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4/7/2013 6:01:45 PM
Dear friends, important as it is to fight cancer, our top priority on Earth right now is to prevent war from breaking out

St. Germaine Asks Our Help in Calming the Energies of War around the World


St. Germaine Asks Our Help in Calming the Energies of War around the World

Linda Dillon, Council of Love, April 7, 2013

On our Saturday conference call St. Germaine gives us a different perspective of the rulers who are stuck in the old 3rd dimensional paradigm of control, brutality, power, and war and asks for our help in healing these lost souls and Gaia asks that we work on particilar countries around the globe where this negative energy is now gathered…

Greetings, I AM Germaine, I AM St. Germaine, Keeper of the I AM, and yes, the Violet Flame, and might I add to your request in terms of working with what we would call the Eastern countries, along with the United States of America, that you bring my Violet Flame and that you torch the heart of everybody and of the land, of the leadership, of the peasants, of those who feel that they are unempowered and let that Violet Flame ignite the hearts of all beings in each of these countries.

What you are witnessing is not only the elimination of the attitude that somehow brutality and force and control, i.e. war, is acceptable but that it is in any way workable or viable. So you are seeing the last vestiges of one of the most destructive paradigms and belief systems of the old 3rd dimension because such belief systems cannot be translated or carried into the 5th, 6th, or 7th dimension. It is impossible. You cannot have the presence of love and the healing at the speed of love and war. These cannot exist together.

And what I say to thee is what I’ve said so many times, there is not one being upon the face of this or any planet or ship that does not yearn for love. It is as basic as breathing, it is as basic as being and whether the individual denies this or not, it does not change the core truth. It is part of your spiritual and your actual physical DNA, it is part of your mental and emotional bodies, it is part of your causal bodies, it is part of who you are.

And even those who are dictators, generals, warmongers, they have lost their way, yes, and they think that they will gain authority, admiration, credibility, power through aggressive actions…we do not limit this to North Korea. But really what they are doing is they are like a lost child. Oh they may think that they have power, but in the grander scheme they do not and they’re simply a lost child seeking approval and love, seeking attention, seeking a sense of self-worth.

So, yes, ignite the hearts of all who sit alone in the dark, all who sit waiting for love and not realizing that they are loved and lovable and that they are the essence of love. This is the healing of humanity; this is the core of raising up to the higher dimensions, the higher vibration. This is the Shift. You are part, my dearest friends, of my armada of healers and never have you shied away.

There is an urgency to my request to you this day to work on this issue of the warlike nature because it is false, it is not born of truth, and it most certainly is not born of love. So see yourself, each of you, as your angelic self, as your human self, as your fairy self, touching with your torch that I have given you from my Temple of the Violet Flame and touching the hearts of all beings. And then when you have finished with United States of America, with Japan, with China, with North and South Korea, continue on. Go to the Middle East, to Iraq, to Iran, to Israel, to Palestine, to Egypt, then fly to Africa and South America, particularly at this time, Argentina and Venezuela and ignite.

Gaia calls to you as the co-creators of Nova Earth and Nova Being to begin this work in earnest. I do not call to you because I know you are already there and you are already with me as I am with you. So let us begin in this moment and continue on until this fallacy, this silly belief that control and greed and war is somehow useful. Your star brothers and sisters, and we, are not about to let any form of nuclear proliferation or destruction. This is not the primary concern; the primary concern is the hearts and the minds and the belief systems that feel that violence, in any form, is acceptable.

I thank you for your assistance and I thank you for your love. I thank you for your service, for your tenacity, your fortitude, your persistence and consistency. I thank each of you. Go with my love. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon 04-06-13

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/7/2013 6:09:41 PM

The Arcturian Group Message – April 6, 2013

Arcturian Group 21As channelled by Marilyn Raffaele – April 6, 2013

Again we greet you dear ones, those who read these messages, for we see you as students of truth, ready to evolve and grow deeper.

There is much light now manifesting on earth and soon you will recognize the results of it. Do not always expect to see large overwhelming events but become more observant of the many small changes happening daily– unexpectedly aware words spoken by some political or spiritual leader, kindnesses between strangers, or the increase in those choosing to help serve all living things like the rescue of lost, abused, and frightened animals.

