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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/13/2020 6:16:23 PM

Monday, January 13, 2020

Benjamin Fulford Update - January 13, 2020

Messianic nut-case Iran gambit backfires, payback begins"

By Benjamin Fulford January 13, 2020

The recent events orchestrated by the U.S. government in Iran have backfired in a major way and the repercussions have only just begun, multiple sources agree. The worst result has been to force the British and the rest of the Anglo-Saxon world away from their alliance with the U.S. under its current administration, MI6 sources say. “Whatever happened should never have happened, and the Western powers need to vacate the Muslim world and contain Israel,” the sources say.

Even the Israelis are waking up to the dangers of the Evangelical Christian nut jobs they created, Mossad sources agree.

Of course, the rest of the world already views the U.S. as a pariah state, so now U.S. President Donald Trump is totally isolated on the world stage.

Before we go further into the fallout, let us summarize exactly what happened. Basically, it was yet another attempt to start World War 3 by the Messianic Jewish crazies who, for simplicity’s sake, we will call the Zionists. This time they orchestrated an escalating series of events in a vain effort to get their long-awaited Armageddon by:

Murdering an American contractor in Iraq and blaming it on the Iranians.
Convincing or blackmailing Trump into a disproportionate response.
Getting their Iranian agents and brainwashed dupes to riot at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.
Forcing Trump to commit a war crime by murdering Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.
Remotely hijacking a Ukrainian airliner and flying it with transponders off towards an Iranian military base to fool the Iranians into shooting it down. (For those readers who do not yet realize this, in the late 1990’s the U.S. had remote hijacking equipment installed in all civilian airliners, supposedly as an anti-hijacking measure. This ability has been repeatedly abused for political purposes by the Khazarian mafia).
Now they are trying, and failing, to orchestrate regime change in Iran. Instead, though, this botched operation has succeeded in waking up a critical mass within the Western intelligence/military community to the fact the U.S. government has been hijacked by a fanatical cult that is trying to start WW3.

That is why the UK Defense minister Ben Wallace publicly announced his country was breaking away from its military alliance with the U.S.

There has also been a huge pushback by saner minds in the U.S. military-industrial establishment against the end-times fanatics centered around presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner and his Chabad cult. For example, U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper publicly denied claims by Trump that Iran was planning to attack U.S. embassies.

Pentagon sources say, “Despite the rhetoric, Trump has no choice but to pull U.S. troops out of Syraq, and eventually the Middle East.”

The reason Trump has no choice is, among other things, financial. The U.S. has wasted over 7 trillion dollars on endless war in the region and is now running out of money. This is the $7 trillion, by the way, that the Japanese were hoping to spend on ending poverty and stopping environmental destruction before the U.S. regime stole it from them.

There was a meeting between a representative of the White Dragon Society (WDS) and a senior Asian secret society leader last week to discuss, among other things, a plan for the bankruptcy reorganization of the U.S.

The plan calls for…

…the U.S. military-industrial complex to provide hitherto hidden technology to the Asians in exchange for financial support for rebuilding the U.S. economy, WDS sources say.

The Asians, for their part, are wary of making deals with any European peoples because so many promises have been broken by them in the past. This is the result of past actions of Jewish supremacists who believe it’s okay to deceive and cheat Goyim. You reap what you sow.

The WDS pointed out that Western civilization had a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde aspect to it, and the key was in making deals with the good side of the West. It was explained to them that it was true that Asia, especially China, had experienced many humiliations and betrayals by the West. However, it was also true that while the West has long had the technical capability to kill all the Chinese, instead they transferred technology, industry, and know-how to them to help them develop and modernize.

The meeting also revealed there was a significant faction in the Chinese power structure who actually believe the Zionist nonsense that WW3 is needed in order to bring on a one world government and a one world religion. They were warned that this was a Zionist trap intended to kill 90% of the world’s population and enslave the rest.

As an alternative, the WDS proposed that Canada and the rest of the Anglo-Saxon world be given a chance to help restore the U.S. system to peace and sanity. It was pointed out that England and Canada have historically kept their promises and acted with honour.

The discussions will continue, but the chances for world peace are now much higher now than the chances for World War. A higher-level meeting between representatives of the British Commonwealth, the P3 (the Romans or the Vatican), and the Asians has been proposed. We are now awaiting an answer from the Asians. The discussions will continue in February with the start of the Chinese New Year, the Asian side says.

