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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/19/2020 12:01:04 AM

New Ways to Deliver Downloads & Activations to You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

new ways to deliver downloads & activations to you - the 9d arcturian council channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangels


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to discover new ways of getting you to open up to receive. We understand the importance of getting you to slow down, to stop altogether, and to allow in that which you have been summoning, whether on the physical or energetic level. And we have discovered that when you are confused about something, when you don’t know the answer, when you have given up on trying to figure something out, those are excellent times to get you to open up and receive.

We are very interested to see how you are going to receive what we are offering in those moments, as we begin to drip in little pieces of information, downloads, and activations to help you along on your journeys. Confusion is very similar to being in a space where you’re not thinking anything at all, because anytime your mind has to give up control, that’s a good thing. That’s an avenue for you to go beyond your physical mind. It’s a similar phenomenon to when you cannot find what you’re looking for in the physical realm, get frustrated, and give up. That’s usually when the item you’ve been looking for appears magically.

You need to give up sometimes with your mental processing. You sometimes need to stop trying to figure out the solution to an issue and just accept it as it is. You are capable of doing this consciously, of course, and you certainly can create enough issues for yourselves in your lives to get you in that place of giving up, but your guides can also help facilitate this process, while working with your higher selves. And that’s when we come in to deliver something that you can only receive in those moments when you let go of control.

You do need to let go of that desire to know everything and to have it all figured out. Right now, many individuals are trying to figure out what’s going to happen next, and certainly a great deal of individuals want to know when and how the shift will be completed. When all of the information that you run across is contradicting other information, that is by design. That is meant to get you into a state where you throw up your hands and recognize that there’s plenty of life to be lived in the present moment without knowing what’s going to happen and when.

There’s plenty of life to be lived when you just accept that this problem you’ve been facing has no solution. There’s plenty of life to be lived as you are completely uncertain about whether what you want to manifest will ever come to fruition, and that’s the sweet spot. That moment when you give up and just decide to live happily ever after, that’s the moment that we wait for, and we invite you to anticipate good things from now on when you’re in that moment.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/19/2020 12:56:09 AM


17 Jan 2010

As the universe expands to fit its magnificent self it asks all of its creations to become more as well. To receive more, to create more, To be more, It pushes itself past previous potentials. a great cosmic pulse beats within the galactic heart and is felt within the heart of all that lives. Declarations of expansion are heard loud and clear through time and space.

Every thought is as a time piece that commands your immediate attention. Each minute that passes is as a cosmic gift certificate to be spent at the place of choice on the street of desire. Quantities and denominations of this gift certificate are structured and defined to fit earth and her life credits. As the pulse of light strengths in proportion to desired outcomes it moves its awareness forward thru time to look at each and every one of its creations. Seeing how they are spending their life force wisely or foolishly; benefiting the all or just paying homage to self. If seen as beneficial then higher domination's of light are added to the cosmic credit limit.

What is less than in time and value is also multiplied and expanded. Choices are blatantly seen for what they will reap. Hiding anything is not an option. An evolutionary wave length in direct proportion to the creators pulse is felt on a cellular level within the bio-circuitry of all that has life. Time once obstructed is seen for its flexibility, bending forward or back takes the same energy. As mankind changes his awareness of what space and time is he will release himself from the shackles of the past choices which continue to restrict. The molecules of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are ever marching forward thru time and space without hesitation. Outcomes are designed by the species as it chooses to move forward or stay put.

Mankind has the innate ability to become as the ‘masters’ he energetically bows down to. The graven image is changed permanently. Receiving the Christ power is the key to this truth, as what came before comes again. Stars and galaxies live within the human body and DNA. They are stellar captives of matter who ask to be set free to become what they were born to be. Let the universe living within you become its true value, as you seek to understand your true value. The universe is moving forward with or with out you. New programs and determined properties of bio-luminance creations are coming to the surface of time creating new opportunities for the light to express itself. Completion of the old programs begins quickly as the new codes are issued to humanity via the cosmic pulse. Those who earnestly seek will be lifted on high. All is amplified as it ebbs and flows.