Every expression of light (unconditional love) given to the world, to all living things, to each other, adds to the energy of the whole. Even when you do not particularly like another, your job is to silently recognize their divinity in spite of appearances and this is how you practice unconditional love because love is the realization of One which does NOT mean being a doormat for another.

Today we wish to discuss the energy of reality and illusion, for many are confused when they read spiritual literature stating that the world is illusion when life seems to be very real and often so painful.

Being expressions of Source you are creators, and for lifetimes have been creating from a third dimensional consciousness of duality and separation. These experiences are very real within that state of consciousness–pain is felt, accidents happen, disease, lack, and limitation are very apparent and seem to be what human life on earth is all about. Many religions still ignorantly teach that man’s reward will be in heaven and not on earth and that earth is meant to be a place of suffering. Buddha’s original teachings having to do with the world being an illusion have been misunderstood by those not evolved enough spiritually to understand them. This resulted in many simply doing nothing, saying; “Oh well, the starving baby doesn’t matter, it is all illusion.” It is not the world and all living things that are illusion, it is mankind’s’ concept of the world that is the illusion. This is a vital point in the unfolding awareness of spiritual consciousness.

Because you are creators dear ones, you create from your own state of consciousness and what you experience is based upon that. Are you creating experiences that manifest duality and separation or are you creating experiences of Light and Love? Many will react to this statement and feel anger, but we ask you to take this into your quiet time and ponder these words. Those who thrive on being “victims” will no longer be able to blame others for their problems and this will cause many to respond with anger and uncomfortable emotions. It is an ingrained but incorrect belief in the third dimensional world that others are responsible for your lives–problems as well as successes.

When you see the suffering of others realize that what you are witnessing is the manifestation of ignorance created through beliefs of duality and separation. These forms can appear in infinite variety of expression and often reflect the individual energy of one who may be still holding (and thus attracting) something from a past life experience. This energy may be manifesting at this time because the individual is now evolved enough to release and clear it. Frequently good or bad experiences simply reflect the impersonal nature the third dimensional belief system because those living in a consciousness of ignorance are at the mercy of any belief which may be floating out there in universal human consciousness. Know that good appearances are no more spiritual than bad ones–all are concepts of the spiritual reality.

When a spiritual student begins to understand these truths, it may result in some confusion as to how he is supposed to respond to the sufferings of the world. This awareness does not mean one cannot help others and does not mean doing nothing but does mean we must recognize the reality behind what is going on.

You see, the Divine Consciousness which is all there is (Omnipresence) would be incapable of manifesting Itself as division, discord, disharmony–how could One (all there is) be divided? The illusion is man’s ignorant understanding of the Divine, seeing God as some sort of man in the sky, and endowing him with qualities of good and evil–concepts born from lifetimes in ignorance of truth.

Everything embodied within Divine Consciousness is a law, and these qualities are continually and infinitely manifesting. There is only ONE MIND and that is DIVINE MIND but in the un-awakened human, that one mind is conditioned by beliefs of duality and separation and then in turn manifests through this conditioning. For example, the self-sustaining, self maintaining qualities of Source appear to man as food, clothing, or what is needed but when interpreted through a mind filled with varying beliefs of duality and separation, this quality of Divine completeness will manifest as sometimes enough, and at other times not enough–the perfect expression of duality. The infinite wisdom and intelligence of Divine Consciousness will manifest through a consciousness programmed by duality and separation as some people being very smart and wise and others just the opposite.

We are not recommending you shout “Hooray” and throw away all your medicines or quit your job while saying; “God is all, everything else is illusion”. We are saying that if you resonate with these truths, then you are ready to incorporate them into your consciousness. When something unpleasant or even very daunting comes into your experience, you will now be able to look at it more impersonally, asking yourself; “What am I believing that is making me feel this way, or manifest this? What is the truth?”.

In this process, there is never to be guilt or self recrimination for past mistakes or judgements for it is simply the process of evolution you are experiencing, and doing a fine job of it. You are learning who you really are and then living out from that which is why you are on this journey.

Know that much of what may be unpleasant in your lives at this point is simply energy from past lifetimes that you are now ready to clear–physically, emotionally, and mentally. Many are experiencing issues they thought they had already dealt with or that they never even had in the first place. These things are presenting at this time in order to be looked at on a higher level and released. These issues reflect opportunities for you to examine your belief system. Many are being guided to remove negative or positive energetic cords attaching them to people or places because anything resonating with that which is finished must be released. Anything still resonating with old finished energy can hold you in bondage to the past. Negative issues being presented at this time are serving to move all evolving souls into deeper ways of understanding and the ability to let go with love and gratitude. This in turn, brings about a seeing of the world with new eyes.