In the meantime, expect more Zionist provocations in the South China Sea, North Korea, Africa, etc., none of which will achieve their goal of WW3.

There will also be a continuation of assassinations and sudden deaths of Zionist leaders, Pentagon and other sources promise. “Not lost in the Iran news cycle is the death of Zionist former longtime NBA Commissioner David Stern, and the death of Jewish LA billionaire Ron Burkle’s son. Burkle was a guest on the Lolita Express, a Democratic fundraiser, and a friend of billary [Bill and Hillary Clinton] and Epstein,” the sources note. “David Koch expired last August, and other billionaires on Epstein flight logs are Steven Spielberg, Tom Pritzker, Glenn Dubin, and Oprah Winfrey,” they add.

The ancient Iran-based cult of assassins is undoubtedly going to avenge the murder of Soleimani. In the past, one of their assassins explained to this writer how they carefully infiltrate the households and families of their targets before making their move when it is least expected. Trump should have listened to the advice I once gave to a representative of North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un: “The best way to avoid assassination is to not make enemies.”

Speaking about avoiding assassination, Prince Harry of the UK has now come out publicly to say he fled to Canada to save his family from the same fate that befell his mother, Princess Diana.

Here is what a European royal had to say about the situation: “The whole thing is a disgrace and infuriating to us all. If the monarchy carries on like this, the people will show it the door. The matter will be managed carefully and correctly,” the source said. However, it is already certain that Prince Charles will never succeed to the throne of England, he said. The Gnostic Illuminati, who oppose bloodline rule, will for their part try to exploit this situation to overthrow the British Monarchy. Given the huge popular support in the UK for this institution, they will probably fail, but in the meantime, the tabloids will have a feast.

Whatever trouble occurs in England, however, will be minor compared to what is happening in France. President Emmanuel Macron has been forced by large-scale demonstrations and strikes to back down on his plans to steal pension money from his people. However, the French are aware he stole the election that put him in power and that he does not work for the French people. Since French living standards are continuing to plummet, his regime will not be able to stabilize the situation. It’s time for the French generals to take action before it is too late.

Another nation that might experience big change soon is Japan. The country’s population is vanishing at the rate of 500,000 people per year. This is because nobody wants to have children in a land whose future has been hijacked by Zionist gangsters. The cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is filled, according to insiders, with low-IQ morons. The result is that Japanese living standards are plunging and the country is filled with impoverished elderly people.

A sign of how incompetent the Japanese government is came with the entire saga surrounding the arrest and escape of former Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn. Several sources say the real reason Ghosn was persecuted was that he was planning to steal military secrets from Abe’s sponsors in Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. If that was the case, they should have come out and said that. Instead, they fabricated ambiguous charges and made an international mockery of Japan’s justice system.

Japan’s police, in line with the U.S. and Japanese armed forces, are preparing to take power away from the Zionists and return it to the country’s still-talented, albeit leaderless bureaucrats, according to right-wing sources close to the new Emperor.

On a final note this week, we are once again hearing rumblings about Antarctica and disclosure. A WDS envoy has been sent to meet a representative of the groups operating in Antarctica. We hope to have something to report about this next week.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/13/2020 6:43:24 PM

Daily Message ~ Monday January 13, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

Many of you would like to experience more joy but don’t know exactly what brings you joy. Dear Ones, you find your greatest joy from your presence. Making the choice to be fully present in any moment allows you to experience alignment and magic, and from there joy will bubble up naturally.

So if you are wishing to have more joy in your lives, start by doing the things that you find easiest to be present with such as trying something you’ve always wanted to do, spending time in nature, observing things you find beautiful, spending time with animals or children – anything that you are fully open to experience of.

Being open to joy, for many of you, is a skill you had as a child but lost as an adult. Children approach new experiences with curiosity, openness, and presence. This is something your inner child can help you with! As you move forward without control or expectation and grow your presence practice, you will begin to have much more positive focus, acceptance, and gratitude, which leads you straight to the land of wonder and joy.

You will start to move back into having the full experience that is available to you. This is a skill you already have that just needs to be dusted off and your inner child simply can’t wait for that inclusion. If you take a moment to feel within yourself right now, you might be surprised to feel that excitement already. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/13/2020 11:38:03 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/12/2020

will's picture

Mind means past. Mind has no idea of the present, cannot have any idea of the present. Mind only means that which has been lived, known, experienced -- the accumulated past.

