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2/25/2020 8:52:10 PM

Humanity has everything it needs to put an end to the conflicts and poverty that so many are enduring.

Galactic Free Press's picture

We are all watching with delight from here in the spiritual realms as humanity races towards its awakening! You are definitely moving along very rapidly towards that wonderful event, when shock and delighted amazement will fill your hearts with joy, as you realize that you have arrived! The journey has been long, and at times extremely stressful and painful, in fact, as stuff is now arising for nearly everybody to be acknowledged and released, you cannot fail to be aware that there is an enormous amount of needless suffering still being endured by millions of people all across the planet. This will cease.

Humanity has everything it needs to put an end to the conflicts and poverty that so many are enduring, and to the extreme suffering to which that inevitably leads. Right now many loving ones are doing wonderful work to put into effect the necessary measures that will bring this about. However, you do not hear about the wonderful things that are happening unless you go looking for uplifting and inspirational information about the planet-wide locally occurring efforts that are dealing daily and increasingly effectively with these major issues that affect so many. The mainstream media looks for drama to report on. Good works and progress to relieve human suffering are “not newsworthy,” and so are not widely promulgated. But they should be, because news of this nature inspires and uplifts everyone. And in these times of worldwide change and confusion, inspiration and upliftment are very positive ways to encourage and strengthen the hope that has brought humanity forward to this most powerful moment of its spiritual evolution, a moment of incredible opportunity for all on Earth.

There is no way now that you can retreat from this point, to once again embrace the ignorant and egotistical attitudes and behaviors that have for eons been endemic, as disagreements between individuals and nations have led to an endless series of conflicts that no one could win. Finally, the miracle of Love, which is Reality, has been recognized for what It is – your true and eternal nature which connects you inseparably to Source. Yes, you and Source are not separate beings, you never have been separated because you are One. There is only Source within which all that has ever been or will ever be created is eternally held in an infinitely loving embrace, an embrace of infinite tenderness that allows and encourages infinite freedom in which to unconditionally love all that has been created.

Creation is an endless expression of divine Love, forever further expressing Itself in joy and harmony, as all of creation cooperates in bringing into being ever more wonders to delight Source and all sentient life forms – life forms far more numerous than can possibly be imagined or conceived of by any being that is living a limited life in form. The infinite abundance of joy that is your awakened state, a state thousands of magnitudes beyond your ability to conceive of, awaits you. Therefore, celebrate magnificently and expectantly as the last few moments of pain and suffering dissolve and the veils concealing Reality from you fray, become threadbare, and disintegrate. Pain and suffering are of the illusion and only exist as long as you choose to experience them; and that choice has been the collective choice of humanity for eons. Now the realization is dawning on the collective that it can choose to end these traumatic experiences by allowing Love to fill all your hearts and flow through you all as you exchange these experiences for ones that will bring you endless joy.

You are all infinitely loved, and have been since the moment of your creation, and as you are all One – One with Source – when you allow and invite Love into your hearts all that has caused you suffering – judgment, condemnation, bitterness, resentment, and hatred – will be gone, because it was always unreal i.e. never present within the field of Love in which all of creation has its eternal existence.

To awaken is to know Love, to know Yourselves as One with God; and in that knowing All isknown, and nothing is hidden, unavailable, inaccessible, or locked away out of sight. All that you could ever desire is instantly available, while you also know that you want for nothing because you have everything, it was given to you at the moment of your creation because God so loves you. And knowing His Love for you makes it impossible for you to love yourselves in any manner or way that is in the slightest bit less loving than His eternal, unconditional, and utterly complete and fulfilling Love for you.

The accelerated spiritual evolution that humanity has been experiencing over the last three or four decades has been the essential precursor to your awakening. Those of you reading or listening to this are well aware that there has been a great increase recently in peoples’ interest in spirituality, it is a truly global phenomenon, although as a percentage of the world population it is quite small. However, despite this small percentage its effect has been and continues to be enormous. The tipping point has been passed, and the numbers becoming aware that your true identity is far more than you can ever experience when limited by your human forms is growing rapidly, as awareness of your innate wisdom – your intuition – grows and as people are ever more clearly coming to understand that they are and need to be responsible for all their thoughts, words, and actions.

As a consequence they now see clearly that the majority of those in positions of authority, in whatever kind of administrative body or agency, care mainly for their own personal interests. Some of them initially had good intentions when they found themselves placed in positions that gave them authority over others, and even thought that they could help those others have better lives by controlling and directing them. But, for most, the power with which positions of authority seem to provide them becomes addictive and demanding, as their egos become intoxicated with it.

