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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/16/2013 5:43:33 PM

How Many Times Have Extraterrestrials Saved the Earth? – Part 4

Salas 213

Robert Salas

(Continued from Part 3.)

The Space Beings have Prevented Nuclear War

Many of the things that are being said here must test people’s credibility. Saying that extraterrestrials exist is something that people may feel the need to adjust to. Saying that they communicate with us via the Internet must require another adjustment. Saying they speak through channels another.

And then saying that a dark cabal exists on Earth that planned to decimate the population through a nuclear third world war must try people’s patience to the limit. (1)

Moreover, if we were to prove the latter contention by focusing on the black operations that have taken place in the last twenty years, like the bombing of the Murrah Building, 9/11, and the London bombings, many people would roll their eyes and put this series of articles down. (2)

But unfortunately all the above allegations are, in my view, totally true. ETs exist. Most of the star beings around our planet are as human as we are. They communicate telepathically and their messages are commonly posted around the Internet.

And they are here in part to help the rest of us to overcome the heinous crimes being perpetrated by an elite group who have it in mind to take over the planet and lower the population from 7 billion to a more manageable 500 million.

The cabal intended to do this mostly through staging a nuclear war which they planned to outlive in deep underground military bunkers or else … and here we come again to another difficult subject … in their colonies on the Moon or Mars. Some of these colonies have existed since the 1970s, without the public suspecting.

Malmstrom 213

Depiction of UFO neutralizing missiles at Malmstrom AFB

Most people don’t know that we already have a space fleet called Solar Warden and that NASA is mostly for show and distraction. (3)

I understand how difficult it is to comprehend so much new information all at once and I sympathize. In this part of our series, I’d like to look simply at the contention that the galactics prevented the cabal from exploding nuclear bombs on the Earth’s surface and in space for aggressive ends.

Some people may have heard the contentions of Robert Salas (4) that the nuclear missiles in Malmsberg AFB silos were deactivated after a visit by a UFO or have seen the interview of Professor Robert Jacobs on the Larry King Live Show (5) in which he described a Vandenberg AFB test missile being neutralized by a UFO with a beam weapon. So there is evidence from terrestrial observers of what we’ll be discussing in this article.

When “Earth, a sentient soul, cried out in her death throes sixty-some years ago for other civilizations’ help to save her planetary body,” the last straw was the exploding of nuclear bombs. (6)

Matthew told us in 2005 that “by Creator’s decree, ETs have used their technology to prevent nuclear detonations in space.” (7)

Nuclear detonations affect not only Gaia. They can affect other planets and dimensions as the Arcturian Group warns us.

“These energies affect those of other planets as well as yours, dear ones. You are not isolated as you have been led to believe. Nuclear devices sent into space by your military, affect more than just earth and will not be allowed. The personal agenda of an unawakened military mentality will not be allowed to function as it has in the past.” (8)

Both the spokesmen for the Galactic Federation of Light and Matthew Ward tell us that nuclear weapons damage souls in space and even in other dimensions. Atmos says on behalf of the GFL:

“Nuclear weapons are an abomination that is so destructive, even to the point of damaging the souls of those in their path. Fortunately, in the past where you have let off nuclear devices, we have placed a protective shield around your Earth to prevent damage to the outer planets, and life forces in Space. Do you still wonder why Man is considered such a danger to other forms of life?” (9)

Matthew gives an in-depth discussion of what occurs to souls in space when confronted with a nuclear explosion:

“There will be no more nuclear detonations in space. Why only ‘in space’? Myriad souls live as free spirits or travel astrally, and some have been extensively damaged due to nuclear warring in other civilizations.

Nuclear War 23456

Missile inside its silo

“There is an incomparable difference between damage to a soul and damage to a body. Your bodies are but the temporary housing you designed prior to birth, with genetic inheritances that would best enable you to experience what you chose to fill gaps in other lifetimes, with the goal of achieving overall balance.

“Those choices become your soul contract for this lifetime. How a body dies may be a provision of that contract, and whether the death is by heart failure or being blown to bits or radiation poisoning, the soul is unscathed. The soul is eternal!

“When a soul is in the area of a nuclear explosion in space, it is shattered and the parts are scattered, and for healing to occur, all parts must be retrieved and reintegrated so that all experiencing once again is intact.

“For the largest portion of a soul to locate all of its parts is extremely difficult, and when it does, the reintegration process is complex and lengthy. The scattered parts may have ramifications for other souls.

