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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/28/2020 12:22:48 AM

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group on Abundance Conciousness


Marilyn Raffaele

Dear Readers, welcome to our message of hope and guidance. Much is soon to manifest that will cause many to question personal beliefs and those of the world in general. Allow your spiritual journey to unfold without limitations that consist of nothing more than concepts and beliefs based on the experiences of others for every person's inner journey is individual and authentic.

Allow, by truly accepting that you are not the person you believed yourself to be, but are a Divine Being, an expression of Source Consciousness who formed for yourself a physical body in order to work and live in the denser energies of earth--a three dimensional interpretation of the real body, one of energy and Light.

You are more than ready to identify with the reality of who and what you are--Self sustained, Self maintained Divine Consciousness. Within "Self-sustained and Self-maintained" exists every Divine Reality, everything ever believed to be lacking-- abundance, harmony, wholeness, safety, security, peace, completeness, intelligence, companionship--ad infinitum--just awaiting conscious recognition. This is the secret of life, the holy grail, hidden in plain sight where most never think to look--within.

Divine qualities have always been and can only be fully present within every individual simply because Divine Consciousness is all that exists, manifesting ITself in infinite forms. Beliefs of duality and separation have created a collective consciousness that believes itself separate from other people, animals, plants and all living things as well as from God. The ups and downs, good and bad experiences of daily living are simply duality in expression for there is no unexpressed consciousness.

This is the work--"What am I holding as truth in my consciousness?"

The three dimensional experience is like someone having a large bank account that they are unaware of and so live in poverty and need. However, each day more people are waking up to realize that much they have always accepted as true regarding every facet of daily life is simply not true. It is at this point that food, entertainment, activities, and desires, begin to lose their appeal and he/she begins his/her journey toward their as of yet unknown "bank account".

Never attempt to reclaim the past dear ones, for once the lesson of some experience is complete, it is no longer needed. As you shift into ever higher states of awareness, you are no longer in alignment with much of your past.

Some attempt to re-create the past, clinging to nostalgia for the "good old days" in the belief that these times were better but which in reality held the same dense and negative issues the world is witnessing today. In general, the unawakened majority of earlier times surrendered their personal power to others, thus allowing the same dense and negative issues of today to be ignored, denied, or covered up.

Struggling to achieve, or attain some long held goal simply because you once set it for yourself can be wasted effort. The chosen lesson may very well have been about the journey itself and not in achieving the goal. This does not mean that guidance from within toward some goal never happens, but rather means that if its attainment is fraught with continual roadblocks and negativity, the goal may be based in concepts rather than inner guidance.

Goals are usually based in some concept of success or happiness that must be attained in order to feel fulfilled or worthy of acceptance, love, respect etc. Many, once realizing that they have not and will not attain some personal goal, experience a sense of failure. Others who have actually attained some goal are discovering that it did not bring them the fulfillment they expected.

The evolutionary journey is about growing through experiences until one reaches the point of being able to access learning from within. Once an individual is willing to honestly examine their belief system, they begin to understand that successes and failures are tools that allow one to recognize and re-examine their beliefs regarding success, value, and worthiness.

Many committed suicide during the great depression, especially those who lost a great deal of money. They did not understand that the same Infinite Source that manifested it in the first place could do it again. They believed that their money came from themselves and was thus limited. These dear ones in their next life will be more aware of the deeper truths of abundance by virtue of having been helped and taught between lives about their experiences. This is how the evolutionary process works.

Frequently someone who is extremely talented at art, science, or some other talent will completely lose interest in it, to the dismay of those around them. This happens because they have attained this particular goal and it is complete. Every person continues to seek fulfillment on and through all levels awareness throughout lifetimes until finally they are ready for true fulfillment and the experiences of conscious oneness with Source

Every dream and desire no matter what it is or how ordinary, mundane, or even negative it may seem to others (relationships, money, education, power etc.) is in reality the inner pull that every individual has to once again experience their innate ONEness with Source. The Divine is always and can only ever be Itself within every individual which is felt as desire for what one believes will bring happiness.

Every human feels this Divine presence but does not understand what it is. This deep yearning for Oneness is interpreted by three dimensional consciousness as the perpetual seeking for fulfillment in the outer scene--goals and desires that one believes will bring wholeness according to the state of consciousness of the individual. Even a murderer believes his goals are valid and will make things better for him/her.

Every person chooses their earth experiences pre-birth according to what they believe will help them spiritually grow beyond their old belief system. The homeless person, may very well be a very evolved soul who pre-birth recognized the need for a deeper understanding of issues that surround lack and limitation.

The transsexual person that so many label immoral, wrong, or disgusting is a person who has lived many lifetimes as one gender, and recognized the need to learn and experience the energies of the other gender in order to bring their masculine/feminine into balance. However, once on earth, they forgot this and began to identify with their dominant energy. Because they are unaware that they are consciousness rather than just a physical body they believe that somehow they are in the wrong body, become confused, despondent, and spend their lives attempting to once again be the energy they more closely resonate with.

