans are fond of saying, ‘soon come’, which you learn means, when it’s ‘time’, like ‘shaman time’ amongst the native people.
  • …there are measurements one can use internally to have a ‘feel’ for ‘when’. The Now is a broad range…
  • Bankers are not patriotic. Their game is money, they don’t care about politics unless it results in more money for them.
  • You are entering the ‘time’ when you’ll enter ‘non time’, it’ll take some getting used to.
  • You’re getting a 5 star trust for the programs, work from a position of safety.
  • The folks in the rafters had to work thru government politics to get things right for all, and you wanted to know what took them so long… The good news is, the long and winding road is at it’s end point.


Poofness 3-17-13…”Slight delay of the finish”

Greetings and Salutations;

So, like the beatles said, ‘christ you know it ain’t easy, you know how hard it can be’, and that one said he’d be back ‘soon’, 2,000 years ago! Every week since the late 90′s I’ve been talking about the things to come and the events that would shape them. It takes fire to make a phoenix egg break open so, this past week, the furnace was turned up and the eggs began to crack open. Some contractors in Iraq had their smart card loaded, one’s they could use internationally, too. That should tell you ‘something’ is locked in place. The folks in the rafters also put the rvs into the system and let them process thru it. That started the final countdown so you could start exchanging your currencies. It also began the the final move to the new metal backed banking system. Let the good times roll.

This is no secret, Canada has the machinery that controls the western banking system, it’s been that way for years, from the arctic to the antarctic. Should have remembered from junior high, I know it was boring, who cares? Well, it means something now, as all this stuff comes to a head. When is always the question, the answer is, it’s all relative. Jamaicans are fond of saying, ‘soon come’, which you learn means, when it’s ‘time’, like ‘shaman time’ amongst the native people. A clock watcher would find themselves very frustrated. As a farmer looks into the sky and feels the wind, he gets a reading on the weather. Even the moon phases tells him much about ‘when’ to plant, he using farmer time. City folk check their televisions and sometimes that’s iffy on accuracy. A watched pot never boils, is what the old folks say. But, there are measurements one can use internally to have a ‘feel’ for ‘when’. The Now is a broad range, as I learned, thru the years. The actual ‘moment’ is pinpointed somewhere in the now. Did I make That clear enough?

Bankers are not patriotic. Their game is money, they don’t care about politics unless it results in more money for them. Wall St is killing it right now, so much for the political rhetoric you hear on Rupert Murdoch’s franchise in NY, fox news. Shades of ’1984′, ‘big brother loves you’, ‘war is peace’..etc.

You are entering the ‘time’ when you’ll enter ‘non time’, it’ll take some getting used to. Babies use it all the time, until we teach them to pay attention to the ticking on the wall. Your dog or cat doesn’t have a wrist watch but something tells them to go stand by their bowls. Not compare anyone with an animal but, it’s ‘time’ to stay close to your bowls. As you consume, you needn’t worry about a bigger dog cleaning out your bowl, they’ll find a cattle prod tapping that backside. Yipe, yipe. You’re getting a 5 star trust for the programs, work from a position of safety. The folks in the rafters had to work thru government politics to get things right for all, and you wanted to know what took them so long. Watched DC lately? The good news is, the long and winding road is at it’s end point. Consultations until the door bell rings.

Good luck and let the good time roll.


Love and Kisses,
Poofness []


Let The Good Times Roll Lyrics Ray Charles.

Hey everybody,

Let’s have some fun
You only live but once
And when you’re dead you’re done
So let the good times roll,
I said let the good times roll,
I don’t care if you’re young or old,
You oughtta get together and let the good times roll
Don’t sit there mumbling
Talkin’ trash
If you want to have a ball,
You got to go out and spend some cash
And let the good times roll now,
I’m talkin’ ’bout the good times,
Well it makes no difference whether you’re young or old,
All you got to do is get together and let the good times roll
Hey y’all tell everybody, Ray Charles in town,
I got a dollar and a quarter and I’m just ringing the clock,
But don’t let no female, play me cheap,
I got fifty cents more than I’m gonna keep.
So let the good times roll now,
I tell y’all I’m gonna let the good times roll now,
Well it don’t make no difference if you’re young or old,
All you got to do is get together and let the good times roll
Hey no matter whether, rainy weather,
If you want to have a ball, you got to get yourself together,

Oh, get yourself under control, woah, and let the good times roll.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/8/2013 4:15:49 PM

Super-Rich Hide Their Wealth Through False Company ‘Directors’

What links the Rwandan genocide, a C.I.A. secret prison, and Saddam Hussein? All used anonymous fronts offshore.

