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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/25/2020 12:15:12 AM

The planet is ascending nicely

by Linda Li

January 21, 2020

Dear children on earth, I am your Mother God. I come today to share news with you. The Divine has started again, moving the planet upward and moving forward with the Divine plan. The Divine plan for now is to get the planet to a safe and higher vibrational place. In doing so, the planet and humanity will have an easier time and the ascension of the planet can be a little easier.

In the process of uplifting the planet, we, the Divine have seen quite a Few potential hurdles, and strenuous upward movement. The Divine has been working to smooth out the path forward for the planet and the result seems satisfying. Right now, the upward journey has just started. The Divine and the company of heaven are more confident that this time around, the uplifting of the planet is going to be a smooth one. That is our hope and that is something we are striving for.

Besides the uplifting of the planet, your Father God has the Divine plan implemented in terms of the upcoming ascension of the United States. The United States is going to be the first country to ascend. The Divine has everything planned out. And the plan has been working well. Your Father God also has the team working nonstop to make sure the deadline will be met. And the entire team currently has been implemented so that once the country ascends, the Divine will start ruling, and the Divine team Will start the governing process.

All the team members have been collected and they are in place. Your Father has the entire team deployed in a way that the team members are totally ready to serve when the time comes.

The entire governing team is from the Divine ground crew members. Some members are archangels. Others are your Father’s disciples. Together, this team is your Father’s hand picked team and they will serve as the team for your Father’s Divine government.
The Divine government has the Divine authority. Your Father is the leader of this Divine government. Your Father has been working to prepare his team members and now they are all ready for the job.

Once the Divine government comes online, the Divine team and the entire company of heaven will also start their tenure. The members of the Divine and the company of heaven are being called. These members are going to serve at the side of the Divine and the entire team will reside in Washington DC. That is where the Divine government will be and it is also going to be the spiritual capital of planet earth. Your Father and I are going to reside in Washington DC for the next few decades so that together, your Father will manage Gaia’s ascension process.

I love you dear angels. I am your Divine Mother. The ascension of the planet earth has been eye-opening for the most of us. It is quite a journey indeed. We, the Divine have been through the ups and downs along with Gaia and our light workers. In order to make sure the safety of the populations on the planet, we, the Divine have made extreme efforts to go the extra mile. So far the result has been pleasing to Gaia and the planet. In the days and weeks ahead, the process can be strenuous and intense for the planet and the human psyche. Natural changes often accompany the upward movement of the planet. Please stay calm dear ones. Know Gaia’s upward movement is needed. For the sake of Gaia and humanity, stay centered and be the peace. Know the Divine plan is at work. And everything will work out. Have faith dear angels. Let the planet move upward and help humanity to ascend. It is time. The process has becoming very intense but the end result is what the planet needs. Stay in peace dear ones. I love you. I am your Divine Mother. So it is.

Linda Li
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Linda Li

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/25/2020 1:02:35 AM

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group on Abundance Conciousness


Marilyn Raffaele

I set out to look at abundance consciousness and, as so often has happened in the past, I came across one channeled message that covered the subject so well that I determined to post it in ite entirety. Here is the Arcturian Group from Jan. 2018:

“Arcturian Group Message through Marilyn Raffaele, 1/14/18,” January 14, 2018, at

We wish to speak to the concept of money. Regardless of what country you live in, money represents a material interpretation of spiritual abundance, completeness, wholeness. Because humans are creators, they have over time and through the ignorance of duality and separation, created a global system of lack and limitation versus abundance (duality).

Financial abundance or the lack of it is a concept having no law to support, maintain, or sustain it. It simply exists and will continue to exist as long as there is a belief in it. Wealth can easily come and just as easily go when it has been created from the energies of duality and separation.

Observe the blades of grass in a field for these represent the expression of the law of abundance. Could an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Divine creator consciousness lack anything? Lack is a man-made experience.

The temptation for most is to immediately go into denial about this, finding hundreds of reasons why this is could not be true and why lack is real and money is limited. We would say: Yes, lack is indeed very real for those suffering the consequences of this belief. We do not ask you to deny appearances, we suggest that, as with everything in the outer scene, you are now ready to look and embrace a deeper realization regarding abundance.

Even if lack or limitation is not a part of your experience in this lifetime, begin to observe and register abundance in every area of ordinary life. This practice will begin to form a deeper consciousness of omnipresent abundance and re-train the mind to recognize it easily. Shift your thoughts to truth whenever tempted to give power to appearances of lack, never denying them, but rather translating them.

The belief that a bomb-proof shelter or plenty of diamonds and gold constitutes safety and supply will act to perfectly create separation from true safety and supply. Instead of dwelling on what you do not have or wish you had, begin to take note of the ordinary forms of abundance you see around you–someone’s nice clothes, or a beautiful home, the infinite forms and varieties in nature, and whatever comes to your awareness.

Through acknowledging without emotional attachment the infinite forms of abundance all around you, you develop a consciousness of abundance. The mind will begin to automatically respond to and integrate abundance as an ever-present reality which with time becomes a new and higher state of consciousness.

As you reprogram your mind to think abundance instead of lack, begin to express gratitude for everything in your life. Simple ordinary things such as a dog’s wagging tail when he sees you, the neighbor’s hello, or an unexpected hug are easy to disregard as being ordinary and unimportant but they are forms of abundance which when acknowledged as such, will serve to reprogram the mind away from thoughts of scarcity and into “I have.”