“Soul parts may enter bodies, where the resultant change may either enhance or impede the resident soul’s chosen pathway, or they may be captured by dark ones and cry out weakly for rescue. Way-showers and healers throughout the universe, including on Earth, are aiding the damaged souls.

“This is not yet within your ability to comprehend, so we say with loving intent of reassurance: As abhorrent as weapons of war are—not only the deaths, but the physical effects on survivors and often succeeding generations—those affect only bodies, not souls.” (10)

TR3-B 3

TR3-B of “Solar Warden” space fleet

Apparently the cabal has also attempted to use nuclear weapons to hit other planets where the forces of light operate relay stations. The Moon is probably one of them. Matthew explains:

“The nuclear power that is possessed with intention to serve dark purposes cannot and will not be effective. By Creator’s decree that no nuclear detonations in space will be permitted, the technology of the light warriors both on and off-planet already has thwarted and will continue to thwart efforts to annihilate targets of both Earth planetary realm and other celestial bodies that are temporary homelands or relay stations for light warriors.

“I have covered the non-use of nuclear power on quite a few previous occasions but without specific mention of these targets.” (11)

Much “space exploration” disguises hostile intent on the part of the cabal, Matthew tells us.

“The sudden determination of the US government to spend billions of dollars to explore and possibly colonize Mars is to us almost a laughable disguise for the dark truth, which is to prevent the light forces from en masse landings on the planet by extending the combat into space.

“Although this is put out publicly as a US exploration decision, it is the intent of the Illuminati globally to heat up their battle capabilities with this off-planet use of technological weapons that only a few scientists and the quiet elite there know exist. Of course this effort will be as futile as their attempts to use known nuclear weaponry have been.” (12)

The Arcturians, speaking through Suzanne Lie, called nuclear weapons “dangerous toys.” “We have, also, taken away your dangerous toys (turned off all nuclear weapons) to give you more time to remember your SELF.” (13) In so doing, they corrected the imbalance between darkness and light on Earth.

“The polarity of dark had grown too strong for the polarity of light to have a fair chance. Hence, we came to assist our descendants and friends in human disguise.” (14)

(Continued in Part 5.)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/16/2013 5:46:05 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 283

As channeled by Aisha North – March 16, 2013

As you have already ascertained, the pace has gotten fast and furious by now. Many of you have already felt the brunt from this barrage of love bombs, and even if the outcome from all of this will be very positive indeed, the process in itself can be more than a little taxing for you all.

You see, this is all about giving you all the best possibility to travel unhindered through this next phase, and as such, nothing will be spared in this effort. So again we say, prepare to be pummeled and squeezed, as you are all being sanctified by these missiles of light. And do not think you are falling apart at the seams, even if you might feel like it from time to time in the days ahead.

For you are in fact being fused together in such a way that you become as solid as you can be. And when this process is finished, you can indeed withstand anything. So that is the goal here, even if some of you might feel like we are trying to tear you apart, limb by limb, memory by painful memory.

So again we say, remember to breathe, for that will indeed bring some alleviation of these symptoms. For the breath is the sacred link between you and the very Essence, and as such, the better you are in connecting to it in your own physical body, the more you will be able to ease this transition somewhat.

Let us leave it at that for now, and let you all go back to nursing yourselves through it all. For these days can be brutal on so many of you, but in the end, you will know that the purpose is as noble as they get.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/16/2013 5:47:08 PM

Suzanne Lie: Message from the Arcturians – The Ides of March

ascendPlanetMessage from the Arcturians – The Ides of March

By Suzanne Lie – March 15, 2013

Our Dear Ones in human form,

We realize how difficult it is for you to remain above the fear and sorrow that lies hidden in your world. As your expanded perceptions allow you to see beyond the illusions, you can perceive the truth these illusions have been hiding. The truth of how decadent your world has become is almost enough to force you back into the safety of your illusions. However, as Lightworkers you no longer have that option.

You can see, and more important FEEL, that which is hidden behind the curtain of deceit and lies. You have awakened to find the reasons why you have hidden away your great consciousness in a small corner of your 3D brain. However, now that your true SELF has been revealed, you can no longer hide. Fortunately, you have us, your Higher Expressions, to protect and guide you.