What links the Rwandan genocide, a C.I.A. secret prison, and Saddam Hussein? All used anonymous fronts offshore.

Stephen: The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) continues its multi-faceted probe into the financial lives of the super-rich. I can’t emphasise enough how incredibly huge this whole truth exposé is.

Today’s story reveals the hidden network of people – some ordinary citizens – who become directors of dozens of companies in name only. They hire their names out, knowing nothing about the companies they then become ‘directors’ of; and thus protect the real identities of the company owners – and their mammoth hidden wealth. It’s big, big business.

Faux Corporate Directors Stand in for Fraudsters, Despots and Spies

By Gerard Ryle and Stefan Candea, ICIJ – April 7, 2013

Worldwide network of ‘nominee directors’ helps hide real people, and organizations, behind offshore companies.

On November 14, 2006, a man going by the name Paul William Hampel was arrested at a Canadian airport on charges of being a Russian spy. Hampel’s carefully constructed identity portrayed him as a successful businessman, yet for a decade his company did no business.

Only months before his capture, the same apparatus used to create his alias was also employed by a very different spy agency – the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency —to build a secret prison in Lithuania, where U.S. agents interrogated suspected al-Qaeda terrorists.

Earlier again, it was used by the regime of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to cheat the Oil for Food program.

All three deceptions employed a common subterfuge: far-flung corporate entities used as anonymous fronts, with “executives” who lacked knowledge of what the firms were up to.

The activities of these so-called nominee directors are a little noticed part of the world of secretive offshore finance that’s grown so vast that it touches more than 170 of the globe’s 206 countries, but it’s one that’s often drenched in intrigue.

For a fee as low as $90, men and women who often appear to have little or no formal business qualifications lend their names as directors to enterprises they later can claim to know nothing about – even after those enterprises are linked to everything from stock fraud to money laundering.

As one Panama-based offshore financial services firm tells clients, “It doesn’t matter who the front man for your corporation is, as long as it’s not you.” The firm promises that the nominee directors it supplies will be “completely ignorant to the happenings of your corporation.”

The service the nominee directors provide is, in itself, not illegal. They generally say they are helping owners of companies preserve legitimate privacy.

But the scale and the organization of their networks became vivid as the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) scoured millions of secret files from the offshore world.

The documents are client records and internal emails largely associated with two firms — Commonwealth Trust and Portcullis TrustNet — that form offshore entities for a range of other middlemen and have offices in many offshore havens.

The documents lay bare complex interrelationships the two financial service providers — and there are many more like them, found largely on tropical islands — have with the nominee directors and hundreds of tax agents, banks and law firms scattered around the world.

It’s a secrecy system on a gigantic scale that obscures ownership of billions of often-untraceable dollars that flow through those entities every year, adding to a global flood that exceeds $1 trillion and has grown so large that it can distort and even destabilize the global economy.

What emerges is that drug cartels, arms dealers and rogue nations take advantage of the same system as the covert arms of the Russian and U.S. governments.

Uncovering the secrets

Most offshore companies and nominee directors are up to “pretty boring things,” says Jason Sharman, a scholar at Australia’s Griffith University who studies offshore secrecy, but “you’re certainly going to be using a nominee director if you’re doing anything bad.”

A 2011 World Bank and United Nations study co-authored by Sharman found that nominee directors regularly emerge in what it calls “grand corruption” scandals around the globe.

The study says the complexity of the relationships in the offshore world often produces a maze that can sometimes discourage investigators, regulators, lawyers and others who are trying to track corruption, money laundering and other misconduct.

“Offshore jurisdictions take a relaxed view of the duties of nominee directors, particularly if the director is in another jurisdiction,” Sharman explains. “Onshore authorities are very unlikely to go through all the effort of an extradition to get some foreign nominee director.” Law enforcement work across borders, he says, “is a major pain.”

Few nominee directors personify this better than Stan Gorin and Erik Vanagels. From a base in Latvia, a tiny nation in the Baltics, their names have been attached to hundreds of corporations around the world, some of which can be linked to “grand corruptions.”

