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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/8/2013 9:39:33 PM

SaLuSa: March 8, 2013

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/8/2013 9:40:40 PM

Jesus: Love and Compassion That Never Runs Out

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150Jesus: Love and Compassion That Never Runs Out

As channeled by John Smallman – March 8, 2013

John’s reading of today’s post can be heard here:

Humanity’s homeward journey is almost complete. It has been long, with many diversions that have distracted you, but finally the end is in sight.

You may find that hard to believe as you take note of all the conflict and disharmony across the world, but I assure you that the power of our Father’s Love, flowing freely and abundantly through the energy fields of every single human presently experiencing life on the Earth plane, is irresistible and invincible.

Love conquers all in its path, always. Focus your attention on that supreme truth, make it your only point of reference as you go about your daily lives, and intend to discard any aspects of yourselves that are not in alignment with this divine truth, while you continue to be the wayshowers and Light-bearers that are leading your sisters and brothers, all of humanity, home to Reality.

After all, that is why you chose to be on Earth at this crucial moment, as humanity’s spiritual evolution takes an enormous and irreversible step that brings you far closer to the Source of all being, God, than you can possibly imagine, even in your wildest dreams. God’s Love for His creation is boundless, and He wants all to share in the joy of that boundlessness.

Your task is to love all unconditionally. This does not entail ignoring or accepting the damaging behavior of those who are not in alignment with our Father’s divine field of Love — the energy field in which all sentient life has its existence — but it does require you to offer them your love and compassion, at all times. Never forget that those whose behavior is not in alignment with Love are themselves very severely damaged, and until they experience love and acceptance they will continue to behave very frequently in unloving ways. It is the only way they know.

What you know you believe, and what you believe you teach by demonstration. You know Love, and that is what you must demonstrate and teach. It is really very simple, but it can be extremely difficult in practice. Know that your guides, your angels, all in the spiritual realms are constantly supporting you as you intend to work constantly at moving yourselves and your individual energy fields evermore into alignment with the energy of God’s Love. As you do this — and you are all doing this — the strength of this divine field increases in effectiveness all across the world. Even the most hard-hearted, bitter, resentful, and angry individuals are being influenced by this all pervasive and loving energy that is enveloping the Earth.

Yes, many of them are resisting it because they do not trust it. Their ability to trust has been very badly damaged, if not almost totally obliterated, by the experiences they have undergone while embodied as humans, and the only way to repair that damage is by love and compassion that never runs out. It may seem to you that the task demanded of you is insuperable when you observe the pain and suffering that those severely damaged ones continue to inflict upon those over whom they have power and control.

Do not be disheartened by the behavior of those damaged ones; instead, re-intensify your intent to be indiscriminately loving. Strengthen that intent by reminding yourselves of how unhappy you felt when you were treated unfairly and unlovingly, and know that what you experienced was probably nowhere near as destructive and shaming as that of those misguided ones you see behaving so unregenerately and without any regard for the suffering they are causing.

Mistreatment, betrayal, punishment, and torture – which you all know are being perpetrated on many across the world in unconscionable circumstances – cannot be brought to an end by treating those responsible in the same fashion. It only further hardens their hearts and strengthens their belief that no one can be trusted. Obviously they must be prevented from continuing their activities, but the main task that lies ahead of humanity in this regard is to heal the perpetrators of this unconscionable behavior, otherwise the cycle is re-enforced and becomes never-ending, as it seems to have been throughout human history.

As you have been told many times, and it cannot be repeated frequently enough, Love is the answer – to every problem. It is the only answer. Healing occurs when only love and compassion are offered. You are all divinely loved in every moment, and your task remains that of sharing that love indiscriminately. Do not focus with anger and bitterness on the suffering that the unawakened and severely damaged ones continue to inflict on others, instead remember that by holding only to love, and sharing it, you are sharing in the triumph of Love over fear, over suffering, over pain, and over the illusion.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/8/2013 9:41:42 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: You Are Far More Powerful and Wise Than You Dare to Give Yourselves Credit For

ron head 1Archangel Michael via Ron Head: You Are Far More Powerful and Wise Than You Dare to Give Yourselves Credit For

As channeled by Ron Head – March 7, 2013

We would speak at this time of the changes which are occurring to your earthly home and which are largely being ignored by your media and by your governments.

The information is reaching you, however. Not all of it, but quite a lot. You are seeing daily reports of earthquakes, volcanoes, sinkholes, floods, and storms. It is true that some things were intensified, if not created by human interference. This is not so much the case now, as those things are quite costly and did not seem to have the effects that were desired.

Still, there are two points that we wish to make this day. This basic message we would give is not different to what has been given through many other channels before, but we would stress these two points as they have not seemed to reach even those who do report these things to you.

