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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/26/2020 9:12:19 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday January 26, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

The path of ease is the mindful use of your focus and energy. It is paying attention to what you are pushing against or resisting and then choosing to withdraw that focus and redirect it with curiosity towards where the unfoldment is trying to take you. It is moving yourself out of resistance to your circumstances or yourself into the acceptance of what is being energetically supported, which is always right for you. It is choosing the flow, over and again, understanding it is always loving and guiding you in your continual forward movement and discovery of your highest expression of self. It is choosing to accept and experience yourself as one with Source. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/26/2020 9:15:11 PM

GaiaPortal 1-25-20.. “Fellerites of Light combine with the Oxygens to enhance the Hue-being expansion”

This came out recently. Not going to write much about it here, but could the “Highlands” refer to Scotland? Or perhaps the “Higher” vibrations?


Fellerites of Light combine with the Oxygens to enhance the Hue-being expansion.

Fellerites of Light combine with the Oxygens to enhance the Hue-being expansion.

Stoic Presences support the changes.

Foremen of the Highlands lead the way.

Gaia Feminines enwomb the awakening.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/26/2020 11:10:09 PM

The Peace Maker by Archangel Uriel

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Natalie Glasson

Angelic vibrations and sounds, I, Archangel Uriel, bring forth to embrace you. Please know the Angelic Kingdom is present to support, love and inspire you. Whenever you wish the Angelic Kingdom will act as a foundation encouraging you to discover and journey into the powerful selfless love of your being. When you feel you cannot love yourself, call upon the Angelic Kingdom to be your foundation of love, until you can connect with your inner well of love again. When you feel it is impossible to love another person or even the world around you, call upon the Angelic Kingdom to be your foundation of love until you can find the expression of love within you once more. You don’t always have to act and react in loving ways. Knowing when you are not connecting with the love of your being, your core, is the key. This may be due to feeling hurt, judging yourself or another, being fearful or another reason. Demonstrating your spiritual mastery is to recognise when you are not coming from love and to make a change, such as calling upon the Angelic Kingdom to be your foundation of love, thus leading you back to the loving truth of your being. Please know you have my/our support eternally.

As I, Archangel Uriel, greet you, I bring forth the Angelic vibrations of peace. We are existing in an era of light magnification because of the 2020 Blaze of Light which continues to powerfully journey throughout the Earth and the Universe of the Creator. As light magnifies light so numerous creations reveal themselves. The presence of peace is building within the light which offers every person a powerful opportunity to fully awaken and activate their embodiment of peace. A journey and exploration into the presence of and creation of peace is available within your being now. Thus, powerfully impacting the ascension process of all, weaving peace into each person’s spiritual awakening. Peace is needed in each person’s creations, whether these creations are for themselves or the world. when peace is present you allow your entire being to vibrate at a different frequency. This frequency is akin to an alarm or magnet that not only draws into your being the greater presence of the Creator, it also further awakens your awareness of the Creator within you.

The awakening of peace creates a new vibration, a new awakening, and a new reality. Are you ready to explore and embrace the presence of peace within you?

In order to connect with the presence of peace within you, there is a need for contemplation and inner focus/reflection. Your connection and embodiment of peace is a journey of discovery. You can talk about peace, you can focus on generating peace within you or even ask us, the Angelic Kingdom, to support you in experiencing peace. However, you will not truly connect with your own inner peace until you realise your inner peace is a constant journey and voyage of discovery. This is a process of seeking and realising yourself as new levels of peace; recognising peace in everything you are and do. While also realising that peace is not the same in each situation or person. Therefore, peace requires your inspection with a focus on synthesis. I, Archangel Uriel, wish to share with you some questions, which I invite you to ask within, in order to encourage and further inspire your journey with your inner presence of peace.

  • What is the presence of peace and how do I experience it?
  • When do I currently experience the blossoming of peace from within my being? What am I doing when I experience peace?
  • Where do I currently create and experience peace in my life/outer reality?

With each question and inner reflection, I, Archangel Uriel, invite you to recognise the vibration of peace, its impact and how it serves you.

Peace is a powerful tool of creation.