Thought forms of light are ingathered, reevaluated and dispatched to create new worlds. All will be accountable of how they have spent there light. In the past spiritual gifts have been stunted as many types of energies competed with man for his space and perpetual time.

As gravity, electromagnetic and other energies tied to the old policy shift, they do not adhere to the rules of earthly physics. Scientific laws are fragmented and repositioned as space and time and earth amend. Energy is transferred back and forth thru time and between stellar initiation-points. Humanity releases the need for spatial order as it dances to a new reverberation of time. Electro and bio-chemical imprints have been transferred into sacred housings.

A great gift awaits those that have been strong enough to stay on the path of light during its involution and evolution. The gifts of what is holy will come to a place of saturation and ripeness. Light consciousness from an freestanding source will be transmitted allowing a higher intelligence to be imbued upon those that seek to know. Old ways of thinking will be dissolved and many out dated limitations with them.

New thought forms will generate at an excelled speed giving life to all thought and words. An arc of light will be used to join other star intelligences that are aligned with the new Christ codes. Divine seeds that have been afraid to sprout now take root in this higher ambiance of light that houses a deep universal love. By living in a place of light wearing a garment of love humanity will be able to move past the space time fence to a place of new energy codes which will bring a fulfillment that cannot be attained any other way.

Messengers of light in spiral form come to liberate man from a linear existence, opening doors of time (past and present) so humanity can get a clear look at the choices to be made. Star keys are given in response to an outcry from the future that humanity needs another chance to prove its self worthy of this light. Mankind will once again be shown how to save itself from a self induced bleak future.

As the universe expands to fit its magnificent self it asks all of its creations to become more as well. To receive more, to create more, To be more, It pushes itself past previous potentials. a great cosmic pulse beats within the galactic heart and is felt within the heart of all that lives. Declarations of expansion are heard loud and clear through time and space.

Every thought is as a time piece that commands your immediate attention. Each minute that passes is as a cosmic gift certificate to be spent at the place of choice on the street of desire. Quantities and denominations of this gift certificate are structured and defined to fit earth and her life credits. As the pulse of light strengths in proportion to desired outcomes it moves its awareness forward thru time to look at each and every one of its creations. Seeing how they are spending their life force wisely or foolishly; benefiting the all or just paying homage to self. If seen as beneficial then higher domination's of light are added to the cosmic credit limit.

What is less than in time and value is also multiplied and expanded. Choices are blatantly seen for what they will reap. Hiding anything is not an option. An evolutionary wave length in direct proportion to the creators pulse is felt on a cellular level within the bio-circuitry of all that has life. Time once obstructed is seen for its flexibility, bending forward or back takes the same energy. As mankind changes his awareness of what space and time is he will release himself from the shackles of the past choices which continue to restrict. The molecules of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are ever marching forward thru time and space without hesitation. Outcomes are designed by the species as it chooses to move forward or stay put.

Mankind has the innate ability to become as the ‘masters’ he energetically bows down to. The graven image is changed permanently. Receiving the Christ power is the key to this truth, as what came before comes again. Stars and galaxies live within the human body and DNA. They are stellar captives of matter who ask to be set free to become what they were born to be. Let the universe living within you become its true value, as you seek to understand your true value. The universe is moving forward with or with out you. New programs and determined properties of bio-luminance creations are coming to the surface of time creating new opportunities for the light to express itself. Completion of the old programs begins quickly as the new codes are issued to humanity via the cosmic pulse. Those who earnestly seek will be lifted on high. All is amplified as it ebbs and flows.

Thought forms of light are ingathered, reevaluated and dispatched to create new worlds. All will be accountable of how they have spent there light. In the past spiritual gifts have been stunted as many types of energies competed with man for his space and perpetual time.

As gravity, electromagnetic and other energies tied to the old policy shift, they do not adhere to the rules of earthly physics. Scientific laws are fragmented and repositioned as space and time and earth amend. Energy is transferred back and forth thru time and between stellar initiation-points. Humanity releases the need for spatial order as it dances to a new reverberation of time. Electro and bio-chemical imprints have been transferred into sacred housings.

