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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/25/2020 10:48:45 PM

Yukon River – Northern Lights Yukon Resort and Spa

Dear Ones,

Weathering the storms of life is a momentous undertaking. You are navigating the River of your Life. Knowing that what may feel like a momentum of setbacks or loss is yet another choice in the flow of your life. Truly, all is progression.

Feeling disconcerted in this human time of multidimensionality has become the new normal. It is only confusing when you are trying to understand and figure out what is transpiring. Then it is as if you lose connection with the flow working in and through you. When you step out of the River of all Creation, it opens into streams of new territory that are often confusing.

Trying to manipulate life so it has more familiarity also leads you into the confusion of mass illusion. When life does not behave with the same impetus that feels familiar, there is no hope in pushing the river to change it back. It is more resourceful to find shelter in a small eddy in the flow of the river. When you can give yourself a little sanctuary, you have the freedom to come into greater interpretation of and harmony with your true soul expression. You may have the sensation of your molecules being rearranged. This is a phenomena that allows your nervous system to have a chance to feel more integrated with all the new pieces that came into being in the space leading up to confusion.

After a certain amount of quiet time where you connect to your heart, gather the fragments of faith, reclaim your intentions, and allow a sense of spaciousness to open the portals to new truth, puts you back into the flow of the river of your life.

The procedural differences that are starting to become more normal are the gifts that allow new reference points to open for you. Ultimately it all comes back to the love that awaits you in your heart. When you can rest back into the heart, more peace comes into being. You find a lovely level of equilibrium that was not present before. When the mind feels like its reference points have been lost, the heart is the receptor place that unfolds into wisdom…an alignment with a more expansive state of knowing.

Allow yourself to BE…Be confused, Be out of alignment, BE out of your comfort zones, Be willing to just let it BE. That momentum of Allowing opens the portals to a new expanded perception. Life begins to flow again.

And above all know that every moment is open to change, and no outcome can be predictable. When you release attachment to outcome in your mind, radical trust comes back to the forefront of awareness. All is from your surrender to a Higher Will than your own. Know you are being guided down the River of Life. That truth sets you back into the space of Trust and Wellbeing where all is well. And so it is.

Archangel Gabriel

from Shanta Gabriel

January 21, 2020

Shanta Gabriel

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/25/2020 11:17:39 PM

I am Ashtar and I wish to speak on a phenomena that has been seen around your planet.

This is in regard to the sighting of coloured skies without any particular reason known to you for these colours being displayed.

Your chemtrailing and weather seeding technology is being used to keep the truth from being revealed to you, and that is that the 7 rays are coming back through your Matrix shielding which is diminishing and allowing the colours of Love to embrace your world again. Your matrix shielding has been powerful enough to block these rays from reaching you, and they now, again are breaking through the artificial barrier put up in order to shield you from our Light.

You will begin to see spots of colours throughout your skies. This indicates the holes in the Matrix barrier that have formed that are now allowing the 7 rays to shine through again. As it once was.

The Lightworkers have been the main bearers of the rays until now. While the barrier was up and impenetrable by the Light, your people have been shrouded in negativity.

At these peak energetic times, you will begin to see your skies changing colour. Welcome these loving energies, and bask in them. They are the energies of love.

I am Ashtar, and I remain at your service.

Sharon: I am still shocked sometimes at the things you guys tell me, Ashtar. I just didn't think it was this bad.
Ashtar: It was. You were close to death. You all were. Lightworkers were sent to hold the energies which are now breaking through your Matrix shield. It was difficult to ask some to go to be the energy holders on a dying planet, however you volunteered and the universe and all within her thank you.
When you don't believe it was this bad the reason is that you were taught that what you were experiencing was life on earth, and this is your denial breaking away to make room for the Truth.
Me: Thank you Ashtar.
Ashtar: You're most welcome.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/26/2020 12:27:18 AM

What the Coming Energies Will Bring ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

what the coming energies will bring - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have an arrangement with your higher selves. We work together with your higher selves and your spirit guides. Your oversouls work with us. They are higher dimensional beings than we are. We receive from your oversouls because they know that you are receiving these transmissions and the transmissions that we project in other ways and through other channels. We are a network, a team. We are on Team Humanity, and so are so many other beings.

And so, we want you to know that so that you will feel supported as you move forward into this next phase of your evolution where the energies coming in are going to be asking you to let go. You need to find the strength to let go of what is familiar, to let go of attachments, and even to let go of any part of yourself that is predicated on the idea that you are better than anyone else. You are stripping away the egoic self, layer by layer, as you become your higher selves.

Most of what the ego is comprised of is survival instincts and limiting thoughts and beliefs. You are not losing your ego, however, because your ego is your sense of self. You are just doing away with ideas of mortality and that you are finite or less than Source Energy. You are ready to embrace who you really are, and there is a stripping away process that is involved in that, and we just want you to know how supported you are. Better still, we want you to feel it.