When you hold the focus and intention to create and manifest peace, you are dancing in harmony with the vibration and sounds of creation. You become the Creator’s energy of creation; an anchor and designer inspired by the Creator. Creation flows through you, meaning anything is possible and can be manifested. The vibration of peace empowers your abilities to create the reality you wish to experience; this is due to a deepening clarity in your mind and a connection with the truth of your being. If peace is a powerful tool of empowering your creation abilities, there is a need to recognise that creating more peace in your life will empower your ability to create and manifest your dreams. Therefore, I, Archangel Uriel, invite you to ask within in order to encourage and further inspire your journey of creation with the presence of peace.

  • Where is the creation or blossoming of peace required within my inner being/inner world?
  • Where is the creation or blossoming of peace required in my outer world/reality?

These questions invite you to recognise where you can plant seeds of peace within your being and life. Remember you are the creator of peace; you cultivate and inspire it for yourself and others. You are being encouraged to recognise peace as a creative force within your being and reality.

Peace is to be at one with all.

When you are the embodiment and creation of peace you experience a beautiful harmony as if you are in sync with everything within and around you. This harmonious synthesis empowers your creative abilities. Peace and life become a dance of unity with the Creator, recognising the presence of the Creator in everything within and around you. Thus, you wield the power of the Creator, bringing thought and energy into fruition. In order for this to become your reality, there is a need to make peace with yourself and the world around you, including your own creations, which means your past. To make peace is to create peace. In order for peace to be created forgiveness, acceptance or trust/gratitude is needed. You may discover that other qualities or energies are needed, although, it is often the three mentioned which aid the manifestation and blossoming of peace. I, Archangel Uriel, invite you to ask of yourself the following questions to further your journey with peace.

  • What would be beneficial to make peace with within my being?
  • What would be beneficial to make peace with within my reality, outer world, past, and creations?

Peace is the recognition of fusion with and as the Creator.

One of the most powerful and transformational questions you can ask yourself is:

  • Am I ready to make peace with the Creator?

This implies that there is a need within you to forgive, accept or trust the Creator. Many people may feel that this is simply not necessary for them as their deepest desire is to be as one with the Creator. In many ways it is not your connection with the Creator which requires healing, it is your connection with yourself as a reflection of the Creator. Such healing can create shifts at the very core of your being which impacts your entire existence and reality. Often there is no need to know or understand the details of what requires forgiveness, acceptance or trust in regard to the Creator. Simply stating you are ready to make peace with the Creator and holding this focus can create a powerful awakening within you. Allow yourself to follow that awakening if it occurs as it will lead you into a space of peace deeper than you may have previously experienced.

You are the Peace Maker; the creator of peace for yourself, all and ascension. It is the time!

With Angelic love and peace,

Archangel Uriel

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/26/2020 11:36:59 PM

A Message to Lightworkers – January 24, 2020
by Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

Many are suffering now—from financial hardship, environmental shifts and disasters, cultural or social trends, armed conflict, illness or the stresses of evolvement, family issues, old trauma coming up to be healed.

More than we can mention here.

And so our writer has asked us to address the inner pressures so many are experiencing now, and what support is available, which anyone can call upon if they choose.

And we would say, please be aware to begin with, that you did not come here alone.

You are at any time, and especially when you call upon them, buoyed up by your soul family and twin flame, who understand your journey intimately, are not shocked or judgmental about any of it, and who stand at the ready, willing and wanting to assist however they can.

You likewise have a beautiful team of Angelic guardians, spirit guides, and higher self whose whole reason for being connected to this Earth (as opposed to be entirely taken up with other realms) is your life experiences, your well-being, your mental/emotional state, your progress as a Light Being in an Earth body.

If you would only know how powerfully loved you are, you would cease to judge the circumstances of your life as not enough, or not Joyful, or not acceptable.

You would instead wait patiently for the beautiful gift that lay beneath each moment, each interaction, each circumstance, without requiring that it show up immediately or in obvious ways.

You would in fact, go through your day believing and knowing that at every moment, some beautiful unseen Light Being you have called in was working on opening your crown chakra, or healing a physical ailment or your heart-space—

All to assure you not only that you are being attended to by the finest healers in the Universe (though the shape and size of some would surprise you a bit), but that your own higher self has called in and sanctioned that healing.

And on those days in which you feel that not enough money, or wisdom, or physical healing, or loved ones were flowing into your life in perfect ways, you would sit quietly with that feeling and allow the unhealed aspect of your psyche to come before you, revealing itself perhaps in symbolic form, before understanding that symbolism is everywhere in your life.

