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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/24/2020 3:02:27 AM

Successfully Navigating the Current Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

successfully navigating the current energies - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continually amazed at the way that you all are capable of handling yourselves in the midst of chaotic energies. You are walking around your planet, swimming in a sea of different energies, different thought forms, and even emotional energy, and somehow you are maintaining your sanity, and most of you are fairly healthy in your bodies. So we have been investigating to discover the tools that you are using to manage, to handle all of these energies that are competing to take hold of you, and we have discovered that it is humanity’s ability to focus that has been your saving grace.

Now, you are generally focused on something that you want, and being focused in that way keeps you on that vibrational wavelength enough to avoid some of the hazardous energies that are fluttering around you. It is good to have desires, because desires cause you to focus, and focus keeps you on the straight and narrow. Even if what you are focusing on could be considered a lower-vibrational activity, it is still your saving grace in that moment.

Now, if you can decide that you are going to focus on higher-vibrational experiences, objects, people, writings, videos, and so on, then that’s even better than just focusing on what is interesting to your mind. Something can pass the interesting-to-the-mind test but not do so well on the does-this-actually-feel-good test. And when you can focus and feel that higher vibrational energy, then you are definitely on the right track towards living a life of ease, a life filled with love, and a life where you get to do what you enjoy to do. This may seem like a very basic transmission that we are offering you here, but we want to hammer home the significance of this finding about focus.

Now, focus is what meditation is all about. Meditation is about focusing your mind on one singular thing, whether it’s your breath, a flame, a mantra, it doesn’t matter. Focus is the key. Focus gets you to align your energy with something, and when you start aligning that energy with something that also feels good to you emotionally, that’s when you begin to create the reality that you desire to experience.

That’s how you avoid all of those lower-frequency energies that are around all the time, looking for an opening, an easy target, someone who is not focusing, someone who is unconscious and just moving from one neon sign to shiny thing to billboard to whatever is in front of you. Focus and feel, and know that as you do you are stepping into your power as creator beings.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/24/2020 5:12:29 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/23/2020

will's picture

To live in the moment is innocence, to live without the past is innocence, to live without conclusions is innocence, to function out of the state of not knowing is innocence. And the moment you function out of such tremendous silence which is not burdened by any past, out of such tremendous stillness which knows nothing, the experience that happens is beauty.

Whenever you feel beauty -- in the rising sun, in the stars, in the flowers, or in the face of a woman or a man -- wherever and whenever you feel beauty, watch. And one thing will always be found: you had functioned without mind, you had functioned without any conclusion, you had simply functioned spontaneously. The moment gripped you, and the moment gripped you so deeply that you were cut off from the past.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/24/2020 5:23:46 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday January 24, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

As you have stepped into 2020, you have left many energies behind and are poised to create anew. It is a blank canvas in many ways.

What this means is that you are completely supported to express yourselves like never before. The only thing that can really get in your way is if you choose to bring old limiting beliefs with you and try to apply them to the new.

This is an excellent time to be aware of your thoughts and examine any ways you believe you are constrained, powerless, or that things will be difficult for you and to see them for what they are – leftovers from old thought loops and experiences that simply no longer apply.

These are the energies to cast your net wider, to play in realm of potentiality that exists just beyond what you can see, and to be open to magic and miracles, for it is from there you will create and express yourselves in your greatest expression of self and continue to expand from there. The only limits are the ones you put upon yourselves, Dear Ones. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/24/2020 9:11:06 PM
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 24 January 2020

Mike Quinsey

You have only to learn of the pending world changes to realise that something big is taking place, as unlike seasonal changes there is disruption and upheaval of a measure never quite seen in your recent times. Mother Earth is almost shouting at you that preparations must go ahead to make ready for even greater changes that are coming with the Event. The longer Mankind takes to recognise the necessity of the changes, the more difficult it will become to handle them and avoid traumatic events that will inevitably follow. By anticipating what is needed in readiness for the future a path can be followed that will prepare the way with the least effect upon the people. A worldwide decision must be made to join forces and share the responsibility for ensuring that progress is made with the least damage to the Earth itself.

The energies for change are being felt everywhere and although the outcome is not generally known people sense that something big is coming. Many already have some knowledge of the Event but it is not known precisely when it will occur. However, there is a feeling that Mankind needs to address the potential happenings so as to minimise the damage to man and beast alike. We are not fearmongering but the potential for change is becoming more obvious with climate change already taking its toll. When you take these warnings seriously we in turn will do or best to guide you, but the onus is upon you to take the first steps because even in these present times your freewill is foremost and honoured.

The emphasis is now upon peaceful actions and the use of your wealth to strengthen the hands of those who are leading the way. Listen to what they have to say and give them the support they need in whatever form it takes. There is no reason to continue investing money in dead ventures and instead use it to pave the way to a far better world that is coming. The pace of change is quickening and people will look for the major powers to come together and lead the way in worldwide peaceful action. You will ignore it at your peril but we hope that a “Wake-up” call will stir many into action that will put Humanity on to a path that anticipates what is needed. The demands on your resources will gradually become greater and more fresh water will be needed to prevent catastrophes in areas where it is already becoming short. You should perhaps be looking at treating seawater to make it into drinking water, but not by your present costly desalination methods when more efficient and far cheaper methods are known.

It will be difficult to convince “big business” they too must change to assist Humanity get through the coming period as no one will be exempt from the effects associated with it. However, with goodwill and a sensible approach to the problems that arise, the least damage will be experienced. For our part we will as always try to energise those organisations and people who are in a position to directly help you in times when you are in need. Clearly there are ways of calculating your needs in advance and in some instances saving for a “rainy day”. After all you now have the technologies to anticipate your requirements regardless of what form they may take. You are at the cross-roads of change and one way leads to chaos, whilst the other one leads to success. It may not come easily but with determination and goodwill, in truth there is nothing that you cannot achieve.