We want you to feel the support that our team has created around you. We all want so much for you to succeed. And so, we will continue to give you everything that we can to help you do just that. We know, of course, that ultimately you will succeed in becoming your fifth dimensional selves, but we want even more for all of you. We want you to enjoy the ride. We want you to struggle less. We want you to know that you can do what you are setting out to do without some massive event.

You don’t have to wait for something to happen in your skies to take yourselves where you want to go. And in fact, anything that happens in your skies, any event whatsoever, will be the result of the shifting you have done internally. You are there now to begin the process of embracing, and as you embrace, what no longer serves you slips right through your arms. It’s a paradox, but a good one. And we see those of you who are awake leading the way as you do so much tremendous work on yourselves, and as you do, you become a member of Team Humanity. You become the ground crew that we have all been seeking for so very long.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/26/2020 12:33:44 AM


The above image of St. Germain was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through ©PsychicArtbyJanine. All rights reserved.

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! Upon the shoulders of the devoted ones, the Earth and her inhabitants has moved up another notch on the frequency scale. This is good news in the long-term perspective but can be a challenging time in everyday life circumstances for most people. Everything is in the process of change, including how individuals respond to the current happenings in their area of the world which can have a greater effect on the planetary well-being and energies as well. You, the Lightworkers, are advised to hold your equilibrium and maintain calm within. This too shall pass. More and more people are awakening to the fact that their emotions are being stoked and triggered to a fiery depth in order to initiate actions that are not conducive to the higher plan for the evolution of all life in this sector of the cosmos. All one has to do is make the intention to align to Divine Will for the highest and greatest good of all, each and every day.

When one centers within the holy space of their sacred heart, even the idea of making war on others is incomprehensible to the one who knows that love is the medium of exchange in the new reality – not economy, not competition, and certainly, not enmity. Peace is desired by all of the world’s people and they are getting impatient with those who want to hold the world and its inhabitants hostage by manipulating circumstances to seem true when they are not. They are looking at how headlines to articles are designed to distract people away from questioning what is really going on. The people of these times have become shallow thinkers – one has only to view the headlines of the ‘news’ stories as one connects to the internet to discern that. In actuality, what does it matter what one film star said to another, what popular singer left their partner and why, what the royals ate for breakfast, or any other such related inane questions? Is it not more important to focus on one’s own soul journey and evolutionary growth?

Yet, every day, individual power is stolen from these ones who are not yet awakening to the higher picture of their purpose here on Earth. They are not connecting the important dots – like what an opportunity their current lifetime is – for it is a chance to make quantum gains in their soul’s evolution. It is only at the end of one cosmic cycle and the beginning of another that such vast opportunities are available to be experienced and they were given this opportunity to make the most of it during this current lifetime. And it is in these times of now that the deeper meaning of their life can be accessed and made manifest. Yes, it requires the sacrifice of learning to live from the soul (spiritual) level instead of their (lower) human personality ego level. It requires learning more about the qualities of love that can help them to focus on the empowerment of their soul in order to gain freedom from the cycle of death and rebirth and become more of who they really are, a brilliant spark of the Divine!

When one moves beyond the shallow questions that keep one enslaved in thinking someone else is in control of all of life and begins instead, to think about and research what soul evolution is actually about, one can never go back to being an unquestioning enabler of those who would control and manipulate humanity for their own agendas, reasons and purposes. Finding one’s way to freedom of one’s spirit becomes a full-time quest for greater meaning and purpose in all that they do, think and feel. As they follow this path, they gain greater and greater clarity and discernment about what is actually true for them. They understand the reason for actions like changing their diet, habit patterns, and consumer activity. They begin to see that each choice they make is actually a vote of what is really of importance to them and they take what they feel is the right action to exercise their right to freedom of choice as a free spirit living life upon this free-will planet.

This path may seem overwhelming at first but becomes a way of life that is filled to overflowing with good and positive outcomes and results. They look forward to each day with enthusiasm, optimism and relish, knowing that living a spirit-filled life brings rich rewards. They have attracted benevolent higher spiritual beings to them who joyfully act as their guides and teachers along the way on their forward journey. With each good happening in their life, their everyday life circumstances take on an element of wonder and magic beyond anything they previously conceived as being in the realm of possibility. They have entered the realms of multi-dimensional living which brings greater opportunity to develop their spiritual gifts and abilities. This expands their questioning and thinking beyond former constructs and this is a very desirable occurrence which can catapult them to higher and higher dimensions of consciousness and they will be given access to these levels as they are proven to be trustworthy.

I AM St. Germain

©Marlene Swetlishoff

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/26/2020 8:24:30 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/25/2020

will's picture

Innocence is the door; through innocence you enter into beauty. The more innocent you become, the more existence becomes beautiful. The more knowledgeable you are, the more and more existence is ugly, because you start functioning from conclusions, you start functioning from knowledge.

The moment you know, you destroy all poetry. The moment you know, and think that you know, you have created a barrier between yourself and that which is. Then everything is distorted. Then you don't hear with your ears, you translate. Then you don't see with your eyes, you interpret. Then you don't experience with your heart, you think that you experience. Then all possibility of meeting with existence in immediacy, in intimacy, is lost. You have fallen apart.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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