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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/17/2020 12:57:44 AM

Divine Mother says more help is on the way

by Linda Li

January 17, 2020

Dear angels on earth, I am your Divine Mother. I come today to share my love with you. I know that this is very important moment in Gaia’s ascension process. Some of the light workers who are having difficulties in this process. The process is quite intense lately and because the intensity, some light workers and light bearers have been bombarded with the divine light, and now their body is in the maximum capacity and they feel that they can no longer absorb any more light. That is ok dear heart.

Your body is indeed in the process of transforming to intense light filled body. And that means that your body has to absorb the ascension Rays on the daily basis so that gradually, the light body can be fully activated and guiding you moving forward in your earthly journey. In time like this, the physical body tends to be intensely activated. Especially the ones who carry a great deal of the Divine mission. Their Divine mission requires them to be on the frontline of the ascension journey. That means that their physical body has to be transformed to a light based body faster than others. And the speed alone is a challenge for most souls on the planet. Not mentioning that these souls will have to conduct their mission in a manor that demands them a lot of the physical and spiritual energy. Together, these pioneers are the ones that have the extreme demanding work in this process. For that, I am grateful that they are here. Their contributions are invaluable. They have been the pillar in this process. And the Divine has enormous amount of the adoration and appreciation for these special ones.

Now, in order for this process to move forward smoothly, we, the Divine have decided to bring some more light pillars here, to the planet. We know the time ahead is going to be very challenging. The process is going to be more and more demanding to the light workers and humanity in general. We, the Divine have foreseen the process and that is why your Father and I have decided to bring some elite beings here to help with the process.

The ones who are coming in the near future, are the archangels. Their expertise will fulfill Gaia’s needs. These advanced souls have the advanced technologies to smooth out the difficulties of Gaia’s ascension journey so that in the next phase, Gaia’s restoration phase, the Divine and our light workers will have extra resources, and that means that the planetary ascension may indeed get a little easier.

I love you dear angels. I am your Mother God. In the next few days, these advanced souls will arrive at the planet. They have been through a lot of the planetary ascension before and they are pretty experienced in this kind of process, which means that they will jump in to the process right after their arrival. That is why we, the Divine have been waiting. We need these souls at this moment. Gaia is very happy to have these souls here as well. Once these precious beings arrive, we will start the process again. And that is where we are dear children on earth.
I love you. So it is.

Linda Li

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/17/2020 2:33:55 AM

How You Will Get Your Power Back ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

how you will get your power back - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited about this next phase of humanity’s evolution because we can see the timelines that will bring you into a greater harmony as a species, and we can also see how you are going to be embracing your power as individuals while on that path. A lot of the problems that you have with others is the idea that someone else out there is robbing you of your internal power.

But as more and more of you discover that you do have the ability to create your reality, regardless of what anyone else is doing, you will come to a place of greater harmony with the individuals and groups that you once saw as the great villains of the world. You will no longer feel a need to push against anyone or anything, and in that lack of resistance, you will let in more of your abilities. You will begin to see yourselves as powerful creator beings, which will help you to release all of that angst, all of that resentment, and all of that fear that holds you back from creating the reality that you want to experience.

Everything is happening by co-creation there on Earth, no matter how it might look. It is all by agreement. And we already know that some of you are thinking to yourselves, ‘I didn’t agree to this!’ And that is true. You didn’t agree to it consciously. You didn’t agree to it on the level of your ego, and that is what makes these teachings so difficult for so many. Remember that as a soul, you enter into agreements with other souls to play roles with one another for the purposes of having experience and growing spiritually from that experience.

Once you recognize that truth, then you can let go of all of the fear, resentment, and resistance and fully embrace yourselves, your whole selves as the creators of your reality. And then you can live in peace with everyone out there that you share your planet with, no matter what they are doing and no matter whom they are doing it to. It is a lot easier to take the approach that many on Earth continue to take, and that approach is to see the villains as being responsible for all of the bad in the world, and then to throw up one’s hands and exclaim that they have too much power to do anything that would stop them.

But then there are enough individuals on Earth right now who are so excited to learn that they can create the reality that they want to experience that there’s more power being accessed in every moment of every day by individuals who know themselves as much more than that ego that thinks its been running the show. And that’s what we are excited about in this moment. That’s what we are witnessing, and know we will continue to witness as you move forward in this beautiful time of mass awakenings.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/17/2020 6:16:54 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday January 17, 2020

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What one simple action can you take today that would bring you closer to what you wish to experience? It does not need to be grandiose. It can be researching options. It might be deciding that you are ready to receive and showing that by starting to put your needs first. It could be setting aside some time with yourself to really get clear about what you want.

Perhaps it is setting new broader intentions and surrendering into them, also known as casting your net wider. It might be asking to be shown what the next steps are to move forward in that direction and following the bumps and nudges.

Taking any of these steps loudly announces that you are ready to start to move towards that dream now. It indicates that you are willing to enter into the unfoldment that leads to the alignment with that experience. It shows you are a fully cooperating member of your co-creation team.

It is a profound act of empowerment because having your actions match your intentions immediately shifts the energy and creates new possibilities and potentials. What are you ready to stop wishing for and start actively creating? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/17/2020 6:21:33 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/16/2020

will's picture

From your very childhood you have been told not to commit any mistakes. That is one of the greatest teachings of all the societies all over the world -- and very dangerous, very harmful. Teach children to commit as many mistakes as possible, with only one condition: don't commit the same mistake again, that's all. And they will grow, and they will experience more and more.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
1/17/2020 11:38:32 PM

Rescue You

Galactic Free Press's picture
As you sit waiting for someone to rescue you, opportunities to rescue yourself fly by. Do not wait; be your own champion. Take responsibility for your part in every aspect of your life. It is, after all, yours. ~ Creator

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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