Without this connection to their SELF, many have chosen to stay in the shadows of their mind rather that embrace the truths over which they believe they have no power. Our Ones who have chosen to wear a form during this time of great transition have taken on a huge responsibility. Many of you must remain alone and lonely in your knowledge of SELF, as few people in your life will understand who you truly are.

However, more and more of our Emissaries of Light are beginning to awaken from their slumber. Some came forth during the predicted time of Ascension only to be disappointed. However we, the Arcturians, want you to know that the LIGHT is around and within you in a way that you have not experienced for myriad incarnations.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, this Light’s first task is to reveal your inner darkness. As the guides and leaders of your New World, you must first clean your own house so that you can better clear your planetary home. Yes, Gaia is your Home, for you Dear Ones were among us when we first planned the seeding of Earth. You may wonder how you could be so old.

We remind you, our dearly loved Emissaries of Light, that YOU are timeless. YOU are wonderful Beings who exist beyond the confines of time and volunteered to enter into your current reality so that you could participate in the salvation of that which YOU created. We have told you before of your Multidimensional nature, which extends far beyond the realms of time and space and into the heart of Source.

It was the frequency of Source that initiated the grand experiment of Creating, and then Ascending, a planet based on polarity and diversity. The Galactic War had been raging on for far too long. Therefore, it was decided to seed your planet with humans who were shaped from the DNA of all those who had become desperate enemies.

It was our plan that the humans of your world would become the mediators who could end all comparison and conflict. Your civilizations often married a Prince and Princess of warring countries with the expectation of creating peace. In the same manner, we created humans whose DNA came from all over the Galaxy with the hope of gaining unity of consciousness and divine purpose.

We anticipated that the DNA from peaceful Beings who chose power-within would become dominant over the DNA of the beings who chose power-over. However, our experiment has not gone well, as the inner force of power-over-others often dominated the choice of power-within. Then, the humans who functioned from the power-over-others controlled the majority of people.

Fortunately, there were Golden Ages. In these eras the DNA from the peaceful Beings reigned supreme and the majority of individuals functioned from their power-within. During these times service to others was common and society blossomed into an Age of Love and Light.

Unfortunately, the darkest night is just before dawn, which is the case in the Cosmic world as well as on your planetary world. Thus, the Kali Yuga precedes these Golden Ages, as you have just experienced. Once a Kali Yuga, which is the darkest of the dark, has completed it reign, there is much rubble to clear from the many wars of this era.

Many of you entered during eras of Light, and some of you answered Gaia’s call during Her times of great darkness. Either way, all of our Lightworkers fell in love with the dear planetary being known as Gaia. When you first took a human form, your Multidimensional memory was fully intact. Therefore, you could recognize that Gaia was a living Being that had welcomed you onto Her form.

Hence, you walked softly upon Her body and remembered to honor the great planetary Being who had created a form upon which you could wear a body made of Her elements. Many lived within this grand experiment, and many Ascended back to their Homeworld in the higher dimensions.

Unfortunately, during the power-over-others eras many were lost in the darkness and became trapped on the Wheel of Life and Death. Because the power-within humans ascended and the power-over humans repeatedly took lives, it was the lost Ones who became the dominant members of Earth. Consequently, it was the power-over humans who became the rulers, especially during the cycle of the Kali Yuga – the darkest night before the dawn.

That dawning has just begun, and the Light of the ONE is peeking over the distant horizon. These small rays of Light are now entering the consciousness of our brave volunteers who chose to take a form during the end times of the Kali Yuga. Fortuitously, you are beginning to remember who you really are. This awareness often fills you with sorrow for all that you have suffered during the long dark night.

Grieving the YOU that you have lost often precedes the euphoria of the remembrance of who you truly are. Therefore, our dear Warriors for the Light, allow your Self to feel that sorrow. As you shed your tears, release all the memories of pain, abandonment, fear and domination.

You will also remember lives in which you, too, functioned via power-over-others. Therefore, give unconditional forgiveness and unconditional acceptance to these components of your Self. Then send these past expressions of your SELF Home to be fully healed. It is from the memory of becoming lost yourself that you can best assist others who are still trapped in the illusions of their power-over DNA.

There is not a single one of you who is completely evil, even though it may appear that way. However, some humans have become so lost that in order find the remnants of their Light, you must look into their higher expressions of SELF. It is through seeking their Higher Expression and choosing to perceive that Light shining through their darkness that you can best assist them.