Always remember Reality is, was, and always has been Oneness, and that One governed and held forever in place by law. That is why there really is no death, could the Divine die? We see the appearances of death, but is that the reality? Fear of death is one of the heaviest of beliefs needing to be released. One may change location, but never can there be the death of that I AM.

The nature of the third dimensional experience is that each awaken to truth regardless of outer appearances. It was never meant that earth sink so heavily into the dense energies of duality and separation, but it happened, and in spite of that many are now awakening and becoming strong and powerful beings–worthy of much praise and congratulations. Try not to get discouraged dear ones, for you are doing what you came to do and doing a fine job of it.

Those of you who read these messages are more than ready to do the work required. There will come a point where most of the outer discords will simply drop away for there will no longer be the belief energy to manifest as them and this is how the world is changing. As more and more awaken to truth and begin to live out from an illumined consciousness, the outer manifestations will take on more perfect and higher form. This is why no one can come and save the world for you dear ones, it has to be the enlightened consciousness of the many that manifests a new world and that is exactly what is happening very quickly at this point.

Try not to add energy to the negative world issues you may become aware of through your news. Much of this is the manifestation of old and finished energy for many areas of the world still hold a great deal of that which is very dense from the past–places of war and suffering. Send unconditional Light to all people and places, knowing always that there is only ONE and I AM THAT ONE.

We are the Arcturian Group 4/6/13

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/7/2013 6:11:26 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 296

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAs channeled by Aisha North – April 6, 2013

As you have already ascertained, these last few days have been nothing if not intense, and even if they in many ways may have left you feeling weaker in the flesh, you will also sense that your spirit has lifted in more ways than one. For you are made of sturdy stuff indeed, but as yet, your physical body has a hard time coming to the same conclusion. And rightly so, for within is where the changes occur, and as such, your flesh and bones may still feel as if they are at times being torn apart.

But they are not, and neither are you, as what is occuring, is such a monumental rewiring and rearranging it will leave you all feel more than a little bit worn and torn at the end of it. But contrary to assumption, you are not being torn down, you are only being fortified in every way, and as such, once again the symptoms will mask the true purpose behind all of these goings on.

For you have come here to conquer, Dear Ones, but first of all you must conquer your own doubts as to what abilities you may have for stepping out and declaring yourselves to be the new rulers of the world. For that is indeed exactly what you are, but as the word ruler still connotes something sinister for so many, let us just add a few thoughts as to what we must mean by that.

For in your eyes, a ruler will in many ways equal a despot, and your world has had its fair share of those. And still to this day, there are many individuals who can be given that same title, not just in their own realm, but also further afield. But we speak not of such lesser men who put themselves above others by the force of instigating fear and uncertainty in others. No, we speak of individuals who are held aloft by the very light that they carry within. And it is this light that is now finding a home in your somewhat worn and weary physical body, and it is indeed this light that will make you the new rulers.

For this light will find a way out of you, and when it does, nothing can stop it, not even you. And as such, your actions will all be guided by this light, and in so doing, it will ensure that you behave in a manner that will guide all others around you. And that is the way to rule, by action, not by edict. So yes, in all respects you will be the rulers of this world, for it is indeed by the very fact that the light will speak to all others around you by your way of living, and then, it will be given unto others to follow in your footsteps. And so you will rule the land once again, not those usurpers who look upon it as their given right to command everyone else to obey by their every whim.

For these rulers of the old, no matter if their kingdom is a fiefdom encircled by high walls of security or is in some lair hidden away in a high rise building somewhere, will all start to topple from what they see as their oh-so-lofty perch. For just as you will guide others by way of the light that you carry, people will be unable not to see the hollowness and crepuscular absence of light that will seep out from all of these self-proclaimed tyrants. And then, the choice will be made, whether to follow in your footsteps, or whether to stay on in the shadows of these former rulers.