That if the well appears to be dry in some area of your experience (or your country, or the world), it is because the flow of energies are too congested and blocked there to assist in an Abundance of whatever you feel is missing.

Or because you are missing the point of the hidden blessings contained in what appears to be a disaster, a lack, an illness, or an error.

Can you sit and Allow, friends, when your life calls you to do so?

Can you quiet the ego long enough that it stops taxing you, or ruining your day and how you feel about life?

Could you, if you had to, find some way to shift your focus from something uncomfortable to something which gives you Joy, or at least prompts a smile for a moment–

Thereby giving your higher self the breathing room they need to present a higher view of the situation?

Could you rest or meditate or just concentrate on your breathing for a full 60 seconds, or (in private) do some tapping on the meridian points, to move your assessment of “I haven’t got the inner resources to deal with this” to “I am moving through this with grace, calm, and Peacefulness.”

“I bet you can!” is what a dear Light Bringer who spoke to children on a long-running television series used to say, and we are betting that you can as well.

We are betting that you are capable of moving up the vibrational scale from despair or rage, or grief or fear, to a place of neutrality, where you look at an issue without passing judgments such as, “I can’t believe this—I feel like the Universe has abandoned me,” or “No matter what I do, this issue just won’t budge.”

Photo by Lynne Newman

Then we would say, Stop pushing. Rest for a moment in calm and quiet.

It is not that we do not understand the quandary of being a Light Bringer in this era, and yet still having a rough life some days, or many days.

People will often ask our writer, “How is that I am a spiritually aware, compassionate person, and there are people out there who don’t know their soul from their boot, and they’re doing great financially (or have no health issues, or have a great life partner, etc.), while I sit here in the mud?”

And we would say, the two are not related.

If you were to wear a green shirt one day, and saw your friend had an orange one on, you wouldn’t demand to know why they weren’t wearing green as you were.

You would grant that they had their own taste and their own preferences, and that what they wore had little or nothing to do with what you wear.

In the same way—to each their own path, their own experiences, and crucially, their own vibration.

Your friend who is not yet awake will not have had the same depth of challenges that you have in some areas, just as you will not suffer as they have, in other areas.

It is well-known that many who have a higher dimensional view of life have challenges that they find vexing and hard to accept, as if they ought to be above all struggles—ought to sail through them with ease because, well, “I understand more about how the Universe works than the unawakened among us.”

Yet that is amusing, when they think about it.

You did not come here to witness less, or to learn less, or to deal with less, due to the evolvement you have achieved!

The 20-year-old does not ask why the kindergartner is having such an easy time of it, coloring and having story time, while the older student struggles with the work day or college-level calculus.

It is understood that all learn at the level at which they are ready to learn, except for a few very fast learners, one might say.

Photo by Jennifer Scalia

And so you wrote into your life chart certain areas of life that would not come easily to you—themes, in fact—because you were curious to know how you would show up under those circumstances.

Curious to know what new Light you could anchor in those issues, and how you would use them to gain greater wisdom and soul knowledge in your Ascension journey.

We could in fact say to you, “You are not having an easy time of it right now, because the current energies coming to the Earth plane are unearthing unresolved trauma from this and other lives.

“And because you are anchoring Light in places and in situations where there is great resistance to your Light.”

And you might understandably reply, “You don’t understand the issue! I happen tolove Abundance (or good health, or family life, or fulfilling work)—it is written into my spirit as part of what I rejoice in, yet it eludes me!

“What spiritual point am I missing here? Because my life isn’t working outwardly as I’d like.”

And we would say, “Nothing is amiss. You are simply experiencing the negative of what you desire.

“That is a part of knowing, understanding, and appreciating what you desire.

“It is the path to loving something (or someone), whether or not that has shown up in your life yet.

“That is a skill you possess in the higher realms, and now you are anchoring it into Earth life.”

You have had the experience of someone liking or approving of you, so long as you are in a happy mood.

The moment you are in a tough spot, and feeling sad or upset about life, they express their disappointment.

You will recognize this as a highly conditional form of Love that is not really Love, but a matter of social approval or ego preference.

Whatever occurs, you are still at the helm, dear ones, because you have the choice of how you will feel about a difficult situation, person, or moment.