Gorin and Vanagels have proved so good at acting as straw men that questions have arisen about whether or not they even exist.

A Ukrainian journalist working for television station TVi sought to track down the pair in 2011, and discovered the real live Gorin was an insurance broker in the Latvian capital, Riga, who denied all knowledge of his alleged work around the globe. Gorin also denied knowledge for this story.

In a follow-up report, the same journalist failed to find Vanagels, who was described by a woman who said she knew him as a half-blind vagrant, living on the city’s streets.

The ICIJ could not locate him either.

What is undeniable, according to the documents obtained by ICIJ, public records searches and the findings of other journalists, is the litany of intrigue that can be tied to the two identities.

The ICIJ documents show the names Gorin and Vanagels were used to set up a series of offshore entities linked to Mukhtar Ablyazov, the former head of Kazakhstan bank BTA.

Some of the entities were incorporated through Commonwealth Trust by Ablyazov’s business associate Paul Kythreotis and Ablyazov’s brother-in-law, Syrym Shalabeyev.

Ablyazov stands accused in his home country of embezzling up to $5 billion from BTA in what British media describe as one of the biggest frauds in history. He fled Britain last year, where he had been living, shortly before being sentenced there to 22 months in jail for failing to disclose full details about his wealth, leaving behind a string of luxury homes financed allegedly using fake loans, backdated documents and offshore accounts.

Then there was the case of the MV Faina, a merchant vessel captured by pirates en route from Ukraine to Kenya in September 2008.

International concern at the time focused both on the plight of the crew and on the cargo: 33 Soviet-made T-72 tanks, plus grenade launchers and small arms ammunition, destined for the rebel government of South Sudan, then under a United Nations arms embargo.

An anonymous Panamanian company, Waterlux AG, officially owned the ship. But behind Waterlux AG were two other Panamanian companies, Systemo AG and Cascado AG — both of which were fronted by Gorin and Vanagels.

A very different but equally eye-popping event dates to July 9, 2003, when a Panamanian entity linked to Gorin, Star Group Finance and Holdings, was used to register an entity in Washington, D.C., called Elite LLC.

The CIA later used Elite LLC to buy a former horse-riding academy outside Vilnius, Lithuania, in March 2004. The U.S. agency flew in prefabricated elements to build a secret prison there. It opened in September 2004 and was later the subject of a European Parliament inquiry after ABC News reported that it was used to covertly and harshly interrogate suspected al-Qaeda terrorists.

ABC quoted a human rights researcher who claimed that prisoners suffered “various forms of torture, including sleep deprivation, forced standing, painful stress positions.”

No persuasive reasons

A report released in January by the nongovernmental European Network on Debt and Development, “Secret Structures, Hidden Crimes,” finds that opaque legal structures are one of the key ways to hide the real ownership of entities that can sometimes facilitate tax evasion, corruption and related crimes.

“Using nominees is a key way of hiding the real owners,” says the report’s author, Alex Marriage. Investigators, he says, have “found no persuasive reasons for nominee shareholders.”

“There may be very special circumstance where a nominee director is needed,” he adds, citing the example of two international corporations needing neutral territory to conduct business, “but small changes in the law would make this unnecessary.”

A June 2012 report from the U.K.-based advocacy group Global Witness points out that one of the problems is that legal authorities in the United States, United Kingdom and many other countries don’t hold nominee directors responsible for the conduct of the companies they front.

In addition, documents setting up offshore companies often include clauses that shield nominees from financial liability if the companies get sued.

“It is perfectly legal in many countries to avoid having your name appear as the director or owner of a company by employing the services of a nominee, whose name appears instead,” the Global Witness report states.

“Nominees are, in essence, renting out their name, and in doing so, providing the anonymity that corrupt officials, tax evaders and other criminals require to move dirty money around the world.”

Gorin and Vanagels are far from lone players in this regulatory wilderness.

The group of 28

The ICIJ, working with The Guardian newspaper in England and the BBC’s Panorama program, identified a group of 28 other nominee directors who have represented more than 21,000 companies between them, with individual nominees representing as many as 4,000 companies.

For example, Jesse Grant Hester — a nominee director based on the English Channel island of Sark and later the Indian Ocean tax haven of Mauritius — was the director for an Irish entity Candonly Limited, which an official inquiry later found was used by the regime of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to cheat the United Nations’ Oil for Food Program.