Yes, many of our volunteers to Earth became lost in the Wheel of Life and Death that eternally circled from the third, into the fourth, then back into the third dimension. On the other hand, those of you who are our beloved Lightworkers have ALL had experiences of Ascension. During these personal Ascensions you were able to break free of the Wheel of Birth and Death and return to the fifth dimension and beyond.

If you can remember these lives in which you released ALL third/fourth dimensional illusion, it will greatly facilitate your ability to fulfill your “Reason for Embodiment.” Yes, dear Ascending Ones, you knew that during this life you would personally experience the shift from the darkness of the Kali Yuga into the dawning of the Golden Age. For that reason, you wrote a petition of what you wanted to accomplish.

This planetary transition has been very difficult because so many of the volunteers have become lost. Also, as we have explained above, these lost Ones actually became the leaders of a planet and took Gaia to the verge of destruction. Fortunately, Gaia is an incredible strong Soul who is determined to advance into Her higher expression of New Earth.

Gaia is complete with the experience of individuality, polarity and limitations and is returning to Her true Multidimensional Being. Then, just as Gaia’s Lightworkers will transition from being humans to being Lightbodies, Ascended Masters, Angels and/or Elohim, Gaia will transition from being a planet to being a Sun, a Solar System and/or a Galaxy.

Our dear volunteers to rescue Earth please remember that you are eternal. Thus, you cannot die. You will remain logged-in to this reality for as long as your Soul Contract states. On the other hand, if the form you are wearing can no longer contain your great Light because of injury or illness, or Ascension, you will simply return to your higher expression of SELF and continue your contribution from the higher dimensions.

Therefore, do not be sad for the brave Warriors of Light who left their Earth vessels. They were only wearing that physical form to perform their contribution and are now wearing their true form of Light.

Beloved Ones, we honor you and the vessel that you wear. Seek those of us, your Galactic and Angelic family, who are also hidden within the forms we are wearing. Look into our eyes to find our Souls and commune with us via our shared FEEL of the Truth. YOU are NOT alone. You are US and WE are YOU.

The only difference is that some of us are also wearing a form,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/16/2013 5:48:26 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: Planting the Garden of Your Soul

garden-wspiralAs channeled by Shanta Gabriel – March 12, 2013

Dear Ones,

Planting the Garden of your Soul invites the Grace of the Angels to work in your daily life. This focused activity demonstrates your desire to co-create what you need to harvest a more bountiful future.

The northern hemisphere will experience the Spring Equinox on March 20, a season of new birth and renewal. If you are in the southern hemisphere, planting your inner garden now will allow you to create a winter focus that will bloom in its proper time. Equinox is the optimum time to plant your personal garden of powerful intentions within your being. This timely action will bring great rewards as you till the rich and fertile soil of your soul, elevate your thoughts and activate new life within and around you.

What does it mean to plant the Garden of your Soul? It is really very simple. What are the qualities you most want to see manifest in your life? What are your goals and dreams for a joyous future? What needs have to be met so you can be happy? These are the seeds to plant within the garden of your being so you can create a new structure for your life.

When you plant the seeds of growth and renewal, it can be a fun, creative and positive way to promote a joyous, abundant life. Consider those things you most want to have thriving in your interior garden. Maybe you would like to plant the fertile seeds that lead to Abundant Prosperity? Perhaps you want to empower the seeds of Harmony in all your relationships? What about planting the seeds for Health and Well Being deeply within your heart so they can grow with zest and vibrancy? The soil of joyous potential exists within you and awaits your attention.

Are you too busy to plant your Soul’s garden?

These vast exalted ideas actually require very little time during your busy life, full of commitments and deadlines. In fact, the small amounts of time you give to planting and nurturing your interior garden will enhance every area of your life with a bountiful return. It is said that when a person takes one step towards the Divine, this Higher Power will take ten steps toward you.

As you remember that you are a part of all Creation, a new sense of gratitude wells up in your heart, and brings you a sense of connection. This gratitude carries the sparks of Divine Light that uplift your spirit and become the catalyst for new growth within your life. As you look at the flowering of Nature around you, it can remind you that the same beautiful new growth is taking place within your very being.

Let your imagination soar as you bring forth those magical qualities in which you wish to live. Nothing is too large to dream in order to manifest a happier life. As you play with this process, you are co-creating a field of unlimited potential within and around you. When you dream big and feel the joy of it, your vibrational frequency will be uplifted, your energy field expands. This allows doors to open that you have not imagined possible. It is your open mind, and a heart unencumbered by doubt and self-criticism, that attracts new growth and evolution into your life.