There are many simple and basic ways to get the abundance energy flowing like giving away things you no longer use or need or dropping a coin or two however small into some donation jar. When these things are done with the realization that it is not the amount of the donation that is important, but rather the awareness of the Infinite Source of it, you will be expressing abundance on a much higher level and it will begin to multiply. Begin to pour physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually through a consciousness of “I have because I AM.”

When you pay bills, do it in an awareness of your payment as not coming from you personally because in and of yourself you have no abundance, but rather that it is flowing through you from an Infinite Source–you are simply transferring money from your left hand to your right, because there is only one.

If you believe that the supply of anything is personally yours, it will immediately become subject to limitation where it can and often does run out. Your work is to attain that state of consciousness that realizes supply as an ever present flow of Divine energy that never will or could run dry.

Attaining a consciousness of I have does not happen overnight because beliefs of lack and limitation are firmly entrenched in world consciousness as the result of hundreds of lifetimes lived firmly entrenched in the experiences of lack and limitation as well as with great wealth. However, know that there is not now nor could there ever be a law to support scarcity.

This is not to say that once you become aware that there is a the law of abundance, you then sit doing nothing, awaiting your personal bag of money to drop from the sky. Rather, you take whatever ordinary human footsteps you are guided to take (get a job, be it any job in order to get the flow going, or invest as you are guided, etc.), but take these actions with higher awareness, one that does not give the power of abundance to them.

Money or goods that manifest out of an attained consciousness of spiritual abundance, can and will re-appear if lost because the substance from which these things were formed (consciousness) is still present. You are creators creating all aspects of daily life according to your attained state of consciousness.

Abundance is an ever-present reality. It never changes or becomes non-existent because it is a facet of Creator Energy, held forever in place by Divine law.

Regardless of your present financial circumstances, begin to evolve more deeply into the truth of supply as being spiritual, not material, while refusing to endow either good or bad appearances with power.

If you are wealthy, open your consciousness to more than limited third-dimensional concepts about investments, wealth, banking, and personal accomplishment. If you are presently experiencing lack, know that it is the manifestation of a consciousness of lack–go deeper.

Regardless of global or personal appearances, you are all ready to begin the inner work of embracing and understanding this issue in its higher reality.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/25/2020 1:37:45 AM

Exploring Oneness to Bring About the Shift ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

exploring oneness to bring about the shift - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangels yeshua ets


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are looking into the consciousness of every single human on Earth at this time, because we are so interested in you and in the expansion of your consciousness. We invite you to join us in that curiosity. We know that you live very busy lives and that many of your human cohorts are very different from you, but a little more curiosity about one another will lead to more compassion, and that compassion will accelerate the shift in consciousness.

Yes, you can do so much on your own, just by exploring your own consciousness and your own feelings, but by taking an interest in each other, you are more likely to find that connection. And that connection will lead to more unity. That unity will bring you into a place of harmony. That harmony will lead to full extra-terrestrial contact, and once you have full extra-terrestrial contact, it will be just a matter of time before you complete the shift in consciousness.

And so, we invite you to explore each other’s journeys, even if it is painful at times. Even though you find it challenging to have any common ground with certain individuals, finding that common ground will help you to find a place in your heart for that person. And remember, everyone on the planet with you there represents an aspect of you. We are all parts of the same whole, and none of the parts will be discarded as we all ascend together.

You need to think in terms of integration and inclusion as you close in on that readiness that you all seek for full open contact with e.t.s. If you cannot see the Divinity in one of your fellow humans, it’s going to be very challenging to see it within an alien who looks and talks and acts very different from you. And so, we invite you to look for something in that person that you feel you have nothing in common with, something can bring you together, something that you can agree upon. Let go of those topics you disagree on, and stop trying to convince one another that your perspective is the right one.

Instead, we invite you to open up more with each other about what you feel, what you’re afraid of, what your hopes and dreams are, because that’s what determines your perspective in the first place. And all perspectives will always be valid. They will always be a part of Source Energy. Therefore, you needn’t think about how to squash an opinion or a point of view. You can have harmony with your perspective and harmony with a person who wholeheartedly disagrees with that perspective. It’s possible. We see it all the time, and if you can come together with one of those individuals and find that common ground, you will benefit so much more than if you defeat that person in a debate.

This is the time of coming together. This is the time of unity consciousness and exploring the feeling of oneness with all.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/25/2020 6:38:53 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday January 25, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

Being in unprecedented energies means you are in a space of not knowing that is ripe for discovery. All you need to do is follow your heart to make your highest choice, one now moment at a time, for that is the only space creation can occur. From there, everything will naturally begin to reveal itself to you because for every supported decision you make you are able to see what the next highest choice is. It is you how you become an active participant in the beautiful process of unfoldment and step into your role of pioneer of the new, allowing your innate wisdom to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/25/2020 7:41:12 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/24/2020

will's picture

Past and future are two aspects of the same coin. The name of the coin is mind. When the whole coin is dropped, that dropping is innocence. Then you don't know who you are, then you don't know what is; there is no knowledge.

But you are, existence is, and the meeting of these two is-nesses -- the small is-ness of you, meeting with the infinite is-ness of existence -- that meeting, that merger, is the experience of beauty.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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