None of these issues are right or wrong. They simply represent the learning process of every individual. Judging, criticizing, or humiliating others with regard to the experiences of their journey, are the actions of an un-awakened consciousness.

As more come to understand the reality of consciousness versus physical, judgement and criticism lessens and is replaced by more receptivity to giving and receiving assistance in the form of practical advice, guidance, and acceptance for those struggling with some issue on any level. As individuals come to know who they really are, they can be shown how to release and clear old energies holding them in bondage.

Know that judgement and criticism can only take place if this energy is already present. It is usually held unknowingly in cellular memory about self and then projected outwardly onto another. As a person is able to love and forgive themselves, they find that the judgement and criticism they have held for others begins to simply fade away.

Some are very young souls that have not been on earth enough times to accumulate wisdom or personal power. They live in fear believing themselves vulnerable to every three dimensional concept they learn about. They need the structure of rules and laws in order not to harm others or themselves.

Others have been on earth many times, but need more three dimensional experiences in order to grow beyond their need for them. These are people who are kindly but who usually hold rigid concepts about what they have been taught and as of yet are ignorant of deeper truth.

Then there are the "old souls", those who have lived hundreds of lifetimes on earth during which they have experienced almost every good or bad that could be experienced. They have lived as all skin colors, in all societies, and as each gender many times resulting in a state of consciousness that is wise and compassionate toward all people and life forms.

They are you. You who understand and seek to always live from your highest level of awareness are the "old souls", the way-showers. You have the ability to carry light for those who wander through the dark maze of third dimensional creation seeking a path out of it. Let your Light shine dear ones, you have earned the right to shine. No more "I am not worthy. I am not there yet. I need more time." These are third dimensional games dear ones, and you have moved beyond the need for games at any level. You are ready.

Shine your attained Light silently and secretly wherever you are in each now moment be it simply petting a lonely dog or speaking a kind word to a stranger. See, hear, taste, touch, and smell the reality of everything for no one thing is more "holy" or spiritual than another. Recognize all experiences, the good and the bad, to be sign posts directing you to more deeply understand that what you may still be holding in consciousness as power.

Allow the awareness you have earned through lifetimes of dedication and hard work to come into fruition as your everyday world. See through your awakened eyes and allow your every word to flow out on an energy of unconditional love even if those words occasionally need to be firm.

Allow...not in the sense of giving up, but in the sense of trusting that there is something greater taking place beyond what human appearances testify to. Allowing is natural for a consciousness able to rest in the reality of I AM.

It is knowing without question that IT will and can only function as ITself manifesting ITs ever present harmony even in the midst of pain, chaos, and suffering. IT is who you are, now claim it, live it, be it.


“Arcturian Group Message through Marilyn Raffaele, 1/14/18,” January 14, 2018, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/28/2020 6:01:59 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 28, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, expecting anything to be a certain way or stay exactly the same is a great disservice to yourself and others because it is creating constraints and limitations. The second you try to make something permanent and unmoveable, you automatically make that energy expired and unsustainable because the nature of the universe is constant growth and evolution.

Allow things to grow and expand. That is what gives life to your dreams and creations! Let the unfoldment reveal new possibilities to you. Understand the energies are rapidly changing and because of this there are many incredible new potentials that are seeking to make their way into your awareness every single day. This is a glorious time of discovery on your planet, and we encourage you to be flexible enough to open to the wonder of it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/28/2020 6:05:06 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/27/2020

will's picture

In the moment of innocence, not knowing, the difference between the observer and the observed evaporates. You are no more separate from that which you are seeing, you are no more separate from that which you are hearing.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/28/2020 11:30:38 PM

The momentary choice you made to experience separation is about to be reversed.

Galactic Free Press's picture

Humanity is riding the wave towards its moment of awakening and this is very close now. Let go of your doubts and anxieties because all is well. Your awakening, as you have been told so often, is inevitable! It seems to you that you have been waiting a very long time for this magnificent event, but in truth it has been but a moment, an instant. Separation from Sourcenever occurred, it could not occur because there is nowhere to separate to, there is only Source the infinite field of Love in which all that is created has its eternal existence in peace and joy.

However, for a moment, for a tiny instant, you imagined separation, and because you are imbued with the infinite power of Source, what you imagined seemed to come into existence, and it seems that you are trapped, ensnared, and immobilized within a vast Universe of physicality, of form. It is completely unreal, even though to you it seems very solid, because in form you are always in contact with other objects in form – from the ground beneath your feet to everything with which you interact during your daily lives.

Life appears to be very physical as your bodies interact with other physical bodies and objects. BUT, if you pay close attention to your feelings, to your sensations of consciousness or awareness, it becomes quite clear that you are not your bodies. There is within you a knowingthat you can depart from where your body is physically – for instance while sitting, walking, working, driving a car – in any moment your mind can be somewhere far removed from the space in which your body is present. You are not your body but you move it and manipulate it, or parts of it, by intending to do so.