First, the things which are happening are very necessary for Earth herself as she transforms into the beautiful being she will be and creates beautiful life where her children have created death and ugliness. She is doing these things in ways and in places which are not causing massive loss of life and property. Life is precious to her. Your peace of mind and spirit are, as well. We think you can understand that concrete, steel, and business is not so much valued, but it does tend to exist where you are.

Each of these natural events are releasing pressures which must be released. If they were to be released in fewer or other places, a great deal of harm would be done.

We now arrive at our second point. We would wish that you, as you read and watch these things, and we ask it of you since those reporting seem to still be going for the shock value, remember to thank Earth and your Creator for causing this to happen in the manner that it is. Hold gratitude in your hearts that no one or very, very few were harmed. And celebrate the progress that is being made. In this way you can help this trend to continue. With fear and worry… well we have taught you enough about the effects of fear and worry, have we not?

We would ask you also to extend this thinking to the other types of change which are under way, the political, economic, and social changes. Change of this nature will likely have some less than pretty effects. But it is happening. You are doing it. And please try to have the wisdom to see your own wisdom as you create it in something less than an overnight debacle.

Think now of the wall which was toppled years ago in Europe. No one saw it coming. It happened in a day. Yet, you now understand that small and unnoticed changes brought it about over a period of time, and did so without great loss of life.

You, dear ones, are far more powerful and wise than you dare to give yourselves credit for. In this regard, we make one further recommendation. Dare to do so. When you realize this about yourselves, you will change things in ways you cannot imagine.

This is enough for now, we think. Go in peace and we will speak again soon.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/9/2013 10:46:05 AM

New Medical Techniques Save Organs

surgeonsNew Trend: Cancer-Ravaged Organs Being Saved Not Removed

By Shobha John, Times of India Science – March 6, 2013

NEW DELHI: In a heartening trend, doctors are now saving cancer-ravaged organs through innovative methods instead of removing them completely to ensure patients have a better quality of life.

So even though health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad recently said in the Rajya Sabha that India is set to see a steady rise in cancer cases, doctors are gifting almost normal organs back to their patients. The organs thus salvaged range from breast, liver, larynx, eyes, bone, voice box and rectum.

“The trend now is to leave the afflicted organ in the body without compromising treatment,” says Dr S V S Deo, associate professor, surgical oncology at AIIMS. “So, in the early stages of breast cancer now, we remove the tumour only, along with some side tissue, leaving the breast intact. We then do breast reconstruction. Earlier, we would remove the breast and lymph glands nearby.”

The biggest beneficiary of preserving organs is the liver which has a tremendous regenerative capacity. Even if only 25% of the liver is healthy, it can be made whole through a new procedure called ALPPS (Associated Liver Partition and Portal vein ligation for Staged hepatectomy).

This is done in advanced stages of cancer where even a transplant won’t help, says Chennai-based Dr Mohamed Rela, a top liver transplant surgeon. “First, the liver and the portal vein supplying blood to it are divided into two. One part of the vein goes to the damaged part and the other to the healthy part. The former is tied up and gradually shrinks in size, while the other rapidly grows in size.

After two weeks, the abnormal liver is removed,” says Rela. The cost: Rs 10 lakh approx for ALPPS and Rs 20 lakh for a transplant.

For Kota-based Poonam, 57, ALPPS was a life-saver. “I used to have severe stomach pain and rapid loss of weight and was diagnosed with gall and liver cancer. I got ALPPS done in Bangalore. Now I can eat everything and my weight is normal,” she says.

Similarly, in colorectal cancers, earlier, the rectum, sphincter mechanism (responsible for bowel movement) and the anus would be removed, making waste matter go out through an abdominal passage. This severely restricted the life of patients.

“Today, the tumour in the rectum is shrunk through chemotherapy and radiation. Then the colon is joined to the anus keeping the sphincter mechanism intact,” says Dr Basant Mahadevappa, hepatobiliary surgeon at HCG Cancer Hospital, Bangalore.

In the case of bone cancers earlier amputations used to be done. Today, tumours are shrunk through localized chemotherapy and the bone saved. In voice box cancers, too, the organ would be removed, making the patient speechless. Now, the voice box is preserved using laser, making the patient sound almost normal, says Deo.

Despite scepticism about whether these methods would completely eliminate cancer, many patients are opting to keep their organs intact, giving them a new lease of life.

A stitch in time…

Percentage of a cancerous organ which can be preserved in the early stages

Liver: 100

Bones: 60

Breast: 50

Eyes: 60

Larynx: 60

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/9/2013 10:56:44 AM

Canadian Government No Longer Investigating UFOs

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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