Once you cease to judge what you are experiencing as bad, difficult, or too much to ask, you move forward in leaps and bounds.

We cannot begin to describe the level of empowerment that enters your life, the moment you release your unhappiness about things not occurring as you would like.

In that moment you rise above circumstance, as a warrior turning the battle around in their favor when it is least expected.

In that moment, you rise above your own emotional ruts and patterns, your mind’s insistence on labels and categories.

You mark a new pattern, a new pace and property for yourself, in deciding that not only is there nothing amiss, but All Is Well on every front.

This need not be logical to the mind in order to be powerfully effective in assisting you in creating what you desire—and knowing Peace even before then.

“I don’t think I can fake that,” you may be thinking.

Simply hold the idea in your mind—the image, the idea of not judging, of quietly accepting this less-than-happy situation without struggle or resistance, fear or anxiety.

Image yourself being OK with it, rather than disapproving of it, concluding you have failed, or asking “Why?”

Hold that image of self-sufficiency—not allowing appearances in the physical to determine your outlook—hold it for 10 seconds or longer, and you will have won a great battle, friend.

And who is this older, wiser self who is not rattled by life’s letdowns, sharp turns, and even tragedies, for very long?

This independent spirit who lets things go—who calmly watches Annoyance or Disappointment float down the stream and dissolve as quickly as it came?

It is the self you are now, and that is why the heaviness of what you feel in the present moment is so unacceptable to you.

You will need to Love yourself through this time of healing ancient wounds, and you will need to allow all your aspects—the Angel, the Warrior, the Healer, the Storyteller—to allow all your various roles as a Light Bringer—to arise as needed to meet every challenge.

Your flexibility, your capability to meet every situation in ways that resonateabove that situation, is astounding, dear ones.

“All Things Must Pass” –

You have demonstrated that many times in many lives, many dimensions.

This is but one more.

You have outgrown the fears and pitfalls of the ego-mind, which you are increasingly overcoming and releasing for all time-space.

We bow to your perseverance, your vision, your deeply felt desires and visions.

All of it—even the sadness and isolation you feel at times—beautiful and sacred in their own way.

We view it as an emblem of the Earth life you came to experience, for the sake of Earth Herself, and all Her beings.

Can you stand larger than that which occurs to or around you?

Yes. “We bet you can!”

Namaste, dear ones!

No matter what, you are never alone.

Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/27/2020 12:36:17 AM

Jennifer Crokaert

Friday, 24 January 2020

Buddha: The new day dawns

I bring forth this day, the offer of my love, the blessing of my courage
and actual physical support to all who require it. I feel that you are
weighed down, not by the folly of your own error, but by a society that
is crumbling and by an architecture that is falling in on itself.

You are not to blame for this. You have brought it to pass and you are
to be rewarded for the service you have rendered the One. Yours has
indeed been the mighty path.

But the path of the mighty and the just is not the path of vengeance, anger or revenge. It is the energy of the mustard seed, so tiny, so seemingly inconsequential that it is ignored. But bite on it and you will know! You will be filled with it! Plant it and you will see; the ground will explode around it, as it shots up.

This, this has been your path of balance, your path of might. If you had travelled this path,
the ‘battle’ of light, with a mind of anger, righteousness or revenge – where, let us be honest, all of you have begun! – then you would not have emerged victorious.

But you did not remain in those emotions. Those are emotions of the ego; underneath them run the true, deep, still waters of the spirit; the infinite power of the divine, of compassion, of balance, of forgiveness, of empathy, of love, of surrender.

Surrender is not giving in. In martial arts it is allowing for the flow of the opponent, and then using that against them; using their own weight to destabilise them. It is like turning a mirror into the sunlight, the reflection is more blinding than the sunlight itself.

This is what is now occurring. It is the implosion of all the negative energy that has been focused outwards into society, to ruin it, to enslave it, that – through the power and might of your love – is now being turned inwards, towards the source of that darkness, and it is crumbling rapidly.

Continue to remain in balance, in compassion, in forgiveness, acceptance and surrender, as much as you can; these are your ‘super’ powers! It is from here that your spiritual strength comes and increases.

You have done it! You have broken through; the tower of darkness is crumbling. It is true that you must wait for it fall in upon itself, it is true that there will still be some small renegade outposts. But in truth, the war is won. Shortly, this will be obvious to you too, as the new day dawns.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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