A great gift awaits those that have been strong enough to stay on the path of light during its involution and evolution. The gifts of what is holy will come to a place of saturation and ripeness. Light consciousness from an freestanding source will be transmitted allowing a higher intelligence to be imbued upon those that seek to know. Old ways of thinking will be dissolved and many out dated limitations with them.

New thought forms will generate at an excelled speed giving life to all thought and words. An arc of light will be used to join other star intelligences that are aligned with the new Christ codes. Divine seeds that have been afraid to sprout now take root in this higher ambiance of light that houses a deep universal love. By living in a place of light wearing a garment of love humanity will be able to move past the space time fence to a place of new energy codes which will bring a fulfillment that cannot be attained any other way.

Messengers of light in spiral form come to liberate man from a linear existence, opening doors of time (past and present) so humanity can get a clear look at the choices to be made. Star keys are given in response to an outcry from the future that humanity needs another chance to prove its self worthy of this light. Mankind will once again be shown how to save itself from a self induced bleak future.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/19/2020 2:47:04 AM

Natalie Glasson ~ The Importance of Language and Thought by the Arcturians

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

We express our greetings to you upon a wave of the purest vibration of Arcturian truth. We greet you with the strength of our love and the power of our inner peace. In greeting you and all beings in this way we create a vibration within and around us that supports our existence in every moment.

Do you create a vibration from within you and through your actions to support your existence upon the Earth? Do you realise you can support your existence and creations on the Earth through the vibration you choose to exist as? While the vibration of your soul cannot be altered and only elevated, your vibration on the Earth depends upon your choices, thoughts, examples and how you live in the physical reality.

Thus, your vibration impacts and changes the reality you experience. You could liken your vibration to your energy, the atmosphere you create, or the qualities you exude. It can be the way you see yourself or the impression others receive.

We Arcturians focus upon the purest vibration from the core of the Arcturian Soul Group, thus everything we are and do becomes an expression of this. Where do you choose or feel guided to place your focus in order to awaken the flow of vibration through you that serves you?

In taking time to contemplate where it is most appropriate for you to place your focus, you will welcome and become acquainted with the vibration of the Creator and your truth, which truly wishes to flow through you. Your mind may not be able to answer this question, your soul will guide you to new understandings of yourself. Then you can recognise and make choices that empower and serve your vibration. Thus, you become magnetic, powerful and a beacon of truth.

Everything you are is in your reality at some time or another

If there are aspects of yourself you reject, hide or dismiss, so you will experience them in your reality. If you take time to cleanse your mind, emotions, and soul, so you will encounter a powerful experience of everything flowing ease in your reality. There are limiting habits within you which seem unresolvable and yet you are simply not allowing yourself to see, sense or acknowledge a solution.

There are aspects of your mind, emotions, and creations which you are blind to and there are energies, fears or anxieties which you hold onto so you can carry them with you. Everything will show up in your reality, then it is time to let go within you that which creates a disappointing and painful reality for you.

It is important to mention that all that is divine, love, peace, truth and the Creator within you will also show up in your reality. Sometimes it can be more challenging to recognise and project the magnificence you are because to do so requires more courage than recognising the limiting energies you are holding onto.

Courage is needed because when you recognise the divinity within your being and choose to be a shimmering example of it; following your intuition in every choice you make, you are taking responsibility for your creations and imprint in every moment of your life.

Rather than following the ideas, concepts, ways, and examples of others, you become fully accountable for your life and experiences, recognising that every step, word and thought impacts the divine plan of the Creator, the Universe of the Creator and especially the reality of the Earth. To live your life knowing this requires tremendous self-connection, trust, and unconditional love.

You can live a full and powerful life if you choose to. A life where you draw the wisdom of your soul to the surface to be your guide and expression. Please do not interpret our expression to you as a need to be perfect or even the perfection of the Creator in your reality. Your being may wish to be perfect, however, perfection is unobtainable.

The perfection of the Creator is already within you, it is the innocence and sacred flow of your essence, soul, and energy. It has nothing to do with being exact or flawless.

It is time for you to discover your own blazing light, your own pathway, and your inner values, to do so is to be an expression of the Creator. We, the Arcturians wish to encourage you to contemplate our expression and sharing to you, so you may align with the healing vibration we are sharing designed to realign you with your truth, while also restoring your inner power.