You now have many areas in which confusion and chaos appear to be endemic as people make their voices heard as they strive to bring to the attention of those in authority their intense concern over the incompetent and self-serving manner in which that authority is being exercised. The old authoritarian regimes are collapsing as those who were its masters find themselves in strong disagreement with each other, and thus find themselves completely unable to reach a consensus on how to maintain these outdated systems who’s time is past.

Now, as so many in the spiritual or immaterial realms keep reminding you, essential changes are occurring worldwide that will forever change the way life is lived on Earth because, moving forward, all will be treated with the loving respect and honor due to them as the divine children of God. You are each becoming aware of your own divine nature and of the divine nature of all others, and this awareness is what is driving humanity so rapidly and positively towards awakening. Signs are visible everywhere if you choose to look. So be cheerful and positive as you go about your daily lives, offer loving kindness to all with whom you interact, and take delight in receiving in abundance what you yourselves are offering so generously.

Love is your nature, and once you realize this you can offer nothing less than this to all others. And doing simply that is what it means to be awake.

With so very much love, Saul.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/25/2020 10:24:31 PM

A Gift

Galactic Free Press's picture

Each person you come in contact with has a gift for you. Graciously receive it with love, admiration, respect and joy. If you have to ask what that gift is, you need to look more closely. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/25/2020 11:39:49 PM

Create Your Version of the Shift in Consciousness ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

create your version of the shift in consciousness - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in the way that you all seek to experience the shift in consciousness. We are more interested in the type of shift that you want to create than we are in what your beliefs are about the completion of the shift to the fifth dimension. We know that you have heard stories about the shift, different versions of what will happen, what might happen, and what could happen, but we always seek to empower all of you. And so, we are much more interested in what we see you creating and in what we know you truly desire in regards to ascension.

Remember that you are fourth dimensional beings now. You are not there to simply live out a preordained set of circumstances. Your blueprints are gone. It is time for you all to go back to the drawing board so to speak, and create the version of the shift that you would like to see.

All that you put into the human collective consciousness will then affect what others are desiring about the shift, because you are all linked. Many of you wonder what you can do, how you can contribute to humanity and the evolution of the human collective consciousness. Putting your unique version of the shift into the collective consciousness certainly is a contribution and a valuable one.

Please do not believe for a second that you are just one person and that your energy, vibration, and intention is not enough to change what will happen. We know that you are all going to shift in one way or another. No one is doomed. No one is stuck. Those of you who are awake will find a way to become fifth dimensional because you have been desiring that shift in consciousness for long enough.

You get to decide. You get to create timelines, realities, versions of the future that appeal to you most as an individual. And the more inclusive you are of your fellow humans in your version of the shift, the more power there is behind that desire of yours. Dream big. Dream often. And know that nothing is set in stone. There is no one inevitable future. So again, tear up those blueprints, and make today the day that you start fresh with your beautiful and imaginative, creative minds.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/26/2020 1:11:51 AM

Jennifer Crokaert

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Divine Mother: The speed of your journey will amaze you

You were never meant to survive. You were never meant to suffer, to feel weighed down and over loaded. You are created in the image and likeness of the Divine. You are of the Divine. It is not an extract, it is your essence, your very beingness.

In this period of external turbulence, I invite you to notice the ‘fizz’ within. Yes, things are changing, but equally importantly, you are changing too. Your veils are falling and your divine essence is becoming clear for you to see.

There is enormous energy for positive change in the air at present. Seize it! Own it! It’s yours. It’s a gift to you, it is the life force required for you to come into alignment with the transformations within you. It is the energy you require to make the changes you feel popping up inside.

New thoughts, new homes, new careers, new lives. All this is the zeitgeist of this age, these years. You have done your service and you are being offered promotions, relocations, new adventures, new expansions.

Let go of your worries and concerns. This age has been planned meticulously, in the face of innumerable, seemingly insurmountable odds.

Do you think that your precious life, your generous efforts for the light were not considered in that equation? Of course they are. You are more precious, more highly regarded than you can ever conceive.

The new ideas bubbling within you are the clues to your new life, your new promotion. Follow them! See where they lead you. Not running wild, but embracing that which you know to be true, even if it feels like a bigger step than had thought you could take.

As everything is being shaken up, there is new space, new opportunities, new magic to be had. This is the beginning of the long promised golden age. It will grow, deepen and evolve.

Your world and your lives will change beyond all recognition and in a remarkably short period of time. In five years, looking back to the You of Now, you will be amazed at the speed of the journey.

My beloveds, seize your moments! Open up to the embrace of change. Step into the unknown with the confidence that if you can co-create the Golden Age, you can co-create anything you can dream.

With so very much love,
Your mother

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/26/2020 8:27:19 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/25/2020

will's picture

You would be surprised also that there is a special door only for you and for nobody else. That's God's love for you, his respect for you. You will be received through a special door, not through the public gate; you will be received as a special guest.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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