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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/14/2020 11:41:34 PM

Amanda Lorence


I plan to explain the embodiment stage and energetic activation of:
‘Full Clearing of the Emotional Body’, as soon as I can. Full clearing of the emotional body happens TO EACH, from within, as a key stage of the step by step embodiment process we each traverse via our consciousness. An activation that occurs within via our own higher consciousness facet of light. No one on your outside does this for you. It occurs, NATURALLY, as part of each’s OWN process, an activated point of light, from within. Some have had this activated within since 2 January, and all will follow. So I’ll explain it more, if that helps?

I’ll also explain more easily what ‘Stage 2’ (it’s underway) of our collective ascension is, unfolds like. 2020 being the year each that have chosen to, activate to their Stage 2 VERSION of themselves. A NEWER VERSION of Human, that emerges gracefully from within. In order to GIVE that NEWER VERSION out in service to the whole. The older version of you, experienced in Stage 1 of your awakening (4D journey), is dissolved to become a blurred light-hearted memory, the more we experience and allow the NEWER VERSION to become and unfold as us. Gradually, gracefully yet still a surprise as we unfold within, a step at a time. It is THIS Version, each become, that IS the CHANGE for the world, kingdoms, universes. I have always known (was shown in 2013) we each have to go through the initial awakening process, dissolve the patterns, first, in order to become the NEWER VERSION that grows more quickly in it’s energy, higher wisdom, as SELF.

All above I’ll explain in greater detail after this current period of incoming energies and inner upgrades have taken place and are integrated. Remember, activations take 3 cycles of our Sun (3 days) to be fully absorbed into our physical cells, as we are doing this with the body. As the physical cells activate more and more crystalline ability.

Absolutely huge. So to just allow, relax into all energy as you can. Deep inner peace, stillness, being with the energies (as opposed to outer dream distractions) allows each to feel and see more, and experience these energies in a heightened state of consciousness, in this NOW, as they present. In other words, be present, to see, feel, hear the ‘present’. But always just a right or wrong way to be. Whilst I feel the significance of today’s energies and portal I saw open, I feel 13th January, IS a SURPRISE. We will see...

Amazing times, and amazing times ahead for you. So hang in there, keep going, everyone is perfectly on track by God’s perfectly perfect design. You are loved and so held throughout.

Soul hugs,
Amanda Lorence
12 January 2020

Amanda Lorence

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/14/2020 11:58:38 PM

We stoke the fires of purification before we move fully into the alignment that heralds the change point.

We are already seeing the power and energy building as the unconscious world begins to dismantle. Everything is now fully making sense, all is so very transparent.

Bear your gift of sacrifice to the Capricorn Council, the only sacrifice accepted is that of the beliefs, programs, attachments to the old ways to be removed and passed over as an offering to support the new.

The sacrifice of our own, old, skin.

We are passing through the most highest of frequencies in this portal presenting.

Saturn, Pluto, Mercury, Sun and Ceres are before us, to their side there is Jupiter, Pholus and the South Node, holding the door open for those prepared to expand upon their release, assisting the preparation before each of us presents our truth, the core vibration we hold to then receive the stamp to pass or the refusal to enter.

We don't get to fake it till we make it, only a fool would try
We don't get to think our way through, holding unconscious vibrations of truth and thinking our way into balance using spiritual beliefs will be crushing to those who try, a gift, of course, of learning which in time, when learnt will only then be fully received and the gratitude can flow.

It is simple, the Aquarian Age is becoming more powerful, more aligned and therefore Divine Detachment to the Piscean Age and all that we created within must be free to pass.

What appears to surface as I mentioned in the ramblings below in the earlier report is the shame and lack is rising, the acceptance for flaws and the denial of perfection which is highlighting the intensity of self judgement and non understanding as to how this all works, I feel many will be receiving the denial stamp in this conjunction, to experience its depths through the incoming decade.

Again, this is a huge contradiction in the spiritual arena specifically as they speak the words of love but hold the truth of judgement, however, this means this too shall pass, although from the human experience it will create a shattering experience that we all will surf collectively.

This is why the keys are now shared to assist in the detachment and to offer the view of the observer.

Mastery in perfection

Today, before the first main event of this year, we have two HUGE ones in 2020 that really pinpoint the transition in Ages, the first is exact tomorrow, the latter at the end of this year when Saturn and Jupiter conjunct to move into tropical Aquarius in December, today we have a grand trine a power of Divine energy a template of purification to burn through as the moon in Leo, is trine Mars in Sag also trine Chiron in Aries, all within the first few degrees of their current sign coordinates

The fire is lit, and this trine will stoke the fires to shake up, the areas where the old skin is still attached, if you choose, of course, the collective loves their free will to stay asleep.

This is some powerful healing energy, energy that combines the feelings but now brings forth the action required, not the action of old, the empowered action that remembers the importance of the choice and that for this portal it can only be conscious, from the most highest viewpoint that is following the road that the Divine is laying out before us, or in other words what you, your soul, your light is urging you, manifesting for you, to take with grace and acceptance.