Who is it then, that sets that intent? It’s the sense of awareness in your field of consciousness through which you know that you exist – your ability to imagine – and it is that which makes the decision to act on what you imagined.

In truth you are far freer than you think you are, but you choose to be limited by your bodies. Over recent decades many people have been able to make their bodies faster and stronger, both physically and mentally, through various kinds of training, and the results of this can be seen in the new records being set in athletic and academic contests all over the world. Nevertheless, bodies are limiting because you intended them to be, but you yourselves are not limited except in so far as you believe yourselves to be. And because humanity generallybelieves itself to be limited, restrained, restricted, that is what people generally experience.

To awaken is to let go of and discard limitations, and in so doing to set yourselves completely free from all limits or restraints. Your true state is one of absolute and complete freedom, and deeply buried memories of this are what drive you to push boundaries, to seek more from life than seems possible to humans in form. Many reach a level of freedom that is far advanced from what their parents experienced, and they are then often happy to settle for that higher level of freedom. Others believe that they can never achieve the level of freedom their parents experienced, and settle unhappily at that lower level. A few believe that they should not be limited at all, and spend their lives pushing the boundaries of human abilities and freedoms to ever higher levels. Your individual beliefs set your limitations for you, and those beliefs are strongly influenced by the collective beliefs of the culture and society in which you are living.

Now is the time to release those invalid and limiting beliefs, beliefs that anchor you in the past, in past memories of limitation – “I can’t possibly do that, what would people think?” “I could never learn how to do that now, I’m too set in my ways.” “The way I’m living my life is working for me, so why risk changing it?” – that appear to offer safety and security. Limiting beliefs are like veils or screens that prevent you from seeing the enormous possibilities that life offers you because, out of fear, you refuse to question them by opening those veils and screens and looking beyond them.

Fixed and unquestioned beliefs are self-imposed limits that further add to the basic limitations that are a major aspect of being in form as humans. These are most easily seen in others – who support religious persuasions, economic views, philosophies, or political convictions different from your own – whereas they are often extremely difficult to see in oneself. That egoic and fearful need to be right, with which so many are infected, has led humanity into vicious conflicts overthe eons, conflicts that cause endless pain and suffering for vast numbers of people, and which never lead to resolution of the issues that appear to have led to the conflicts in the first place.

Experience is gained when mistakes or errors are made and the reason for them is investigated and understood, and there are numerous situations occurring daily in which this happens. One of the lessons that is learned over and over again is that humans do make mistakes and errors. Learning what caused them, and then taking steps to prevent their re-occurrence, leads to wisdom. Unfortunately, mainly out of fear, defective or dishonest judgments are often offered in attempts to fault others for errors that occur, in order to shift blame from those responsible to those others, so that they themselves can avoid being shamed and punished.

In recent decades much progress has been made in understanding the reasons for human error, and new laws and guidelines have been introduced to reduce and, where possible, prevent errors from occurring. However, when mistakes are made, those responsible – often people who are at the senior management levels of the organization involved – are almost invariably filled with fear and horror, and will engage in almost any kind of subterfuge to avoid being held responsible.

The way forward is to change the way mistakes are dealt with, so that those responsible can file truthful reports about what has occurred in the knowledge that they will be lovingly assisted in dealing with the sense of horror and guilt that arises within them as a result of their mistake, and thus helping enormously in the prevention of further occurrences of a similar nature.

Obviously, if criminal negligence or criminal intent is found to be the cause of the event, those responsible must be called to account, then, after a full investigation has been carried out, they must be given the loving support necessary to enable them to change the misguided beliefs that led them to behave as they did.

Remember, you are all – and there are absolutely no exceptions – beloved children of God, perfect, just as you were created. The momentary choice you made to experience separation is about to be reversed so that you awaken. Until then it is essential that you daily set the intent to be only loving in your thoughts, words, and actions. When you do that your intention affects all of humanity, and all of humanity is then mightily assisted in moving away from fear, judgment, and blame, and into a loving mindset from which to interact lovingly and respectfully with each other just as God does. This is an essential step on your path to awakening, and it is the way in which Mother/Father/God, Source, Love, always interact and engage with all of creation. It is how you will experience life when you awaken, and thus eternal joy will embrace and envelop you.

With so very much love, Saul.


John Smallman

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/28/2020 11:47:26 PM

Focus On Your Path

Galactic Free Press's picture
As challenging as it can be to watch others walk their owns paths, it is important to remember and understand it is not yours. Cringe-worthy moments will happen and you may say to yourself, “Oh boy, I’m glad that’s not me!” but, having a conscious awareness and the empathy to offer support if asked will always be a positive. Release the need to be lulled into distraction by those moments. Sometimes, it can be easier to look and point away from rather than at yourself. Your focus should always be on your path and how you relate to the world. This is when great growth occurs. ~ Creator

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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