It cannot have any contact with the present; it will have that contact only when the present is no more present and has become past. And life moves ahead. We live in the present and we move in the future, and mind never lives in the present and always clings to the past. This is the dichotomy, the greatest calamity. This is the knot that has to be cut.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/13/2020 11:42:44 PM


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/13/2020 11:59:36 PM
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 10 January 2020

Mike Quinsey

Dear Ones every effort you put in now to continue evolving will be well worth it, mainly because every soul has an opportunity to ascend based on to what degree they have lifted up their vibrations, because at a certain point they will realise that the ultimate is to not only be in control of your ego but to take full control of your emotions. In so doing you will find that no matter what assails you, you can maintain a calm and peaceful outlook, thus ensuring that you keep your vibrations at their highest level at all times. Slipping back into the old ways will delay progress and a great opportunity to ascend could be lost.

Understand that the end of the last cycle in 2012 meant just that, and whatever gains you will have made will go with you into the next phase of your life. The Great Solar Flash that is yet to come will signal the end of that period, and only those that have reached the required level of growth/evolution will remain in the higher vibrations and go through to the new Earth. So you will realise that there is absolutely no picking or choosing as ascension is automatic if you are ready. As with all aspects of your evolution be assured that you are always helped once you show that you are ready to take the path to Ascension.

Help extends to “arranging” meetings with other souls who can help you on your way and protect you from interference by the dark Ones. It does not mean that you will not be tested on the way, but if you are dedicated to being successful there is no reason why you should fail. The higher forces want you to succeed and will do everything that they can to help you achieve it, but are always mindful of your life contract and any karma that you still carry. The fact is that so much is done to help you, that you are not even aware of most of it. But please remember that you must first show the intention to take the path to ascend before help can be given, as your freewill is ever in mind and care is taken not to impinge upon it.

If you could but envisage what a marvellous life lays ahead for you, you would have no hesitation in putting all of your effort right now into achieving your goal. However, do not be disappointed if you do not yet feel ready, as another opportunity to ascend will come your way in due course. Understand that soul’s do not all evolve at the same rate so there is no disgrace in being behind others who are well on the way to Ascension. Your spirit helpers will give you a prod if they know that you have the capability to ascend, as they are there to help you in all aspects of your life.

As you begin to learn more about your bodies needs you will adjust your life style accordingly. Sensible eating, fitness and attending to your bodies needs will give you the basis of a platform from which to launch yourself into preparations for your upliftment and Ascension. You will feel all the better for it and enjoy good health that will help you successfully follow your chosen path. Success comes from dedication to it whilst allowing others to follow their own path of which of course there are many. There is no right or wrong path inasmuch that some souls are for example brought up in religious surroundings yet can still find their way to the higher vibrations. Normally an expanding mind set comes when a soul can begin to see the broader picture without prejudice and can break out of any older restricting beliefs.

Be assured that when you are on the correct path things will flow smoothly and be consistent with your level of understanding. You will also find a deep satisfaction and peace that has no limits. You will have time to explore other ideas on subjects that interface with your own, and expand your store of knowledge. The more you get to know the more you realise that there is so much more to learn. Keep an open mind at all times and if something is presented to you that does not seem to fit into place with what you know simply set it aside until you can, knowing that in one way or another you will find the answers you seek.

In some respects there is a parting of the ways as whilst you may be continually lifting up, those around you may be much slower to evolve and see you as becoming distant where they are concerned. This is to be expected and you will naturally seek your friends amongst those who have progressed much the same as you have. In the same way that you respect other people’s beliefs you should quite rightly expect others to treat you the same. Try not to get into arguments about your beliefs and allow others to have theirs, as you are not competing with others who also seek the truth. It is different if someone seeks your opinion, but even then only go as far as answering their questions. Remember that they too have Guides who are assisting them, and will know how to help with answers to their questions.

Everything is speeding up to such a degree that Humanity is getting further behind, but it cannot go on indefinitely and some revelations are on the verge of being released. The greatest changes in progress have been made in respect of robotic development and you are experiencing some of the first real changes that they bring. Yet the knowledge exists to make robots that can completely replace people in some basic requirements. However, within the next ten years your progress will have shot ahead so much so that everyday life will have become largely automated and require no humans to participate.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same internal connection with God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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