We will hear the cages rattle
We will hear the unconscious screams
We will see the ego dancing with its death mask already in place
We will feel the discord rise

So angels of light, we unplug from the presentation and we go deep within, and when it is recognised within each, we allow it disperse from there, we hold our fields in the highest of frequency, we experience nothing but conscious everything through our denial to play in the muddy pools of the unconscious.

And we allow any fear to be purified in the blessing that this trine offers

Taking off our muddy boots before each walks the red carpet to be Seen by the Capricorn Council.

January 2020 report


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/15/2020 12:51:02 AM

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ JANUARY 12, 2020

Marilyn Raffaele

Dear ones you intellectually understand, but must actually accept that you are so much more than you have been led to believe. Throughout lifetimes humans have been manipulated and taught that they are little more than animals deserving of and needing harsh treatment and incapable of making proper decisions and must look to those more qualified to tell them what is right or wrong or how to live.

Because of this, many unconsciously still carry old energy from those lifetimes in cellular memory. As long as these energies remain active they can and often do manifest seemingly out of nowhere as experiences of either overt aggression or its opposite, powerlessness.

As old and dense energies clear both personally and globally, some are re-experiencing deeply buried energies of fear, aggression, or powerlessness and not understanding why. Because low resonating energy cannot align with the higher these must be cleared. This often takes place through dreams but through experience and emotions as well.

Allow the clearing process to take place without resistance or the belief that these things are who you are. Negative emotions, thoughts, or feelings are never who you are. Allow them to move through and out without attaching power to them.

When mankind was much less evolved, rules and guidelines were important and often necessary for staying alive. However, mankind has evolved beyond those times and many of these guidelines have become obsolete and no longer necessary. More and more, the concept of a "ruling class" has devolved into being simply a means for power over others.

Beliefs in duality and separation have and will continue to perfectly manifest pairs of opposites as long as they continue to dominate collective consciousness simply because consciousness is the substance of form. Mind, being an avenue of awareness, interprets what it sees according to the state of consciousness of the individual or collective.

Demonstrations and actions hold an important place in helping to change world awareness, but unless guided from within to bring your light to some situation through participation, most of you will not be called to demonstrate and protest. Those awakened and evolved usually serve on levels more in alignment with their state of consciousness, bringing Light to the outer scene through silent alignment with "God alone is ".

Pre-birth every individual chooses the experiences he needs, and is spiritually prepared for in order to learn and evolve during his time on earth. A person with a weak and powerless personality, who who has always allowed others to run his life may feel ready and thus choose experiences that will force him/her to empower themselves.

Example--After having never held a job, always looking to others, and believing self to be a victim, he/she may be forced into empowerment after finding themselves in "do or die" situations following the death, abandonment, or withdrawal of those who have always enabled them.

Loving occasionally means allowing another to fall flat on their face. When you continue enabling someone who has had many opportunities, you take away their job which is to learn and grow.

Those new to life on earth get a great deal of assistance when choosing life experiences and are guided to choose only what is not beyond their ability to complete. Those more experienced and evolved make the majority of their own decisions along with the others who will be involved. "Older" souls are well aware of where they have failed in the past and what they need to learn. However, all choices are lovingly guided and approved pre-birth based on each soul's readiness rather than their enthusiasm.

You have entered a time in which many are opening to deeper levels of awareness through painful and intense life experiences. Most are as of yet unaware that they themselves chose these or similar experiences either simply for the experience itself, or to force themselves deeper within. "Wake up calls" are often necessary for those who are spiritually prepared, but who refuse to budge from their three dimensional comfort zone.

Most are unaware that when they realize some new facet of truth, they are in fact simply remembering it. Truth is, always has been, and can only be already fully present in the Consciousness of every person. It does not flow from some outside source for there is no outside source. All truth flows from where it has always been just awaiting recognition--within-- even though often appears to come from a teacher, book, class, channel, or practice. Evolution is simply remembering. At no time have you ever not been the fullness of God expressing ITself.

You who read these messages are ready to release yourselves from all remaining self created prisons of illusion. The world is not an illusion as many have been taught and believe. Rather the three dimensional concepts of the world are the illusion. A tree may appear to be an inanimate stand of wood to three dimensional consciousness but those able to see higher dimensional energy see the Light of Life flowing in, through, and around every branch and root, connecting it to every other tree. "Tree huggers" are not hugging a piece of wood, but rather are connecting with the one same Divine life essence each holds.

Learn to look beyond all appearances, large and small, good or bad. God is not just in good appearances and not in the bad ones. Both are mind interpretations flowing in accordance with the state of consciousness and conditioning of the observer. Because there is only ONE consciousness, everyone in alignment with the conditioned collective sees the same thing. This is what is meant by "You must come out and be separate".