For that is truly what they are, they are becoming obsolete even as we speak. But you, dear friends, you are becoming lighter and brighter by the day. And even if your physical body is still having a hard time coming to terms with this fact, it too will soon start to understand that it is indeed lightness itself. For this new burden it is carrying is not heavy, it is light, in each and every meaning of the word. And as soon as the dust settles so to speak, it too will start to let go of the thought that this inner revolution is almost too much to bear. And then you will all feel your step becoming lighter and your days seeming brighter, and you and your body will finally start to blend into each other as a perfect match truly made in heaven.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/7/2013 6:12:35 PM

A Message from the Angels via Tazjima: Being Grace

imageA Message from the Angels via Tazjima: Being Grace

As channeled by Tazjima – April 6, 2013

As the flowing melodies of Mozart etch their grace upon her heart, our scribe opens up to our light and endeavors to bring forth our message.

We come today, messengers of light and love, angelic beings of the most high father /mother God. We are your sisters and brothers, our human angels who have bravely embodied on mother earth in this time of glorious transition.

Grace has had little presence in your world, especially the one into which most of you have been born, the world of the late 20th century. Violence, outrageous behavior by celebrities, greed and unconscionable miscreation by your leaders, both hidden and overt, war, crime, poverty, disease and grime has been the lot of the world. Or so it seems.

For just beneath the surface of every man, woman and child upon this planet, no matter how corrupted or wounded their heart, there exists grace. It is simply a matter of discovering the buried treasure that lies within.

Grace is being able to carry oneself with confidence, with balance, with fluidity, being able to flow through one’s life with ease. Grace is normally attributed to the physical appearance of a few humans who are blessed (or cursed) with physical beauty. However, true grace exists within, emanating from the open and radiating heart of the lover of life, your soul and higher self, the I Am that I Am, your individual connection to the godhead.

When you come to discover that you are grace, you find balance within. You carry yourself more surely and confidently, no matter what your physical appearance or age. True grace is a reflection of all that you are in the fullness of your being, not just what is present within a human body.

Man or woman can act and be grace in action through their thoughts, their emotions and by living their truth every moment of every day.

Observe the flowers. They bloom with joy and grace with the coming of spring, uncurling before the warmth of the sun. They follow the sun with all their beings, tracing its journey across the sky with upturned faces. They do not take from the world or from others, but simply are grace and beauty. Through their presence, their simple being, they share the love and grace that they embody.

Observe the natural grace of a healthy animal. It stretches and moves with ease and assurance. It does not question its right to be in the world. It loves and is loved by us in return. No matter what happens to its body, it moves through the world with grace and leaves it with equal grace. The animal, be it cat, dog, horse or bird, knows that what it is and communes with spirit at all times. Ever wonder why your cat sometimes looks like a furry Buddha?

You, dear ones, came into this lifetime with the blessing of your light family and the grace of the mother’s kiss upon your brow. Some of you had never been in physical embodiment before and did not know what to expect. So it has been a difficult experience for the sensitives among you, the star seeds.

This world has been a harsh place for those who are unprepared and have not taken up the mantle of grace as protection. It is yours to collect when you come to the realization that you are what you are, love and light made flesh. You are gods made manifest, brought into form for the opportunity to grow in strength, beauty, wisdom and grace. You are more capable than you might realize now, as you struggle through the day, burdened by life’s challenges.

When you come to recognize that grace always dwells within the heart, you will finally come to a position of inner strength, where you are supported by the masculine energies and flow with the feminine, fully in balance, full of grace and overflowing with the true essence of your being. Seek within and tap into that river of strength, beauty, and grace. Let it flow from you through your thoughts, emotions, but mostly through your interactions with those who are around you in daily life.

Through your calm balanced presence you will bring a moment of grace to those whom you meet. And perhaps someday they will open up to their own sense of grace.

The law of grace allows forgiveness of all trespasses and ill-intentions. Allow this grace to flow through you, washing away the harshness of self-judgment, self-righteousness and self-hatred. Allow your natural grace and inner beauty to radiate and bring light to the world even as the solar body brings light to the world.

To be grace and to be in grace is to allow. Allow yourself to flower. Allow yourself to be more than you ever imagined. Allow yourself to reconnect with the greater you who lives eternally in spirit in the higher planes. Through your own willingness to flow with grace, you bring heaven to earth.

Go now, dear ones, and strive to learn about what you are becoming, what you are and what you will be, a living note of grace in a flowing symphony of life.

Thank you, beloved angels.

Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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