Planting the Garden of your Soul inspires great support from the seen and unseen world so you can live life in a more inspired way. When you allow yourself to be a part of this co-creation, all your needs can be met with Grace and Ease.

How to plant the Garden of your Soul

Since every new project requires some thought and planning, when you begin your inner garden, make it creative and fun. It could be a beautiful work of art with lots of color, magazine pictures or a painting. The shape your interior garden takes could be a pattern that inspires you, like a spiral. You could decide just to make a list of those qualities of consciousness you want to experience in your life. The action of writing will assist the energy of your garden.

The Angels of Creativity are available to work with you in this project, and can inspire you so it will be fun. When your inner spirit is stimulated in this way, new life flows into your mind and heart, and you feel uplifted. This increased energy flow attracts more joy and you feel happier, which in turn, brings more creative ideas and a sense of well-being. It is the beginning of an upward spiral that blesses this garden within you with new empowered energy. Your life will begin to change in surprising ways.

When you see old patterns of thought and action manifesting, and you begin to feel stuck in problematic energies, consider them to be compost for your new garden. Ask the Angels working in your life to help you pull these weeds and transmute old ways of behavior with Divine Light. This will help feed the garden of your soul with loving energy. It is like adding a little water every day to help work the compost of old ways into the fertile soil of your garden. Soon you will see the new sprouts of a different way of being.

Rejoice in this vibrant growth knowing that as you respond differently to old situations, you will receive fresh, positive results in every area of your life. By focusing a little bit every day on what you want to see manifest in your life, you provide a new structure so your interior garden will thrive. Remember that as you plant the seeds of new consciousness into your garden of Pure Potential, you are grounding Spiritual Presence into the Earth. Through this action of bringing beautiful qualities of consciousness into your world, you become a bridge from Heaven to Earth.

Bask in the Sunlight of Divine Illumination

The Garden of your Soul has amazing potential to bring you the life you want to experience. Opening yourself to new thoughts and behaviors attracts assistance in ways you never knew existed. This beautiful garden thriving within you becomes a Beacon of Light. Many people will love to experience your inner garden and support you so it will flourish. This new growth and thriving space within you reaches out to bless the world, and in turn you will be blessed.

As your garden comes into fruition, you will find your life nourished in bountiful ways. The company of Heaven awaits you as you begin planting these seeds for your new life. Bask in the sunlight of Divine Illumination. Breathe it in deeply and let it nurture the new growth within you. Know the Angels will joyously assist you in weeding out the old ways that no longer work so your garden will thrive with new life.

You are never alone. You are continuously blessed and are being guided as you open to a new way of being. Let all the frantic activity in your life drop away as Divinely-inspired action takes root within the garden of your life. The fullness of your being will enrich your life’s purpose, so your next steps become very clear.

There is a flowering beginning all around you, and within your heart. Allow yourself to be loved and nourished as you plant the Garden of your Soul. This process is bringing a beautiful balance into every area of your life. Remember that as you empower these exalted spiritual qualities to plant into your consciousness, they become living fields of energy that will bless every area of your life.

You are a precious being, worthy of all you aspire to receive. Know deep within your heart that all is well.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

For Archangel Gabriel

Copyright: March 12, 2013

Permission is given for this post to be shared as long as it is used in its entirety and credit is given to the author(s) with the website posted.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/16/2013 5:49:36 PM

How Many Times Have Extraterrestrials Saved the Earth? – Part 5

Nuclear war09374

Not allowed on Planet Earth

(Continued from Part 4.)

Ashtar through Michael Ellegion describes the ETs activities in this area:

“The [Galactic] Federation has neutralized nuclear missiles and nuke suitcases. Most of Earth’s population has no idea how many times we have stepped in behind the scenes to influence, alter or stop certain very destructive events and the misuse of numerous `black-op’ highly classified weapon systems and projects very destructive to Mother Earth, which would have wiped out much of the life on the planet.

“If it had not been for our constant vigilant monitoring of Earth, to stop these very dangerous incidents and many other forms of Intervention, as bad as the environmental conditions are at this time, this planet would literally be in eight times worse of a mess than it presently is!” (15)

Commander Adamu from the Pleiades tells us that “we can disable your nuclear devices without touching them.” (16)

SaLuSa tells us that the elite planned to foment a nuclear war.

