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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/16/2020 12:05:19 AM

Expansion, Trust and Embodiment – Themes for 2020


A Message from Archangel Gabriel for 2020

Dear Ones,

This year will be a Banner Year for those who can skillfully navigate their lives to bring forth greater levels of Expansion, Trust, and Embodiment of their Divinity.

You will be expanding your parameters for life. Expanding beyond who you have always been, looking with expanded perspectives at who you are in this space between dimensional realities. You are expanding beyond your known realities, making room for what you have dreamed would manifest for you.

At the same time, you can trust that there is a new Divine Feminine flow of energy which is blessed by the spiritual resources you have connected to; those Light Beings who guide and guard you as you step into new expanded territory.

You will need to trust that you are not stuck in old patterns, that these said patterns are only alerting you to the change in your responses and the fall-back energy you have historically relied on. You are now opening to new connections that lead to a Divine Feminine counterpart to the old ways you have worked with. The structures you have relied on are crumbling, so as you make your way forward into 2020, the intentions you have set for a more expanded reality are coming into fruition. It is so different that you may only feel confused and unsure how to respond as your days stretch into new realities that are unfamiliar.

Providing space for your evolution is priority. You will not make much headway if you are trying to create new techniques, working deeper marketing formats, or launching new work formats and activities. These are not a vibrational match for this beginning to a new decade. It’s probable that what you thought you were preparing may crumble while you are opening into your new expansive realities before you are clear about what those look like.

One thing you can fully trust is that you are grounding in a deeper way and embodying your Divinity in a reality that will feel different. Who you are in this reality will also feel different.

You will have access to a state of Divinity that will surprise you. When you are aligned with your most Divine State, new perceptions come forward. Expanded ways of perceiving your life will illuminate your actions. You will notice that just as you are about to respond from a habitual space, if you can hit the pause button, something new will come forward. As you slow down, you become more conscious and you realize you don’t want to respond the way you have in the past. This is only one of the new ways in which you will take care of your new creative self.

Indeed your heart is lighter and what appears outside you does not feel as harsh because you have more equanimity, you have greater access to a flow of energy that nourishes you and encourages you to feel balanced.

In a balanced state your heart is open, you trust your own responses to life and you know you have prepared a field of light within and around you that supports your depth of purpose. You may even feel you are giving yourself more space to expand your view of life.

In this new year, you may feel ready to accept your place in the higher frequencies that you have been diligently preparing within your body. You are being activated to gain inner Peace this year.

At the very least, you will be introduced to the sanctuary in your heart for Peace. You will experience your temple of loving-kindness that wells up from your heart and fills your field before radiating to the world.

As you do this, you will become the Beacon of Light that radiates HOPE into the world in need. Love fills and surrounds you in a field of Wellbeing and you are blessed. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel

January 9, 2020

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/16/2020 12:17:10 AM

Chakra Detoxification ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

chakra detoxification - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangels


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been in the process of evaluating your third dimensional chakra system that is now your fourth dimensional chakra system, and we are happy to report that your chakras are evolving. They are becoming stronger energy centers. They have been able to handle more energy, and there is also a natural detoxification of your chakras that has been taking place. And so, we notice that they are cleaner and clearer than they have ever been.

What this means is that you have greater access to all of the strengths that your chakras possess. You have greater access to love, power, creativity, self-expression, clairvoyance, connection, and mastery over the physical realm and so much more than what you have been taught about your chakras. They are dynamic. They work together. They work as a unit, and many of you are tapping in to the power and the grace of your chakra system now because of the cleansing that you have done and because of all of that work you have done on yourselves.

The natural detoxification is occurring because of the fact that you are simply living in a higher dimensional plane now. The fourth dimension is higher dimensional in comparison to the third. So that energy that is incompatible with the higher frequency of the fourth dimension is purged from your chakras, and when this happens it can get rather unpleasant, uncomfortable, and downright ugly for all of you. This is one of the reasons why you need to take care of yourselves. You need to love yourselves through these experiences of detoxing. You need to acknowledge that ascension symptoms are real. They are not just an excuse to be lazy.

And we also want to remind you of the importance of sleep, hydration, and meditation to help you through this process. Again, those of you who are awake have been intuitively drawn to do all of those things and more, and you are the ones who are showing us and the rest of humanity what your chakra systems are capable of. Now, here we are referring to your seven main chakras, and we also want you to know that there are many other chakras throughout your physical body. And you even have a fifth dimensional chakra system, which is usually hovering around you in your energy field.

These energy centers can provide you with just about everything that you need. Take the time each day to tune in to your seven main chakras to feel what’s going on with them, and be patient with this detoxification process. You’ve had a lot of lifetimes to accumulate those lower vibrational energies. It’s going to take some time to get it all out, but you are doing so and the end result has been phenomenal. We are very impressed, and so should you be. Be impressed with yourselves. You are doing wonderful work there on planet Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/16/2020 6:05:24 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday January 16, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

Whatever your soul is asking for is what is exactly right for you. You can never, ever make a mistake if you listen to the nudges and yearnings of your soul.

Stepping into your authentic power is trusting yourself enough to listen to your soul above all else, knowing that even it it doesn’t make any sense to anyone else it is your highest path because you are the only qualified expert of your own life expression.

As you move further into the energies of 2020, your needs may change. Your desires may change. Your service may change. What brings you joy may change. This is wonderful, for it is an indicator of your evolution.

By honouring your truth every step of the way, you will serve yourself and others and be a beautiful teacher by example. You will support others in moving into the freedom of honouring themselves, as well.

This is the path of empowerment that celebrates the joyful expansion and self expression of all, and one of the most beautiful aspects of service you will ever experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/16/2020 6:33:32 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/15/2020

will's picture

People are just sitting on the fence. Millions of people are fence-sitters -- this way or that, just waiting for the opportunity to come. And the opportunity will never come, because it has already come, it is there!

My own suggestion is that even if sometimes it happens that you commit to the wrong thing, even then it is good to commit, because the day you will know it is wrong you can get out of it. At least you would have learned one thing: that it is wrong, and never to get into anything like that again. It is a great experience; it brings you closer to truth.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/17/2020 12:03:07 AM

You Are…

The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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