Hester, who did not respond to a request for comment, has been listed as a director for at least 1,500 other companies in the British Virgin Islands, Britain, Ireland and New Zealand, according to the ICIJ analysis.

Until the practice was stamped out in the late 1990s, it was common for Sark residents like Hester to lend their names as directors to businesses around the world wanting anonymity.

At the height of what became known as the “Sark Lark” the BBC reported, the 600 inhabitants of the island held 15,000 directorships between them, some of which later led to controversy.

One extreme example was a resident John Donnelly who lent his name as director to an Isle of Man company, Mil-Tec Corporation Ltd., which shipped rifles, rockets, mortar bombs and ammunition to Rwanda that were used in the 1994 genocide.

After a crackdown by the British government, many nominee directors from Sark relocated to other jurisdictions like Cyprus, the United Arab Emirates, Mauritius and Ireland and, as the secret documents obtained by ICIJ show, they simply resumed operations.

Russian spy

The ICIJ documents identify three other former Sark islanders who formed parts of the mysterious backstory of Hampel, the alleged spy for Russia arrested in Canada.

According to the National Post, Hampel had established a corporate presence in Ireland from July 1997, two years after he received his first Canadian passport using a fraudulent Ontario birth certificate.

Corporate documents described the Irish entity, Emerging Markets Research & Consulting Ltd., as a tourism venture — and Hampel as a travel consultant. But the National Post reported that the company’s annual accounts showed it didn’t do any business and that it appeared to be merely a cover for his spying activities.

Though he denied the allegation made in court that he was a member of the Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki, the successor to the infamous KGB, Hampel was eventually deported to Russia after admitting to being in Canada illegally.

Appearing as nominee directors in Hampel’s Irish entity at various times were Sean Lee Hogan, Simon Ashley Couldridge and Michael Andrew Gray, who each show up over and over in the documents obtained by ICIJ. Each declined emailed requests for comment.

Among Hogan’s many other directorships — including nearly 100 in the British Virgin Islands, 743 U.K. companies and dozens in the U.S., Panama, Austria, Ireland and New Zealand — are companies linked to a Norwegian professor, the Russian gas and oil giant Gazprom and a music publishing company, Plaza Mayor, whose website claims that they represent the work of Julio Iglesias, Ricky Martin and Placido Domingo.

Couldridge, who recently put up his Sark home for sale for nearly £5 million, is publicly listed as a director of more than 1,000 companies in Ireland.

Gray runs the Alterego Group, a Cyprus company that boasts in one email obtained by ICIJ: “We at Alterego Management are the visible other self. … The desire to obtain complete privacy, often bordering on total anonymity, is a major reason why so many professional firms do use our services.”

In an example of how much the players in the offshore world overlap, the data obtained by ICIJ reveals that one of Gray’s other clients was Roger Alberto Santamaria del Cid.

In October 2010, Santamaria was named in press reports as the Panamanian contact for an Internet investment scam, Imperia Invest IBC, which defrauded 14,000 investors worldwide of about $7 million. They included about 6,000 deaf people from the U.S. states of Utah, Maine, Wisconsin and Texas.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority all issued alerts regarding Imperia.

There is no suggestion that Gray was in any way involved in Imperia, and the data obtained by ICIJ and searches of public company registers indicate that Santamaria was a nominee director himself. Santamaria could not be contacted for comment.

His fellow officials in one Panamanian entity? Gorin and Vanagels.

Contributors to this story: Arta Giga and Hamish Boland-Rudder

Key findings of this exposé to date:

■ Government officials and their families and associates in Azerbaijan, Russia, Canada, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, Mongolia and other countries have embraced the use of covert companies and bank accounts.

■ The mega-rich use complex offshore structures to own mansions, yachts, art masterpieces and other assets, gaining tax advantages and anonymity not available to average people.

■ Many of the world’s top’s banks – including UBS, Clariden and Deutsche Bank – have aggressively worked to provide their customers with secrecy-cloaked companies in the British Virgin Islands and other offshore hideaways.

■ A well-paid industry of accountants, middlemen and other operatives has helped offshore patrons shroud their identities and business interests, providing shelter in many cases to money laundering or other misconduct.

■ Ponzi schemers and other large-scale fraudsters routinely use offshore havens to pull off their shell games and move their ill-gotten gains.

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