The Empowerment of Creation

Each person’s ability to create, manifest and experience that which is within them in their outer reality will be amplified. Having a sense of what you/ your soul wishes to create for yourself and the world has never been more important.

Everything you are is manifesting as the reality you experience; this is becoming more and more real with every moment

Listen to the statements you make/ create about yourself, your life and others. What do the statements you make and the phrases you use say about yourself? Are they born from habit? Someone else’s thoughts and words you have adopted? Do you mean what you are saying? Are you saying one thing and meaning something else? Does your language fully describe your intention, purpose, and meaning?

Your language, the words you use and the thoughts you create are now more than ever your tool for manifestation and creating the ascension of the Earth. It is important all three are as clear and precise as possible, expressing your inner meaning. This doesn’t mean that you must only create positive and loving thoughts. It is acceptable to have a negative thought or to make a limiting statement. The key is to realise that your language, thoughts, and words must be in alignment with the feelings, purpose, and intentions within you.

Remember that every word and thought has the power and capacity to program your subconscious mind, which is the source of most of your experiences. Do you actually mean what you say and do you want what you say to come true?

Examples: You’re such a nuisance. I would forget my head if it wasn’t screwed on. I am a drama queen. I have been hurt too many times. You drive me crazy. You are disgusting. I am so stupid. I always have bad luck. I am too old for that. I can’t trust anyone. That child is so naughty. I am fat. Life is hard. No one cares.

Sometimes something is said with affection, however, if you took away the affection the wording is judgemental or hurtful. This is when your inner meaning isn’t aligned with the words or thoughts you are creating. Alignment is needed within every part of your being and life.

It is time to cleanse and heal your language, the creation of the world and your world depends upon it. Let all aspects of your being be aligned. Speak from the truth within you and ensure you truly mean everything you say. Each word is creating your reality step by step.

Our words are to encourage a deeper discover into your being and the power you hold over your life and creations.

In loving gratitude for all you are,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/20/2020 12:11:28 AM

Daily Message ~ Sunday January 19, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

Energetic shifting is a process that simply can’t be rushed whether it is individual or deepening into a soul connection relationship. It is an integration that must be honoured and allowed to move at its own divinely perfect pace of unfoldment.

This can be hard for some of you to accept because you have been goal oriented for so long, looking for clear beginnings and endings, or perhaps thinking you will arrive somewhere and be done. But your enlightenment process, however it is occurring for you, is one of continual expansion and openings to know yourselves in new, ever evolving ways.

It is never complete. Your true nature, along with that of the universe, is continual movement and evolution. What this means is that there is no point when you are done. In fact, trying to stay static will just result in dissatisfaction and discomfort. Your soul is always seeking to expand into new states of being to then explore and create from. It is how you discover your true essence and highest potentials.

From this viewpoint, you can start to see that every single step, every integration, is equally important. Many of you think you must reach a level of attainment or union in order to truly be of service, but what we want you to understand is that each expansion and integration is vitally important to both you and the whole. Your growth is your service, every single step of the way.

So settle into your journey. Wonder at the divine intelligence and purpose of your unfoldment, honouring each now moment and discovery as what is driving the shift, both individually and collectively. It is all beautiful service because every time you come Home to a deeper knowing of yourself you anchor the energies that support the whole and lead through your beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/20/2020 12:15:53 AM

GFP Newsletter - 1/18/2020

will's picture

Just looking at a roseflower, watch it; or at the stars, or the people passing on the road, sit by the side and watch. And then slowly slowly close your eyes and see the inner traffic moving -- thousands of thoughts, desires, dreams, passing by. It is always rush hour there.

Just watch as somebody watches a river flowing by, sitting on the bank.

Just watch -- and watching, you will become aware that you are not it.

Mind is being identified with it. No-mind is being disidentified with it. Don't be a mind, because in fact you are not a mind. Then who are you? You are consciousness. You are that watchfulness, you are witnessing, you are that pure observation, that mirrorlike quality that reflects everything but never becomes identified with anything.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