Obviously the effects of change will differ from one country to another and even one town to another, so you will have to look for the signs of activity that affects you and take action accordingly. Weather prediction is well advanced so you should be able to prepare for unusual times and take steps to make sure you are prepared. Food supplies are always going to be vulnerable and a small back up to cover for shortages would be wise.

You may have noticed that small communities seem to cope better in times of need and this may become the normal in years to come. In fact you have so many potential changes ahead you may decide that small is beautiful anyway. There are no rules that can be laid down to cover the unexpected, but common sense should prevail. After all most of you have gone through difficult periods already and even wars and know how to anticipate your needs and provide for them.

Never lose sight of the fact that there are galactic entities of vast experience that oversee your evolution. They know the plan for Human and their presence ensures that you are protected and given every opportunity to gain success. They have the authority to take steps where necessary to ensure that as far as possible you do keep to the plan, to ensure progress and not allow it to stagnate, or worse to cease. Therefore when life seems haphazard and pointless realise that there is still a plan operating and you will return to it at the earliest possible time. Each one of you has many Guides and some are especially selected for the wisdom and knowledge they have. So you are not alone in your quest for spiritually progress so take note of those promptings you get when you are in your quiet moments such as meditation.

Do not allow the negativity around you to influence your life as you have a plan even if you are personally unaware of it, and events in your life are pre-arranged so that you get every opportunity to evolve. Understand that every time you fail to reach a level that leads you to ascension the same opportunities will come up again, but that will extend the number of years you remain at the lower vibrating level. Progress is lifting your vibrations and maintaining them at a higher level, when ascension becomes automatic and that is your goal. You will gain the most wonderful life and freedom from the negativity that is presently around you.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same internal connection with God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/24/2020 11:45:35 PM

January 24, 2020

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ Sananda Council of Light: The Thrill

We are of the Sananda Council of Light. Many of you walk stagnantly through your life doing what you needs to be done, saying what needs to be said, all without attachment. It is all so mundane, as if you’re reading from a script not allowing yourself to become fully part of life. You feel less buoyant and denser. Everyday you collect more stress and confusion allowing it to gather in the body anchoring you like a rusty weight from a freighter that has been sunk.

You blindly walk through the passageways of your life entering each door, and each situation with little to no expectations. ‘The thrill is gone’ and all of life shows the stress lines. How much of your day is bringing you any joy or laughter? Even those that your heart belongs to, do not bring you the joy that you once knew. You feel null and void of energy and purpose. You can blame life, or them or you can take credit for that yourself. As a child you were told you must grow up and be responsible for your actions, your words, and your bills. Taking that responsibility to heart you have been stifled, choking on what you are supposed to be, gasping for air.

Many of you sit on the merry go round of past injustices changing horses but never getting off. You walk slowly through the labyrinth of your mind trying to figure out why someone said this, why someone did that. For too long, humanity has sat licking the wounds of the past. Not allowing that area of hurt to ever be healed. The human soul is starving for nourishment.

The neuro pathways of your brain have many cul-de-sacs dead-ends and new streets. When you have an intuitive thought, electrical impulses are released in your brain. A passion runs through your body Adrenaline spurts in the blood and you feel alive. Usually passions are short lived. Sometimes it is you that aborts the passion other times it is just one word from another that stops you dead in your tracks. Your spirits are dampened, the passion is extinguished, the lights go out, and you give up on what once brought you joy and a reason to live.

How many times have you given up on an idea, an invention, a new home, a new friend, because you aborted it before it could be birthed? Your brain has a file cabinet of disappointments. You keep a photocopied molecular file of these same disappointments in your heart. Everything and everyone that ever disappointed or hurt you is kept spinning around and around in the neural synapses of the brain and the heart. You base your future experiences on these disappointments.

Imagine a very old machine that has sat there and never been used. Then one day someone decides to use it. The machine sputters and chokes on this new electrical connection not knowing what it is to do. Your brain is now receiving new electrical connections and input in order to activate it into firing up sections of the inner environment that have been dormant for eons of time.

Each day instead of thinking about what you did not achieve, think about what you did achieve. You succeeded in waking this day, many did not. You succeeded in going to work and many do not have a job. You succeeded in driving to work; many had to take the bus. You succeed on many levels throughout the day but you do not see that success as important. You reference the places that you have failed, the places where you were disappointed. Your future is based on a ‘labyrinth of failures’ and disappointments. Each failure is an opportunity to shift the future into a place you desire to be.

Each and everyday remind others about their success instead of their failures. As this re-patterning of the brain is occurring, a doorway within your crown is making itself available to higher levels of light. There will be an issuance of new light beings, masters, angels, and guides. They come forth to give you a lift into the next level of your light contract and instructs that lives within your heart.

Each of you tends to sabotage yourself. It is this continual sabotaging that keeps you less than and running in circles of difficulty. When you feel like destroying something that you have worked on or worked for or worked toward –that is a sign that there is a need to press harder, to do more, to go past previous boundaries. It also represents that you are at the edge of succeeding. The edge of succeeding is booby-trapped. At the very edge of succeeding and success, there is an ‘initiation via potential sabotage’. You watch yourself do this and you wonder what is wrong with me? Why do I try to sabotage success? Many times the human being does not want to succeed. Many are comfortable in succeeding a little bit, but not totally.

We the Sananda Council have come to explain that it is important that you walk in peace in all of your actions and re-actions. You all come from the body of Earth. Your flesh is from her flesh. You process what she processes. That is part of your journey. When you make peace within self, when you feed your own starving child, – then your world receives the same blessing. You must fight your own war and achieve internal peace inside. Then and only then have done your part


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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