“The warmongers still try to start another World War, but do not be alarmed as they will not be allowed to do so. We can use whatever powers we have to prevent it, and some of our advanced technology is quite astonishing and absolutely perfect for these purposes.

“Indeed, we have often used it to keep a relatively peaceful situation on Earth, when certain elements would have launched all out war against another country.” (17)

He adds that “we have permanently disabled nuclear weapons which they will be prevented from using.” (18) Under their watch we won’t be able destroy ourselves and the planet through war. He says: “We can easily [quiet] the guns of war if there is any need to do so.” (19)

The galactics honor the universal law of free will but “it cannot be used to start a nuclear war.” He explains that “it is God’s responsibility to prevent all such attempts. He has authorized civilizations with preventive technology” to stop attempts to start another war. (20)

The Arcturian Group agrees with Matthew: “Remember, you have been told that there is not to be a world war three or a nuclear war. It has been given from on high that this will not be allowed even though those who stand to profit from it, consistently push for it.” (21)

“We have not been allowed to stop all wars,” he explains, but “we have put a stop to nuclear devices being used to start a Third World War.” (22) He continues:

UFO mothership 333

Says who

“We have prevented a Third World War, destruction of the Earth, and plagues and diseases of proportions that would have decimated your population. That has been in accordance with our responsibilities to ensure that you safely reach the point of Ascension, and that the opportunity to ascend is not denied you.” (23)

Matthew is emphatic in his statement that “there will be NO nuclear war and NO one on Earth can start a war in space.” (24)

Given the impact on Gaia, us, and residents of space unknown to us, and given their stated mission to assist Earth and its inhabitants to rise in consciousness at the end of this cycle – a time which is presently upon us – the galactics serve us all by seeing that the cabal’s use of nuclear weapons is not allowed, that no nuclear war can take place on Earth, and that souls in space are also not harmed by them.

This is yet another way that the extraterrestrials have saved the world.

(Continued from Part 6.)


(1) “Depopulation by any means is an Illuminati goal.” (Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008, at “There is truth in the claims that the dark Ones have always planned to drastically reduce the population numbers, but they have been severely set back through our actions.” (SaLuSa, Sept. 11, 2009, at See also “There will be No Nuclear War with Iran,”

(2) “You have had to deal with several major incidents in this century already. Each one such as 9/11 was meant to induce fear, based on false claims that you were under a terrorist attack. Consequently the reasons were found to exercise even greater controls over you than any previous occasion.” (SaLuSa, April 7, 2010.) “Since 9/11 the people have recognized the truth behind it, and also that a number of other events that have fuelled the threat of terrorism, are not what they seem. Consequently there is less faith in the pronouncements of government officials, and we see discretion practiced as necessary to avoid being misled. However, the day will come within your time when you will honor and trust those appointed to lead, and know that they are honest and true.” (SaLuSa, Feb. 1, 2010.) See also the essays under “9/11 and Other False-Flag Operations, at especially “What War on Terror?” at

(3) See, for instance, “Ed Komarek’s Round-up on ET and UFO Topics,” at ; “Ed Komarek: The Tenth Fleet and Disclosure,” at;”Andrew Basiago at the Free Your Mind Conference,” at; “Corroboration of Earth’s Quarantine,” at


(5) “Robert Jacobs” at

(6) Matthew’s Message, 24 Sept. 2008.

(7) Matthew’s Message, March 13, 2005.

(8) The Arcturian Group, Oct. 7, 2012, at

(9) Atmos, Dec. 17, 2008, at

(10) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 5, 2005.

(11) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 8, 2004.

(12) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 8, 2004.

(13) “Message from the Arcturians – Point of Perception, Part 2,” by Suzanne Lie, Dec. 24, 2012, at

(14) Loc. Cit.

(15) Ashtar through Michael Ellegion, Dec. 22, 2007, via Mark Huber post, 29 Oct. 2008.

(16) Cdr. Adamu, Sept. 29, 2008, through Zingdad, at yde2bpn

(17) SaLuSa, Sept. 21, 2012.

(18) SaLuSa, Aug. 6, 2012.

(19) SaLuSa, Dec. 8, 2008.

(20) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2012.

(21) The Arcturian Group, Oct. 7, 2012.

(22) SaLuSa, Jan. 25, 2013.

(23) SaLuSa, May 25, 2011.

(24) Matthew’s Message, May 21, 2008.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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