When you react strongly to some negative appearance, you feed it energy allowing it to continue. Stop feeding world concepts based in duality and separation. Honestly examine your belief system in order to understand if or how you may be doing this. Rest in your Divinity rather than your humanness. You are ready. Understand and accept that everything reflective of duality or separation is nothing more than a mind formed illusory corruption of some underlying reality.

Everyone comes to earth for the experiences they have chosen based on what they have not yet experienced or need to learn. However, once on earth this is forgotten as the person sees and experiences physical and emotional struggles, as well as success. Both are tools for learning but become obsolete and no longer necessary once a person attains a consciousness of Oneness and the non-power or reality of appearances.

This is not to say that "problems"completely cease upon awakening for as long as one is living in the three dimensional world, the pairs of opposites will present themselves. However, those living from a higher level of awareness will find them occurring less frequently and usually for the purpose of drawing attention to some ingrained belief needing to be recognized and cleared. You will find yourself intuitively guided to the "right" person, business, or service capable of assisting with the problem if you allow and trust your oneness with harmony and wholeness.

Cease endowing "problems" with power. Ask yourselves, "What is this experience teaching me? What am I believing that is causing me to feel this way? Is this belief true in the light of the truth I know?" You will discover that a great deal of what the world has labeled good or bad, acceptable or not acceptable began as nothing more than popular opinion given credibility through acceptance allowing it to become a rule, law, or societal norm.

It is time to let go of everything false and rest in the the truth that all is and can only be whole and complete because nothing exists outside of the ONE. "Well, things don't look so whole and complete." you say. Three dimensional appearances will always appear to defy and take president over truth simply because at this time the majority remains capable only of comprehending the material--that which they can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell. This is why the journey of every aspiring master is difficult especially in the beginning.

Never deny appearances but rather simply acknowledge them for what they are and do what you may be guided to do to for self or the others involved. Do what needs doing, but do it with the detachment that comes of not giving appearances power for good or bad.

Occasionally a misguided truth student will consider it spiritual to simply spout "God is all. Everything is illusion." and do nothing during difficult times. Pretending to have attained a consciousness of the absolute while it remains only intellectual knowledge is three dimensional thinking. Yes, know the truth, but then take whatever actions you are guided to take which more and more will become inner actions.

This type of thinking frequently occurs around health issues. A serious student does not address some issue in the belief that he must hold to absolute truth or spiritual fail by looking to some outside medical assistance. Assistance is offered on all levels and it is all spiritual. Know the absolute and bring it to conscious awareness, but then take whatever human footsteps you are guided to take without assigning power to the situation. You will soon discover that the sky does not fall down nor there is there any spiritual regression.

Some of you may be called to work in the outer scene, to take a stand, lead some group, and solve world problems but most of you at this time are doing spiritual work by living each moment in silent awareness of One Reality always expressing ITSelf. This work is not for the faint hearted because you are not yet the majority and it can be very tempting to simply "go with the flow" of majority thought.

As you live from your highest level of realization in each now moment of every seemingly ordinary day not hoping, seeking, looking for some future event, or miracle from on high, you will begin to witness personal and global change that is inevitable. Ordinary, familiar, and commonly accepted beliefs within governments, organized religions, health fields, education, finance, etc. will begin to change and evolve into higher and better form.

In the meantime let go of expecting and looking to this or that to appear and save the world. These types of beliefs were born from the old belief system enmeshed in separation. You are the change you hope to see and have been seeking for lifetimes. You are the Holy Grail, God and Savour but have not known it. You know it now, so allow these old concepts to fade into the nothingness that they are.

Live each now moment in conscious union with your Divine Self, while allowing the "heathen to rage" however it pleases. Consciously live the events, chores, joys, and disappointments of each day from center, from that silent, secret, and sacred place of Oneness.

This is Lightwork--you being YOU. No group of ascended masters, evolved extraterrestrials, angels, or gods somewhere in another dimension can do the work for you. It is why you chose to be on earth at this time.

Allow your consciousness of Oneness to express ITself as you.

We are the Arcturian Group 1/12/20

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/15/2020 6:08:09 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 15, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

Many of you consciously make the decision to not move towards your dreams because you don’t know all the steps that would allow them to come to you.

This would amount to not ordering something you desire online because you don’t know the name of the employee who would fill the order, what shipping facilities your package would go through as it made its way to you, or the name of the driver who would deliver it to your door.

Do you see? Your job is to decide what you would like to experience and be ready to receive it. The universe will orchestrate the rest through the coordination of the people and elements that are there to serve you in the fulfillment of that desire. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/15/2020 6:11:36 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/14/2020

will's picture

Go with nature, don't try to go upstream. Go with the stream of life. Go with the river, don't push the river. Don't try to conquer nature -- you cannot; you can only destroy it, and destroy yourself in the effort. The very idea of conquering nature is violent, ugly.

Victory is not going to be against nature, victory is possible only with nature.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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