I’ve tried multiple times to get this article written over the past two weeks but it just wasn’t happening. It felt like there was more February 2020 living and Embodying that had to happen first. I’m not saying this is fully completed now because it doesn’t feel like it is yet.
February 2020 produced some NEW mandatory process which to me was akin to traversing adivine asteroid field that I had to make my way through. I call this particular Embodiment Process phase a divine asteroid field because it felt like being energetically hit repeatedly and rapidly all month. I kept seeing a mind’s eye symbolic vision of my body in an asteroid field out in deep space and every impact from one of the “asteroids” literally caused a large chip, break off and removal of another exterior piece of my physical body and lifelong memories and old identity. Every asteroid impact caused a bit more of my entire life and memories to suddenly be highlighted for an expanded review from this higher perspective and current phase of the Embodiment Process. Knowing more–greater “clarity”–often isn’t easy and this months journey through this metaphoric divine asteroid field was at times difficult, very emotionally impactful, physically painful but entirely insightful.
The way that was written makes it sound rather linear and singular when it was not that at all. Nothing of the Ascension Process and Embodiment Process is singular and linear so here comes the other simultaneous aspects of my journey through this February divine asteroid field.
With every asteroid impact, more of the old me with my lifelong memories and emotions connected with them were broken open. (Good gawd I thought they were many years ago!) This part had to do with expanded levels of opening and reviewing myself and my life as an ascension Volunteer and consciously knowing more about all that as a whole. Think of this like what we’re able to see, perceive and understand on one level compared to what we’re able to at fifty higher levels. The events didn’t change, they just expanded greatly, revealing a much larger field of my entire life.
Every divine asteroid impact opened me more which forced me to know more, see more, understand more about myself as a Volunteer in this Denise lifetime. While that was going on another thing was too. The repeated actions of the asteroids hitting my body caused greater openings which in turn caused expanded awareness about myself and this life, good, bad and everything in-between. These impacts and revelations were simultaneously accompanied by repeated Embodiment of more of my Higher Self, Selves, Soul, Divine Source. This entire thing was about more of the old lower being revealed, known in expanded ways, mourned, loved and respected while greater alignment Embodiment happened with my Higher Self, Selves, Soul and Divine Source and Denise and her physical body. More was removed and known from a much larger perspective from each asteroid impact which simultaneously caused more Higher to be Embodied. What I found the most interesting about this whole February process, so far, was the seeming duality or two-fold nature of the one singular event. I was pummeled all of February by these divine asteroids to further break apart my old lower self and memories while simultaneously being pummeled by more incoming Higher Self, Selves, Soul and Divine Source being Embodied energetically, emotionally and physically.
It was very energetically Alchemical. I cannot think at this moment of a better way to describe this phase of my personal Embodiment Process. I know the Embodiment Process is for each person whose chosen to live it during the Ascension Process, a profoundly personal and extraordinarily unique, divine process. You may not benefit from a metaphorical journey through a divine asteroid field, but I did. I may never experience exactly what you have, are or will be in the near future. This too is as unique as each of us are so don’t ever compare your process to mine or anyone else’s. Just as we are all unique individuated aspects of Divine Source, so too is our Embodiment Process. LOVE is Creativity and the Embodiment Process is a very big and important part of that for each of us and Source LOVE and the Creativity involved with NEW Earth and NEW Humanity.
Don’t expect March 2020, or any month or minute of this year to be calm, peaceful or anything like Phase 1 of the Ascension Process because it will not be. That’s not where we’re at now in Phase 2. Again, don’t hate the messenger please, but every minute of 2020 is going to be packed full of non-linear, quantum NEW energies, events, awareness, side effects, chaos and nonstop change both internally and externally, personally and collectively. We’re there this year in all ways and levels. And in case some of you are rolling your eyes and thinking the same thing I still occasionally think which is, I can’t do this anymore!!!, know that you and I most certainly can, are and will continue to. And here’s the great news about that, it’s going to be much easier and faster now in Phase 2. Notice I didn’t say the same as Phase 1. How has your January and February 2020 gone so far? Has it been different in many ways from Phase 1? Don’t expect this to slow down because it won’t. The most “slow down” I’ve experienced so far in 2020 is a few hours in one day out of about seven to ten days. And I’m grateful for them and hustle like crazy to get certain physical things done during those brief periods. I know and you know the divinepummeling will return soon in one form or another so we do what we can when we can both physically and energetically.